Driver C++ source code for MAX5216/MAX5214 16-bit/14-bit DAC SPI (50MHz) bus ICs. Low power Digital-to_Analog Converter chips which accept supply voltages of 2.7V to 5.5V. Features Rail-to-Rail Buffered Output Operation and Safe Power-On Reset (POR) to Zero DAC Output.

Dependents:   MAX5216_16_Bit_DAC_Hello_Code

Fork of MAX5487_Digital_Pot_Potentiometer_Rheostat_Resistor_Wiper by Kevin Jung

diff -r 000000000000 -r 3d525ab09933 MAX5487.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MAX5487.h	Tue Jul 10 05:28:12 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#ifndef MAX5487_H
+#define MAX5487_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+class MAX5487{
+    typedef enum {
+        Wiper_RegA = 0x01;                        //Position of Wiper A
+        Wiper_RegB = 0x02;                        //Position of Wiper B
+        NV_RegA = 0x11;                           //Non Volatile Register A 
+        NV_RegB = 0x12;                           //Non Volatile Register B 
+        Copy_Wiper_RegA_to_NV_RegA   = 0x21;      //Copy Wiper A position to Non Volatile Register A
+        Copy_Wiper_RegB_to_NV_RegB   = 0x22;      //Copy Wiper B position to Non Volatile Register B
+        Copy_Wiper_RegAB_to_NV_RegAB = 0x23;      //Copy both Wiper A & B positions to respective Non Volatile Registers
+        Copy_NV_RegA_to_Wiper_RegA   = 0x31;      //Copy Non Volatile Register A to Wiper Register A
+        Copy_NV_RegB_to_Wiper_RegB   = 0x32;      //Copy Non Volatile Register B to Wiper Register B
+        Copy_NV_RegAB_to_Wiper_RegAB = 0x33;      //Copy Non Volatile Register A & B to Wiper Register A & B
+    } setting_t;
+    public:
+    MAX5487(SPI spi); 
+    writeCommand(setting_t test, int value); 
+    ~MAX5487();
\ No newline at end of file