1-Wire® library for mbed. Complete 1-Wire library that supports our silicon masters along with a bit-bang master on the MAX32600MBED platform with one common interface for mbed. Slave support has also been included and more slaves will be added as time permits.

Dependents:   MAXREFDES131_Qt_Demo MAX32630FTHR_iButton_uSD_Logger MAX32630FTHR_DS18B20_uSD_Logger MAXREFDES130_131_Demo ... more

Superseded by MaximInterface.



File content as of revision 77:529edb329ee0:

#ifndef OneWire_RomIterator
#define OneWire_RomIterator

#include <stdint.h>
#include "Masters/OneWireMaster.h"

namespace OneWire
    /// Controls selection of 1-Wire devices on the bus through ROM commands.
    class RomIterator
        OneWireMaster & owMaster;
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        RomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : owMaster(master) { }
        virtual ~RomIterator() { }
        /// The 1-Wire master used to issue ROM commands.
        OneWireMaster & master() const { return owMaster; }
    /// Iterates through all 1-Wire devices in a sequential first to last order.
    class ForwardRomIterator : public RomIterator
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        ForwardRomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : RomIterator(master) { }
        /// Indicates that current device is the last.
        virtual bool lastDevice() const = 0;
        /// Select the first device in the sequence.
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectFirstDevice() = 0;
        /// Select the next device in the sequence.
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectNextDevice() = 0;
        /// Reselect the current device for an additional operation.
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult reselectCurrentDevice() = 0;
    /// Iterates through all 1-Wire devices sequentially using the search procedure.
    class ForwardSearchRomIterator : public ForwardRomIterator
        OneWireMaster::SearchState searchState;
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        ForwardSearchRomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : ForwardRomIterator(master) { }
        /// ROM ID of the currently selected device.
        const RomId & selectedDevice() const { return searchState.romId; }
        virtual bool lastDevice() const;
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectFirstDevice();
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectNextDevice();
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult reselectCurrentDevice();
        /// Select the first device in the sequence beginning with the given family.
        /// @param familyCode Family code to select.
        OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectFirstDeviceInFamily(uint8_t familyCode);
        /// Select the first device in the next sequential family skipping all remaining devices
        /// in the current family.
        OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectNextFamilyDevice();
    /// Iterates though 1-Wire devices on the bus using random selection by ROM ID.
    class RandomAccessRomIterator : public RomIterator
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        RandomAccessRomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : RomIterator(master) { }
        /// Select the device with the given ROM ID.
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectDevice(const RomId & romId) = 0;
    /// Iterator for a singledrop 1-Wire bus.
    class SingledropRomIterator : public RandomAccessRomIterator
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        SingledropRomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : RandomAccessRomIterator(master) { }
        /// Select the one and only device.
        OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectDevice() { return master().OWSkipRom(); }
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectDevice(const RomId & romId);
    /// Iterator for a multidrop 1-Wire bus.
    class MultidropRomIterator : public RandomAccessRomIterator
        RomId lastRom;
        /// @param master 1-Wire master to use to issue ROM commands.
        MultidropRomIterator(OneWireMaster & master) : RandomAccessRomIterator(master) { }
        virtual OneWireMaster::CmdResult selectDevice(const RomId & romId);
