This program is controlling the motor by MTU2 (Reset-Synchronized PWM mode).

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:dd69e68b8102:

//Supported MCU:   RZ/A1H
//File Contents:   Motor Control (GR-PEACH version on the Micon Car)
//Version number:  Ver.1.00
//Date:            2016.01.19
//Copyright:       Renesas Electronics Corporation
//This program supports the following boards:
//* GR-PEACH(E version)
//* Motor drive board Ver.5
//* Camera module (SC-310)
#include "mbed.h"
#include "iodefine.h"
//Motor PWM cycle
#define     MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE     33332   /* Motor PWM period         */
                                        /* 1ms    P0φ/1  = 0.03us   */
//Motor speed
#define     MAX_SPEED           85      /* motor()  set: 0 to 100   */
Ticker      interrput;
DigitalOut  Left_motor_signal(P4_6);
DigitalOut  Right_motor_signal(P4_7);
void init_MTU2_PWM_Motor( void );       /* Initialize PWM functions */
void intTimer( void );                  /* Interrupt fanction       */
void timer( unsigned long timer_set );
void motor( int accele_l, int accele_r );
void MTU2_PWM_Motor_Stop( void );
void MTU2_PWM_Motor_Start( void );
volatile unsigned long  cnt_timer;      /* Used by timer function   */
int main( void )
    /* Initialize MCU functions */
    interrput.attach(&intTimer, 0.001);

    while(1) {
        motor( 100, 0 );
        timer( 1000 );
        motor( 0, 80 );
        timer( 1000 );
        motor( -60, 0 );
        timer( 1000 );
        motor( 0, -40 );
        timer( 1000 );
        motor( 0, 0 );
        timer( 1000 );

//Initialize MTU2 PWM functions
//MTU2_3, MTU2_4
//Reset-Synchronized PWM mode
//TIOC4A(P4_4) :Left-motor
//TIOC4B(P4_5) :Right-motor
void init_MTU2_PWM_Motor( void )
    /* Port setting for S/W I/O Contorol */
    /* alternative mode     */

    /* MTU2_4 (P4_4)(P4_5)  */
    GPIOPBDC4   = 0x0000;               /* Bidirection mode disabled*/
    GPIOPFCAE4 &= 0xffcf;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
    GPIOPFCE4  |= 0x0030;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
    GPIOPFC4   &= 0xffcf;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
                                        /* 2nd altemative function/output   */
    GPIOP4     &= 0xffcf;               /*                          */
    GPIOPM4    &= 0xffcf;               /* p4_4,P4_5:output         */
    GPIOPMC4   |= 0x0030;               /* P4_4,P4_5:double         */

    /* Mosule stop 33(MTU2) canceling */
    CPGSTBCR3  &= 0xf7;

    /* MTU2_3 and MTU2_4 (Motor PWM) */
    MTU2TCR_3   = 0x20;                 /* TCNT Clear(TGRA), P0φ/1  */
    MTU2TOCR1   = 0x04;                 /*                          */
    MTU2TOCR2   = 0x40;                 /* N L>H  P H>L             */
    MTU2TMDR_3  = 0x38;                 /* Buff:ON Reset-Synchronized PWM mode */
    MTU2TMDR_4  = 0x30;                 /* Buff:ON                  */
    MTU2TOER    = 0xc6;                 /* TIOC3B,4A,4B enabled output */
    MTU2TCNT_3  = MTU2TCNT_4 = 0;       /* TCNT3,TCNT4 Set 0        */
                                        /* PWM-Cycle(1ms)           */
    MTU2TGRA_4  = MTU2TGRC_4 = 0;       /* Left-motor(P4_4)         */
    MTU2TGRB_4  = MTU2TGRD_4 = 0;       /* Right-motor(P4_5)        */
    MTU2TSTR   |= 0x40;                 /* TCNT_4 Start             */

//Interrupt Timer
void intTimer( void )

//Timer fanction
void timer( unsigned long timer_set )
    cnt_timer = 0;
    while( cnt_timer < timer_set );

//motor speed control(PWM)
//Arguments: motor:-100 to 100
//Here, 0 is stop, 100 is forward, -100 is reverse
void motor( int accele_l, int accele_r )
    accele_l = ( accele_l * MAX_SPEED ) / 100;
    accele_r = ( accele_r * MAX_SPEED ) / 100;

    /* Left Motor Control */
    if( accele_l >= 0 ) {
        /* forward */
        Left_motor_signal = 0;
        MTU2TGRC_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * accele_l / 100;
    } else {
        /* reverse */
        Left_motor_signal = 1;
        MTU2TGRC_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * ( -accele_l ) / 100;
    /* Right Motor Control */
    if( accele_r >= 0 ) {
        /* forward */
        Right_motor_signal = 0;
        MTU2TGRD_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * accele_r / 100;
    } else {
        /* reverse */
        Right_motor_signal = 1;
        MTU2TGRD_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * ( -accele_r ) / 100;

// MTU2 PWM Motor Stop
void MTU2_PWM_Motor_Stop( void )
    MTU2TSTR   &= 0xbf;                 /* TCNT_4 Stop              */
    MTU2TOER   &= 0xf9;                 /* TIOC4A,4B enabled output */
    GPIOPMC4   &= 0xffcf;               /* P4_4,P4_5 : port mode    */

// MTU2 PWM Motor Start
void MTU2_PWM_Motor_Start( void )
    GPIOPMC4   |= 0x0030;               /* P4_4, P4_5 : double mode */
    MTU2TOER   |= 0xc6;                 /* TIOC4A,4B enabled output */
    MTU2TCNT_3  = MTU2TCNT_4 = 0;       /* TCNT3,TCNT4 Set 0        */
    MTU2TSTR   |= 0x40;                 /* TCNT_3 Start             */

// End of file