This is display debug program by TeraTerm

Dependencies:   GR-PEACH_video mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 97cbef48166d main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Nov 17 02:36:01 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+//Supported MCU:   RZ/A1H
+//File Contents:   Display Debug
+//Version number:  Ver.1.00
+//Date:            2016.11.17
+//Copyright:       Renesas Electronics Corporation
+//                 Hitachi Document Solutions Co., Ltd.
+//This program supports the following boards:
+//* GR-PEACH(E version)
+//* Motor drive board Ver.5
+//* Camera module (SC-310)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "iodefine.h"
+#include "DisplayBace.h"
+//LED Color on GR-PEACH
+#define     LED_OFF             0x00
+#define     LED_RED             0x01
+#define     LED_GREEN           0x02
+#define     LED_YELLOW          0x03
+#define     LED_BLUE            0x04
+#define     LED_PURPLE          0x05
+#define     LED_SKYBLUE         0x06
+#define     LED_WHITE           0x07
+#define     ERROR               0x00
+#define     STOP                0x01
+#define     RUN                 0x02
+#define     DEBUG               0x03
+#define     MOTOR_START         0x04
+#define     MOTOR_STOP          0x05
+#define     MARK_T              0x06
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_CH         (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0)
+#define VIDEO_INT_TYPE         (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD)
+#define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC      (2u)
+/*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
+    in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */
+#define PIXEL_HW               (320u)  /* QVGA */
+#define PIXEL_VW               (240u)  /* QVGA */
+#define VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE    (((PIXEL_HW * DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC) + 31u) & ~31u)
+Ticker      interrput;
+Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+DigitalOut  LED_R(P6_13);               /* LED1 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalOut  LED_G(P6_14);               /* LED2 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalOut  LED_B(P6_15);               /* LED3 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalOut  USER_LED(P6_12);            /* USER_LED on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalIn   user_botton(P6_0);          /* SW1 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalIn   push_sw(P2_13);             /* SW1 on the Motor Drive board */
+DigitalOut  LED_3(P2_14);               /* LED3 on the Motor Drive board */
+DigitalOut  LED_2(P2_15);               /* LED2 on the Motor Drive board */
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type);
+static void WaitVfield(const int32_t wait_count);
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type);
+static void WaitVsync(const int32_t wait_count);
+//Peripheral functions
+void intTimer( void );                  /* Interrupt fanction       */
+//GR-peach board
+void led_rgb(int led);
+void led_m_user( int led );
+unsigned int user_button_get( void );
+void led_m_set( int set );
+void led_m_process( void );             /* Function for only interrupt */
+//Motor drive board
+void led_out(int led);
+unsigned int pushsw_get( void );
+//Prototype(Image process)
+void Image_Extraction( unsigned char *buff_addr, unsigned char *Data_Y, int frame );
+void Image_Reduction( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Data_W , unsigned char *Comp_Y, int Comp_M );
+void Binarization_process( unsigned char *Comp_Y, unsigned char *Binary, long items, int threshold );
+//Prototype(Mark detection process)
+void Image_part_Extraction( unsigned char *Binary, int Width, int Xpix, int Ypix, unsigned char *Data_B, int x_size, int y_size );
+double Standard_Deviation( unsigned char *data, double *Devi, int items );
+double Covariance( double *Devi_A, double *Devi_B, int items );
+int Judgement_ImageMatching( double covari, double SDevi_A, double SDevi_B );
+void MarkDetect_process_T( void );
+int MarkCheck_Triangle( int percentage );
+//Prototype(Display Debug)
+void ImageData_Serial_Out( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Width );
+void ImageData_Serial_Out2( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Width );
+//Globle variable (NTSC-video)
+static uint8_t FrameBuffer_Video_A[VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(16)));  //16 bytes aligned!;
+uint8_t * write_buff_addr = FrameBuffer_Video_A;
+static volatile int32_t vsync_count;
+static volatile int32_t vfield_count;
+static volatile int32_t vfield_count2 = 1;
+static volatile int32_t vfield_count2_buff;
+//Globle variable for Image process
+unsigned char   ImageData_A[160*120];
+unsigned char   ImageComp_A[20*15];
+unsigned char   ImageBinary[20*15];
+//Globle variable for Digital sensor process
+volatile int            Sensor_X[8][6];
+volatile unsigned char  sensor_value;
+//Globle variable for Mark detection process
+double          TempDevi_Triangle[15];
+unsigned char   TempBinary_Triangle[15] = {0,1,1,1,0,
+                                           0,0,1,0,0,
+                                           0,0,0,0,0};
+double          NowDevi[15];
+unsigned char   NowImageBinary[15];
+volatile double retDevi_Triangle;
+volatile double retDevi;
+volatile double retCovari;
+volatile int    retJudgeIM;
+volatile int    retJudgeIM_Max[1];
+int             Xt, Yt;
+//Globle variable for led fanction
+volatile int    led_set;                /* Status                   */
+                               // LED,  OnTime,  OffTime,
+volatile int    led_data[10][3]= {LED_RED,     50,    50,   /* ERROR  */
+                                  LED_RED,    500,     0,   /* STOP   */
+                                  LED_GREEN,  500,   500,   /* RUN    */
+                                  LED_BLUE,    50,    50,   /* DEBUG  */
+                                  LED_GREEN,    1,     0,   /* MOTOR_START */
+                                  LED_RED,      1,     0,   /* MOTOR_STOP */
+                                  LED_WHITE,  500,   500};  /* MARK_T */
+//Globle variable for Trace program
+volatile unsigned long  cnt0;           /* Used by timer function   */
+volatile unsigned long  cnt1;           /* Used within main         */
+// Main function
+int main( void )
+    /* NTSC-Video */
+    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
+    /* Create DisplayBase object */
+    DisplayBase Display;
+    /* Graphics initialization process */
+    error = Display.Graphics_init(NULL);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_VDEC, NULL);
+    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
+        while(1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Vsync signal input to scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VI_VSYNC, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vsync);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video capture setting (progressive form fixed) */
+    error = Display.Video_Write_Setting(
+                VIDEO_INPUT_CH,
+                DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358,
+                write_buff_addr,
+                VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE,
+                DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422,
+                DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT,
+                PIXEL_VW,
+                PIXEL_HW
+            );
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(VIDEO_INT_TYPE, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process stop */
+    error = Display.Video_Stop (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Wait vsync to update resister */
+    WaitVsync(1);
+    /* Wait 2 Vfield(Top or bottom field) */
+    WaitVfield(2);
+    /* Initialize MCU functions */
+    interrput.attach(&intTimer, 0.001);
+    pc.baud(230400);
+    /* Initialize Micon Car state */
+    led_out( 0x0 );
+    /* wait to stabilize NTSC signal (about 170ms) */
+    wait(0.2);
+    /* Initialize Mark detection */
+    retDevi_Triangle  = Standard_Deviation( TempBinary_Triangle, TempDevi_Triangle, 15 );
+    wait(0.1);
+    led_m_set( DEBUG );
+    pc.printf( "Please push the SW ( on the Motor drive board )\n\r" );
+    pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+    while( pushsw_get() );
+    wait(0.5);
+    while( !pushsw_get() );
+    while( 1 ){
+        ImageData_Serial_Out2( ImageBinary, 20 );
+    }
+// @brief       Interrupt callback function
+// @param[in]   int_type    : VDC5 interrupt type
+// @retval      None
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type)
+    if (vfield_count > 0) {
+        vfield_count--;
+    }
+    /* top or bottom (Change) */
+    if      ( vfield_count2 == 0 )  vfield_count2 = 1;
+    else if ( vfield_count2 == 1 )  vfield_count2 = 0;
+// @brief       Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs
+// @param[in]   wait_count          : Wait count
+// @retval      None
+static void WaitVfield(const int32_t wait_count)
+    vfield_count = wait_count;
+    while (vfield_count > 0) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+    }
+// @brief       Interrupt callback function for Vsync interruption
+// @param[in]   int_type    : VDC5 interrupt type
+// @retval      None
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type)
+    if (vsync_count > 0) {
+        vsync_count--;
+    }
+// @brief       Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs
+// @param[in]   wait_count          : Wait count
+// @retval      None
+static void WaitVsync(const int32_t wait_count)
+    vsync_count = wait_count;
+    while (vsync_count > 0) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+    }
+// Interrupt function( intTimer )
+void intTimer( void )
+    static int  counter = 0;
+    cnt0++;
+    cnt1++;
+    /* field check */
+    if( vfield_count2 == vfield_count2_buff ) {
+        vfield_count2_buff = vfield_count2;
+    }
+    /* Top field */
+    if( !vfield_count2 ) {
+        led_m_user( 1 );
+        switch( counter++ ) {
+        case 0:
+            Image_Extraction( write_buff_addr, ImageData_A, vfield_count2 );
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            Image_Extraction( write_buff_addr, ImageData_A, vfield_count2 );
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            Image_Reduction( ImageData_A, 160, ImageComp_A, 8 );
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            Image_Reduction( ImageData_A, 160, ImageComp_A, 8 );
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            Binarization_process( ImageComp_A, ImageBinary, 20*15, 128 );
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            /* Trace by image processing */
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            //MarkCheck_Triangle
+            MarkDetect_process_T();
+            break;
+        case 15:
+            counter = 0;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* bottom field */
+    else {
+        led_m_user( 0 );
+        switch( counter++ ) {
+        case 0:
+            Image_Extraction( write_buff_addr, ImageData_A, vfield_count2 );
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            Image_Extraction( write_buff_addr, ImageData_A, vfield_count2 );
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            Image_Reduction( ImageData_A, 160, ImageComp_A, 8 );
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            Image_Reduction( ImageData_A, 160, ImageComp_A, 8 );
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            Binarization_process( ImageComp_A, ImageBinary, 20*15, 128 );
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            /* Trace by image processing */
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            //MarkCheck_Triangle
+            MarkDetect_process_T();
+            break;
+        case 15:
+            counter = 0;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* LED processing */
+    led_m_process();
+// functions ( on GR-PEACH board )
+//led_rgb Function
+void led_rgb(int led)
+    LED_R = led & 0x1;
+    LED_G = (led >> 1 ) & 0x1;
+    LED_B = (led >> 2 ) & 0x1;
+//user_button_get Function
+unsigned int user_button_get( void )
+    return (~user_botton) & 0x1;        /* Read ports with switches */
+//led_m_user Function
+void led_m_user( int led )
+    USER_LED = led & 0x01;
+//Lled_m_set Function
+void led_m_set( int set )
+    led_set = set;
+//led_m_process Function for only interrupt
+void led_m_process( void )
+    static unsigned long    led_timer;
+    led_timer++;
+    /* Display */
+    if( led_timer < led_data[led_set][1] ) led_rgb( led_data[led_set][0] );
+    else if( led_timer < ( led_data[led_set][1] + led_data[led_set][2] ) ) led_rgb( LED_OFF );
+    else led_timer = 0;
+// functions ( on Motor drive board )
+//led_out Function
+void led_out(int led)
+    led = ~led;
+    LED_3 = led & 0x1;
+    LED_2 = ( led >> 1 ) & 0x1;
+//pushsw_get Function
+unsigned int pushsw_get( void )
+    return (~push_sw) & 0x1;            /* Read ports with switches */
+// Image process functions
+//Image Data YCbCr -> Y(320*240pix) -> Y(160*120)
+//frame 0 : Top field
+//frame 1 : Bottom field
+void Image_Extraction( unsigned char *buff_addr, unsigned char *Data_Y, int frame )
+    static int  Xp, Yp, inc, Data_Y_buff;
+    static int  counter = 0;
+    // Distributed processing
+    switch( counter++ ) {
+    case 0:
+        for( Yp = frame, inc = 0; Yp < 120; Yp+=2 ){
+            for( Xp = 0; Xp < 640; Xp+=4, inc++ ){
+                Data_Y_buff   = (int)buff_addr[(Xp+0)+(640*Yp)];
+                Data_Y_buff  += (int)buff_addr[(Xp+2)+(640*Yp)];
+                Data_Y[inc]   = Data_Y_buff >> 1;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        for(     /* None */     ; Yp < 240; Yp+=2 ){
+            for( Xp = 0; Xp < 640; Xp+=4, inc++ ){
+                Data_Y_buff   = (int)buff_addr[(Xp+0)+(640*Yp)];
+                Data_Y_buff  += (int)buff_addr[(Xp+2)+(640*Yp)];
+                Data_Y[inc]   = Data_Y_buff >> 1;
+            }
+        }
+        counter = 0;
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }    
+//Image_Reduction Function ( Averaging processing )
+void Image_Reduction( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Data_W , unsigned char *Comp_Y, int Comp_M )
+    int         Data_H, Pixel_T, Pixel_D;
+    int         x, y;
+    static int  Xp, Yp, inc;
+    static int  counter = 0;
+    Data_H  = (Data_W / (double)4) * 3;
+    Pixel_D = Comp_M * Comp_M;
+    switch( counter++ ) {
+    case 0:
+        for( Yp = 0, inc = 0; Yp < ( Data_H / 2); Yp+=Comp_M ){
+            for( Xp = 0; Xp < Data_W; Xp+=Comp_M, inc++ ){
+                Pixel_T = 0;            
+                for( y = 0; y < Comp_M; y++ ){
+                    for( x = 0; x < Comp_M; x++ ){
+                        Pixel_T += Data_Y[( Xp + x ) + (( Yp + y ) * Data_W )];
+                    }
+                }
+                Comp_Y[inc] = Pixel_T / Pixel_D;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        for(   /* None */   ; Yp < Data_H       ; Yp+=Comp_M ){
+            for( Xp = 0; Xp < Data_W; Xp+=Comp_M, inc++ ){
+                Pixel_T = 0;            
+                for( y = 0; y < Comp_M; y++ ){
+                    for( x = 0; x < Comp_M; x++ ){
+                        Pixel_T += Data_Y[( Xp + x ) + (( Yp + y ) * Data_W )];
+                    }
+                }
+                Comp_Y[inc] = Pixel_T / Pixel_D;
+            }
+        }
+        counter = 0;
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+// Binarization_process Function
+void Binarization_process( unsigned char *Comp_Y, unsigned char *Binary, long items, int threshold )
+    int     i;
+    for( i = 0; i < items; i++ ) {
+        if( Comp_Y[i] >= threshold )   Binary[i] = 1;
+        else                           Binary[i] = 0;
+    }
+// Mark detect functions
+// Extract_Image
+void Image_part_Extraction( unsigned char *Binary, int Width, int Xpix, int Ypix, unsigned char *Data_B, int x_size, int y_size )
+    int     x, y;
+    for( y = 0; y < y_size; y++ ) {
+        for( x = 0; x < x_size; x++ ) {
+            Data_B[ x + ( y * x_size ) ] = Binary[ (Xpix + x) + ( (Ypix + y) * Width ) ];
+       }
+    }
+// Standard deviation
+double Standard_Deviation( unsigned char *data, double *Devi, int items )
+    int         i;
+    double      iRet_A, iRet_C, iRet_D;
+    /* A 合計値 平均化 */
+    iRet_A = 0;
+    for( i = 0; i < items; i++ ) {
+        iRet_A += data[i];
+    }
+    iRet_A /= items;
+    /* B 偏差値 */
+    for( i = 0; i < items; i++ ) {
+        Devi[i] = data[i] - iRet_A;
+    }
+    /* C 分散 */
+    iRet_C = 0;
+    for( i = 0; i < items; i++ ) {
+        iRet_C += ( Devi[i] * Devi[i] );
+    }
+    iRet_C /= items;
+    /* D 標準偏差 */
+    iRet_D = sqrt( iRet_C );
+    return iRet_D;
+// Covariance
+double Covariance( double *Devi_A, double *Devi_B, int items )
+    int     i;
+    double  iRet, iRet_buff;
+    iRet = 0;
+    for( i = 0; i < items; i++ ) {
+        iRet_buff = Devi_A[i] * Devi_B[i];
+        iRet     += iRet_buff;
+    }
+    iRet /= items;
+    return iRet;
+// Judgement_ImageMatching
+int Judgement_ImageMatching( double covari, double SDevi_A, double SDevi_B )
+    int     iRet;
+    iRet  = ( covari * 100 ) / ( SDevi_A * SDevi_B );
+    return iRet;
+// MarkDetect_process_T
+void MarkDetect_process_T( void )
+    int  x, y;
+    retJudgeIM_Max[0] = 0;
+    for( y = 0; y <= 12; y++ ) {
+        for( x = 0; x <= 15; x++ ) {
+            Image_part_Extraction( ImageBinary, 20, x, y, NowImageBinary, 5, 3 );
+            retDevi    = Standard_Deviation( NowImageBinary, NowDevi, 15 );
+            retCovari  = Covariance( TempDevi_Triangle, NowDevi, 15 );
+            retJudgeIM = 0;
+            retJudgeIM = Judgement_ImageMatching( retCovari, retDevi_Triangle, retDevi );
+            if( 100 >= retJudgeIM && retJudgeIM > retJudgeIM_Max[0] ) {
+                Xt = x;
+                Yt = y;
+                retJudgeIM_Max[0] = retJudgeIM;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// MarkCheck Triangle detection
+// Return values: 0: no triangle mark, 1: Triangle mark
+int MarkCheck_Triangle( int percentage )
+    int ret;
+    ret = 0;
+    if( retJudgeIM_Max[0] >= percentage ) {
+        ret = 1;
+    }
+    return ret;
+// Debug functions
+//Image Data Output( for the Excel )
+void ImageData_Serial_Out( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Width )
+    int     Xp, Yp, inc, Height;
+    Height = (Width / (double)4) * 3;
+    for( Yp = 0, inc = 0; Yp < Height; Yp++ ) {
+        for( Xp = 0; Xp < Width; Xp++, inc++ ) {
+            pc.printf( "%d,", Data_Y[ inc ] );
+        }
+        pc.printf("\n\r");
+    }
+//Image Data Output2( for TeraTerm )
+void ImageData_Serial_Out2( unsigned char *Data_Y, int Width )
+    int     Xp, Yp, Height;
+    Height = (Width / (double)4) * 3;
+    for( Yp = 0; Yp < Height; Yp++ ) {
+        for( Xp = 0; Xp < Width; Xp++ ) {
+            pc.printf( "%d ", Data_Y[Xp + (Yp * Width)] );
+        }
+        pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+    }
+    //Add display
+    pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+    pc.printf( "T = %3d%% %01d X=%2d Y=%2d\n\r", retJudgeIM_Max[0], MarkCheck_Triangle( 90 ),  Xt, Yt );
+    pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+    Height += 3;
+    pc.printf( "\033[%dA" , Height );
+// End of file
\ No newline at end of file