1-Wire® library for mbed. Complete 1-Wire library that supports our silicon masters along with a bit-bang master on the MAX32600MBED platform with one common interface for mbed. Slave support has also been included and more slaves will be added as time permits.

Dependents:   MAXREFDES131_Qt_Demo MAX32630FTHR_iButton_uSD_Logger MAX32630FTHR_DS18B20_uSD_Logger MAXREFDES130_131_Demo ... more

Superseded by MaximInterface.

--- a/OneWire_Masters/OneWireMaster.h	Thu Apr 07 11:26:20 2016 -0500
+++ b/OneWire_Masters/OneWireMaster.h	Fri Apr 08 16:11:16 2016 -0500
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
     /// @returns The calculated CRC16.
     static std::uint16_t calculateCRC16(std::uint16_t CRC16, std::uint16_t data);
-    /// Perform a CRC calculation with variable length data.
+    /// Perform a CRC16 calculation with variable length data.
     /// @param[in] data Data array to pass through the CRC generator.
     /// @param data_offset Offset of the data array to begin processing.
     /// @param data_len Length of the data array to process.