Host software for the MAX30001 ECG, PACE, biopotential, bioimpedance, R-to-R peak sensor. Hosted on the MAX32630FTHR.

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem USBDevice max32630fthr

Fork of MAX30001 SYS EvKit by Emre Eken

MAX30001-MAX32630FTHR ECG Evaluation System

The MAX30001 EVKIT SYS-MBED Evaluation System (EV System) is used to evaluates the MAX30001 sensor, which is an ECG (electrocardiogram), biopotential and bioimpedance analog front end solution for wearable applications. The full evaluation system consists of the MAX32630FTHR board, MAX30001 EVKIT sensor board and the evaluation software. The evaluation kit features ECG, PACE, R-to-R (R-peak timing) detection; bioimpedance (BioZ) AFE; and raw data logging.

The MAX30001 EVKIT evaluation system is assembled, tested and contains the necessary circuitry and connections to evaluate the MAX30001 ECG sensor.

When evaluated as an evaluation system, the MAX32630FTHR board provides the necessary logic rails, master clock, SPI, USB-to-Serial interfaces that are needed to evaluate the MAX30001 sensor board. MAX32630FTHR can be used as an independent development platform.

Communication between the PC and the MAX32630FTHR board is facilitated by a Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 compatible software that provides a simple and intuitive graphical user interface (GUI).

For more information, visit the wiki pages by clicking the wiki tab above and MAX30001EVSYS product page.

C++ source code, library for the MAX30001 ECG drivers are in the links at the bottom of this page. The sample code includes the ability to log data to the SD card of the MAX32630FTHR.

MAX30001 EVKIT Pinout Connections


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