Maxim Integrated MAX5171 14-bit Force/Sense DAC

Dependents:   MAX5171BOB_Tester MAX5171BOB_14bit_Remote_Sense_SPI_DAC MAX5171BOB_Serial_Tester

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Fri May 31 21:50:12 2019 +0000
Commit message:
MAX5171 initial commit

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MAX5171.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MAX5171.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MAX5171.cpp	Fri May 31 21:50:12 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2019 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+// *
+// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+// * ownership rights.
+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+// *********************************************************************
+// @file MAX5171.cpp
+// *********************************************************************
+// Device Driver file
+// DO NOT EDIT; except areas designated "CUSTOMIZE". Automatically generated file.
+// generated by
+// System Name = ExampleSystem
+// System Description = Device driver example
+#include "MAX5171.h"
+// Device Name = MAX5171
+// Device Description = Low-Power, Serial, 14-Bit, 1-Channel DACs with Force/Sense Voltage Output and SPI Interface
+// Device Manufacturer = Maxim Integrated
+// Device PartNumber = MAX5171AEEE+
+// Device RegValue_Width = DataWidth16bit_HL
+// DAC NumChannels = 1
+// DAC ResolutionBits = 14
+// SPI CS = ActiveLow
+// SPI FrameStart = CS
+// SPI CPOL = 0
+// SPI CPHA = 0
+// SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+// SPI SCLK Idle Low
+// SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 10
+// SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+// InputPin Name = FB
+// InputPin Description = Feedback Input
+// InputPin Function = Analog
+// InputPin Name = RS
+// InputPin Description = Reset Mode Select (digital input). Connect to VDD to select midscale reset output value. Connect to DGND
+// to select 0 reset output value.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = PDL#
+// InputPin Description = Power-Down Lockout (digital input). Connect to VDD to allow shutdown. Connect to DGND to disable shutdown.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = CLR#
+// InputPin Description = Clear DAC (digital input). Clears the DAC to its predetermined output state as set by RS.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// InputPin Name = SHDN
+// InputPin Description = Shutdown (digital input). Pulling SHDN high when PDL = VDD places the chip in shutdown mode with a
+// maximum shutdown current 0f 10uA.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+// OutputPin Name = OUT
+// OutputPin Description = Analog Voltage Output. High impedance in shutdown. Output voltage is limited to VDD.
+// OutputPin Function = Analog
+// OutputPin Name = UPO
+// OutputPin Description = User-Programmable Output. State is set by serial input.
+// OutputPin Function = General-Purpose
+// SupplyPin Name = VDD
+// SupplyPin Description = Positive Supply. Bypass to AGND with a 4.7uF capacitor in parallel with a 0.1uF capacitor.
+// SupplyPin VinMax = 4.50
+// SupplyPin VinMin = 5.50
+// SupplyPin Function = Analog
+// SupplyPin Name = REF
+// SupplyPin Description = Reference Input. Maximum VREF is VDD - 1.4V. Connect an external +2.5V reference.
+// SupplyPin VinMax = VDD-1.4
+// SupplyPin VinMin = 0
+// SupplyPin Function = Analog
+// SupplyPin Name = DGND
+// SupplyPin Description = Digital Ground.
+// SupplyPin VinMax = 0
+// SupplyPin VinMin = 0
+// SupplyPin Function = Analog
+// SupplyPin Name = AGND
+// SupplyPin Description = Analog Ground.
+// SupplyPin VinMax = 0
+// SupplyPin VinMin = 0
+// SupplyPin Function = Analog
+// CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition
+MAX5171::MAX5171(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &cs_pin, // SPI interface
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin pins
+                 // AnalogOut &FB_pin, // Analog Input to MAX5171 device
+                 DigitalOut &RS_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+                 DigitalOut &PDLb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+                 DigitalOut &CLRb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+                 DigitalOut &SHDN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio OutputPin pins
+                 // AnalogIn &OUT_pin, // Analog Output from MAX5171 device
+                 DigitalIn &UPO_pin, // Digital General-Purpose Output from MAX5171 device
+                 // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition ic_variant
+                 MAX5171_ic_t ic_variant)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list
+    : m_spi(spi), m_cs_pin(cs_pin), // SPI interface
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio InputPin pins
+    // m_FB_pin(FB_pin), // Analog Input to MAX5171 device
+    m_RS_pin(RS_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+    m_PDLb_pin(PDLb_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+    m_CLRb_pin(CLRb_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+    m_SHDN_pin(SHDN_pin), // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list gpio OutputPin pins
+    // m_OUT_pin(OUT_pin), // Analog Output from MAX5171 device
+    m_UPO_pin(UPO_pin), // Digital General-Purpose Output from MAX5171 device
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor initializer list ic_variant
+    m_ic_variant(ic_variant)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition SPI interface initialization
+    //
+    // SPI CS = ActiveLow
+    // SPI FrameStart = CS
+    m_SPI_cs_state = 1;
+    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;
+    // SPI CPOL = 0
+    // SPI CPHA = 0
+    // SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+    // SPI SCLK Idle Low
+    m_SPI_dataMode = 0; //SPI_MODE0 // CPOL=0,CPHA=0: Rising Edge stable; SCLK idle Low
+    m_spi.format(8,m_SPI_dataMode);         // int bits_must_be_8, int mode=0_3 CPOL=0,CPHA=0
+    // SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 10
+    // SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 48000000 // 48MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 24000000 // 24MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 12000000 // 12MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 4000000 // 4MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 2000000 // 2MHz
+    //#define SPI_SCLK_Hz 1000000 // 1MHz
+    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = 10000000; // 10MHz; MAX5171 limit is 10MHz
+    m_spi.frequency(m_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: class constructor definition gpio InputPin (Input to device) initialization
+    //
+    m_RS_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    m_PDLb_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    m_CLRb_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+    m_SHDN_pin = 1; // output logic high -- initial value in constructor
+// CODE GENERATOR: class destructor definition
+    // do nothing
+// CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency setter definition
+// set SPI SCLK frequency
+void MAX5171::spi_frequency(int spi_sclk_Hz)
+    m_SPI_SCLK_Hz = spi_sclk_Hz;
+    m_spi.frequency(m_SPI_SCLK_Hz);
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit global g_MAX5171_device
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX5171::SPIoutputCS
+// Assert SPI Chip Select
+// SPI chip-select for MAX5171
+void MAX5171::SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIoutputCS
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh)
+    m_SPI_cs_state = isLogicHigh;
+    m_cs_pin = m_SPI_cs_state;
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function requirement MAX5171::SPIwrite16bits
+// SPI write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX5171 shift 16 bits mosiData into MAX5171 DIN
+void MAX5171::SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    // CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for function SPIwrite16bits
+    // TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: extern function definition for standard SPI interface function SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16)
+    size_t byteCount = 2;
+    static char mosiData[2];
+    static char misoData[2];
+    mosiData[0] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 8) & 0xFF); // MSByte
+    mosiData[1] = (char)((mosiData16 >> 0) & 0xFF); // LSByte
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ noInterrupts();
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, LOW); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    unsigned int numBytesTransferred = m_spi.write(mosiData, byteCount, misoData, byteCount);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData8_FF0000);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_00FF00);
+    //~ m_spi.transfer(mosiData16_0000FF);
+    //
+    //~ digitalWrite(Scope_Trigger_Pin, HIGH); // diagnostic Scope_Trigger_Pin
+    //
+    // Arduino: begin critical section: noInterrupts() masks all interrupt sources; end critical section with interrupts()
+    //~ interrupts();
+    //
+    // VERIFY: SPIwrite24bits print diagnostic information
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" MOSI->"));
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData8_FF0000 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_00FF00 & 0xFF), HEX);
+    //cmdLine.serial().printf(" 0x"));
+    //Serial.print( (mosiData16_0000FF & 0xFF), HEX);
+    // hex dump mosiData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_microUSBserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("\r\nSPI");
+    if (byteCount > 7) {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" byteCount:%d", byteCount);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" MOSI->");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < byteCount; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", mosiData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    // hex dump misoData[0..byteCount-1]
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf("  MISO<-");
+    for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < numBytesTransferred; byteIndex++)
+    {
+        cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" 0x%2.2X", misoData[byteIndex]);
+    }
+    cmdLine_DAPLINKserial.serial().printf(" ");
+    // VERIFY: DIAGNOSTIC: print MAX5715 device register write
+    // TODO: MAX5715_print_register_verbose(mosiData8_FF0000, mosiData16_00FFFF);
+    // TODO: print_verbose_SPI_diagnostic(mosiData16_FF00, mosiData16_00FF, misoData16_FF00, misoData16_00FF);
+    //
+    // int misoData16 = (misoData16_FF00 << 8) | misoData16_00FF;
+    // return misoData16;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member function definitions
+// Initialize device
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::Init(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// Return the DAC register value corresponding to physical voltage.
+// Does not perform any offset or gain correction.
+// @pre VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts
+// @param[in] voltage = physical voltage in Volts
+// @return raw 14-bit MAX5171 code (right justified).
+uint16_t MAX5171::DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Linear map min and max endpoints
+    const double MaxScaleVoltage = VRef; // voltage of maximum code 0x3fff
+    const double MinScaleVoltage = 0.0; // voltage of minimum code 0x000
+    const uint16_t FULL_SCALE_CODE_14BIT = 0x3fff;
+    const uint16_t MaxCode = FULL_SCALE_CODE_14BIT;
+    const uint16_t MinCode = 0x000;
+    double codeFraction = (voltageV - MinScaleVoltage) / (MaxScaleVoltage - MinScaleVoltage);
+    double dacRegValueIdeal = ((codeFraction * (double)(MaxCode - MinCode + 1)) + MinCode + 0.5);
+    uint16_t dacRegValue = (uint16_t)dacRegValueIdeal;
+    if (dacRegValueIdeal > MaxCode)
+    {
+        dacRegValue = MaxCode;
+    } else if (dacRegValueIdeal < MinCode)
+    {
+        dacRegValue = MinCode;
+    }
+    return dacRegValue;
+// Return the physical voltage corresponding to DAC register.
+// Does not perform any offset or gain correction.
+// @pre VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts
+// @param[in] value_u14: raw 14-bit MAX5171 code (right justified).
+// @return physical voltage corresponding to MAX5171 code.
+double MAX5171::VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Linear map min and max endpoints
+    double MaxScaleVoltage = VRef; // voltage of maximum code 0x3fff
+    double MinScaleVoltage = 0.0; // voltage of minimum code 0x000
+    const uint16_t FULL_SCALE_CODE_14BIT = 0x3fff;
+    const uint16_t MaxCode = FULL_SCALE_CODE_14BIT;
+    const uint16_t MinCode = 0x000;
+    double codeFraction = ((double)value_u14 - MinCode) / (MaxCode - MinCode + 1);
+    return MinScaleVoltage + ((MaxScaleVoltage - MinScaleVoltage) * codeFraction);
+// CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE
+// Load input register; DAC registers are unchanged.
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::CODE(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE
+        | ((0x3FFF & dacCodeLsbs) << 0); // left-align dddd_dddd_dddd
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // shadow of write-only register CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE
+    DACCode = dacCodeLsbs;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD
+// Load input register; DAC registers are updated (start up DAC with new data).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::CODE_LOAD(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD
+        | ((0x3FFF & dacCodeLsbs) << 0); // left-align dddd_dddd_dddd
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // shadow of write-only register CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE
+    DACCode = dacCodeLsbs;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD
+// Update DAC register from input register (start up DAC with data previously
+// stored in the input registers).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::LOAD(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP
+// No operation (NOP).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::NOP(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN
+// Shut down DAC (provided PDL# = 1).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::SHUTDOWN(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW
+// UPO goes low (default).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::UPO_LOW(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH
+// UPO goes high.
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::UPO_HIGH(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE
+// Mode 1, DOUT clocked out on SCLK’s rising edge.
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE
+// Mode 0, DOUT clocked out on SCLK’s falling edge (default).
+// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+uint8_t MAX5171::MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE(void)
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // Define command code
+    uint16_t mosiData16 = CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE;
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // SPI write 16-bit mosiData16
+    SPIoutputCS(0);
+    SPIwrite16bits(mosiData16);
+    SPIoutputCS(1);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    // success
+    return 1;
+// End of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MAX5171.h	Fri May 31 21:50:12 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// /*******************************************************************************
+// * Copyright (C) 2019 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+// *
+// * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+// * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+// * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+// * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// *
+// * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// *
+// *
+// * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+// * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+// *
+// * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+// * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+// * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+// * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+// * ownership rights.
+// *******************************************************************************
+// */
+// *********************************************************************
+// @file MAX5171.h
+// *********************************************************************
+// Header file
+// DO NOT EDIT; except areas designated "CUSTOMIZE". Automatically generated file.
+// generated by
+// System Name = ExampleSystem
+// System Description = Device driver example
+// Device Name = MAX5171
+// Device Description = Low-Power, Serial, 14-Bit, 1-Channel DACs with Force/Sense Voltage Output and SPI Interface
+// Device Manufacturer = Maxim Integrated
+// Device PartNumber = MAX5171AEEE+
+// Device RegValue_Width = DataWidth16bit_HL
+// DAC NumChannels = 1
+// DAC ResolutionBits = 14
+// SPI CS = ActiveLow
+// SPI FrameStart = CS
+// SPI CPOL = 0
+// SPI CPHA = 0
+// SPI MOSI and MISO Data are both stable on Rising edge of SCLK
+// SPI SCLK Idle Low
+// SPI SCLKMaxMHz = 10
+// SPI SCLKMinMHz = 0
+// Prevent multiple declaration
+#ifndef __MAX5171_H__
+#define __MAX5171_H__
+#include "mbed.h"
+// CODE GENERATOR: conditional defines
+// CODE GENERATOR: class declaration and docstrings
+ * @brief MAX5171 Low-Power, Serial, 14-Bit, 1-Channel DACs with Force/Sense Voltage Output and SPI Interface
+ *
+ * //---------- CODE GENERATOR: testMainCppCodeList
+ * @code
+ * // CODE GENERATOR: example code includes
+ * // example code includes
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * //#include "max32625.h"
+ * #include "MAX5171.h"
+ *
+ * // optional: serial port
+ * // note: some platforms such as Nucleo-F446RE do not support the USBSerial library.
+ * // In those cases, remove the USBDevice lib from the project and rebuild.
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ * #include "USBSerial.h"
+ * USBSerial serial; // virtual serial port over USB (DEV connector)
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32630MBED)
+ * #include "USBSerial.h"
+ * USBSerial serial; // virtual serial port over USB (DEV connector)
+ * #else
+ * //#include "USBSerial.h"
+ * Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * // example code board support
+ * //MAX32630FTHR pegasus(MAX32630FTHR::VIO_3V3);
+ * //DigitalOut rLED(LED1);
+ * //DigitalOut gLED(LED2);
+ * //DigitalOut bLED(LED3);
+ * //
+ * // Arduino "shield" connector port definitions (MAX32625MBED shown)
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ * #define A0 AIN_0
+ * #define A1 AIN_1
+ * #define A2 AIN_2
+ * #define A3 AIN_3
+ * #define D0 P0_0
+ * #define D1 P0_1
+ * #define D2 P0_2
+ * #define D3 P0_3
+ * #define D4 P0_4
+ * #define D5 P0_5
+ * #define D6 P0_6
+ * #define D7 P0_7
+ * #define D8 P1_4
+ * #define D9 P1_5
+ * #define D10 P1_3
+ * #define D11 P1_1
+ * #define D12 P1_2
+ * #define D13 P1_0
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * // example code declare SPI interface
+ * #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ * SPI spi(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_1 P1_2 P1_0 Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI1_SS); // TARGET_MAX32625MBED: P1_3 Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
+ * SPI spi(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(SPI2_SS); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #else
+ * SPI spi(D11, D12, D13); // mosi, miso, sclk spi1 TARGET_MAX32600MBED: Arduino 10-pin header D11 D12 D13
+ * DigitalOut spi_cs(D10); // Generic: Arduino 10-pin header D10
+ * #endif
+ *
+ * // example code declare GPIO interface pins
+ * // AnalogOut FB_pin(Px_x_PortName_To_Be_Determined); // Analog Input to MAX5171 device
+ * DigitalOut RS_pin(D9); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+ * DigitalOut PDLb_pin(D8); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+ * DigitalOut CLRb_pin(D7); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+ * DigitalOut SHDN_pin(D6); // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+ * // AnalogIn OUT_pin(A0); // Analog Output from MAX5171 device
+ * DigitalIn UPO_pin(D5); // Digital General-Purpose Output from MAX5171 device
+ * // example code declare device instance
+ * MAX5171 g_MAX5171_device(spi, spi_cs, RS_pin, PDLb_pin, CLRb_pin, SHDN_pin, UPO_pin, MAX5171::MAX5171_IC);
+ *
+ * // example code main function
+ * int main()
+ * {
+ *     while (1)
+ *     {
+ *         // example code: serial port banner message
+ *     #if defined(TARGET_MAX32625MBED)
+ *         serial.printf("MAX32625MBED ");
+ *     #elif defined(TARGET_MAX32600MBED)
+ *         serial.printf("MAX32600MBED ");
+ *     #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
+ *         serial.printf("NUCLEO_F446RE ");
+ *     #endif
+ *         serial.printf("MAX5715BOB\r\n");
+ *
+ *         //MAX5171 dac(spi, spi_cs, MAX5171::MAX5171_IC);
+ *         //dac.Init();
+ *
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: member function Init
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.Init();
+ *
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function REF
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: member function CODE_LOAD
+ *         //
+ *         uint16_t code = 0xccc;
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         //
+ *         code = 0x800;
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         //
+ *         code = 0x666;
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *         //
+ *         code = 0xFFF;
+ *         g_MAX5171_device.CODE_LOAD(code);
+ *
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function CODEallLOADall
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function CODEnLOADn
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function ScanManual
+ *         // CODE GENERATOR: example code: has no member function ReadAINcode
+ *         wait(3.0);
+ *     }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * //---------- CODE GENERATOR: end testMainCppCodeList
+ */
+class MAX5171 {
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum EnumItem declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: TypedefEnum MAX5171_CMD_enum_t
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Command Codes (first byte)
+    ///
+    /// Naming convention is CMD_bitstream_FUNCTION_NAME
+    /// - dd_dddd_dddd_dddd = data field
+    /// - xxxx = don't care
+    typedef enum MAX5171_CMD_enum_t {
+        CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE = 0x0000, //!< 16'b0000000000000000
+        CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD = 0x4000, //!< 16'b0100000000000000
+        CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD = 0x8000, //!< 16'b1000000000000000
+        CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP = 0xc000, //!< 16'b1100000000000000
+        CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN = 0xd000, //!< 16'b1101000000000000
+        CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW = 0xe000, //!< 16'b1110000000000000
+        CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH = 0xe800, //!< 16'b1110100000000000
+        CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE = 0xf000, //!< 16'b1111000000000000
+        CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE = 0xf800, //!< 16'b1111100000000000
+    } MAX5171_CMD_enum_t;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: ic_variant -- IC's supported with this driver
+    /**
+     * @brief IC's supported with this driver
+     * @details MAX5171
+     */
+    typedef enum
+    {
+        MAX5171_IC = 0,
+        //MAX5171_IC = 1
+    } MAX5171_ic_t;
+// TODO1: CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration
+    /**********************************************************//**
+    * @brief Constructor for MAX5171 Class.
+    *
+    * @details Requires an existing SPI object as well as a DigitalOut object.
+    * The DigitalOut object is used for a chip enable signal
+    *
+    * On Entry:
+    *     @param[in] spi - pointer to existing SPI object
+    *     @param[in] cs_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     CODE GENERATOR: class constructor docstrings gpio InputPin pins
+    *     @param[in] RS_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] PDLb_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] CLRb_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     @param[in] SHDN_pin - pointer to a DigitalOut pin object
+    *     CODE GENERATOR: class constructor docstrings gpio OutputPin pins
+    *     @param[in] UPO_pin - pointer to a DigitalIn pin object
+    *     @param[in] ic_variant - which type of MAX5171 is used
+    *
+    * On Exit:
+    *
+    * @return None
+    **************************************************************/
+    MAX5171(SPI &spi, DigitalOut &cs_pin, // SPI interface
+            // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration gpio InputPin pins
+            // AnalogOut &FB_pin, // Analog Input to MAX5171 device
+            DigitalOut &RS_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+            DigitalOut &PDLb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+            DigitalOut &CLRb_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+            DigitalOut &SHDN_pin, // Digital Configuration Input to MAX5171 device
+            // CODE GENERATOR: class constructor declaration gpio OutputPin pins
+            // AnalogIn &OUT_pin, // Analog Output from MAX5171 device
+            DigitalIn &UPO_pin, // Digital General-Purpose Output from MAX5171 device
+            MAX5171_ic_t ic_variant);
+// CODE GENERATOR: class destructor declaration
+    /************************************************************
+     * @brief Default destructor for MAX5171 Class.
+     *
+     * @details Destroys SPI object if owner
+     *
+     * On Entry:
+     *
+     * On Exit:
+     *
+     * @return None
+     **************************************************************/
+    ~MAX5171();
+    // CODE GENERATOR: spi_frequency setter declaration
+    // set SPI SCLK frequency
+    void spi_frequency(int spi_sclk_Hz);
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit typedef enum MAX5171_device_t, class members instead of global device object
+    /// reference voltage, in Volts
+    double VRef;
+    /// shadow of write-only dacCodeLsbs field CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE or CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD
+    int16_t DACCode;
+// CODE GENERATOR: omit global g_MAX5171_device
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declarations
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIoutputCS
+// Assert SPI Chip Select
+// SPI chip-select for MAX5171
+    void SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh);
+// CODE GENERATOR: extern function declaration SPIwrite16bits
+// SPI write 16 bits
+// SPI interface to MAX5171 shift 16 bits mosiData into MAX5171 DIN
+    void SPIwrite16bits(int16_t mosiData16);
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for SPI interface
+    // SPI object
+    SPI &m_spi;
+    int m_SPI_SCLK_Hz;
+    int m_SPI_dataMode;
+    int m_SPI_cs_state;
+    // Selector pin object
+    DigitalOut &m_cs_pin;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for gpio InputPin pins
+// InputPin Name = FB
+// InputPin Description = Feedback Input
+// InputPin Function = Analog
+// InputPin Name = RS
+// InputPin Description = Reset Mode Select (digital input). Connect to VDD to select midscale reset output value. Connect to DGND
+// to select 0 reset output value.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_RS_pin;
+// InputPin Name = PDL#
+// InputPin Description = Power-Down Lockout (digital input). Connect to VDD to allow shutdown. Connect to DGND to disable shutdown.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_PDLb_pin;
+// InputPin Name = CLR#
+// InputPin Description = Clear DAC (digital input). Clears the DAC to its predetermined output state as set by RS.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_CLRb_pin;
+// InputPin Name = SHDN
+// InputPin Description = Shutdown (digital input). Pulling SHDN high when PDL = VDD places the chip in shutdown mode with a
+// maximum shutdown current 0f 10uA.
+// InputPin Function = Configuration
+    DigitalOut &m_SHDN_pin;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member data for gpio OutputPin pins
+// OutputPin Name = OUT
+// OutputPin Description = Analog Voltage Output. High impedance in shutdown. Output voltage is limited to VDD.
+// OutputPin Function = Analog
+    // AnalogIn &m_OUT_pin;
+// OutputPin Name = UPO
+// OutputPin Description = User-Programmable Output. State is set by serial input.
+// OutputPin Function = General-Purpose
+    DigitalIn &m_UPO_pin;
+    // Identifies which IC variant is being used
+    MAX5171_ic_t m_ic_variant;
+// CODE GENERATOR: class member function declarations
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Initialize device
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t Init(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Return the DAC register value corresponding to physical voltage.
+    /// Does not perform any offset or gain correction.
+    ///
+    /// @pre g_MAX5171_device.VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts
+    /// @param[in] voltage = physical voltage in Volts
+    /// @return raw 14-bit MAX5171 code (right justified).
+    uint16_t DACCodeOfVoltage(double voltageV);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// Return the physical voltage corresponding to DAC register.
+    /// Does not perform any offset or gain correction.
+    ///
+    /// @pre g_MAX5171_device.VRef = Voltage of REF input, in Volts
+    /// @param[in] value_u14: raw 14-bit MAX5171 code (right justified).
+    /// @return physical voltage corresponding to MAX5171 code.
+    double VoltageOfCode(uint16_t value_u14);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_00dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE
+    ///
+    /// Load input register; DAC registers are unchanged.
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t CODE(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_01dd_dddd_dddd_dddd_CODE_LOAD
+    ///
+    /// Load input register; DAC registers are updated (start up DAC with new data).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t CODE_LOAD(uint16_t dacCodeLsbs);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_10xx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_LOAD
+    ///
+    /// Update DAC register from input register (start up DAC with data previously
+    /// stored in the input registers).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t LOAD(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1100_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_NOP
+    ///
+    /// No operation (NOP).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t NOP(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1101_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_SHUTDOWN
+    ///
+    /// Shut down DAC (provided PDL# = 1).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t SHUTDOWN(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1110_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_LOW
+    ///
+    /// UPO goes low (default).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t UPO_LOW(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1110_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_UPO_HIGH
+    ///
+    /// UPO goes high.
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t UPO_HIGH(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1111_0xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE
+    ///
+    /// Mode 1, DOUT clocked out on SCLK’s rising edge.
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t MODE1_DOUT_SCLK_RISING_EDGE(void);
+    //----------------------------------------
+    /// CMD_1111_1xxx_xxxx_xxxx_MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE
+    ///
+    /// Mode 0, DOUT clocked out on SCLK’s falling edge (default).
+    /// @return 1 on success; 0 on failure
+    uint8_t MODE0_DOUT_SCLK_FALLING_EDGE(void);
+}; // end of class MAX5171
+#endif // __MAX5171_H__
+// End of file