ME11B Sample Code in Maxim Integrated Team

Dependencies:   BMI160 max32630hsp3 MemoryLCD USBDevice

Fork of Host_Software_MAX32664GWEB_HR_EXTENDED by Seyhmus Cacina

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bootloader/bootldrAPI.cpp	Mon Mar 18 10:21:53 2019 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+ * bootldrInterface.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Feb 7, 2019
+ *      Author: Yagmur.Gok
+ */
+#include <mbed.h>  /*for type definitions*/
+#include "bootldrAPI.h"
+#include "SHComm.h"
+#include "demoDefinitions.h"
+//extern Serial daplink;
+//#define SERIALOUT printf
+//#define SERIALIN  printf
+#define COMM_SUCCESS        0
+#define COMM_INVALID_PARAM  -254
+#define BL_FLASH_ERR_GENERAL  	-1
+#define BL_FLASH_ERR_AUTH      	-3
+#define BL_FLASS_ERASE_FAIL		-5
+#define BL_SET_IV_FAIL			-6
+#define BL_FLASHING_FAIL		-7
+#define BL_RAM_ALLOC_FAIL		-8
+#define AES_NONCE_SIZE 11
+#define AES_AUTH_SIZE  16
+#define CHECKBYTES_SIZE (16)
+#define FLASHCMDBYTES (2)
+#define AES_NONCE_SIZE				11
+#define AES_AUTH_SIZE				16
+#define MAX_PAGE_SIZE				8192
+#define CHECKBYTES_SIZE				16
+#define PAGE_WRITE_DELAY_MS			170
+#define MAX_PAGE_NUMBER				31
+static int parse_iv(const char* cmd, uint8_t* iv_bytes);
+static int parse_auth(const char* cmd, uint8_t *auth_bytes);
+static int is_hub_ready_for_flash(void);
+static void clear_state_info(void);
+typedef struct {
+	int num_allocated_pages; /* Allocated page size */
+	int num_pages;
+	int num_received_pages;
+	int page_size;
+	uint8_t auth[AES_AUTH_SIZE];
+	uint8_t nonce[AES_NONCE_SIZE];
+	uint8_t pages[MAX_PAGE_NUMBER * (MAX_PAGE_SIZE + CHECKBYTES_SIZE)]; //TODO: Use dynamic allocation
+} app_image_t;
+static app_image_t *app_image = NULL;
+static struct {
+	uint32_t num_pages;
+	uint32_t page_size;
+	uint32_t hub_mode_bootloader;
+	uint32_t is_iv_set;
+	uint32_t is_auth_done;
+	uint32_t is_flash_erased;
+	uint32_t flag_image_on_ram;
+	uint32_t bootcmds_delay_factor;
+	uint32_t ebl_mode;
+}bootldrState = { 0 , 0 , 0 ,0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ,1};
+int BOOTLDR_get_host_bootloader_state(const char *null_arg){
+	SERIALOUT(" \r\n BOOT STATE INFO: \r\n num_pages= %d \r\n page_size= %d \r\n is_iv_set= %d \r\n is_auth_done= %d \r\n is_flash_erased= %d \r\n flag_image_on_ram= %d \r\n bootcmds_delay_factor= %d \r\n ebl_mode= %d \r\n",
+			                             bootldrState.num_pages,
+										 bootldrState.page_size,
+										 bootldrState.is_iv_set,
+										 bootldrState.is_auth_done,
+										 bootldrState.is_flash_erased,
+										 bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram,
+										 bootldrState.bootcmds_delay_factor,
+										 bootldrState.ebl_mode );
+int SH_BOOTLDR_enter_blmode(const char *null_arg){
+	int status = 0x00;
+	//status = sh_put_in_bootloader();
+	//status = sh_set_ebl_mode((uint8_t)1); /* 1: GPIO rest 0: CMD reset*/
+    if( status == 0x00) {
+	    //////////status = sh_reset_to_bootloader(); - CHECKIF PROBLEM STILL PRESENT!!
+    	status = sh_debug_reset_to_bootloader();
+	    //status = sh_set_sensorhub_operating_mode((uint8_t)0x08);
+		if (status == 0x00) {
+		   SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "bootldr", COMM_SUCCESS);
+		   bootldrState.hub_mode_bootloader  = 1;
+		}
+		else
+		   SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "bootldr", COMM_GENERAL_ERROR);
+    }
+	return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_exit_blmode(const char *null_arg){
+	int status;
+	status = sh_reset_to_main_app() ; //sh_exit_from_bootloader();
+	if (status == 0x00)
+		printf("\r\n exited from bootloader mode \r\n");
+	if (status == 0x00) {
+	   SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "exit", COMM_SUCCESS);
+       bootldrState.hub_mode_bootloader  = 0;
+	}
+    else
+       SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "exit", COMM_GENERAL_ERROR);
+	return status;
+int SH_BOOTLOADER_image_on_ram( const char *arg ){
+      int status = COMM_SUCCESS;
+	  int tmp;
+      sscanf(arg, "%*s %d", &tmp );
+      bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram = (tmp > 0)? 1:0 ;
+      if(tmp == 1){
+    	  app_image = (app_image_t*) malloc(sizeof(*app_image));
+    	  if(app_image != NULL){
+    		  app_image->num_allocated_pages = MAX_PAGE_NUMBER;
+    		  app_image->num_pages = 0;
+    		  app_image->num_received_pages = 0;
+    		  app_image->page_size = MAX_PAGE_SIZE;
+    		  //app_image->nonce = {0};
+    		  //app_image->auth  = {0};
+    		  //app_image->pages = {0};
+     	  }else {
+    		  SERIALOUT("Memory allocation fail for ram image \r\n");
+    		  status = BL_RAM_ALLOC_FAIL;
+    	  }
+      }
+      SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "image_on_ram", COMM_SUCCESS);
+int SH_BOOTLDR_get_pagesz(const char *null_arg){
+	int status;
+	int pageSize;
+	if (bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram) {
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n%s value=%d err=%d\r\n", "page_size", MAX_PAGE_SIZE, COMM_SUCCESS);
+		app_image->page_size   = MAX_PAGE_SIZE;
+		bootldrState.page_size = MAX_PAGE_SIZE;
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "image_on_ram", 1);
+	}else {
+		status = sh_get_bootloader_pagesz(&pageSize);
+		if (status == 0x00 ){
+			  if( pageSize == -2){
+				  SERIALOUT("\r\n Page size over maximum allowable \r\n");
+				  status = -1;
+			  }else {
+				  SERIALOUT("\r\n%s value=%d err=%d\r\n", "page_size", pageSize, status);
+				  bootldrState.page_size = pageSize;
+			  }
+		}else
+			SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "page_size", status);
+	}
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_set_pagecount(const char *arg){
+	int status = -1;
+	int pageCount;
+    if(sscanf(arg, "%*s %d", &pageCount)){
+        if(bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram){
+        	app_image->num_pages =  (pageCount <= MAX_PAGE_NUMBER)?  pageCount:0;
+        	app_image->num_allocated_pages = MAX_PAGE_NUMBER;
+        	bootldrState.num_pages = app_image->num_pages;
+        }else {
+			status = sh_set_bootloader_numberofpages(pageCount);
+			if (status == 0x00){
+				bootldrState.num_pages = pageCount;
+			}else
+				bootldrState.num_pages = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "num_pages", status);
+	return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_set_iv(const char *arg) {
+    uint8_t iv_bytes[AES_NONCE_SIZE];
+    int status =  parse_iv(arg, &iv_bytes[0]);
+    if( status == 0x00){
+     	if(bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram){
+    		int i=0;
+    		for(i = 0 ; i != AES_NONCE_SIZE ; i++)
+    			app_image->nonce[i] = iv_bytes[i];
+    		bootldrState.is_iv_set = 1;
+    	}else {
+			status = sh_set_bootloader_iv(iv_bytes);
+			if( status == 0x00 ) {
+				bootldrState.is_iv_set = 1;
+			}
+			else {
+				bootldrState.is_iv_set = 0;
+				status = COMM_GENERAL_ERROR;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_iv", status);
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_set_authentication(const char *arg){
+	uint8_t auth_bytes[AES_AUTH_SIZE];
+	int status = parse_auth(arg, &auth_bytes[0]);
+    if( status == 0x00){
+    	if(bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram){
+    		int i=0;
+    		for(i = 0 ; i != AES_AUTH_SIZE ; i++)
+    			app_image->auth[i] = auth_bytes[i];
+    		bootldrState.is_auth_done = 1;
+    	}else {
+			status = sh_set_bootloader_auth(auth_bytes);
+			if( status == 0x00 ){
+				bootldrState.is_auth_done = 1;
+			}
+			else
+				status = COMM_GENERAL_ERROR;
+    	}
+    }
+    SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_auth", status);
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_eraseflash(const char *null_arg){
+	int status;
+	if(bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram){
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "erase", COMM_SUCCESS);
+		status == 0x00 /*SS_SUCCESS*/;
+	}else {
+		status = sh_set_bootloader_erase();
+		if(status == 0x00 /*SS_SUCCESS*/) {
+			bootldrState.is_flash_erased = 1;
+		}else{
+			status = COMM_GENERAL_ERROR;
+		}
+		SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "erase", status);
+	}
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_receive_image_to_ram(void){
+	int status;
+	int totalBytes = 0;
+	int currentPage = 1;
+	if( app_image != NULL && app_image->num_allocated_pages > 0) {
+		uint8_t *page = &app_image->pages[0];
+		uint32_t offset = 0;
+		while (currentPage <= app_image->num_pages) {
+			while (totalBytes < (MAX_PAGE_SIZE + CHECKBYTES_SIZE)) {
+				page[totalBytes++] = SERIALIN(); // daplink.getc();  ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////m_USB->_getc();
+			}
+			currentPage++;
+			SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", COMM_SUCCESS);
+			page = &app_image->pages[offset];
+			totalBytes = 0;
+		}
+		app_image->num_received_pages = currentPage;
+		status =  COMM_SUCCESS;
+	}else
+	    status =  COMM_GENERAL_ERROR;
+	return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_flash_pages(void){
+    int totalBytes = 0;
+    int currentPage = 1;
+	char charbuf_flash[256];
+	int data_len_flash = 0;
+	int status;
+    uint8_t *data_buffer = &tx_buf[2];
+    if(!is_hub_ready_for_flash()){
+    	printf("missing condition for flashing:  no page size , no page number, iv notset , no outhentication , flash noterased or mode is not bootloader!\r\n");
+    	clear_state_info();
+    	return -1;
+    }
+    printf(" \r\n NOW WE ARE FLASHING THE PAGES..........\r\n");
+    printf(" \r\n page_size:  %d \r\n", bootldrState.page_size);
+    printf(" \r\n num_pages:  %d \r\n", bootldrState.num_pages);
+    while (currentPage <= bootldrState.num_pages) {
+        while (totalBytes < (bootldrState.page_size + CHECKBYTES_SIZE)) {
+            data_buffer[totalBytes++] = SERIALIN(); //daplink.getc(); //m_USB->_getc();  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MYG
+            //Here we should be able to take the data over BLE
+        }
+        printf(" \r\n NOW WE GOT A  PAGE..........\r\n");
+        //status = sh_bootloader_flashpage(&tx_buf[0] , bootldrState.page_size);
+        status = sh_write_cmd(tx_buf, bootldrState.page_size + CHECKBYTES_SIZE + 2, 2000);
+        if (status == 0x00)
+        		printf(" \r\n NOW WE PUSHED A  PAGE..........\r\n");
+        if (status == 0x00){
+        	currentPage++;
+        	SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", COMM_SUCCESS);
+        }else{
+        	if (status == SS_ERR_BTLDR_CHECKSUM)
+        		SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", BL_FLASH_ERR_CHECKSUM);
+        	else
+        		SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", BL_FLASH_ERR_GENERAL);
+        }
+ */
+        if (status == SS_ERR_BTLDR_CHECKSUM) {
+            data_len_flash = snprintf(charbuf_flash, sizeof(charbuf_flash), "\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", FLASH_ERR_CHECKSUM);
+            SERIALOUT(charbuf_flash);
+        } else if (status != SS_SUCCESS) {
+            data_len_flash = snprintf(charbuf_flash, sizeof(charbuf_flash), "\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", FLASH_ERR_GENERAL);
+            SERIALOUT(charbuf_flash);
+        } else {
+            currentPage++;
+            data_len_flash = snprintf(charbuf_flash, sizeof(charbuf_flash), "\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", COMM_SUCCESS);
+            SERIALOUT(charbuf_flash);
+        }
+        totalBytes = 0;
+    }
+    //SERIALOUT(" all pages are flashed \r\n");
+    clear_state_info();
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_flash(const char *null_arg){
+	int status;
+	if(bootldrState.flag_image_on_ram)
+		status = SH_BOOTLDR_receive_image_to_ram();
+	else
+		status = SH_BOOTLDR_flash_pages();
+	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "flash", status);
+	return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_flash_appimage_from_ram(const char *null_arg){
+	int currentPage = 1;
+	uint32_t offset = 0;
+	int ret;
+	if(app_image == NULL)
+	    return -1;
+	/* Put device to bootloader mode */
+	int status = SH_BOOTLDR_enter_blmode(NULL);
+	if( status != 0x00)
+         return -1;
+	wait_ms(10);
+	status = sh_set_bootloader_numberofpages(app_image->num_pages);
+	SERIALOUT("*** set_num_page... ret: %d\n", ret);
+	if (status != 0x00) {
+	}
+	status = sh_set_bootloader_iv(app_image->nonce);
+	SERIALOUT("*** set_iv... ret: %d\n", ret);
+	if (status != 0) {
+		return BL_SET_IV_FAIL;
+	}
+	status = sh_set_bootloader_auth(app_image->auth);
+	SERIALOUT("*** set_auth... ret: %d\n", ret);
+	if (status != 0) {
+		return BL_FLASH_ERR_AUTH;
+	}
+	status = sh_set_bootloader_erase() ;
+	SERIALOUT("*** erase app memory... ret: %d\n", ret);
+	if (status != 0) {
+	}
+	static uint8_t tx_buf[MAX_PAGE_SIZE + CHECKBYTES_SIZE + 2];
+	tx_buf[0] = SS_FAM_W_BOOTLOADER;
+	tx_buf[1] = SS_CMDIDX_SENDPAGE;
+	while (currentPage <= app_image->num_pages) {
+		memcpy(&tx_buf[2], &app_image->pages[offset], MAX_PAGE_SIZE + CHECKBYTES_SIZE);
+		status = sh_write_cmd(tx_buf, MAX_PAGE_SIZE + CHECKBYTES_SIZE + 2, bootldrState.bootcmds_delay_factor * PAGE_WRITE_DELAY_MS);
+		if (status == SS_ERR_BTLDR_CHECKSUM) {
+			SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", BL_FLASH_ERR_CHECKSUM);
+			break;
+		} else if (status != SS_SUCCESS) {
+			SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", BL_FLASH_ERR_GENERAL);
+			break;
+		} else {
+			SERIALOUT("\r\npageFlashDone err=%d\r\n", COMM_SUCCESS);
+		}
+		currentPage++;
+	}
+	return COMM_SUCCESS;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_set_host_ebl_mode(const char *arg) {
+    int status;
+    int tmp;
+    sscanf(arg, "%*s %*s %*s %d", &tmp);
+    status = sh_set_ebl_mode(tmp);
+    if( status == 0x00) {
+    	bootldrState.ebl_mode = tmp;
+    }else
+    	status = COMM_INVALID_PARAM;
+    SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_cfg host ebl",status);
+    return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_get_host_ebl_mode(const char *null_arg){
+      int value;
+      value = sh_get_ebl_mode();
+      SERIALOUT("\r\n%s value=%s\r\n", "get_cfg host ebl", (value==1)? "GPIO_RST_MODE":"CMD_RST_MODE");
+      return 0x00;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_set_host_bootcmds_delay_factor( const char *arg) {
+     int status;
+	 int tmp;
+     sscanf(arg, "%*s %*s %*s %d", &tmp);
+     status =  sh_set_bootloader_delayfactor( tmp);
+     if( status == 0x00) {
+    	 bootldrState.bootcmds_delay_factor = tmp;
+     }else
+    	 status = COMM_INVALID_PARAM;
+     SERIALOUT("\r\n%s err=%d\r\n", "set_cfg host cdf",status);
+     return status;
+int SH_BOOTLDR_get_host_bootcmds_delay_factor( const char *null_arg){
+	int value;
+	value =  sh_get_bootloader_delayfactor();
+	SERIALOUT("\r\n%s value=%d \r\n", "get_cfg host cdf", value);
+	return 0x00;
+static int is_hub_ready_for_flash(void){
+	int status = 0;
+	if( bootldrState.hub_mode_bootloader == 1 &&
+		 bootldrState.is_auth_done == 1	&&
+		  bootldrState.is_iv_set == 1 &&
+		   bootldrState.is_flash_erased == 1 &&
+		    bootldrState.num_pages > 0 &&
+			 bootldrState.page_size > 0 )
+		    	status =  1;
+    return status;
+static void clear_state_info(void) {
+	bootldrState.is_auth_done    = 0;
+	bootldrState.is_iv_set       = 0;
+	bootldrState.is_flash_erased = 0;
+	bootldrState.num_pages       = 0;
+	bootldrState.page_size       = 0;
+	bootldrState.hub_mode_bootloader;
+	return;
+static int parse_iv(const char* cmd, uint8_t* iv_bytes) {
+	int status = 0x00;
+	char cmdStr[] = "set_iv ";
+	int length = strlen(cmd);
+	int expected_length = strlen(cmdStr) + 2*AES_NONCE_SIZE;
+	if (length != expected_length) {
+		SERIALOUT("Couldn't parse IV, incorrect number of characters (len:%d, expected:%d)\n",
+               length, expected_length);
+	}else{
+		const char* ivPtr = cmd + strlen(cmdStr);
+		int num_found;
+		int byteVal;
+		for (int ividx = 0; ividx < AES_NONCE_SIZE; ividx++) {
+			num_found = sscanf(ivPtr, "%2X", &byteVal);
+			if (num_found != 1 || byteVal > 0xFF) {
+				status = COMM_INVALID_PARAM;
+				//break; //
+				return status;
+			}
+			iv_bytes[ividx] = (uint8_t)byteVal;
+		   ivPtr += 2;
+		}
+	}
+    return status;
+static int parse_auth(const char* cmd, uint8_t *auth_bytes){
+	int status = 0x00;
+	char cmdStr[] = "set_auth ";
+    int length = strlen(cmd);
+    int expected_length = strlen(cmdStr) + 2*AES_AUTH_SIZE;
+    if (length != expected_length) {
+    	status = -1;
+    }else{
+		const char* macPtr = cmd + strlen(cmdStr);
+		int num_found;
+		int byteVal;
+		for (int aidx = 0; aidx < AES_AUTH_SIZE; aidx++) {
+			num_found = sscanf(macPtr, "%2X", &byteVal);
+			if (num_found != 1 || byteVal > 0xFF) {
+				status = COMM_INVALID_PARAM;;
+				//break; //
+				return status;
+			}
+			auth_bytes[aidx] = (uint8_t)byteVal;
+			macPtr += 2;
+		}
+    }
+    return status;