Device interface library for multiple platforms including Mbed.

Dependents:   DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT MaximInterface MAXREFDES155#

Maxim Interface is a library framework focused on providing flexible and expressive hardware interfaces. Both communication interfaces such as I2C and 1-Wire and device interfaces such as DS18B20 are supported. Modern C++ concepts are used extensively while keeping compatibility with C++98/C++03 and requiring no external dependencies. The embedded-friendly design does not depend on exceptions or RTTI.

The full version of the project is hosted on GitLab:

--- a/MaximInterfaceCore/I2CMasterDecorator.hpp	Mon Jul 22 11:44:07 2019 -0500
+++ b/MaximInterfaceCore/I2CMasterDecorator.hpp	Mon Sep 16 11:13:37 2019 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2017 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+* Copyright (C) Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 * ownership rights.
-#ifndef MaximInterfaceCore_I2CMasterDecorator
-#define MaximInterfaceCore_I2CMasterDecorator
+#ifndef MaximInterfaceCore_I2CMasterDecorator_hpp
+#define MaximInterfaceCore_I2CMasterDecorator_hpp
 #include "Config.hpp"
 #include "I2CMaster.hpp"
@@ -45,28 +45,26 @@
   void setMaster(I2CMaster & master) { this->master = &master; }
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code start(uint_least8_t address);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void> start(uint_least8_t address);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code stop();
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void> stop();
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code writeByte(uint_least8_t data);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void> writeByte(uint_least8_t data);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void>
   writeBlock(span<const uint_least8_t> data);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code readByte(AckStatus status,
-                                                        uint_least8_t & data);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void>
+  writePacket(uint_least8_t address, span<const uint_least8_t> data,
+              DoStop doStop);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code
-  readBlock(AckStatus status, span<uint_least8_t> data);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<uint_least8_t> readByte(DoAck doAck);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code
-  doWritePacket(uint_least8_t address, span<const uint_least8_t> data,
-                bool sendStop);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void>
+  readBlock(span<uint_least8_t> data, DoAck doAck);
-  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual error_code
-  doReadPacket(uint_least8_t address, span<uint_least8_t> data, bool sendStop);
+  MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT virtual Result<void>
+  readPacket(uint_least8_t address, span<uint_least8_t> data, DoStop doStop);
   I2CMaster * master;