1-Wire® library for mbed. Complete 1-Wire library that supports our silicon masters along with a bit-bang master on the MAX32600MBED platform with one common interface for mbed. Slave support has also been included and more slaves will be added as time permits.

Dependents:   MAXREFDES131_Qt_Demo MAX32630FTHR_iButton_uSD_Logger MAX32630FTHR_DS18B20_uSD_Logger MAXREFDES130_131_Demo ... more

Superseded by MaximInterface.



File content as of revision 76:84e6c4994e29:

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#ifndef OneWire_Authenticators_DS28E15_22_25
#define OneWire_Authenticators_DS28E15_22_25

#include "array.h"
#include "Authenticators/ISha256MacCoproc.h"
#include "OneWireSlave.h"

namespace OneWire
    class OneWireMaster;

    /// Interface to the DS28E15/22/25 series of authenticators
    /// including low power variants.
    class DS28E15_22_25 : public OneWireSlave
        /// Family code for each device.
        enum FamilyCode
            DS28E25_Family = 0x47,
            DS28E22_Family = 0x48,
            DS28E15_Family = 0x17,
            Unknown_Family = 0

        /// Number for memory pages for each device.
        enum MemoryPages
            DS28E25_Pages = 16,
            DS28E22_Pages = 8,
            DS28E15_Pages = 2,
            Unknown_Pages = 0

        /// Number of protection blocks for each device.
        enum ProtectionBlocks
            DS28E25_Blocks = 8,
            DS28E22_Blocks = 4,
            DS28E15_Blocks = 4,
            Unknown_Blocks = 0

        /// Holds the contents of a device memory segment.
        typedef array<uint8_t, 4> Segment;

        /// Holds the contents of a device memory page.
        class Page
            /// Length of the buffer in bytes.
            static const size_t length = 32;

            array<uint8_t, length> m_data;

            /// Built-in array representation.
            typedef array<uint8_t, length>::Buffer Buffer;

            Page() { }
            Page(const Page & page) : m_data(page.m_data) { }
            Page(const Buffer & dataBytes) : m_data(dataBytes) { }

            const Page & operator=(const Page & rhs)
                this->m_data = rhs.m_data;
                return rhs;

            bool operator==(const Page & rhs) const
                return (this->m_data == rhs.m_data);

            bool operator!=(const Page & rhs) const
                return !operator==(rhs);

            /// Conversion to array reference.
            operator Buffer &()
                return m_data;

            /// Conversion to const array reference.
            operator const Buffer &() const
                return m_data;

            /// Creates a segment representation from a subsection of the page data.
            /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page to copy from.
            /// @returns The copied segment data.
            Segment toSegment(unsigned int segmentNum) const;

            /// Copies segment data to the page.
            /// @param segmentNum Segment number within the page to copy to.
            /// @param[in] segment Segment to copy from.
            void fromSegment(unsigned int segmentNum, const Segment & segment);

        /// Holds the contents of the device scratchpad.
        typedef array<uint8_t, 32> Scratchpad;

        /// Container for a SHA-256 MAC.
        typedef array<uint8_t, 32> Mac;

        /// Container for a manufacturer ID.
        typedef array<uint8_t, 2> ManId;

        /// Container for the device personality.
        union Personality
            array<uint8_t, 4>::Buffer bytes;
                uint8_t PB1;
                uint8_t PB2;
                ManId::Buffer manIdBytes;

                bool secretLocked() const { return (PB2 & 0x01); }
            } fields;

        /// Represents the status of a memory protection block.
        class BlockProtection
            static const uint8_t readProtectionMask = 0x80, writeProtectionMask = 0x40, eepromEmulationMask = 0x20, authProtectionMask = 0x10, blockNumMask = 0x0F;
            uint8_t m_status;

            BlockProtection() : m_status(0x00) { }
            BlockProtection(bool readProtection, bool writeProtection, bool eepromEmulation, bool authProtection, uint8_t blockNum);

            /// Get the byte representation used by the device.
            uint8_t statusByte() const { return m_status; }
            /// Set the byte representation used by the device.
            void setStatusByte(uint8_t status) { m_status = status; }

            /// Get the Block Number which is indexed from zero.
            uint8_t blockNum() const { return (m_status & blockNumMask); }
            /// Set the Block Number which is indexed from zero.
            void setBlockNum(uint8_t blockNum);

            /// Get the Read Protection status.
            /// @returns True if Read Protection is enabled.
            bool readProtection() const { return ((m_status & readProtectionMask) == readProtectionMask); }
            /// Set the Read Protection status.
            void setReadProtection(bool readProtection);

            /// Get the Write Protection status.
            /// @returns True if Write Protection is enabled.
            bool writeProtection() const { return ((m_status & writeProtectionMask) == writeProtectionMask); }
            /// Set the Write Protection status.
            void setWriteProtection(bool writeProtection);

            /// Get the EEPROM Emulation Mode status.
            /// @returns True if EEPROM Emulation Mode is enabled.
            bool eepromEmulation() const { return ((m_status & eepromEmulationMask) == eepromEmulationMask); }
            /// Set the EEPROM Emulation Mode status.
            void setEepromEmulation(bool eepromEmulation);

            /// Get the Authentication Protection status.
            /// @returns True if Authentication Protection is enabled.
            bool authProtection() const { return ((m_status & authProtectionMask) == authProtectionMask); }
            /// Set the Authentication Protection status.
            void setAuthProtection(bool authProtection);

            /// Check if no protection options are enabled.
            /// @returns True if no protection options are enabled.
            bool noProtection() const;

            bool operator==(const BlockProtection & rhs) const { return (this->m_status == rhs.m_status); }
            bool operator!=(const BlockProtection & rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }

        /// Compute the MAC for an Authenticated Write to a memory segment.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Slave Secret to use for the computation.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
        /// @param[in] newData New data to write to the segment.
        /// @param[in] oldData Existing data contained in the segment.
        /// @param[in] romId 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
        /// @param[in] manId Manufacturer ID of the device.
        /// @param[out] mac The computed MAC.
        /// @returns The result code indicated by the coprocessor.
        static ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeSegmentWriteMac(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                                                  unsigned int pageNum,
                                                                  unsigned int segmentNum,
                                                                  const Segment & newData,
                                                                  const Segment & oldData,
                                                                  const RomId & romId,
                                                                  const ManId & manId,
                                                                  Mac & mac);

        /// Compute the MAC for an Authenticated Write to a memory protection block.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Slave Secret to use for the operation.
        /// @param[in] newProtection New protection status to write.
        /// @param[in] oldProtection Existing protection status in device.
        /// @param[in] romId 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
        /// @param[in] manId Manufacturer ID of the device.
        /// @param[out] mac The computed MAC.
        /// @returns The result code indicated by the coprocessor.
        static ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeProtectionWriteMac(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                                                     const BlockProtection & newProtection,
                                                                     const BlockProtection & oldProtection,
                                                                     const RomId & romId,
                                                                     const ManId & manId,
                                                                     Mac & mac);

        /// Compute the next secret from the existing secret.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Master Secret to use for the operation.
        ///        Slave Secret will be updated with the computation result.
        /// @param[in] bindingPage Binding data from a device memory page.
        /// @param bindingPageNum Number of the page where the binding data is from.
        /// @param[in] partialSecret Partial secret data from the device scratchpad.
        /// @param[in] romId 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
        /// @param[in] manId Manufacturer ID of the device.
        /// @returns The result code indicated by the coprocessor.
        static ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeNextSecret(ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                                             const Page & bindingPage,
                                                             unsigned int bindingPageNum,
                                                             const Scratchpad & partialSecret,
                                                             const RomId & romId,
                                                             const ManId & manId);

        /// Compute a Page MAC for authentication.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Slave Secret to use for the operation.
        /// @param[in] pageData Data from a device memory page.
        /// @param pageNum Number of the page to use data from.
        /// @param[in] challenge Random challenge to prevent replay attacks.
        /// @param[in] romId 1-Wire ROM ID of the device.
        /// @param[in] manId Manufacturer ID of the device.
        /// @param[out] mac The computed MAC.
        static ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeAuthMac(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                                          const Page & pageData,
                                                          unsigned int pageNum,
                                                          const Scratchpad & challenge,
                                                          const RomId & romId,
                                                          const ManId & manId,
                                                          Mac & mac);

        /// Compute a Page MAC for authentication using anonymous mode.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Slave Secret to use for the operation.
        /// @param[in] pageData Data from a device memory page.
        /// @param pageNum Number of the page to use data from.
        /// @param[in] challenge Random challenge to prevent replay attacks.
        /// @param[in] manId Manufacturer ID of the device.
        /// @param[out] mac The computed MAC.
        static ISha256MacCoproc::CmdResult computeAuthMacAnon(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                                              const Page & pageData,
                                                              unsigned int pageNum,
                                                              const Scratchpad & challenge,
                                                              const ManId & manId,
                                                              Mac & mac);

        /// Number of segments per page.
        static const unsigned int segmentsPerPage = (Page::length / Segment::length);

        /// Manufacturer ID
        ManId manId;

        /// Enable low voltage timing
        bool lowVoltage;

        /// @param owMaster 1-Wire Master to use for communication with DS28E15/22/25.
        /// @param lowVoltage Enable low voltage timing.
        DS28E15_22_25(OneWireMaster & owMaster, bool lowVoltage = false);

        // Const member functions should not affect the state of the memory, block protection, or secret on the DS28Exx.
        // Scratchpad on the DS28Exx is considered mutable.

        /// Get the number of memory pages from the ROM ID of this device.
        MemoryPages memoryPages();

        /// Get the number of protection blocks from the ROM ID of this device.
        ProtectionBlocks protectionBlocks();

        /// Perform Load and Lock Secret command on the device.
        /// @note The secret should already be stored in the scratchpad on the device.
        /// @param lock Prevent further changes to the secret on the device after loading.
        CmdResult loadSecret(bool lock);

        /// Perform Write Scratchpad operation on the device.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param[in] data Data to write to the scratchpad.
        CmdResult writeScratchpad(const Scratchpad & data) const;

        /// Perform a Read Scratchpad operation on the device.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param[out] data Buffer to read data from the scratchpad into.
        CmdResult readScratchpad(Scratchpad & data) const;

        /// Read memory segment using the Read Memory command on the device.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for read operation.
        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for read operation.
        /// @param[out] data Buffer to read data from the segment into.
        /// @param continuing True if continuing a previous Read Memory command.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult readSegment(unsigned int pageNum, unsigned int segmentNum, Segment & data, bool continuing = false) const;

        /// Write memory segment using the Write Memory command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
        /// @param[in] data Data to write to the memory segment.
        /// @param continuing True to continue writing with the next sequential segment.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult writeSegment(unsigned int pageNum, unsigned int segmentNum, const Segment & data, bool continuing = false);

        /// Read memory page using the Read Memory command on the device.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
        /// @param[out] rdbuf Buffer to read data from the page into.
        /// @param continuing True if continuing a previous Read Memory command.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult readPage(unsigned int pageNum, Page & rdbuf, bool continuing = false) const;

        /// Perform a Compute and Lock Secret command on the device.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number to use as the binding data.
        /// @param lock Prevent further changes to the secret on the device after computing.
        CmdResult computeSecret(unsigned int pageNum, bool lock);

        /// Perform a Compute Page MAC command on the device.
        /// Read back the MAC and verify the CRC16.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number to use for the computation.
        /// @param anon True to compute in anonymous mode where ROM ID is not used.
        /// @param[out] mac The device computed MAC.
        CmdResult computeReadPageMac(unsigned int pageNum, bool anon, Mac & mac) const;

        /// Read the status of a memory protection block using the Read Status command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param blockNum Block number to to read status of.
        /// @param[out] protection Receives protection status read from device.
        CmdResult readBlockProtection(unsigned int blockNum, BlockProtection & protection);

        /// @{
        /// Read the status of all memory protection blocks using the Read Status command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param[out] protection Receives protection statuses read from device.
        CmdResult readAllBlockProtection(BlockProtection(&protection)[DS28E15_Blocks]) const;
        CmdResult readAllBlockProtection(BlockProtection(&protection)[DS28E25_Blocks]) const;
        /// @}

        /// Read the personality bytes using the Read Status command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param[out] personality Receives personality read from device.
        CmdResult readPersonality(Personality & personality) const;

        /// Update the status of a memory protection block using the Write Page Protection command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param[in] Desired protection status for the block.
        ///            It is not possible to disable existing protections.
        /// @param continuing True to continue a previous Write Page Protection command.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult writeBlockProtection(const BlockProtection & protection);

        /// Update the status of a memory protection block using the Authenticated Write Page Protection command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor with Slave Secret to use for the operation.
        /// @param[in] newProtection New protection status to write.
        /// @param[in] oldProtection Existing protection status in device.
        /// @param continuing True to continue a previous Authenticated Write Page Protection command.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult writeAuthBlockProtection(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                           const BlockProtection & newProtection,
                                           const BlockProtection & oldProtection);

        /// Write memory segment with authentication using the Authenticated Write Memory command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param MacCoproc Coprocessor to use for Write MAC computation.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
        /// @param[in] newData New data to write to the segment.
        /// @param[in] oldData Existing data contained in the segment.
        /// @param continuing True to continue writing with the next sequential segment.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult writeAuthSegment(const ISha256MacCoproc & MacCoproc,
                                   unsigned int pageNum,
                                   unsigned int segmentNum,
                                   const Segment & newData,
                                   const Segment & oldData,
                                   bool continuing = false);

        /// Write memory segment with authentication using the Authenticated Write Memory command.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param pageNum Page number for write operation.
        /// @param segmentNum Segment number within page for write operation.
        /// @param[in] newData New data to write to the segment.
        /// @param[in] mac Write MAC computed for this operation.
        /// @param continuing True to continue writing with the next sequential segment.
        ///                   False to begin a new command.
        CmdResult writeAuthSegmentMac(unsigned int pageNum,
                                      unsigned int segmentNum,
                                      const Segment & newData,
                                      const Mac & mac,
                                      bool continuing = false);

        static const unsigned int shaComputationDelayMs = 3;
        static const unsigned int eepromWriteDelayMs = 10;
        unsigned int secretEepromWriteDelayMs() const { return (lowVoltage ? 200 : 100); }

        /// Read status bytes which are either personality or block protection.
        /// @note 1-Wire ROM selection should have already occurred.
        /// @param personality True to read personality or false to read block protection.
        /// @param allpages True to read all pages or false to read one page.
        /// @param pageNum Page number if reading block protection.
        /// @param rdbuf Buffer to receive data read from device.
        CmdResult readStatus(bool personality, bool allpages, unsigned int blockNum, uint8_t * rdbuf) const;

        /// Extends readStatus() to use the BlockProtection wrapper.
        /// @see readAllBlockProtection(BlockProtection (&)[DS28E15_BLOCKS])
        template <ProtectionBlocks blocks> CmdResult readAllBlockProtection(BlockProtection(&protection)[blocks]) const;
