MAX14690 Library

Dependents:   MAX32630HSP3_IMU_HelloWorld MAX32630HSP3_IMU_HelloWorld max32630fthr max4146x_comp ... more

Fork of MAX14690 by Greg Steiert

diff -r 0010586546d8 -r 06450093da48 MAX14720.h
--- a/MAX14720.h	Wed Oct 05 00:05:14 2016 +0000
+++ b/MAX14720.h	Thu Oct 06 17:10:56 2016 +0000
@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@
  * @code
  * #include "mbed.h"
  * #include "MAX14720.h"
- * 
+ *
  * // I2C Master 2
  * I2C i2c2(I2C2_SDA, I2C2_SCL);
- * 
+ *
  * #define  I2C_ADDR_PMIC   (0x54)
  * MAX14720 max14720(&i2c2,I2C_ADDR_PMIC);
- * 
+ *
  * DigitalOut led(LED1);
  * InterruptIn button(SW1);
- * 
+ *
  * void turnOff()
  * {
  *     max14720.shutdown();
  * }
- * 
+ *
  * int main()
  * {
  *     int result;
@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@
 class MAX14720
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Register Addresses
      * @details Enumerated MAX14720 register addresses
-     */	 
-    typedef enum {  
+     */
+    typedef enum {
         REG_CHIP_ID = 0x00,		///< Chip ID
         REG_CHIP_REV = 0x01,		///< Chip Revision
         REG_BOOST_CDIV = 0x03,		///< Boost Clock Divider
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
         REG_PIN_STAT = 0x1B,		///< Pin Status
         REG_BBB_EXTRA = 0x1C,		///< Buck/Buck-Boost Extra
         REG_HANDSHK = 0x1D,		///< Power-On Handshake
-        REG_UVLO_CFG = 0x1E,		///< Under-Voltage Lock Out 
+        REG_UVLO_CFG = 0x1E,		///< Under-Voltage Lock Out
         REG_PWR_OFF = 0x1F,		///< Power Off Command
     } registers_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Boost Peak Current Settings
      * @details Enumerated peak current settings for boost regulator
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum  {
         BOOST_ISET_MIN,		///< Minimum On-Time
         BOOST_ISET_50mA,	///< 50mA Peak Current
@@ -136,30 +136,30 @@
         BOOST_ISET_350mA,	///< 350mA Peak Current
     } boostISet_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Boost Enable Mode
      * @details Enumerated enable modes for boost regulator
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum {
         BOOST_DISABLED,	///< Boost Disabled
         BOOST_ENABLED,	///< Boost Enabled
         BOOST_EN_MPC,	///< Boost Enabled by MPC pin
     } boostEn_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Buck Operating Modes
      * @details Enumerated operating modes for buck regulator
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum {
-        BUCK_BURST,		///< Burst Mode Operation 
+        BUCK_BURST,		///< Burst Mode Operation
         BUCK_FPWM,		///< Forced PWM Operation
         BUCK_MPC_FPWM,	///< MPC activated Forced PWM
     } buckMd_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Buck Peak Current Settings
      * @details Enumerated peak current settings for buck regulator
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum  {
         BUCK_ISET_50mA,		///< 50mA Peak Current
         BUCK_ISET_100mA,	///< 100mA Peak Current
@@ -171,12 +171,12 @@
         BUCK_ISET_400mA,	///< 400mA Peak Current
     } buckISet_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Monitor Configurations
      * @details Enumerated configuration modes for monitor multiplexer
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum {
-        MON_PULLDOWN = 0x00,	///< Pulled down by 100k Ohm 
+        MON_PULLDOWN = 0x00,	///< Pulled down by 100k Ohm
         MON_HI_Z = 0x08,	///< High Impedance
         MON_SWIN = 0x80,	///< SWIN Selected
         MON_SWOUT = 0x81,	///< SWOUT Selected
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@
         MON_LOUT = 0x87,	///< LOUT Selected
     } monCfg_t;
-	/**
+    /**
      * @brief   Under-Voltage Lock Out Input
      * @details Enumerated input selection options for UVLO
-     */	 
+     */
     typedef enum {
         LIN_UVLO,	///< LIN used to determine UVLO condition
         BIN_UVLO,	///< BIN used to determine UVLO condition
@@ -221,21 +221,23 @@
      * @brief   Initialize MAX14720
-     * @details Applies settings to MAX14720.  
+     * @details Applies settings to MAX14720.
      *  Settings are stored in public variables.
-     *  The variables are pre-loaded with the most common configuation.  
+     *  The variables are pre-loaded with the most common configuation.
      *  Assign new values to the public variables before calling init.
+     *  This will update all the settings including the boost voltage 
+     *  from boostMillivolts and the boost enable mode from boostEn.
      * @returns 0 if no errors, -1 if error.
     int init();
      * @brief   Set the Boost Voltage
-     * @details Sets the voltage for the boost regulator.  
-     *  The voltage is specified in millivoltst.
+     * @details Sets the voltage for the boost regulator.
+     *  The voltage is specified in millivolts.
      *  The MAX14720 cannot update the voltage when enabled.
-     *  This function checks the local boostEn variable and if the 
-     *  regualtor is enabled it will send the disable command before 
+     *  This function checks the local boostEn variable and if the
+     *  regualtor is enabled it will send the disable command before
      *  sending the new voltage and re-enable the boost regulator after
      *  the new voltage is written.
      * @param   mV voltage for boost regualtor in millivolts
@@ -285,27 +287,48 @@
     int readReg(registers_t reg, char *value);
-    bool clkDivEn; 	/// Boost Clock Divider Enable
-    int clkDivSet; 	/// Boost Clock Divider Setting
-    boostISet_t boostISet; 	/// Boost Peak Current Setting
-    int boostMillivolts; 	/// Boost Voltage in millivolts
-    boostEn_t boostEn; 	/// Boost Enable Mode
-    bool boostEMI, 	/// Boost EMI Setting
-    	boostInd, 	/// Boost Inductor Setting
-    	boostHysOff, 	/// Boost Hysteresis Off
-    	boostPasDsc, 	/// Boost Passive Discharge
-    	boostActDsc; 	/// Boost Active Discharge
-    buckMd_t buckMd; 	/// Buck Operating Mode
-    bool buckFst; 	/// Buck Fast Start
-    buckISet_t buckISet; 	/// Buck Peak Current Setting
-    bool buckCfg, 	/// Buck Configuration (Set to 1 when using FPWM mode) 
-    	buckInd, 	/// Buck Inductor Setting
-    	buckHysOff, 	/// Buck Hysteresis Off
-    	buckMinOT, 	/// Buck Minimum On Time
-    	buckInteg, 	/// Buck Integrate
-    	buckPasDsc, 	/// Buck Passive Discharge
-    	buckActDsc, 	/// Buck Active Discharge
-    	buckFScl; 	/// Buck Fet Scaling
+    /// Boost Clock Divider Enable: default 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled
+    bool clkDivEn;
+    /// Boost Clock Divider Setting: default 0, The clock is divided by this value +10 when enabled
+    int clkDivSet;
+    /// Boost Peak Current Setting: default BOOST_ISET_100mA
+    boostISet_t boostISet;
+    /// Boost Voltage in millivolts: default 3300
+    int boostMillivolts;
+    /// Boost Enable Mode: default BOOST_DISABLED
+    boostEn_t boostEn;
+    /// Boost EMI Setting: default 0 - EMI damping active (lower noise), 1 - Damping disabled (more efficient)
+    bool boostEMI;
+	/// Boost Inductor Setting: default 0 - 4.7uH, 1 - 3.3uH
+    bool boostInd;
+	/// Boost Hysteresis Off: default 0 - Hysteresis enabled (more efficient), 1 - Hysteresis off (lower voltage ripple)
+    bool boostHysOff;
+	/// Boost Passive Discharge: default 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled when boost disabled 
+    bool boostPasDsc;
+	/// Boost Active Discharge: default 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled when boost disabled 
+    bool boostActDsc;
+	/// Buck Operating Mode: default BUCK_BURST 
+    buckMd_t buckMd;
+	/// Buck Fast Start: default 0 - Normal startup current limit, 1 - Double startup current for fast start 
+    bool buckFst;
+	/// Buck Peak Current Setting: default BUCK_ISET_300mA
+    buckISet_t buckISet;
+    /// Buck Configuration: default 0 - For burst mode, 1 - For FPWM mode
+    bool buckCfg;
+	/// Buck Inductor Setting: default 0 - 2.2uH, 1 - 4.7uH
+    bool buckInd;
+	/// Buck Hysteresis Off: default 0 - Hysteresis enabled (more efficient), 1 - Hysteresis off (lower voltage ripple)
+    bool buckHysOff;
+	/// Buck Minimum On Time: default 1 - Disable deglitch delay (lower voltage ripple), 0 - Enable deglitch dealy (more efficient)
+    bool buckMinOT;
+	/// Buck Integrate: default 1 - Better load regulation at higher current (recommended for output capacitance >6uF), 0 - More stable operation with smaller output capacitor
+    bool buckInteg;
+	/// Buck Passive Discharge: default 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled when buck disabled  
+    bool buckPasDsc;
+	/// Buck Active Discharge: default 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled when buck disabled 
+    bool buckActDsc;
+	/// Buck Fet Scaling: default 0 - Full buck FET after soft start (more efficient for larger loads), 1 - Reduced buck FET while active (lower quiescent current for light loads)
+    bool buckFScl;
     /// I2C pointer