MAX32620HSP (MAXREFDES100) RPC Example for Graphical User Interface

Dependencies:   USBDevice

Fork of HSP_Release by Jerry Bradshaw

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00001 /*******************************************************************************
00002  * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
00003  *
00004  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
00005  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
00006  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
00007  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
00008  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
00009  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
00010  *
00011  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
00012  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
00013  *
00021  *
00022  * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
00023  * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
00024  * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
00025  *
00026  * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
00027  * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
00028  * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
00029  * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
00030  * ownership rights.
00031  *******************************************************************************/
00032 /**
00033  *
00034  * Maxim Integrated MAX30001 ECG/BIOZ chip 
00035  *
00036  * @code
00037  * #include "mbed.h"
00038  * #include "MAX30001.h"
00039  * 
00040  * /// Initialization values for ECG_InitStart()
00041  * #define EN_ECG     0b1
00042  * #define OPENP      0b1
00043  * #define OPENN      0b1
00044  * #define POL        0b0
00045  * #define CALP_SEL   0b10
00046  * #define CALN_SEL   0b11
00047  * #define E_FIT      31
00048  * #define RATE       0b00
00049  * #define GAIN       0b00
00050  * #define DHPF       0b0
00051  * #define DLPF       0b01
00052  * 
00053  * /// Initialization values for CAL_InitStart() 
00054  * #define EN_VCAL  0b1
00055  * #define VMODE    0b1
00056  * #define VMAG     0b1
00057  * #define FCAL     0b011
00058  * #define THIGH    0x7FF
00059  * #define FIFTY    0b0
00060  * 
00061  * /// Initializaton values for Rbias_FMSTR_Init()
00062  * #define EN_RBIAS 0b01 
00063  * #define RBIASV   0b10
00064  * #define RBIASP   0b1
00065  * #define RBIASN   0b1
00066  * #define FMSTR    0b00
00067  * 
00068  * #define BUFFER_LENGTH 50
00069  * 
00070  * // @brief SPI Master 0 with SPI0_SS for use with MAX30001
00071  * SPI spi(SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, SPI0_SCK, SPI0_SS); // used by MAX30001
00072  * 
00073  * //@brief ECG device
00074  * MAX30001 max30001(&spi);
00075  * InterruptIn max30001_InterruptB(P3_6);
00076  * InterruptIn max30001_Interrupt2B(P4_5);
00077  * //@brief PWM used as fclk for the MAX30001
00078  * PwmOut pwmout(P1_7);
00079  * 
00080  * //@brief Creating a buffer to hold the data
00081  * uint32_t ecgBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
00082  * int ecgIndex = 0;
00083  * char data_trigger = 0;
00084  * 
00085  * 
00086  * //
00087  * // @brief Creates a packet that will be streamed via USB Serial
00088  * //       the packet created will be inserted into a fifo to be streamed at a later time
00089  * // @param id Streaming ID
00090  * // @param buffer Pointer to a uint32 array that contains the data to include in the packet
00091  * // @param number Number of elements in the buffer
00092  * //
00093  * void StreamPacketUint32_ecg(uint32_t id, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t number) {
00094  *   int i;
00095  *   if (id == MAX30001_DATA_ECG) {
00096  *     for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
00097  *       ecgBuffer[ecgIndex] = buffer[i];
00098  *       ecgIndex++;
00099  *       if (ecgIndex > BUFFER_LENGTH)
00100  *         {
00101  *         data_trigger = 1;
00102  *         ecgIndex = 0;
00103  *         }
00104  *     }
00105  *   }
00106  *   if (id == MAX30001_DATA_BIOZ) {
00107  *         /// Add code for reading BIOZ data
00108  *   }
00109  *   if (id == MAX30001_DATA_PACE) {
00110  *         ///  Add code for reading Pace data
00111  *   }
00112  *   if (id == MAX30001_DATA_RTOR) {
00113  *         /// Add code for reading RtoR data
00114  *   }
00115  * }
00116  * 
00117  * 
00118  * int main() {
00119  * 
00120  *   uint32_t all;
00121  * 
00122  *   /// set NVIC priorities for GPIO to prevent priority inversion
00123  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P0_IRQn, 5);
00124  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P1_IRQn, 5);
00125  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P2_IRQn, 5);
00126  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P3_IRQn, 5);
00127  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P4_IRQn, 5);
00128  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P5_IRQn, 5);
00129  *   NVIC_SetPriority(GPIO_P6_IRQn, 5);
00130  *   // used by the MAX30001
00131  *   NVIC_SetPriority(SPI1_IRQn, 0);
00132  * 
00133  * 
00134  *   /// Setup interrupts and callback functions
00135  *   max30001_InterruptB.disable_irq();
00136  *   max30001_Interrupt2B.disable_irq();
00137  * 
00138  *   max30001_InterruptB.mode(PullUp);
00139  *   max30001_InterruptB.fall(&MAX30001::Mid_IntB_Handler);
00140  * 
00141  *   max30001_Interrupt2B.mode(PullUp);
00142  *   max30001_Interrupt2B.fall(&MAX30001::Mid_Int2B_Handler);
00143  * 
00144  *   max30001_InterruptB.enable_irq();
00145  *   max30001_Interrupt2B.enable_irq();
00146  * 
00147  *   max30001.AllowInterrupts(1);
00148  * 
00149  *   // Configuring the FCLK for the ECG, set to 32.768KHZ
00150  *   pwmout.period_us(31);
00151  *   pwmout.write(0.5);     // 0-1 is 0-100%, 0.5 = 50% duty cycle.
00152  *   max30001.sw_rst();     // Do a software reset of the MAX30001
00153  *   
00154  *   max30001.INT_assignment(MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_B,    MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,   MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,  //  en_enint_loc,      en_eovf_loc,   en_fstint_loc,
00155  *                           MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_2B,   MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_2B,   MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,  //  en_dcloffint_loc,  en_bint_loc,   en_bovf_loc,
00156  *                           MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_2B,   MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_2B,   MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,  //  en_bover_loc,      en_bundr_loc,  en_bcgmon_loc,
00157  *                           MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_B,    MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,   MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,  //  en_pint_loc,       en_povf_loc,   en_pedge_loc,
00158  *                           MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_2B,   MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_B,    MAX30001::MAX30001_NO_INT,  //  en_lonint_loc,     en_rrint_loc,  en_samp_loc,
00159  *                           MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_ODNR, MAX30001::MAX30001_INT_ODNR);                            //  intb_Type,         int2b_Type)
00160  * 
00161  *   max30001.onDataAvailable(&StreamPacketUint32_ecg);  
00162  * 
00163  *   /// Set and Start the VCAL input
00164  *   /// @brief NOTE VCAL must be set first if VCAL is to be used 
00165  *     max30001.CAL_InitStart(EN_VCAL , VMODE, VMAG, FCAL, THIGH, FIFTY);
00166  *           
00167  *   /// ECG Initialization
00168  *     max30001.ECG_InitStart(EN_ECG, OPENP, OPENN, POL, CALP_SEL, CALN_SEL, E_FIT, RATE, GAIN, DHPF, DLPF);
00169  * 
00170  *   /// @details The user can call any of the InitStart functions for Pace, BIOZ and RtoR
00171  * 
00172  * 
00173  *   /// @brief Set Rbias & FMSTR over here
00174  *       max30001.Rbias_FMSTR_Init(EN_RBIAS, RBIASV, RBIASP, RBIASN,FMSTR);
00175  * 
00176  *   max30001.synch();
00177  * 
00178  *   /// clear the status register for a clean start
00179  *   max30001.reg_read(MAX30001::STATUS, &all);  
00180  *   
00181  *   printf("Please wait for data to start streaming\n");
00182  *   fflush(stdout);
00183  *     
00184  *   while (1) {
00185  *     if(data_trigger == 1){
00186  *     printf("%ld ", ecgBuffer[ecgIndex]);  // Print the ECG data on a serial port terminal software
00187  *     fflush(stdout);
00188  *     }
00189  *   }
00190  * }
00191  * @endcode 
00192  *
00193  */
00196 #ifndef MAX30001_H_
00197 #define MAX30001_H_
00199 #include "mbed.h"
00201 #define mbed_COMPLIANT ///< Uncomment to Use timer for MAX30001 FCLK (for mbed)
00202                        ///< Comment to use the RTC clock
00204 #define ASYNC_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE (32 * 3) ///< Maximimum buffer size for async byte transfers
00206 ///< Defines for data callbacks
00207 #define MAX30001_DATA_ECG        0x30
00208 #define MAX30001_DATA_PACE       0x31
00209 #define MAX30001_DATA_RTOR       0x32
00210 #define MAX30001_DATA_BIOZ       0x33
00211 #define MAX30001_DATA_LEADOFF_DC 0x34
00212 #define MAX30001_DATA_LEADOFF_AC 0x35
00213 #define MAX30001_DATA_BCGMON     0x36
00214 #define MAX30001_DATA_ACLEADON   0x37
00216 #define MAX30001_SPI_MASTER_PORT 0
00217 #define MAX30001_SPI_SS_INDEX    0
00219 #define MAX30001_INT_PORT_B      3
00220 #define MAX30001_INT_PIN_B       6
00222 #define MAX30001_INT_PORT_2B     4
00223 #define MAX30001_INT_PIN_2B      5
00225 #define MAX30001_INT_PORT_FCLK   1
00226 #define MAX30001_INT_PIN_FCLK    7
00228 #define MAX30001_FUNC_SEL_TMR    2 ///< 0=FW Control, 1= Pulse Train, 2=Timer
00230 #define MAX30001_INDEX    3
00231 #define MAX30001_POLARITY 0
00232 #define MAX30001_PERIOD   30518
00233 #define MAX30001_CYCLE    50
00235 #define MAX30001_IOMUX_IO_ENABLE 1
00237 #define MAX30001_SPI_PORT            0
00238 #define MAX30001_CS_PIN              0
00239 #define MAX30001_CS_POLARITY         0
00240 #define MAX30001_CS_ACTIVITY_DELAY   0
00241 #define MAX30001_CS_INACTIVITY_DELAY 0
00242 #define MAX30001_CLK_HI              1
00243 #define MAX30001_CLK_LOW             1
00244 #define MAX30001_ALT_CLK             0
00245 #define MAX30001_CLK_POLARITY        0
00246 #define MAX30001_CLK_PHASE           0
00247 #define MAX30001_WRITE               1
00248 #define MAX30001_READ                0
00250 #define MAX30001_INT_PORT_B  3
00251 #define MAX30001INT_PIN_B    6
00253 void MAX30001_AllowInterrupts(int state);
00255 /**
00256 * @brief Maxim Integrated MAX30001 ECG/BIOZ chip
00257 */
00258 class MAX30001 {
00260 public:
00261   typedef enum { ///< MAX30001 Register addresses
00262     STATUS     = 0x01,
00263     EN_INT     = 0x02,
00264     EN_INT2    = 0x03,
00265     MNGR_INT   = 0x04,
00266     MNGR_DYN   = 0x05,
00267     SW_RST     = 0x08,
00268     SYNCH      = 0x09,
00269     FIFO_RST   = 0x0A,
00270     INFO       = 0x0F,
00271     CNFG_GEN   = 0x10,
00272     CNFG_CAL   = 0x12,
00273     CNFG_EMUX  = 0x14,
00274     CNFG_ECG   = 0x15,
00275     CNFG_BMUX  = 0x17,
00276     CNFG_BIOZ  = 0x18,
00277     CNFG_PACE  = 0x1A,
00278     CNFG_RTOR1 = 0x1D,
00279     CNFG_RTOR2 = 0x1E,
00281     // Data locations
00282     ECG_FIFO_BURST = 0x20,
00283     ECG_FIFO       = 0x21,
00284     FIFO_BURST     = 0x22,
00285     BIOZ_FIFO      = 0x23,
00286     RTOR           = 0x25,
00288     PACE0_FIFO_BURST = 0x30,
00289     PACE0_A          = 0x31,
00290     PACE0_B          = 0x32,
00291     PACE0_C          = 0x33,
00293     PACE1_FIFO_BURST = 0x34,
00294     PACE1_A          = 0x35,
00295     PACE1_B          = 0x36,
00296     PACE1_C          = 0x37,
00298     PACE2_FIFO_BURST = 0x38,
00299     PACE2_A          = 0x39,
00300     PACE2_B          = 0x3A,
00301     PACE2_C          = 0x3B,
00303     PACE3_FIFO_BURST = 0x3C,
00304     PACE3_A          = 0x3D,
00305     PACE3_B          = 0x3E,
00306     PACE3_C          = 0x3F,
00308     PACE4_FIFO_BURST = 0x40,
00309     PACE4_A          = 0x41,
00310     PACE4_B          = 0x42,
00311     PACE4_C          = 0x43,
00313     PACE5_FIFO_BURST = 0x44,
00314     PACE5_A          = 0x45,
00315     PACE5_B          = 0x46,
00316     PACE5_C          = 0x47,
00318   } MAX30001_REG_map_t ;
00320   /**
00321    * @brief STATUS (0x01) 
00322    */
00323   typedef union max30001_status_reg {
00324     uint32_t all;
00326     struct {
00327       uint32_t loff_nl : 1;
00328       uint32_t loff_nh : 1;
00329       uint32_t loff_pl : 1;
00330       uint32_t loff_ph : 1;
00332       uint32_t bcgmn     : 1;
00333       uint32_t bcgmp     : 1;
00334       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00335       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00337       uint32_t pllint : 1;
00338       uint32_t samp   : 1;
00339       uint32_t rrint  : 1;
00340       uint32_t lonint : 1;
00342       uint32_t pedge  : 1;
00343       uint32_t povf   : 1;
00344       uint32_t pint   : 1;
00345       uint32_t bcgmon : 1;
00347       uint32_t bundr : 1;
00348       uint32_t bover : 1;
00349       uint32_t bovf  : 1;
00350       uint32_t bint  : 1;
00352       uint32_t dcloffint : 1;
00353       uint32_t fstint    : 1;
00354       uint32_t eovf      : 1;
00355       uint32_t eint      : 1;
00357       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00359     } bit;
00361   } max30001_status_t;
00364   /**
00365    * @brief EN_INT (0x02) 
00366    */
00368   typedef union max30001_en_int_reg {
00369     uint32_t all;
00371     struct {
00372       uint32_t intb_type : 2;
00373       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00374       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00376       uint32_t reserved3 : 1;
00377       uint32_t reserved4 : 1;
00378       uint32_t reserved5 : 1;
00379       uint32_t reserved6 : 1;
00381       uint32_t en_pllint : 1;
00382       uint32_t en_samp   : 1;
00383       uint32_t en_rrint  : 1;
00384       uint32_t en_lonint : 1;
00386       uint32_t en_pedge  : 1;
00387       uint32_t en_povf   : 1;
00388       uint32_t en_pint   : 1;
00389       uint32_t en_bcgmon : 1;
00391       uint32_t en_bundr : 1;
00392       uint32_t en_bover : 1;
00393       uint32_t en_bovf  : 1;
00394       uint32_t en_bint  : 1;
00396       uint32_t en_dcloffint : 1;
00397       uint32_t en_fstint    : 1;
00398       uint32_t en_eovf      : 1;
00399       uint32_t en_eint      : 1;
00401       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00403     } bit;
00405   } max30001_en_int_t;
00408   /**
00409    * @brief EN_INT2 (0x03) 
00410    */  
00411   typedef union max30001_en_int2_reg {
00412     uint32_t all;
00414     struct {
00415       uint32_t intb_type : 2;
00416       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00417       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00419       uint32_t reserved3 : 1;
00420       uint32_t reserved4 : 1;
00421       uint32_t reserved5 : 1;
00422       uint32_t reserved6 : 1;
00424       uint32_t en_pllint : 1;
00425       uint32_t en_samp   : 1;
00426       uint32_t en_rrint  : 1;
00427       uint32_t en_lonint : 1;
00429       uint32_t en_pedge  : 1;
00430       uint32_t en_povf   : 1;
00431       uint32_t en_pint   : 1;
00432       uint32_t en_bcgmon : 1;
00434       uint32_t en_bundr  : 1;
00435       uint32_t en_bover  : 1;
00436       uint32_t en_bovf   : 1;
00437       uint32_t en_bint   : 1;
00439       uint32_t en_dcloffint : 1;
00440       uint32_t en_fstint    : 1;
00441       uint32_t en_eovf      : 1;
00442       uint32_t en_eint      : 1;
00444       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00446     } bit;
00448   } max30001_en_int2_t;
00450   /**
00451    * @brief MNGR_INT (0x04) 
00452    */  
00453   typedef union max30001_mngr_int_reg {
00454     uint32_t all;
00456     struct {
00457       uint32_t samp_it   : 2;
00458       uint32_t clr_samp  : 1;
00459       uint32_t clr_pedge : 1;
00460       uint32_t clr_rrint : 2;
00461       uint32_t clr_fast  : 1;
00462       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00463       uint32_t reserved2 : 4;
00464       uint32_t reserved3 : 4;
00466       uint32_t b_fit     : 3;
00467       uint32_t e_fit     : 5;
00469       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00471     } bit;
00473   } max30001_mngr_int_t;
00475    /**
00476    * @brief MNGR_DYN (0x05) 
00477    */ 
00478   typedef union max30001_mngr_dyn_reg {
00479     uint32_t all;
00481     struct {
00482       uint32_t bloff_lo_it : 8;
00483       uint32_t bloff_hi_it : 8;
00484       uint32_t fast_th     : 6;
00485       uint32_t fast        : 2;
00486       uint32_t reserved    : 8;
00487     } bit;
00489   } max30001_mngr_dyn_t;
00492    /**
00493    * @brief INFO (0x0F) 
00494    */
00495   typedef union max30001_info_reg {
00496     uint32_t all;
00497     struct {
00498       uint32_t serial    : 12;
00499       uint32_t part_id   : 2;
00500       uint32_t sample    : 1;
00501       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00502       uint32_t rev_id    : 4;
00503       uint32_t pattern   : 4;
00504       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00505     } bit;
00507   } max30001_info_t;
00509    /**
00510    * @brief CNFG_GEN (0x10) 
00511    */
00512   typedef union max30001_cnfg_gen_reg {
00513     uint32_t all;
00514     struct {
00515       uint32_t rbiasn     : 1;
00516       uint32_t rbiasp     : 1;
00517       uint32_t rbiasv     : 2;
00518       uint32_t en_rbias   : 2;
00519       uint32_t vth        : 2;
00520       uint32_t imag       : 3;
00521       uint32_t ipol       : 1;
00522       uint32_t en_dcloff  : 2;
00523       uint32_t en_bloff   : 2;
00524       uint32_t reserved1  : 1;
00525       uint32_t en_pace    : 1;
00526       uint32_t en_bioz    : 1;
00527       uint32_t en_ecg     : 1;
00528       uint32_t fmstr      : 2;
00529       uint32_t en_ulp_lon : 2;
00530       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00531     } bit;
00533   } max30001_cnfg_gen_t;
00536    /**
00537    * @brief CNFG_CAL (0x12) 
00538    */  
00539   typedef union max30001_cnfg_cal_reg {
00540     uint32_t all;
00541     struct {
00542       uint32_t thigh     : 11;
00543       uint32_t fifty     : 1;
00544       uint32_t fcal      : 3;
00545       uint32_t reserved1 : 5;
00546       uint32_t vmag      : 1;
00547       uint32_t vmode     : 1;
00548       uint32_t en_vcal   : 1;
00549       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00550       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00551     } bit;
00553   } max30001_cnfg_cal_t;
00555    /**
00556    * @brief CNFG_EMUX  (0x14) 
00557    */
00558   typedef union max30001_cnfg_emux_reg {
00559     uint32_t all;
00560     struct {
00561       uint32_t reserved1 : 16;
00562       uint32_t caln_sel  : 2;
00563       uint32_t calp_sel  : 2;
00564       uint32_t openn     : 1;
00565       uint32_t openp     : 1;
00566       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00567       uint32_t pol       : 1;
00568       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00569     } bit;
00571   } max30001_cnfg_emux_t;
00574    /**
00575    * @brief CNFG_ECG   (0x15) 
00576    */  
00577   typedef union max30001_cnfg_ecg_reg {
00578     uint32_t all;
00579     struct {
00580       uint32_t reserved1 : 12;
00581       uint32_t dlpf      : 2;
00582       uint32_t dhpf      : 1;
00583       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00584       uint32_t gain      : 2;
00585       uint32_t reserved3 : 4;
00586       uint32_t rate      : 2;
00588       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00589     } bit;
00591   } max30001_cnfg_ecg_t;
00593    /**
00594    * @brief CNFG_BMUX   (0x17) 
00595    */  
00596   typedef union max30001_cnfg_bmux_reg {
00597     uint32_t all;
00598     struct {
00599       uint32_t fbist     : 2;
00600       uint32_t reserved1 : 2;
00601       uint32_t rmod      : 3;
00602       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00603       uint32_t rnom      : 3;
00604       uint32_t en_bist   : 1;
00605       uint32_t cg_mode   : 2;
00606       uint32_t reserved3 : 2;
00607       uint32_t caln_sel  : 2;
00608       uint32_t calp_sel  : 2;
00609       uint32_t openn     : 1;
00610       uint32_t openp     : 1;
00611       uint32_t reserved4 : 2;
00612       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00613     } bit;
00615   } max30001_cnfg_bmux_t;
00617    /**
00618    * @brief CNFG_BIOZ   (0x18) 
00619    */ 
00620   typedef union max30001_bioz_reg {
00621     uint32_t all;
00622     struct {
00623       uint32_t phoff     : 4;
00624       uint32_t cgmag     : 3;
00625       uint32_t cgmon     : 1;
00626       uint32_t fcgen     : 4;
00627       uint32_t dlpf      : 2;
00628       uint32_t dhpf      : 2;
00629       uint32_t gain      : 2;
00630       uint32_t reserved1 : 1;
00631       uint32_t ext_rbias : 1;
00632       uint32_t ahpf      : 3;
00633       uint32_t rate      : 1;
00634       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00635     } bit;
00637   } max30001_cnfg_bioz_t;
00640    /**
00641    * @brief CNFG_PACE   (0x1A) 
00642    */   
00643   typedef union max30001_cnfg_pace_reg {
00644     uint32_t all;
00646     struct {
00647       uint32_t dacn        : 4;
00648       uint32_t dacp        : 4;
00649       uint32_t reserved1   : 4;
00650       uint32_t aout        : 2;
00651       uint32_t aout_lbw    : 1;
00652       uint32_t reserved2   : 1;
00653       uint32_t gain        : 3;
00654       uint32_t gn_diff_off : 1;
00655       uint32_t reserved3   : 3;
00656       uint32_t pol         : 1;
00657       uint32_t reserved    : 8;
00658     } bit;
00660   } max30001_cnfg_pace_t;
00662    /**
00663    * @brief CNFG_RTOR1   (0x1D) 
00664    */   
00665   typedef union max30001_cnfg_rtor1_reg {
00666     uint32_t all;
00667     struct {
00668       uint32_t reserved1 : 8;
00669       uint32_t ptsf      : 4;
00670       uint32_t pavg      : 2;
00671       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00672       uint32_t en_rtor   : 1;
00673       uint32_t gain      : 4;
00674       uint32_t wndw      : 4;
00675       uint32_t reserved  : 8;
00676     } bit;
00678   } max30001_cnfg_rtor1_t;
00680    /**
00681    * @brief CNFG_RTOR2 (0x1E) 
00682    */   
00683   typedef union max30001_cnfg_rtor2_reg {
00684     uint32_t all;
00685     struct {
00686       uint32_t reserved1 : 8;
00687       uint32_t rhsf      : 3;
00688       uint32_t reserved2 : 1;
00689       uint32_t ravg      : 2;
00690       uint32_t reserved3 : 2;
00691       uint32_t hoff      : 6;
00692       uint32_t reserved4 : 2;
00693       uint32_t reserved : 8;
00694     } bit;
00696   } max30001_cnfg_rtor2_t;
00698   /*********************************************************************************/
00700   typedef enum {
00701     MAX30001_NO_INT = 0, ///< No interrupt
00702     MAX30001_INT_B  = 1, ///< INTB selected for interrupt
00703     MAX30001_INT_2B = 2  ///< INT2B selected for interrupt
00704   } max30001_intrpt_Location_t ;
00706   typedef enum {
00707     MAX30001_INT_DISABLED = 0b00,
00708     MAX30001_INT_CMOS     = 0b01,
00709     MAX30001_INT_ODN      = 0b10,
00710     MAX30001_INT_ODNR     = 0b11
00711   } max30001_intrpt_type_t;
00713   typedef enum {          ///< Input Polarity selection
00714     MAX30001_NON_INV = 0, ///< Non-Inverted
00715     MAX30001_INV     = 1  ///< Inverted
00716   } max30001_emux_pol_t ;
00718   typedef enum {              ///< OPENP and OPENN setting
00719     MAX30001_ECG_CON_AFE = 0, ///< ECGx is connected to AFE channel
00720     MAX30001_ECG_ISO_AFE = 1  ///< ECGx is isolated from AFE channel
00721   } max30001_emux_openx_t ;
00723   typedef enum {                ///< EMUX_CALP_SEL & EMUX_CALN_SEL
00724     MAX30001_NO_CAL_SIG = 0b00, ///< No calibration signal is applied
00725     MAX30001_INPT_VMID  = 0b01, ///< Input is connected to VMID
00726     MAX30001_INPT_VCALP = 0b10, ///< Input is connected to VCALP
00727     MAX30001_INPT_VCALN = 0b11  ///< Input is connected to VCALN
00728   } max30001_emux_calx_sel_t ;
00730   typedef enum {                     ///< EN_ECG, EN_BIOZ, EN_PACE
00731     MAX30001_CHANNEL_DISABLED = 0b0,
00732     MAX30001_CHANNEL_ENABLED = 0b1
00733   } max30001_en_feature_t ;
00735   /*********************************************************************************/
00736   // Data
00737   uint32_t max30001_ECG_FIFO_buffer[32]; ///< (303 for internal test)
00738   uint32_t max30001_BIOZ_FIFO_buffer[8]; ///< (303 for internal test)
00740   uint32_t max30001_PACE[18]; ///< Pace Data 0-5
00742   uint32_t max30001_RtoR_data; ///< This holds the RtoR data
00744   uint32_t max30001_DCLeadOff; ///< This holds the LeadOff data, Last 4 bits give
00745                                ///< the status, BIT3=LOFF_PH, BIT2=LOFF_PL,
00746                                ///< BIT1=LOFF_NH, BIT0=LOFF_NL
00747                                ///< 8th and 9th bits tell Lead off is due to ECG or BIOZ.  
00748                                ///< 0b01 = ECG Lead Off and 0b10 = BIOZ Lead off
00750   uint32_t max30001_ACLeadOff; ///< This gives the state of the BIOZ AC Lead Off
00751                                ///< state.  BIT 1 = BOVER,   BIT 0 = BUNDR
00753   uint32_t max30001_bcgmon; ///< This holds the BCGMON data, BIT 1 = BCGMP, BIT0 =
00754                             ///< BCGMN
00756   uint32_t max30001_LeadOn; ///< This holds the LeadOn data, BIT1 = BIOZ Lead ON,
00757                             ///< BIT0 = ECG Lead ON, BIT8= Lead On Status Bit
00759   uint32_t max30001_timeout; ///< If the PLL does not respond, timeout and get out.
00761   typedef struct { ///< Creating a structure for BLE data
00762     int16_t R2R;
00763     int16_t fmstr;
00764   } max30001_bledata_t;
00766   max30001_bledata_t hspValMax30001; // R2R, FMSTR
00768   max30001_status_t global_status;
00770   /**
00771   * @brief Constructor that accepts pin names for the SPI interface
00772   * @param spi pointer to the mbed SPI object
00773   */
00774   MAX30001(SPI *spi);
00776   /**
00777   * @brief Constructor that accepts pin names for the SPI interface
00778   * @param mosi master out slave in pin name
00779   * @param miso master in slave out pin name
00780   * @param sclk serial clock pin name
00781   * @param cs chip select pin name
00782   */
00783   MAX30001(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs);
00785   /**
00786    * MAX30001 destructor
00787    */
00788   ~MAX30001(void);
00790   /**
00791    * @brief This function is MAXIM Proprietary.  It channels the RTC crystal
00792    * @brief clock to P1.7.  Thus providing 32768Hz on FCLK pin of the MAX30001-3
00793    */ 
00794   void FCLK_MaximOnly(void);   
00796   /**
00797    * @brief This function sets up the Resistive Bias mode and also selects the master clock frequency.
00798    * @brief Uses Register: CNFG_GEN-0x10
00799    * @param En_rbias: Enable and Select Resitive Lead Bias Mode
00800    * @param Rbiasv: Resistive Bias Mode Value Selection
00801    * @param Rbiasp: Enables Resistive Bias on Positive Input
00802    * @param Rbiasn: Enables Resistive Bias on Negative Input
00803    * @param Fmstr: Selects Master Clock Frequency
00804    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00805    *
00806   */
00807   int Rbias_FMSTR_Init(uint8_t En_rbias, uint8_t Rbiasv,
00808                                 uint8_t Rbiasp, uint8_t Rbiasn, uint8_t Fmstr);
00810   /**
00811    * @brief This function uses sets up the calibration signal internally.  If it is desired to use the internal signal, then
00812    * @brief this function must be called and the registers set, prior to setting the CALP_SEL and CALN_SEL in the ECG_InitStart
00813    * @brief and BIOZ_InitStart functions.
00814    * @brief Uses Register: CNFG_CAL-0x12
00815    * @param En_Vcal: Calibration Source (VCALP and VCALN) Enable
00816    * @param Vmode:   Calibration Source Mode Selection
00817    * @param Vmag:    Calibration Source Magnitude Selection (VMAG)
00818    * @param Fcal:    Calibration Source Frequency Selection (FCAL)
00819    * @param Thigh:   Calibration Source Time High Selection
00820    * @param Fifty:   Calibration Source Duty Cycle Mode Selection
00821    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00822    *
00823    */
00824   int CAL_InitStart(uint8_t En_Vcal, uint8_t Vmode, uint8_t Vmag,
00825                              uint8_t Fcal, uint16_t Thigh, uint8_t Fifty);
00827   /**
00828    * @brief This function disables the VCAL signal
00829    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00830    */
00831   int CAL_Stop(void);
00833   /**
00834    * @brief This function handles the assignment of the two interrupt pins (INTB & INT2B) with various
00835    * @brief functions/behaviors  of the MAX30001.  Also, each pin can be configured for different drive capability.
00836    * @brief Uses Registers: EN_INT-0x02 and EN_INT2-0x03.
00837    * @param max30001_intrpt_Locatio_t  <argument>:  All the arguments with the aforementioned enumeration essentially
00838    *        can be configured to generate an interrupt on either INTB or INT2B or NONE.
00839    * @param max30001_intrpt_type_t  intb_Type:  INTB Port Type (EN_INT Selections).
00840    * @param max30001_intrpt_type _t int2b_Type:   INT2B Port Type (EN_INT2 Selections)
00841    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00842    *
00843    */
00844      int INT_assignment(max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_enint_loc,     max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_eovf_loc,  max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_fstint_loc,
00845                          max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_dcloffint_loc, max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_bint_loc,  max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_bovf_loc,
00846                          max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_bover_loc,     max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_bundr_loc, max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_bcgmon_loc,
00847                          max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_pint_loc,      max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_povf_loc,  max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_pedge_loc,
00848                          max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_lonint_loc,    max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_rrint_loc, max30001_intrpt_Location_t  en_samp_loc,
00849                          max30001_intrpt_type_t  intb_Type,           max30001_intrpt_type_t int2b_Type);
00853   /**
00854    * @brief For MAX30001/3 ONLY
00855    * @brief This function sets up the MAX30001 for the ECG measurements.
00856    * @brief Registers used:  CNFG_EMUX, CNFG_GEN, MNGR_INT, CNFG_ECG.
00857    * @param En_ecg: ECG Channel Enable <CNFG_GEN register bits>
00858    * @param Openp: Open the ECGN Input Switch (most often used for testing and calibration studies) <CNFG_EMUX register bits>
00859    * @param Openn: Open the ECGN Input Switch (most often used for testing and calibration studies) <CNFG_EMUX register bits>
00860    * @param Calp_sel: ECGP Calibration Selection <CNFG_EMUX register bits>
00861    * @param Caln_sel: ECGN Calibration Selection <CNFG_EMUX register bits>
00862    * @param E_fit: ECG FIFO Interrupt Threshold (issues EINT based on number of unread FIFO records) <CNFG_GEN register bits>
00863    * @param Clr_rrint: RTOR R Detect Interrupt (RRINT) Clear Behavior <CNFG_GEN register bits>
00864    * @param Rate: ECG Data Rate
00865    * @param Gain: ECG Channel Gain Setting
00866    * @param Dhpf: ECG Channel Digital High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency
00867    * @param Dlpf:  ECG Channel Digital Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency
00868    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00869    *
00870    */
00871   int ECG_InitStart(uint8_t En_ecg, uint8_t Openp, uint8_t Openn,
00872                     uint8_t Pol, uint8_t Calp_sel, uint8_t Caln_sel,
00873                     uint8_t E_fit, uint8_t Rate, uint8_t Gain,
00874                     uint8_t Dhpf, uint8_t Dlpf);
00876   /**
00877    * @brief For MAX30001/3 ONLY
00878    * @brief This function enables the Fast mode feature of the ECG.
00879    * @brief Registers used: MNGR_INT-0x04, MNGR_DYN-0x05
00880    * @param Clr_Fast: FAST MODE Interrupt Clear Behavior <MNGR_INT Register>
00881    * @param Fast: ECG Channel Fast Recovery Mode Selection (ECG High Pass Filter Bypass) <MNGR_DYN Register>
00882    * @param Fast_Th: Automatic Fast Recovery Threshold
00883    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00884    *
00885    */
00886   int ECGFast_Init(uint8_t Clr_Fast, uint8_t Fast, uint8_t Fast_Th);
00888   /**
00889   * @brief For MAX30001/3 ONLY
00890   * @brief This function disables the ECG.
00891   * @brief Uses Register CNFG_GEN-0x10.
00892   * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00893   *
00894   */
00895   int Stop_ECG(void);
00897   /**
00898    *  @brief For MAX30001 ONLY
00899    *  @brief This function sets up the MAX30001 for pace signal detection.
00900    *  @brief If both PACE and BIOZ are turned ON, then make sure Fcgen is set for 80K or 40K in the
00901    *  @brief max30001_BIOZ_InitStart() function.  However, if Only PACE is on but BIOZ off, then Fcgen can be set
00902    *  @brief for 80K only, in the max30001_BIOZ_InitStart() function
00903    *  @brief Registers used: MNGR_INT-0x04, CNFG_GEN-0x37, CNFG_PACE-0x1A.
00904    *  @param En_pace : PACE Channel Enable <CNFG_GEN Register>
00905    *  @param Clr_pedge : PACE Edge Detect Interrupt (PEDGE) Clear Behavior <MNGR_INT Register>
00906    *  @param Pol: PACE Input Polarity Selection <CNFG_PACE Register>
00907    *  @param Gn_diff_off: PACE Differentiator Mode <CNFG_PACE Register>
00908    *  @param Gain: PACE Channel Gain Selection <CNFG_PACE Register>
00909    *  @param Aout_lbw:  PACE Analog Output Buffer Bandwidth Mode <CNFG_PACE Register>
00910    *  @param Aout: PACE Single Ended Analog Output Buffer Signal Monitoring Selection <CNFG_PACE Register>
00911    *  @param Dacp (4bits): PACE Detector Positive Comparator Threshold <CNFG_PACE Register>
00912    *  @param Dacn(4bits): PACE Detector Negative Comparator Threshold <CNFG_PACE Register>
00913    *  @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error <CNFG_PACE Register>
00914    *
00915    */
00916   int PACE_InitStart(uint8_t En_pace, uint8_t Clr_pedge, uint8_t Pol,
00917                               uint8_t Gn_diff_off, uint8_t Gain,
00918                               uint8_t Aout_lbw, uint8_t Aout, uint8_t Dacp,
00919                               uint8_t Dacn);
00921   /**
00922    *@brief For MAX30001 ONLY
00923    *@param This function disables the PACE.  Uses Register CNFG_GEN-0x10.
00924    *@returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00925    *
00926    */
00927   int Stop_PACE(void);
00929   /**
00930    * @brief For MAX30001/2 ONLY
00931    * @brief This function sets up the MAX30001 for BIOZ measurement.
00932    * @brief Registers used: MNGR_INT-0x04, CNFG_GEN-0X10, CNFG_BMUX-0x17,CNFG_BIOZ-0x18.
00933    * @param En_bioz: BIOZ Channel Enable <CNFG_GEN Register>
00934    * @param Openp: Open the BIP Input Switch <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00935    * @param Openn: Open the BIN Input Switch <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00936    * @param Calp_sel: BIP Calibration Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00937    * @param Caln_sel: BIN Calibration Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00938    * @param CG_mode:  BIOZ Current Generator Mode Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00939    * @param B_fit:  BIOZ FIFO Interrupt Threshold (issues BINT based on number of unread FIFO records) <MNGR_INT Register>
00940    * @param Rate: BIOZ Data Rate <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00941    * @param Ahpf: BIOZ/PACE Channel Analog High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency and Bypass <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00942    * @param Ext_rbias:  External Resistor Bias Enable <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00943    * @param Gain: BIOZ Channel Gain Setting <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00944    * @param Dhpf: BIOZ Channel Digital High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00945    * @param Dlpf:  BIOZ Channel Digital Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00946    * @param Fcgen:  BIOZ Current Generator Modulation Frequency <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00947    * @param Cgmon:  BIOZ Current Generator Monitor <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00948    * @param Cgmag:  BIOZ Current Generator Magnitude <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00949    * @param Phoff: BIOZ Current Generator Modulation Phase Offset <CNFG_BIOZ Register>
00950    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00951    *
00952    */
00953   int BIOZ_InitStart(uint8_t En_bioz, uint8_t Openp, uint8_t Openn,
00954                               uint8_t Calp_sel, uint8_t Caln_sel,
00955                               uint8_t CG_mode,
00956                               /* uint8_t En_bioz,*/ uint8_t B_fit, uint8_t Rate,
00957                               uint8_t Ahpf, uint8_t Ext_rbias, uint8_t Gain,
00958                               uint8_t Dhpf, uint8_t Dlpf, uint8_t Fcgen,
00959                               uint8_t Cgmon, uint8_t Cgmag, uint8_t Phoff);
00961   /**
00962    * @brief For MAX30001/2 ONLY
00963    * @brief This function disables the BIOZ.  Uses Register CNFG_GEN-0x10.
00964    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00965        * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00966    *
00967    */
00968   int Stop_BIOZ(void);
00970   /**
00971    * @brief For MAX30001/2 ONLY
00972    * @brief BIOZ modulated Resistance Built-in-Self-Test, Registers used: CNFG_BMUX-0x17
00973    * @param En_bist: Enable Modulated Resistance Built-in-Self-test <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00974    * @param Rnom: BIOZ RMOD BIST Nominal Resistance Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00975    * @param Rmod: BIOZ RMOD BIST Modulated Resistance Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00976    * @param Fbist: BIOZ RMOD BIST Frequency Selection <CNFG_BMUX Register>
00977    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00978    *
00979    */
00980   int BIOZ_InitBist(uint8_t En_bist, uint8_t Rnom, uint8_t Rmod,
00981                              uint8_t Fbist);
00983   /**
00984    * @brief For MAX30001/3/4 ONLY
00985    * @brief Sets up the device for RtoR measurement
00986    * @param EN_rtor: ECG RTOR Detection Enable <RTOR1 Register>
00987    * @param Wndw: R to R Window Averaging (Window Width = RTOR_WNDW[3:0]*8mS) <RTOR1 Register>
00988    * @param Gain: R to R Gain (where Gain = 2^RTOR_GAIN[3:0], plus an auto-scale option) <RTOR1 Register>
00989    * @param Pavg: R to R Peak Averaging Weight Factor <RTOR1 Register>
00990    * @param Ptsf: R to R Peak Threshold Scaling Factor <RTOR1 Register>
00991    * @param Hoff: R to R minimum Hold Off <RTOR2 Register>
00992    * @param Ravg: R to R Interval Averaging Weight Factor <RTOR2 Register>
00993    * @param Rhsf: R to R Interval Hold Off Scaling Factor <RTOR2 Register>
00994    * @param Clr_rrint: RTOR Detect Interrupt Clear behaviour <MNGR_INT Register>
00995    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
00996    *
00997    */
00998   int RtoR_InitStart(uint8_t En_rtor, uint8_t Wndw, uint8_t Gain,
00999                               uint8_t Pavg, uint8_t Ptsf, uint8_t Hoff,
01000                               uint8_t Ravg, uint8_t Rhsf, uint8_t Clr_rrint);
01002   /**
01003    * @brief For MAX30001/3/4 ONLY
01004    * @brief This function disables the RtoR.  Uses Register CNFG_RTOR1-0x1D
01005    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01006    *
01007    */
01008   int Stop_RtoR(void);
01010   /**
01011    * @brief This is a function that waits for the PLL to lock; once a lock is achieved it exits out. (For convenience only)
01012    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01013    *
01014    */
01015   int PLL_lock(void);
01017   /**
01018    * @brief This function causes the MAX30001 to reset.  Uses Register SW_RST-0x08
01019    * @return 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01020    *
01021    */
01022   int sw_rst(void);
01024   /**
01025    * @brief This function provides a SYNCH operation.  Uses Register SYCNH-0x09. Please refer to the data sheet for
01026    * @brief the details on how to use this.
01027    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01028    *
01029    */
01030   int synch(void);
01032   /**
01033    * @brief This function performs a FIFO Reset.  Uses Register FIFO_RST-0x0A. Please refer to the data sheet
01034    * @brief for the details on how to use this.
01035    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01036    */
01037   int fifo_rst(void);
01039   /**
01040    *
01041    * @brief This is a callback function which collects all the data from the ECG, BIOZ, PACE and RtoR. It also handles
01042    * @brief Lead On/Off.  This  function is passed through the argument of max30001_COMMinit().
01043    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01044    *
01045    */
01046   int int_handler(void);
01048   /**
01049    * @brief This is function called from the max30001_int_handler() function and processes all the ECG, BIOZ, PACE
01050    * @brief and the RtoR data and sticks them in appropriate arrays and variables each unsigned 32 bits.
01051    * @param ECG data will be in the array (input): max30001_ECG_FIFO_buffer[]
01052    * @param Pace data will be in the array (input): max30001_PACE[]
01053    * @param RtoRdata will be in the variable (input): max30001_RtoR_data
01054    * @param BIOZ data will be in the array (input): max30001_BIOZ_FIFO_buffer[]
01055    * @param global  max30001_ECG_FIFO_buffer[]
01056    * @param global  max30001_PACE[]
01057    * @param global  max30001_BIOZ_FIFO_buffer[]
01058    * @param global  max30001_RtoR_data
01059    * @param global  max30001_DCLeadOff
01060    * @param global  max30001_ACLeadOff
01061    * @param global  max30001_LeadON
01062    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01063    *
01064    */
01065   int FIFO_LeadONOff_Read(void);
01067   /**
01068    * @brief This function allows writing to a register.
01069    * @param addr:  Address of the register to write to
01070    * @param data:  24-bit data read from the register.
01071    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01072    *
01073    */
01074   int reg_write(MAX30001_REG_map_t  addr, uint32_t data);
01076   /**
01077    * @brief This function allows reading from a register
01078    * @param addr:   Address of the register to read from.
01079    * @param *return_data: pointer to the value read from the register.
01080    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01081    *
01082    */
01083   int reg_read(MAX30001_REG_map_t  addr, uint32_t *return_data);
01085   /**
01086    * @brief This function enables the DC Lead Off detection. Either ECG or BIOZ can be detected, one at a time.
01087    * @brief Registers Used:  CNFG_GEN-0x10
01088    * @param En_dcloff: BIOZ Digital Lead Off Detection Enable
01089    * @param Ipol: DC Lead Off Current Polarity (if current sources are enabled/connected)
01090    * @param Imag: DC Lead off current Magnitude Selection
01091    * @param Vth: DC Lead Off Voltage Threshold Selection
01092    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01093    *
01094    */
01095   int Enable_DcLeadOFF_Init(int8_t En_dcloff, int8_t Ipol, int8_t Imag,
01096                                      int8_t Vth);
01098   /**
01099    * @brief This function disables the DC Lead OFF feature, whichever is active.
01100    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01101    *
01102    */
01103   int Disable_DcLeadOFF(void);
01105   /**
01106    * @brief This function sets up the BIOZ for AC Lead Off test.
01107    * @brief Registers Used:  CNFG_GEN-0x10, MNGR_DYN-0x05
01108    * @param En_bloff: BIOZ Digital Lead Off Detection Enable <CNFG_GEN register>
01109    * @param Bloff_hi_it:      DC Lead Off Current Polarity (if current sources are enabled/connected) <MNGR_DYN register>
01110    * @param Bloff_lo_it:      DC Lead off current Magnitude Selection <MNGR_DYN register>
01111    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01112    *
01113    */
01114   int BIOZ_Enable_ACLeadOFF_Init(uint8_t En_bloff, uint8_t Bloff_hi_it,
01115                                           uint8_t Bloff_lo_it);
01117   /**
01118    * @brief This function Turns of the BIOZ AC Lead OFF feature
01119    * @brief Registers Used:  CNFG_GEN-0x10
01120    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01121    *
01122    */
01123   int BIOZ_Disable_ACleadOFF(void);
01125   /**
01126    * @brief This function enables the Current Gnerator Monitor
01127    * @brief Registers Used:  CNFG_BIOZ-0x18
01128    * @returns 0-if no error.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01129    *
01130    */
01131   int BIOZ_Enable_BCGMON(void);
01133   /**
01134    *
01135    * @brief This function enables the Lead ON detection. Either ECG or BIOZ can be detected, one at a time.
01136    * @brief Also, the en_bioz, en_ecg, en_pace setting is saved so that when this feature is disabled through the
01137    * @brief max30001_Disable_LeadON() function (or otherwise) the enable/disable state of those features can be retrieved.
01138    * @param Channel: ECG or BIOZ detection
01139    * @returns 0-if everything is good.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01140    *
01141    */
01142   int Enable_LeadON(int8_t Channel);
01144   /**
01145    * @brief This function turns off the Lead ON feature, whichever one is active.  Also, retrieves the en_bioz,
01146    * @brief en_ecg, en_pace and sets it back to as it was.
01147    * @param 0-if everything is good.  A non-zero value indicates an error.
01148    *
01149    */
01150   int Disable_LeadON(void);
01152   /**
01153    *
01154    * @brief This function is toggled every 2 seconds to switch between ECG Lead ON and BIOZ Lead ON detect
01155    * @brief Adjust LEADOFF_SERVICE_TIME to determine the duration between the toggles.
01156    * @param CurrentTime - This gets fed the time by RTC_GetValue function
01157    *
01158    */
01159   void ServiceLeadON(uint32_t currentTime);
01161   /**
01162    *
01163    * @brief This function is toggled every 2 seconds to switch between ECG DC Lead Off and BIOZ DC Lead Off
01164    * @brief Adjust LEADOFF_SERVICE_TIME to determine the duration between the toggles.
01165    * @param CurrentTime - This gets fed the time by RTC_GetValue function
01166    *
01167    */
01168   void ServiceLeadoff(uint32_t currentTime);
01170   /**
01171    *
01172    * @brief This function sets current RtoR values and fmstr values in a pointer structure
01173    * @param hspValMax30001 - Pointer to a structure where to store the values
01174    *
01175    */
01176   void ReadHeartrateData(max30001_bledata_t *_hspValMax30001);
01178   /**
01179    * @brief type definition for data interrupt
01180    */
01181   typedef void (*PtrFunction)(uint32_t id, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t length);
01183   /**
01184    * @brief Used to connect a callback for when interrupt data is available
01185    */
01186   void onDataAvailable(PtrFunction _onDataAvailable);
01190   /**
01191    * @brief Preventive measure used to dismiss interrupts that fire too early during
01192    * @brief initialization on INTB line
01193    *
01194    */
01195   static void Mid_IntB_Handler(void);
01197   /**
01198    * @brief Preventive measure used to dismiss interrupts that fire too early during
01199    * @brief initialization on INT2B line
01200    *
01201    */
01202   static void Mid_Int2B_Handler(void);
01204   /**
01205    * @brief Allows Interrupts to be accepted as valid.
01206    * @param state: 1-Allow interrupts, Any-Don't allow interrupts.
01207    *
01208    */
01209   void AllowInterrupts(int state);
01212   /// @brief function pointer to the async callback
01213   static event_callback_t functionpointer;
01215   /// @brief flag used to indicate an async xfer has taken place
01216   static volatile int xferFlag;
01218   /**
01219    * @brief Callback handler for SPI async events
01220    * @param events description of event that occurred
01221    */
01222   static void spiHandler(int events);
01225   static MAX30001 *instance;
01227 private:
01229   /**
01230    * @brief Used to notify an external function that interrupt data is available
01231    * @param id type of data available
01232    * @param buffer 32-bit buffer that points to the data
01233    * @param length length of 32-bit elements available
01234    */
01235   void dataAvailable(uint32_t id, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t length);
01237   /**
01238    * @brief Transmit and recieve QUAD SPI data
01239    * @param tx_buf pointer to transmit byte buffer
01240    * @param tx_size number of bytes to transmit
01241    * @param rx_buf pointer to the recieve buffer
01242    * @param rx_size number of bytes to recieve
01243    */
01244   int SPI_Transmit(const uint8_t *tx_buf, uint32_t tx_size, uint8_t *rx_buf,
01245                    uint32_t rx_size);
01247   /// pointer to mbed SPI object
01248   SPI *spi;
01249   /// is this object the owner of the spi object
01250   bool spi_owner;
01251   /// buffer to use for async transfers
01252   uint8_t buffer[ASYNC_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE];
01253   /// function pointer to the async callback
01254  // event_callback_t functionpointer;
01255   /// callback function when interrupt data is available
01256   PtrFunction onDataAvailableCallback;
01258 }; // End of MAX30001 Class
01261 #endif /* MAX30001_H_ */