Lightly modified version of the BLE stack, that doesn't bring up a DFUService by default... as we have our own.

Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy

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API Documentation at this revision

Fri May 08 15:35:46 2015 +0100
Commit message:
Synchronized with git rev b9fbc69a
Author: Rohit Grover
Add APIs to allow a characteristic to be marked as requiring security.

Changed in this revision

public/GattCharacteristic.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/public/GattCharacteristic.h	Fri May 08 15:35:46 2015 +0100
+++ b/public/GattCharacteristic.h	Fri May 08 15:35:46 2015 +0100
@@ -290,6 +290,14 @@
         uint16_t gatt_nsdesc;    /**< Namespace description from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers, normally '0', see @ref BLE_GATT_CPF_NAMESPACES. */
     } presentation_format_t;
+    enum ble_gatt_char_required_security_t {
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_OPEN_LINK = 0x00, /**< Set security mode to require no protection, open link. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_NO_MITM   = 0x01, /**< Set security mode to require encryption, but no MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_ENCRYPTION_WITH_MITM = 0x02, /**< Set security mode to require encryption and MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_NO_MITM       = 0x04, /**< Set security mode to require signing or encryption, but no MITM protection. */
+        SECURITY_MODE_SIGNED_WITH_MITM     = 0x08, /**< Set security mode to require signing or encryption, and MITM protection. */
+    };
      *  @brief  Creates a new GattCharacteristic using the specified 16-bit
      *          UUID, value length, and properties
@@ -330,6 +338,7 @@
                        unsigned       numDescriptors      = 0) :
         _valueAttribute(uuid, valuePtr, initialLen, maxLen),
+        _requiredSecurity(),
@@ -339,10 +348,15 @@
         /* empty */
+    void requireSecurity(ble_gatt_char_required_security_t securityMode) {
+        _requiredSecurity = securityMode;
+    }
      * Authorization.
     void setWriteAuthorizationCallback(void (*callback)(GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *)) {
         enabledWriteAuthorization = true;
@@ -406,13 +420,14 @@
     /* accessors */
-    GattAttribute&          getValueAttribute()                 {return _valueAttribute;                }
-    const GattAttribute&    getValueAttribute()           const {return _valueAttribute;                }
-    GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle(void)          const {return getValueAttribute().getHandle();}
-    uint8_t                 getProperties(void)           const {return _properties;                    }
-    uint8_t                 getDescriptorCount(void)      const {return _descriptorCount;               }
-    bool                    isReadAuthorizationEnabled()  const {return enabledReadAuthorization;       }
-    bool                    isWriteAuthorizationEnabled() const {return enabledWriteAuthorization;      }
+    GattAttribute&          getValueAttribute()                   {return _valueAttribute;                }
+    const GattAttribute&    getValueAttribute()             const {return _valueAttribute;                }
+    GattAttribute::Handle_t getValueHandle(void)            const {return getValueAttribute().getHandle();}
+    uint8_t                 getProperties(void)             const {return _properties;                    }
+    ble_gatt_char_required_security_t getRequiredSecurity() const {return _requiredSecurity;              }
+    uint8_t                 getDescriptorCount(void)        const {return _descriptorCount;               }
+    bool                    isReadAuthorizationEnabled()    const {return enabledReadAuthorization;       }
+    bool                    isWriteAuthorizationEnabled()   const {return enabledWriteAuthorization;      }
     GattAttribute *getDescriptor(uint8_t index) {
         if (index >= _descriptorCount) {
@@ -423,13 +438,14 @@
-    GattAttribute   _valueAttribute;
-    uint8_t         _properties;
-    GattAttribute **_descriptors;
-    uint8_t         _descriptorCount;
+    GattAttribute                       _valueAttribute;
+    uint8_t                             _properties;
+    ble_gatt_char_required_security_t   _requiredSecurity;
+    GattAttribute                     **_descriptors;
+    uint8_t                             _descriptorCount;
-    bool            enabledReadAuthorization;
-    bool            enabledWriteAuthorization;
+    bool                                enabledReadAuthorization;
+    bool                                enabledWriteAuthorization;
     FunctionPointerWithContext<GattCharacteristicReadAuthCBParams *>  readAuthorizationCallback;
     FunctionPointerWithContext<GattCharacteristicWriteAuthCBParams *> writeAuthorizationCallback;