Maxim Integrated MAX5171 14-bit Force/Sense DAC

Dependents:   MAX5171BOB_Tester MAX5171BOB_14bit_Remote_Sense_SPI_DAC MAX5171BOB_Serial_Tester

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Apr 03 06:27:05 2020 +0000
Commit message:
Support MAX5171BOB Self Test

Changed in this revision

MAX5171.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MAX5171.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MAX5171.cpp	Thu Mar 12 23:33:56 2020 +0000
+++ b/MAX5171.cpp	Fri Apr 03 06:27:05 2020 +0000
@@ -290,17 +290,149 @@
 // Menu item '!'
 // Initialize device
-// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
-uint8_t MAX5171::Init(void)
+// TODO1: #170 MAX5171 Self Test for Test Fixture Firmware
+// @future test group ____ // Verify function ____ (enabled by default)
+// @future test
+//     tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 250;
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage // Verify function DACCodeOfVoltage (enabled by default)
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20 // quickly speed through the software verification
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.print("VRef = 2.500  MAX5171 14-bit LSB = 0.00015V")
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage VRef = 2.500
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.00015259720441921504 // 14-bit LSB (2.500/16383)
+//     //
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.499847412109375) expect 0x3FFF
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.49969482421875) expect 0x3FFE
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.499542236328125) expect 0x3FFD
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.4993896484375) expect 0x3FFC
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.250152587890625) expect 0x2001
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.25) expect 0x2000
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.249847412109375) expect 0x1FFF
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.24969482421875) expect 0x1FFE
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.000457763671875) expect 0x0003
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.00030517578125) expect 0x0002
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.000152587890625) expect 0x0001
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.00000) expect 0x0000
+// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+//     //
+// @test group VoltageOfCode // Verify function VoltageOfCode (enabled by default)
+// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20 // quickly speed through the software verification
+// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.print("VRef = 2.500  MAX5171 14-bit LSB = 0.00015V")
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VRef = 2.500
+// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.00015259720441921504 // 14-bit LSB (2.500/16383)
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFF) expect 2.499847412109375
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFE) expect 2.49969482421875
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFD) expect 2.499542236328125
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFC) expect 2.4993896484375
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x2001) expect 1.250152587890625
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x2000) expect 1.25
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x1FFF) expect 1.249847412109375
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x1FFE) expect 1.24969482421875
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0003) expect 0.000457763671875
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0002) expect 0.00030517578125
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0001) expect 0.000152587890625
+// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0000) expect 0.00000
+// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+//     //
+//     // Device Testing: DAC commands, verify using on-board ADC inputs
+//     //
+// @test group CODE_LOAD // Verify function CODE_LOAD (enabled by default)
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 500
+//     tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75;
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.Init()");
+//     Init();
+// @test Init()
+// @test VRef expect 2.500 // Nominal Full-Scale Voltage Reference
+//     //
+//     tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.050
+//     uint16_t code = 0x3FFF;
+//     //~ double voltageV = 0.5;
+//     //
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+//     CODE_LOAD(code);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V Jumper FB=1-2")
+// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x3FFF) // 100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V
+//     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+//     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500)
+//     //
+//     code = 0x0000;
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+//     CODE_LOAD(code);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("0.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 0.000V")
+// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x0000) // 0.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 0.000V
+//     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+//     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(0.0000);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(0.0000)
+//     //
+//     code = 0x1FFF;
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+//     CODE_LOAD(code);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V")
+// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x1FFF) // 50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V
+//     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+//     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(1.2500);
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(1.2500)
+//     //
+//     // test UPO User Programmable Output, verify using digital input D2
+//     //
+// @test group UPO // Verify User Programmable Output functions UPO_HIGH and UPO_LOW (enabled by default)
+// @test group UPO tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+// @test group UPO tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 500 // default 250
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
+//     UPO_HIGH();
+// @test group UPO UPO_HIGH()
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+//     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command")
+//     //
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.UPO_LOW");
+//     UPO_LOW();
+// @test group UPO UPO_LOW()
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+//     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 0, "UPO_pin is low after MAX5171 UPO_LOW command");
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 0, "UPO_pin is low after MAX5171 UPO_LOW command")
+//     //
+//     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+//       MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
+//     UPO_HIGH();
+// @test group UPO UPO_HIGH()
+//     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+//     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+//     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
+// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command")
+//     //
+void MAX5171::Init(void)
     // Nominal Full-Scale Voltage Reference
     VRef = 2.500;
-    //----------------------------------------
-    // success
-    return 1;
--- a/MAX5171.h	Thu Mar 12 23:33:56 2020 +0000
+++ b/MAX5171.h	Fri Apr 03 06:27:05 2020 +0000
@@ -175,13 +175,21 @@
  * #define D13 P1_0
  * #endif
- * // example code declare SPI interface
+ * // example code declare SPI interface (GPIO controlled CS)
  * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
  * SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
  * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_3 Arduino 10-pin header D10
  * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
  * SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
  * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE) || defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
+ * // TODO1: avoid resource conflict between P5_0, P5_1, P5_2 SPI and DigitalInOut
+ * // void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel)
+ * //
+ * // TODO1: NUCLEO_F446RE SPI not working; CS and MOSI data looks OK but no SCLK clock pulses.
+ * SPI spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI_CS); // TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE: PB_6 Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * //
  * #else
  * SPI spi(D11, D12, D13); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
  * DigitalOut spi_cs(D10); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
@@ -208,20 +216,29 @@
  *         uint16_t code;
  *         //
  *         // example #1
- *         code = 0x3332; // 80.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.00V
+ *         code = 0x3332; // 80.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.00V (FORCE_BIP/SENSE_BIP: 1.50V)
  *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         wait_ms(3000); // wait_ms(unsigned long interval_msec)
  *         //
  *         // example #2
- *         code = 0x1fff; // 50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V
+ *         code = 0x1fff; // 50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V (FORCE_BIP/SENSE_BIP: 0.00V)
  *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         wait_ms(3000); // wait_ms(unsigned long interval_msec)
  *         //
  *         // example #3
- *         code = 0x1999; // 40.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.00V
+ *         code = 0x1999; // 40.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.00V (FORCE_BIP/SENSE_BIP: -0.50V)
  *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         wait_ms(3000); // wait_ms(unsigned long interval_msec)
  *         //
  *         // example #4
- *         code = 0x3fff; // 100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V
+ *         code = 0x0000; // 0.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 0.00V (FORCE_BIP/SENSE_BIP: -2.50V)
  *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         wait_ms(3000); // wait_ms(unsigned long interval_msec)
+ *         //
+ *         // example #5
+ *         code = 0x3fff; // 100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V (FORCE_BIP/SENSE_BIP: 2.50V)
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         wait_ms(3000); // wait_ms(unsigned long interval_msec)
  *         // wait(3.0);
  *     }
@@ -237,15 +254,15 @@
     /// - dd_dddd_dddd_dddd = data field
     /// - xxxx = don't care
     typedef enum MAX5171_CMD_enum_t {
-        CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE = 0x0000, //!< 16'b0000000000000000
-        CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD = 0x4000, //!< 16'b0100000000000000
-        CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD = 0x8000, //!< 16'b1000000000000000
-        CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP = 0xc000, //!< 16'b1100000000000000
-        CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN = 0xd000, //!< 16'b1101000000000000
-        CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW = 0xe000, //!< 16'b1110000000000000
-        CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH = 0xe800, //!< 16'b1110100000000000
-        CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE = 0xf000, //!< 16'b1111000000000000
-        CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE = 0xf800, //!< 16'b1111100000000000
+        CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE = 0x0000, //!< 0b0000000000000000
+        CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD = 0x4000, //!< 0b0100000000000000
+        CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD = 0x8000, //!< 0b1000000000000000
+        CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP = 0xc000, //!< 0b1100000000000000
+        CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN = 0xd000, //!< 0b1101000000000000
+        CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW = 0xe000, //!< 0b1110000000000000
+        CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH = 0xe800, //!< 0b1110100000000000
+        CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE = 0xf000, //!< 0b1111000000000000
+        CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE = 0xf800, //!< 0b1111100000000000
     } MAX5171_CMD_enum_t;
@@ -390,8 +407,144 @@
     /// Menu item '!'
     /// Initialize device
-    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
-    uint8_t Init(void);
+    ///
+    /// TODO1: #170 MAX5171 Self Test for Test Fixture Firmware
+    /// @future test group ____ // Verify function ____ (enabled by default)
+    /// @future test
+    ///     tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 250;
+    ///
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage // Verify function DACCodeOfVoltage (enabled by default)
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20 // quickly speed through the software verification
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.print("VRef = 2.500  MAX5171 14-bit LSB = 0.00015V")
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage VRef = 2.500
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.00015259720441921504 // 14-bit LSB (2.500/16383)
+    ///     //
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.499847412109375) expect 0x3FFF
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.49969482421875) expect 0x3FFE
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.499542236328125) expect 0x3FFD
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(2.4993896484375) expect 0x3FFC
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.250152587890625) expect 0x2001
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.25) expect 0x2000
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.249847412109375) expect 0x1FFF
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(1.24969482421875) expect 0x1FFE
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.000457763671875) expect 0x0003
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.00030517578125) expect 0x0002
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.000152587890625) expect 0x0001
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage DACCodeOfVoltage(0.00000) expect 0x0000
+    /// @test group DACCodeOfVoltage tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+    ///     //
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode // Verify function VoltageOfCode (enabled by default)
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 20 // quickly speed through the software verification
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.print("VRef = 2.500  MAX5171 14-bit LSB = 0.00015V")
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VRef = 2.500
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.00015259720441921504 // 14-bit LSB (2.500/16383)
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFF) expect 2.499847412109375
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFE) expect 2.49969482421875
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFD) expect 2.499542236328125
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x3FFC) expect 2.4993896484375
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x2001) expect 1.250152587890625
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x2000) expect 1.25
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x1FFF) expect 1.249847412109375
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x1FFE) expect 1.24969482421875
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0003) expect 0.000457763671875
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0002) expect 0.00030517578125
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0001) expect 0.000152587890625
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode VoltageOfCode(0x0000) expect 0.00000
+    /// @test group VoltageOfCode tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+    ///     //
+    ///     // Device Testing: DAC commands, verify using on-board ADC inputs
+    ///     //
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD // Verify function CODE_LOAD (enabled by default)
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 500
+    ///     tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75;
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.Init()");
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.Init();
+    /// @test Init()
+    /// @test VRef expect 2.500 // Nominal Full-Scale Voltage Reference
+    ///     //
+    ///     tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.030; // 30mV
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.err_threshold = 0.050
+    ///     uint16_t code = 0x3FFF;
+    ///     //~ double voltageV = 0.5;
+    ///     //
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V Jumper FB=1-2")
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x3FFF) // 100.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 2.50V
+    ///     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+    ///     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(2.500)
+    ///     //
+    ///     code = 0x0000;
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("0.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 0.000V")
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x0000) // 0.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 0.000V
+    ///     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+    ///     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(0.0000);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(0.0000)
+    ///     //
+    ///     code = 0x1FFF;
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.CODE_LOAD code=%d", code);
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.print("50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V")
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD CODE_LOAD(0x1FFF) // 50.0% of full scale REF(2.50V) = 1.25V
+    ///     // tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling replaces wait_ms
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV replaces SelfTest_AnalogInput_Expect_ch_V
+    ///     tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(1.2500);
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.AnalogIn0_Read_Expect_voltageV(1.2500)
+    ///     //
+    ///     // test UPO User Programmable Output, verify using digital input D2
+    ///     //
+    /// @test group UPO // Verify User Programmable Output functions UPO_HIGH and UPO_LOW (enabled by default)
+    /// @test group UPO tinyTester.blink_time_msec = 75 // default 75 resume hardware self test
+    /// @test group UPO tinyTester.settle_time_msec = 500 // default 250
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.UPO_HIGH();
+    /// @test group UPO UPO_HIGH()
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+    ///     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command")
+    ///     //
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.UPO_LOW");
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.UPO_LOW();
+    /// @test group UPO UPO_LOW()
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+    ///     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 0, "UPO_pin is low after MAX5171 UPO_LOW command");
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 0, "UPO_pin is low after MAX5171 UPO_LOW command")
+    ///     //
+    ///     cmdLine.serial().printf("
+    ///       MAX5171.UPO_HIGH");
+    ///     g_MAX5171_device.UPO_HIGH();
+    /// @test group UPO UPO_HIGH()
+    ///     tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling();
+    /// @test group UPO tinyTester.Wait_Output_Settling()
+    ///     // tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly replaces SelfTest_Expect_Input_UPO_pin
+    ///     tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command");
+    /// @test group CODE_LOAD tinyTester.DigitalIn_Read_Expect_WarnOnly(UPO_pin, "UPO", 1, "UPO_pin is high after MAX5171 UPO_HIGH command")
+    ///     //
+    ///
+    ///
+    void Init(void);
     /// Return the DAC register value corresponding to physical voltage.