Driver for MAX31331 and MAX31334 Real Time Clock ICs.

diff -r 000000000000 -r 4a2754e462db max3133x_regs.hpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/max3133x_regs.hpp	Tue Aug 02 18:20:54 2022 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+ * Copyright(C) Analog Devices Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Analog Devices Inc.
+ * shall not be used except as stated in the Analog Devices Inc.
+ * Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Analog Devices Inc.retains all ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef MAX3133X_REGS_HPP_
+#define MAX3133X_REGS_HPP_
+ * @brief STATUS Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char a1f       : 1;
+        unsigned char a2f       : 1;
+        unsigned char tif       : 1;
+        unsigned char dif       : 1;
+        unsigned char vbatlow   : 1;
+        unsigned char pfail     : 1;
+        unsigned char osf       : 1;
+        unsigned char psdect    : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_status_reg_t;
+ * @brief ENT_EN Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char a1ie      : 1;
+        unsigned char a2ie      : 1;
+        unsigned char tie       : 1;
+        unsigned char die       : 1;
+        unsigned char vbatlowie : 1;
+        unsigned char pfaile    : 1;
+        unsigned char dosf      : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_int_en_reg_t;
+ * @brief RTC_RESET Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char swrst     : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 7;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_rtc_reset_reg_t;
+ * @brief RTC_CONFIG1 Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char en_osc      : 1;
+        unsigned char i2c_timeout : 1;
+        unsigned char data_ret    : 1;
+        unsigned char dip         : 1;
+        unsigned char a1ac        : 2;
+        unsigned char             : 2;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_rtc_config1_reg_t;
+ * @brief RTC_CONFIG2 Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char clko_hz   : 2;
+        unsigned char enclko    : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 5;
+    } bits;
+} max31331_rtc_config2_reg_t;
+ * @brief RTC_CONFIG2 Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char clko_hz   : 2;
+        unsigned char enclko    : 1;
+        unsigned char ddb       : 1;
+        unsigned char dse       : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+        unsigned char slst      : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max31334_rtc_config2_reg_t;
+ * @brief TIMESTAMP_CONFIG Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char tse       : 1;
+        unsigned char tsr       : 1;
+        unsigned char tsow      : 1;
+        unsigned char tsdin     : 1;
+        unsigned char tspwm     : 1;
+        unsigned char tsvlow    : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_timestamp_config_reg_t;
+ * @brief TIMER_CONFIG Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char tfs       : 2;
+        unsigned char trpt      : 1;
+        unsigned char tpause    : 1;
+        unsigned char te        : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_timer_config_reg_t;
+ * @brief SLEEP_CONFIG Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char a1we      : 1;
+        unsigned char a2we      : 1;
+        unsigned char twe       : 1;
+        unsigned char dwe       : 1;
+        unsigned char wsto      : 3;
+        unsigned char slp       : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max31334_sleep_config_reg_t;
+ * @brief SECONDS_1_128 Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char _1_128s   : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_64s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_32s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_16s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_8s     : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_4s     : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_2s     : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_seconds_1_128_reg_t;
+ * @brief SECONDS Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char seconds   : 4;
+        unsigned char sec_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_seconds_reg_t;
+ * @brief MINUTES Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char minutes   : 4;
+        unsigned char min_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_minutes_reg_t;
+ * @brief HOURS Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 1;
+        unsigned char am_pm     : 1;
+        unsigned char f_24_12   : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 2;
+        unsigned char f_24_12   : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits_24hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 6;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bcd_24hr;
+} max3133x_hours_reg_t;
+ * @brief DAY Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char day       : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 5;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 5;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_day_reg_t;
+ * @brief DATE Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char date      : 4;
+        unsigned char date_10   : 2;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 6;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_date_reg_t;
+ * @brief MONTH Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char month     : 4;
+        unsigned char month_10  : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+        unsigned char century   : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_month_reg_t;
+ * @brief YEAR Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char year      : 4;
+        unsigned char year_10   : 4;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 8;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_year_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_SEC Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char seconds   : 4;
+        unsigned char sec_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char am1       : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_alm_sec_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_MIN Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char minutes   : 4;
+        unsigned char min_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char am2       : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_alm_min_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_HRS Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 1;
+        unsigned char am_pm     : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+        unsigned char am3       : 1;
+    } bits_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 2;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+        unsigned char am3       : 1;
+    } bits_24hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 6;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bcd_24hr;
+} max3133x_alm_hrs_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_DAY_DATE Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char day_date    : 4;
+        unsigned char date_10     : 2;
+        unsigned char dy_dt_match : 1;
+        unsigned char am4         : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value       : 3;
+        unsigned char             : 5;
+    } bcd_day;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value       : 6;
+        unsigned char             : 2;
+    } bcd_date;
+} max3133x_alm_day_date_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_MON Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char month     : 4;
+        unsigned char month_10  : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+        unsigned char am6       : 1;
+        unsigned char am5       : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_alm_mon_reg_t;
+ * @brief ALM_YEAR Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char year      : 4;
+        unsigned char year_10   : 4;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 8;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_alm_year_reg_t;
+ * @brief PWR_MGMT Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char manual_sel     : 1;
+        unsigned char vback_sel      : 1;
+        unsigned char                : 1;
+        unsigned char en_vbat_detect : 1;
+        unsigned char                : 4;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_pwr_mgmt_reg_t;
+ * @brief TRICKLE_REG Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char en_trickle : 1;
+        unsigned char trickle    : 3;
+        unsigned char            : 4;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_trickle_reg_reg_t;
+ * @brief OFFSET_HIGH Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char compword;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_offset_high_reg_t;
+ * @brief OFFSET_LOW Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char compword;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_offset_low_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_SEC_1_128 Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char _1_128s   : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_64s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_32s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_16s    : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_8s     : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_4s     : 1;
+        unsigned char _1_2s     : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_ts_sec_1_128_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_SEC Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char sec       : 4;
+        unsigned char sec_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_ts_sec_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_MIN Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char min       : 4;
+        unsigned char min_10    : 3;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 7;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_ts_min_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_HOUR Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 1;
+        unsigned char am_pm     : 1;
+        unsigned char f_24_12   : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd_12hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char hour      : 4;
+        unsigned char hr_10     : 2;
+        unsigned char f_24_12   : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 1;
+    } bits_24hr;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 6;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bcd_24hr;
+} max3133x_ts_hour_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_DATE Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char date      : 4;
+        unsigned char date_10   : 2;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 6;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_ts_date_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_MONTH Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char month     : 4;
+        unsigned char month_10  : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 2;
+        unsigned char century   : 1;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 5;
+        unsigned char           : 3;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_ts_month_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_YEAR Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char year      : 4;
+        unsigned char year_10   : 4;
+    } bits;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char value     : 8;
+    } bcd;
+} max3133x_ts_year_reg_t;
+ * @brief TS_FLAGS Register
+ */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned char raw;
+    struct {
+        unsigned char dinf      : 1;
+        unsigned char vccf      : 1;
+        unsigned char vbatf     : 1;
+        unsigned char vlowf     : 1;
+        unsigned char           : 4;
+    } bits;
+} max3133x_ts_flags_reg_t;
+typedef struct {
+    max3133x_seconds_1_128_reg_t    seconds_1_128_reg;
+    max3133x_seconds_reg_t          seconds_reg;
+    max3133x_minutes_reg_t          minutes_reg;
+    max3133x_hours_reg_t            hours_reg;
+    max3133x_day_reg_t              day_reg;
+    max3133x_date_reg_t             date_reg;
+    max3133x_month_reg_t            month_reg;
+    max3133x_year_reg_t             year_reg;
+} max3133x_rtc_time_regs_t;
+typedef struct {
+    max3133x_alm_sec_reg_t         sec;
+    max3133x_alm_min_reg_t         min;
+    max3133x_alm_hrs_reg_t         hrs;
+    max3133x_alm_day_date_reg_t    day_date;
+    max3133x_alm_mon_reg_t         mon;
+    max3133x_alm_year_reg_t        year;
+typedef struct {
+    max3133x_ts_sec_1_128_reg_t    ts_sec_1_128_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_sec_reg_t          ts_sec_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_min_reg_t          ts_min_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_hour_reg_t         ts_hour_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_date_reg_t         ts_date_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_month_reg_t        ts_month_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_year_reg_t         ts_year_reg;
+    max3133x_ts_flags_reg_t        ts_flags_reg;
+enum max31331_register_address {
+    /*RTC REG*/
+    MAX31331_STATUS              = 0x00,
+    MAX31331_INT_EN              = 0x01,
+    MAX31331_RTC_RESET           = 0x02,
+    MAX31331_RTC_CONFIG1         = 0x03,
+    MAX31331_RTC_CONFIG2         = 0x04,
+    MAX31331_TIMESTAMP_CONFIG    = 0x05,
+    MAX31331_TIMER_CONFIG        = 0x06,
+    MAX31331_SECONDS_1_128       = 0x07,
+    MAX31331_SECONDS             = 0x08,
+    MAX31331_MINUTES             = 0x09,
+    MAX31331_HOURS               = 0x0A,
+    MAX31331_DAY                 = 0x0B,
+    MAX31331_DATE                = 0x0C,
+    MAX31331_MONTH               = 0x0D,
+    MAX31331_YEAR                = 0x0E,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_SEC            = 0x0F,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_MIN            = 0x10,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_HRS            = 0x11,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_DAY_DATE       = 0x12,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_MON            = 0x13,
+    MAX31331_ALM1_YEAR           = 0x14,
+    MAX31331_ALM2_MIN            = 0x15,
+    MAX31331_ALM2_HRS            = 0x16,
+    MAX31331_ALM2_DAY_DATE       = 0x17,
+    MAX31331_TIMER_COUNT         = 0x18,
+    MAX31331_TIMER_INIT          = 0x19,
+    MAX31331_PWR_MGMT            = 0x1A,
+    MAX31331_TRICKLE_REG         = 0x1B,
+    MAX31331_OFFSET_HIGH         = 0x1D,
+    MAX31331_OFFSET_LOW          = 0x1E,
+    /*TS_RAM_REG*/
+    MAX31331_TS0_SEC_1_128       = 0x20,
+    MAX31331_TS0_SEC             = 0x21,
+    MAX31331_TS0_MIN             = 0x22,
+    MAX31331_TS0_HOUR            = 0x23,
+    MAX31331_TS0_DATE            = 0x24,
+    MAX31331_TS0_MONTH           = 0x25,
+    MAX31331_TS0_YEAR            = 0x26,
+    MAX31331_TS0_FLAGS           = 0x27,
+    MAX31331_TS1_SEC_1_128       = 0x28,
+    MAX31331_TS1_SEC             = 0x29,
+    MAX31331_TS1_MIN             = 0x2A,
+    MAX31331_TS1_HOUR            = 0x2B,
+    MAX31331_TS1_DATE            = 0x2C,
+    MAX31331_TS1_MONTH           = 0x2D,
+    MAX31331_TS1_YEAR            = 0x2E,
+    MAX31331_TS1_FLAGS           = 0x2F,
+    MAX31331_TS2_SEC_1_128       = 0x30,
+    MAX31331_TS2_SEC             = 0x31,
+    MAX31331_TS2_MIN             = 0x32,
+    MAX31331_TS2_HOUR            = 0x33,
+    MAX31331_TS2_DATE            = 0x34,
+    MAX31331_TS2_MONTH           = 0x35,
+    MAX31331_TS2_YEAR            = 0x36,
+    MAX31331_TS2_FLAGS           = 0x37,
+    MAX31331_TS3_SEC_1_128       = 0x38,
+    MAX31331_TS3_SEC             = 0x39,
+    MAX31331_TS3_MIN             = 0x3A,
+    MAX31331_TS3_HOUR            = 0x3B,
+    MAX31331_TS3_DATE            = 0x3C,
+    MAX31331_TS3_MONTH           = 0x3D,
+    MAX31331_TS3_YEAR            = 0x3E,
+    MAX31331_TS3_FLAGS           = 0x3F,
+    MAX31331_END,
+enum max31334_register_address {
+    /*RTC REG*/
+    MAX31334_STATUS              = 0x00,
+    MAX31334_INT_EN              = 0x01,
+    MAX31334_RTC_RESET           = 0x02,
+    MAX31334_RTC_CONFIG1         = 0x03,
+    MAX31334_RTC_CONFIG2         = 0x04,
+    MAX31334_TIMESTAMP_CONFIG    = 0x05,
+    MAX31334_TIMER_CONFIG        = 0x06,
+    MAX31334_SLEEP_CONFIG        = 0x07,
+    MAX31334_SECONDS_1_128       = 0x08,
+    MAX31334_SECONDS             = 0x09,
+    MAX31334_MINUTES             = 0x0A,
+    MAX31334_HOURS               = 0x0B,
+    MAX31334_DAY                 = 0x0C,
+    MAX31334_DATE                = 0x0D,
+    MAX31334_MONTH               = 0x0E,
+    MAX31334_YEAR                = 0x0F,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_SEC            = 0x10,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_MIN            = 0x11,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_HRS            = 0x12,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_DAY_DATE       = 0x13,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_MON            = 0x14,
+    MAX31334_ALM1_YEAR           = 0x15,
+    MAX31334_ALM2_MIN            = 0x16,
+    MAX31334_ALM2_HRS            = 0x17,
+    MAX31334_ALM2_DAY_DATE       = 0x18,
+    MAX31334_TIMER_COUNT2        = 0x19,
+    MAX31334_TIMER_COUNT1        = 0x1A,
+    MAX31334_TIMER_INIT2         = 0x1B,
+    MAX31334_TIMER_INIT1         = 0x1C,
+    MAX31334_PWR_MGMT            = 0x1D,
+    MAX31334_TRICKLE_REG         = 0x1E,
+    MAX31334_OFFSET_HIGH         = 0x20,
+    MAX31334_OFFSET_LOW          = 0x21,
+    /*TS_RAM_REG*/
+    MAX31334_TS0_SEC_1_128       = 0x30,
+    MAX31334_TS0_SEC             = 0x31,
+    MAX31334_TS0_MIN             = 0x32,
+    MAX31334_TS0_HOUR            = 0x33,
+    MAX31334_TS0_DATE            = 0x34,
+    MAX31334_TS0_MONTH           = 0x35,
+    MAX31334_TS0_YEAR            = 0x36,
+    MAX31334_TS0_FLAGS           = 0x37,
+    MAX31334_TS1_SEC_1_128       = 0x38,
+    MAX31334_TS1_SEC             = 0x39,
+    MAX31334_TS1_MIN             = 0x3A,
+    MAX31334_TS1_HOUR            = 0x3B,
+    MAX31334_TS1_DATE            = 0x3C,
+    MAX31334_TS1_MONTH           = 0x3D,
+    MAX31334_TS1_YEAR            = 0x3E,
+    MAX31334_TS1_FLAGS           = 0x3F,
+    MAX31334_TS2_SEC_1_128       = 0x40,
+    MAX31334_TS2_SEC             = 0x41,
+    MAX31334_TS2_MIN             = 0x42,
+    MAX31334_TS2_HOUR            = 0x43,
+    MAX31334_TS2_DATE            = 0x44,
+    MAX31334_TS2_MONTH           = 0x45,
+    MAX31334_TS2_YEAR            = 0x46,
+    MAX31334_TS2_FLAGS           = 0x47,
+    MAX31334_TS3_SEC_1_128       = 0x48,
+    MAX31334_TS3_SEC             = 0x49,
+    MAX31334_TS3_MIN             = 0x4A,
+    MAX31334_TS3_HOUR            = 0x4B,
+    MAX31334_TS3_DATE            = 0x4C,
+    MAX31334_TS3_MONTH           = 0x4D,
+    MAX31334_TS3_YEAR            = 0x4E,
+    MAX31334_TS3_FLAGS           = 0x4F,
+    MAX31334_END,
+#endif /* MAX3133X_REGS_HPP_ */