Maxim Integrated Bluetooth LE Library

Dependents:   BLE_Thermometer MAXWSNENV_demo

diff -r 000000000000 -r b562096246b3 exactLE/stack/include/hci_api.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/hci_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ *  \file   hci_api.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  HCI subsystem API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_API_H
+#define HCI_API_H
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "hci_defs.h"
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#include "bda.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Internal event values for the HCI event and sec callbacks */
+#define HCI_RESET_SEQ_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                    0   /*! Reset sequence complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                      1   /*! LE connection complete */
+#define HCI_DISCONNECT_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                   2   /*! LE disconnect complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_UPDATE_CMPL_CBACK_EVT               3   /*! LE connection update complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT    4   /*! LE create connection cancel command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT_CBACK_EVT                     5   /*! LE advertising report */
+#define HCI_READ_RSSI_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                6   /*! Read RSSI command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT         7   /*! LE Read channel map command complete */
+#define HCI_READ_TX_PWR_LVL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          8   /*! Read transmit power level command complete */
+#define HCI_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO_CMPL_CBACK_EVT         9   /*! Read remote version information complete */
+#define HCI_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          10  /*! LE read remote features complete */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_REPL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          11  /*! LE LTK request reply command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT      12  /*! LE LTK request negative reply command complete */
+#define HCI_ENC_KEY_REFRESH_CMPL_CBACK_EVT              13  /*! Encryption key refresh complete */
+#define HCI_ENC_CHANGE_CBACK_EVT                        14  /*! Encryption change */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_CBACK_EVT                        15  /*! LE LTK request */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CMD_STATUS_CBACK_EVT            16  /*! Vendor specific command status */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT              17  /*! Vendor specific command complete */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CBACK_EVT                       18  /*! Vendor specific */
+#define HCI_HW_ERROR_CBACK_EVT                          19  /*! Hardware error */
+#define HCI_LE_ENCRYPT_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT               20  /*! LE encrypt command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_RAND_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                  21  /*! LE rand command complete */
+  Data Types
+/*! Connection specification type */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t            connIntervalMin;
+  uint16_t            connIntervalMax;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+  uint16_t            minCeLen;
+  uint16_t            maxCeLen;
+} hciConnSpec_t;
+/*! LE connection complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             role;
+  uint8_t             addrType;
+  bdAddr_t            peerAddr;
+  uint16_t            connInterval;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+  uint8_t             clockAccuracy;
+} hciLeConnCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Disconnect complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             reason;
+} hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE connection update complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint16_t            connInterval;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+} hciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE create connection cancel command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+} hciLeCreateConnCancelCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE advertising report event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             *pData;
+  uint8_t             len;
+  int8_t              rssi;
+  uint8_t             eventType;
+  uint8_t             addrType;
+  bdAddr_t            addr;
+} hciLeAdvReportEvt_t;
+/*! Read RSSI command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint8_t             handle;
+  int8_t              rssi;
+} hciReadRssiCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE Read channel map command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             chanMap[HCI_CHAN_MAP_LEN];
+} hciReadChanMapCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Read transmit power level command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint8_t             handle;
+  int8_t              pwrLvl;
+} hciReadTxPwrLvlCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Read remote version information complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             version;
+  uint16_t            mfrName;
+  uint16_t            subversion; 
+} hciReadRemoteVerInfoCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE read remote features complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             features[HCI_FEAT_LEN];
+} hciLeReadRemoteFeatCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request reply command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciLeLtkReqReplCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request negative reply command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciLeLtkReqNegReplCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Encryption key refresh complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciEncKeyRefreshCmpl_t;
+/*! Encryption change event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             enabled;
+} hciEncChangeEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             randNum[HCI_RAND_LEN];
+  uint16_t            encDiversifier;
+} hciLeLtkReqEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific command status event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint16_t           opcode;
+} hciVendorSpecCmdStatusEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint16_t           opcode;
+  uint8_t            param[1];
+} hciVendorSpecCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            param[1];
+} hciVendorSpecEvt_t;
+/*! Hardware error event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            code;
+} hciHwErrorEvt_t;
+/*! LE encrypt command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            status;
+  uint8_t            data[HCI_ENCRYPT_DATA_LEN];
+} hciLeEncryptCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE rand command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            status;
+  uint8_t            randNum[HCI_RAND_LEN];
+} hciLeRandCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Union of all event types */
+typedef union
+  wsfMsgHdr_t                       hdr;
+  wsfMsgHdr_t                       resetSeqCmpl;
+  hciLeConnCmplEvt_t                leConnCmpl;
+  hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t            disconnectCmpl;
+  hciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_t          leConnUpdateCmpl;
+  hciLeCreateConnCancelCmdCmplEvt_t leCreateConnCancelCmdCmpl;
+  hciLeAdvReportEvt_t               leAdvReport;
+  hciReadRssiCmdCmplEvt_t           readRssiCmdCmpl;
+  hciReadChanMapCmdCmplEvt_t        readChanMapCmdCmpl;    
+  hciReadTxPwrLvlCmdCmplEvt_t       readTxPwrLvlCmdCmpl;   
+  hciReadRemoteVerInfoCmplEvt_t     readRemoteVerInfoCmpl;  
+  hciLeReadRemoteFeatCmplEvt_t      leReadRemoteFeatCmpl;  
+  hciLeLtkReqReplCmdCmplEvt_t       leLtkReqReplCmdCmpl;   
+  hciLeLtkReqNegReplCmdCmplEvt_t    leLtkReqNegReplCmdCmpl;
+  hciEncKeyRefreshCmpl_t            encKeyRefreshCmpl;       
+  hciEncChangeEvt_t                 encChange;             
+  hciLeLtkReqEvt_t                  leLtkReq;                 
+  hciVendorSpecCmdStatusEvt_t       vendorSpecCmdStatus;   
+  hciVendorSpecCmdCmplEvt_t         vendorSpecCmdCmpl;     
+  hciVendorSpecEvt_t                vendorSpec;            
+  hciHwErrorEvt_t                   hwError;
+  hciLeEncryptCmdCmplEvt_t          leEncryptCmdCmpl;
+  hciLeRandCmdCmplEvt_t             leRandCmdCmpl;
+} hciEvt_t;
+  Callback Function Types
+typedef void (*hciEvtCback_t)(hciEvt_t *pEvent);
+typedef void (*hciSecCback_t)(hciEvt_t *pEvent);
+typedef void (*hciAclCback_t)(uint8_t *pData);
+typedef void (*hciFlowCback_t)(uint16_t handle, bool_t flowDisabled);
+  Function Declarations
+/*! Initialization, registration, and reset */
+void HciEvtRegister(hciEvtCback_t evtCback);
+void HciSecRegister(hciSecCback_t secCback);
+void HciAclRegister(hciAclCback_t aclCback, hciFlowCback_t flowCback);
+void HciResetSequence(void);
+void HciVsInit(uint8_t param);
+/*! Optimization interface */
+uint8_t *HciGetBdAddr(void);
+uint8_t HciGetWhiteListSize(void);
+int8_t HciGetAdvTxPwr(void);
+uint16_t HciGetBufSize(void);
+uint8_t HciGetNumBufs(void);
+uint8_t *HciGetSupStates(void);
+uint8_t HciGetLeSupFeat(void);
+/*! ACL data interface */
+void HciSendAclData(uint8_t *pAclData);
+/*! Command interface */
+void HciDisconnectCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason);
+void HciLeAddDevWhiteListCmd(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeClearWhiteListCmd(void);
+void HciLeConnUpdateCmd(uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+void HciLeCreateConnCmd(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow, uint8_t filterPolicy,
+                        uint8_t peerAddrType, uint8_t *pPeerAddr, uint8_t ownAddrType,
+                        hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+void HciLeCreateConnCancelCmd(void);
+void HciLeEncryptCmd(uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeLtkReqNegReplCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeLtkReqReplCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pKey);
+void HciLeRandCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadAdvTXPowerCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadBufSizeCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadChanMapCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeReadLocalSupFeatCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadRemoteFeatCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeReadSupStatesCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadWhiteListSizeCmd(void);
+void HciLeRemoveDevWhiteListCmd(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeSetAdvEnableCmd(uint8_t enable);
+void HciLeSetAdvDataCmd(uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeSetAdvParamCmd(uint16_t advIntervalMin, uint16_t advIntervalMax, uint8_t advType,
+                         uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t directAddrType, uint8_t *pDirectAddr,
+                         uint8_t advChanMap, uint8_t advFiltPolicy);
+void HciLeSetEventMaskCmd(uint8_t *pLeEventMask);
+void HciLeSetHostChanClassCmd(uint8_t *pChanMap);
+void HciLeSetRandAddrCmd(uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeSetScanEnableCmd(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filterDup);
+void HciLeSetScanParamCmd(uint8_t scanType, uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
+                          uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t scanFiltPolicy);
+void HciLeSetScanRespDataCmd(uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeStartEncryptionCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pRand, uint16_t diversifier, uint8_t *pKey);
+void HciReadBdAddrCmd(void);
+void HciReadBufSizeCmd(void);
+void HciReadLocalSupFeatCmd(void);
+void HciReadLocalVerInfoCmd(void);
+void HciReadRemoteVerInfoCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciReadRssiCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciReadTxPwrLvlCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t type);
+void HciResetCmd(void);
+void HciSetEventMaskCmd(uint8_t *pEventMask);
+void HciVendorSpecificCmd(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_API_H */