DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT: Public-key Secured Data Paths
Dependencies: MaximInterface
The MAXREFDES155# is an internet-of-things (IoT) embedded-security reference design, built to authenticate and control a sensing node using elliptic-curve-based public-key cryptography with control and notification from a web server.
The hardware includes an ARM® mbed™ shield and attached sensor endpoint. The shield contains a DS2476 DeepCover® ECDSA/SHA-2 coprocessor, Wifi communication, LCD push-button controls, and status LEDs. The sensor endpoint is attached to the shield using a 300mm cable and contains a DS28C36 DeepCover ECDSA/SHA-2 authenticator, IR-thermal sensor, and aiming laser for the IR sensor. The MAXREFDES155# is equipped with a standard Arduino® form-factor shield connector for immediate testing using an mbed board such as the MAX32600MBED#. The combination of these two devices represent an IoT device. Communication to the web server is accomplished with the shield Wifi circuitry. Communication from the shield to the attached sensor module is accomplished over I2C . The sensor module represents an IoT endpoint that generates small data with a requirement for message authenticity/integrity and secure on/off operational control.
The design is hierarchical with each mbed platform and shield communicating data from the sensor node to a web server that maintains a centralized log and dispatches notifications as necessary. The simplicity of this design enables rapid integration into any star-topology IoT network to provide security with the low overhead and cost provided by the ECDSA-P256 asymmetric-key and SHA-256 symmetric-key algorithms.
More information about the MAXREFDES155# is available on the Maxim Integrated website.
- Committer:
- IanBenzMaxim
- Date:
- 2019-12-03
- Revision:
- 18:c2631e985780
- Parent:
- 16:a004191a79ab
File content as of revision 18:c2631e985780:
/* * socket.h - CC31xx/CC32xx Host Driver Implementation * * Copyright (C) 2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Include files */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include "simplelink.h" #ifndef __SL_SOCKET_H__ #define __SL_SOCKET_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! \addtogroup socket @{ */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Macro declarations */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define SL_FD_SETSIZE SL_MAX_SOCKETS /* Number of sockets to select on - same is max sockets! */ #define BSD_SOCKET_ID_MASK (0x0F) /* Index using the LBS 4 bits for socket id 0-7 */ /* Define some BSD protocol constants. */ #define SL_SOCK_STREAM (1) /* TCP Socket */ #define SL_SOCK_DGRAM (2) /* UDP Socket */ #define SL_SOCK_RAW (3) /* Raw socket */ #define SL_IPPROTO_TCP (6) /* TCP Raw Socket */ #define SL_IPPROTO_UDP (17) /* UDP Raw Socket */ #define SL_IPPROTO_RAW (255) /* Raw Socket */ #define SL_SEC_SOCKET (100) /* Secured Socket Layer (SSL,TLS) */ /* Address families. */ #define SL_AF_INET (2) /* IPv4 socket (UDP, TCP, etc) */ #define SL_AF_INET6 (3) /* IPv6 socket (UDP, TCP, etc) */ #define SL_AF_INET6_EUI_48 (9) #define SL_AF_RF (6) /* data include RF parameter, All layer by user (Wifi could be disconnected) */ #define SL_AF_PACKET (17) /* Protocol families, same as address families. */ #define SL_PF_INET AF_INET #define SL_PF_INET6 AF_INET6 #define SL_INADDR_ANY (0) /* bind any address */ /* error codes */ #define SL_SOC_ERROR (-1) /* Failure. */ #define SL_SOC_OK ( 0) /* Success. */ #define SL_INEXE (-8) /* socket command in execution */ #define SL_EBADF (-9) /* Bad file number */ #define SL_ENSOCK (-10) /* The system limit on the total number of open socket, has been reached */ #define SL_EAGAIN (-11) /* Try again */ #define SL_EWOULDBLOCK SL_EAGAIN #define SL_ENOMEM (-12) /* Out of memory */ #define SL_EACCES (-13) /* Permission denied */ #define SL_EFAULT (-14) /* Bad address */ #define SL_ECLOSE (-15) /* close socket operation failed to transmit all queued packets */ #define SL_EALREADY_ENABLED (-21) /* Transceiver - Transceiver already ON. there could be only one */ #define SL_EINVAL (-22) /* Invalid argument */ #define SL_EAUTO_CONNECT_OR_CONNECTING (-69) /* Transceiver - During connection, connected or auto mode started */ #define SL_CONNECTION_PENDING (-72) /* Transceiver - Device is connected, disconnect first to open transceiver */ #define SL_EUNSUPPORTED_ROLE (-86) /* Transceiver - Trying to start when WLAN role is AP or P2P GO */ #define SL_EDESTADDRREQ (-89) /* Destination address required */ #define SL_EPROTOTYPE (-91) /* Protocol wrong type for socket */ #define SL_ENOPROTOOPT (-92) /* Protocol not available */ #define SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT (-93) /* Protocol not supported */ #define SL_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT (-94) /* Socket type not supported */ #define SL_EOPNOTSUPP (-95) /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */ #define SL_EAFNOSUPPORT (-97) /* Address family not supported by protocol */ #define SL_EADDRINUSE (-98) /* Address already in use */ #define SL_EADDRNOTAVAIL (-99) /* Cannot assign requested address */ #define SL_ENETUNREACH (-101) /* Network is unreachable */ #define SL_ENOBUFS (-105) /* No buffer space available */ #define SL_EOBUFF SL_ENOBUFS #define SL_EISCONN (-106) /* Transport endpoint is already connected */ #define SL_ENOTCONN (-107) /* Transport endpoint is not connected */ #define SL_ETIMEDOUT (-110) /* Connection timed out */ #define SL_ECONNREFUSED (-111) /* Connection refused */ #define SL_EALREADY (-114) /* Non blocking connect in progress, try again */ #define SL_ESEC_RSA_WRONG_TYPE_E (-130) /* RSA wrong block type for RSA function */ #define SL_ESEC_RSA_BUFFER_E (-131) /* RSA buffer error, output too small or */ #define SL_ESEC_BUFFER_E (-132) /* output buffer too small or input too large */ #define SL_ESEC_ALGO_ID_E (-133) /* setting algo id error */ #define SL_ESEC_PUBLIC_KEY_E (-134) /* setting public key error */ #define SL_ESEC_DATE_E (-135) /* setting date validity error */ #define SL_ESEC_SUBJECT_E (-136) /* setting subject name error */ #define SL_ESEC_ISSUER_E (-137) /* setting issuer name error */ #define SL_ESEC_CA_TRUE_E (-138) /* setting CA basic constraint true error */ #define SL_ESEC_EXTENSIONS_E (-139) /* setting extensions error */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_PARSE_E (-140) /* ASN parsing error, invalid input */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_VERSION_E (-141) /* ASN version error, invalid number */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_GETINT_E (-142) /* ASN get big _i16 error, invalid data */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_RSA_KEY_E (-143) /* ASN key init error, invalid input */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_OBJECT_ID_E (-144) /* ASN object id error, invalid id */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_TAG_NULL_E (-145) /* ASN tag error, not null */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_EXPECT_0_E (-146) /* ASN expect error, not zero */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_BITSTR_E (-147) /* ASN bit string error, wrong id */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E (-148) /* ASN oid error, unknown sum id */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_DATE_SZ_E (-149) /* ASN date error, bad size */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E (-150) /* ASN date error, current date before */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_AFTER_DATE_E (-151) /* ASN date error, current date after */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_OID_E (-152) /* ASN signature error, mismatched oid */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_TIME_E (-153) /* ASN time error, unknown time type */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_INPUT_E (-154) /* ASN input error, not enough data */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E (-155) /* ASN sig error, confirm failure */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_HASH_E (-156) /* ASN sig error, unsupported hash type */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_KEY_E (-157) /* ASN sig error, unsupported key type */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_DH_KEY_E (-158) /* ASN key init error, invalid input */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_NTRU_KEY_E (-159) /* ASN ntru key decode error, invalid input */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_BAD_ARG_E (-170) /* ECC input argument of wrong type */ #define SL_ESEC_ASN_ECC_KEY_E (-171) /* ASN ECC bad input */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_CURVE_OID_E (-172) /* Unsupported ECC OID curve type */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_FUNC_ARG (-173) /* Bad function argument provided */ #define SL_ESEC_NOT_COMPILED_IN (-174) /* Feature not compiled in */ #define SL_ESEC_UNICODE_SIZE_E (-175) /* Unicode password too big */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_PASSWORD (-176) /* no password provided by user */ #define SL_ESEC_ALT_NAME_E (-177) /* alt name size problem, too big */ #define SL_ESEC_AES_GCM_AUTH_E (-180) /* AES-GCM Authentication check failure */ #define SL_ESEC_AES_CCM_AUTH_E (-181) /* AES-CCM Authentication check failure */ #define SL_SOCKET_ERROR_E (-208) /* Error state on socket */ #define SL_ESEC_MEMORY_ERROR (-203) /* out of memory */ #define SL_ESEC_VERIFY_FINISHED_ERROR (-204) /* verify problem on finished */ #define SL_ESEC_VERIFY_MAC_ERROR (-205) /* verify mac problem */ #define SL_ESEC_UNKNOWN_HANDSHAKE_TYPE (-207) /* weird handshake type */ #define SL_ESEC_SOCKET_ERROR_E (-208) /* error state on socket */ #define SL_ESEC_SOCKET_NODATA (-209) /* expected data, not there */ #define SL_ESEC_INCOMPLETE_DATA (-210) /* don't have enough data to complete task */ #define SL_ESEC_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE (-211) /* unknown type in record hdr */ #define SL_ESEC_FATAL_ERROR (-213) /* recvd alert fatal error */ #define SL_ESEC_ENCRYPT_ERROR (-214) /* error during encryption */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_PEER_KEY (-216) /* need peer's key */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_PRIVATE_KEY (-217) /* need the private key */ #define SL_ESEC_RSA_PRIVATE_ERROR (-218) /* error during rsa priv op */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_DH_PARAMS (-219) /* server missing DH params */ #define SL_ESEC_BUILD_MSG_ERROR (-220) /* build message failure */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_HELLO (-221) /* client hello malformed */ #define SL_ESEC_DOMAIN_NAME_MISMATCH (-222) /* peer subject name mismatch */ #define SL_ESEC_WANT_READ (-223) /* want read, call again */ #define SL_ESEC_NOT_READY_ERROR (-224) /* handshake layer not ready */ #define SL_ESEC_PMS_VERSION_ERROR (-225) /* pre m secret version error */ #define SL_ESEC_VERSION_ERROR (-226) /* record layer version error */ #define SL_ESEC_WANT_WRITE (-227) /* want write, call again */ #define SL_ESEC_BUFFER_ERROR (-228) /* malformed buffer input */ #define SL_ESEC_VERIFY_CERT_ERROR (-229) /* verify cert error */ #define SL_ESEC_VERIFY_SIGN_ERROR (-230) /* verify sign error */ #define SL_ESEC_LENGTH_ERROR (-241) /* record layer length error */ #define SL_ESEC_PEER_KEY_ERROR (-242) /* can't decode peer key */ #define SL_ESEC_ZERO_RETURN (-243) /* peer sent close notify */ #define SL_ESEC_SIDE_ERROR (-244) /* wrong client/server type */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_PEER_CERT (-245) /* peer didn't send key */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_CURVETYPE_ERROR (-250) /* Bad ECC Curve Type */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_CURVE_ERROR (-251) /* Bad ECC Curve */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_PEERKEY_ERROR (-252) /* Bad Peer ECC Key */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_MAKEKEY_ERROR (-253) /* Bad Make ECC Key */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_EXPORT_ERROR (-254) /* Bad ECC Export Key */ #define SL_ESEC_ECC_SHARED_ERROR (-255) /* Bad ECC Shared Secret */ #define SL_ESEC_NOT_CA_ERROR (-257) /* Not a CA cert error */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_PATH_ERROR (-258) /* Bad path for opendir */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERT_MANAGER_ERROR (-259) /* Bad Cert Manager */ #define SL_ESEC_MAX_CHAIN_ERROR (-268) /* max chain depth exceeded */ #define SL_ESEC_SUITES_ERROR (-271) /* suites pointer error */ #define SL_ESEC_SSL_NO_PEM_HEADER (-272) /* no PEM header found */ #define SL_ESEC_OUT_OF_ORDER_E (-273) /* out of order message */ #define SL_ESEC_SANITY_CIPHER_E (-275) /* sanity check on cipher error */ #define SL_ESEC_GEN_COOKIE_E (-277) /* Generate Cookie Error */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_PEER_VERIFY (-278) /* Need peer cert verify Error */ #define SL_ESEC_UNKNOWN_SNI_HOST_NAME_E (-281) /* Unrecognized host name Error */ /* begin negotiation parameter errors */ #define SL_ESEC_UNSUPPORTED_SUITE (-290) /* unsupported cipher suite */ #define SL_ESEC_MATCH_SUITE_ERROR (-291 ) /* can't match cipher suite */ /* ssl tls security start with -300 offset */ #define SL_ESEC_CLOSE_NOTIFY (-300) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE (-310) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_RECORD_MAC (-320) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_DECRYPTION_FAILED (-321) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_RECORD_OVERFLOW (-322) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE (-330) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE (-340) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_CERTIFICATE (-341) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE (-342) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE (-343) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED (-344) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED (-345) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN (-346) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER (-347) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_UNKNOWN_CA (-348) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_ACCESS_DENIED (-349) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_DECODE_ERROR (-350) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_DECRYPT_ERROR (-351) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_EXPORT_RESTRICTION (-360) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_PROTOCOL_VERSION (-370) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY (-371) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_INTERNAL_ERROR (-380) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_USER_CANCELLED (-390) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_NO_RENEGOTIATION (-400) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION (-410) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE (-411) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME (-412) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE (-413) /* ssl/tls alerts */ #define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE (-414) /* ssl/tls alerts */ /* propierty secure */ #define SL_ESECGENERAL (-450) /* error secure level general error */ #define SL_ESECDECRYPT (-451) /* error secure level, decrypt recv packet fail */ #define SL_ESECCLOSED (-452) /* secure layrer is closed by other size , tcp is still connected */ #define SL_ESECSNOVERIFY (-453) /* Connected without server verification */ #define SL_ESECNOCAFILE (-454) /* error secure level CA file not found*/ #define SL_ESECMEMORY (-455) /* error secure level No memory space available */ #define SL_ESECBADCAFILE (-456) /* error secure level bad CA file */ #define SL_ESECBADCERTFILE (-457) /* error secure level bad Certificate file */ #define SL_ESECBADPRIVATEFILE (-458) /* error secure level bad private file */ #define SL_ESECBADDHFILE (-459) /* error secure level bad DH file */ #define SL_ESECT00MANYSSLOPENED (-460) /* MAX SSL Sockets are opened */ #define SL_ESECDATEERROR (-461) /* connected with certificate date verification error */ #define SL_ESECHANDSHAKETIMEDOUT (-462) /* connection timed out due to handshake time */ /* end error codes */ /* Max payload size by protocol */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MASK (0xF0) /*4 bits type, 4 bits sockets id */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV4 (0x00) /* 1472 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV4 (0x10) /* 1460 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV6 (0x20) /* 1452 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV6 (0x30) /* 1440 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV4_SECURE (0x40) /* */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV4_SECURE (0x50) /* */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV6_SECURE (0x60) /* */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV6_SECURE (0x70) /* */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_TRANCEIVER (0x80) /* 1536 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_PACKET (0x90) /* 1536 bytes */ #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_IP4 (0xa0) #define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_IP6 (SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_IP4 ) #define SL_SOL_SOCKET (1) /* Define the socket option category. */ #define SL_IPPROTO_IP (2) /* Define the IP option category. */ #define SL_SOL_PHY_OPT (3) /* Define the PHY option category. */ #define SL_SO_RCVBUF (8) /* Setting TCP receive buffer size */ #define SL_SO_KEEPALIVE (9) /* Connections are kept alive with periodic messages */ #define SL_SO_RCVTIMEO (20) /* Enable receive timeout */ #define SL_SO_NONBLOCKING (24) /* Enable . disable nonblocking mode */ #define SL_SO_SECMETHOD (25) /* security metohd */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_MASK (26) /* security mask */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES (27) /* security files */ #define SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL (28) /* This option is available only when transceiver started */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME (30) /* This option used to configue secure file */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME (31) /* This option used to configue secure file */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME (32) /* This option used to configue secure file */ #define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME (33) /* This option used to configue secure file */ #define SO_SECURE_DOMAIN_NAME_VERIFICATION (35) #define SECURE_MAX_DOMAIN_LENGTH (64) #define SL_IP_MULTICAST_IF (60) /* Specify outgoing multicast interface */ #define SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL (61) /* Specify the TTL value to use for outgoing multicast packet. */ #define SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP (65) /* Join IPv4 multicast membership */ #define SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP (66) /* Leave IPv4 multicast membership */ #define SL_IP_HDRINCL (67) /* Raw socket IPv4 header included. */ #define SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER (68) /* Proprietary socket option that does not includeIPv4/IPv6 header (and extension headers) on received raw sockets*/ #define SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL (69) /* Transmitted buffer over IPv6 socket contains IPv6 header. */ #define SL_SO_PHY_RATE (100) /* WLAN Transmit rate */ #define SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER (101) /* TX Power level */ #define SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX (102) /* Number of frames to transmit */ #define SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE (103) /* Preamble for transmission */ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3 (0) /* security metohd SSL v3*/ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1 (1) /* security metohd TLS v1*/ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1_1 (2) /* security metohd TLS v1_1*/ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1_2 (3) /* security metohd TLS v1_2*/ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLv3_TLSV1_2 (4) /* use highest possible version from SSLv3 - TLS 1.2*/ #define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_DLSV1 (5) /* security metohd DTL v1 */ #define SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA (1 << 0) #define SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 (1 << 1) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (1 << 2) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (1 << 3) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (1 << 4) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA (1 << 5) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (1 << 6) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (1 << 7) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (1 << 8) #define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (1 << 9) #define SL_SEC_MASK_SECURE_DEFAULT ((SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 << 1) - 1) #define SL_MSG_DONTWAIT (0x00000008) /* Nonblocking IO */ /* AP DHCP Server - IP Release reason code */ #define SL_IP_LEASE_PEER_RELEASE (0) #define SL_IP_LEASE_PEER_DECLINE (1) #define SL_IP_LEASE_EXPIRED (2) /* possible types when receiving SL_SOCKET_ASYNC_EVENT*/ #define SSL_ACCEPT (0) /* accept failed due to ssl issue ( tcp pass) */ #define RX_FRAGMENTATION_TOO_BIG (1) /* connection less mode, rx packet fragmentation > 16K, packet is being released */ #define OTHER_SIDE_CLOSE_SSL_DATA_NOT_ENCRYPTED (2) /* remote side down from secure to unsecure */ #ifdef SL_INC_STD_BSD_API_NAMING #define FD_SETSIZE SL_FD_SETSIZE #define SOCK_STREAM SL_SOCK_STREAM #define SOCK_DGRAM SL_SOCK_DGRAM #define SOCK_RAW SL_SOCK_RAW #define IPPROTO_TCP SL_IPPROTO_TCP #define IPPROTO_UDP SL_IPPROTO_UDP #define IPPROTO_RAW SL_IPPROTO_RAW #define AF_INET SL_AF_INET #define AF_INET6 SL_AF_INET6 #define AF_INET6_EUI_48 SL_AF_INET6_EUI_48 #define AF_RF SL_AF_RF #define AF_PACKET SL_AF_PACKET #define PF_INET SL_PF_INET #define PF_INET6 SL_PF_INET6 #define INADDR_ANY SL_INADDR_ANY #define ERROR SL_SOC_ERROR #define INEXE SL_INEXE #define EBADF SL_EBADF #define ENSOCK SL_ENSOCK #define EAGAIN SL_EAGAIN #define EWOULDBLOCK SL_EWOULDBLOCK #define ENOMEM SL_ENOMEM #define EACCES SL_EACCES #define EFAULT SL_EFAULT #define EINVAL SL_EINVAL #define EDESTADDRREQ SL_EDESTADDRREQ #define EPROTOTYPE SL_EPROTOTYPE #define ENOPROTOOPT SL_ENOPROTOOPT #define EPROTONOSUPPORT SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT SL_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT #define EOPNOTSUPP SL_EOPNOTSUPP #define EAFNOSUPPORT SL_EAFNOSUPPORT #define EADDRINUSE SL_EADDRINUSE #define EADDRNOTAVAIL SL_EADDRNOTAVAIL #define ENETUNREACH SL_ENETUNREACH #define ENOBUFS SL_ENOBUFS #define EOBUFF SL_EOBUFF #define EISCONN SL_EISCONN #define ENOTCONN SL_ENOTCONN #define ETIMEDOUT SL_ETIMEDOUT #define ECONNREFUSED SL_ECONNREFUSED #define SOL_SOCKET SL_SOL_SOCKET #define IPPROTO_IP SL_IPPROTO_IP #define SO_KEEPALIVE SL_SO_KEEPALIVE #define SO_RCVTIMEO SL_SO_RCVTIMEO #define SO_NONBLOCKING SL_SO_NONBLOCKING #define IP_MULTICAST_IF SL_IP_MULTICAST_IF #define IP_MULTICAST_TTL SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL #define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP #define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP #define socklen_t SlSocklen_t #define timeval SlTimeval_t #define sockaddr SlSockAddr_t #define in6_addr SlIn6Addr_t #define sockaddr_in6 SlSockAddrIn6_t #define in_addr SlInAddr_t #define sockaddr_in SlSockAddrIn_t #define MSG_DONTWAIT SL_MSG_DONTWAIT #define FD_SET SL_FD_SET #define FD_CLR SL_FD_CLR #define FD_ISSET SL_FD_ISSET #define FD_ZERO SL_FD_ZERO #define fd_set SlFdSet_t #define socket sl_Socket #define close sl_Close #define accept sl_Accept #define bind sl_Bind #define listen sl_Listen #define connect sl_Connect #define select sl_Select #define setsockopt sl_SetSockOpt #define getsockopt sl_GetSockOpt #define recv sl_Recv #define recvfrom sl_RecvFrom #define write sl_Write #define send sl_Send #define sendto sl_SendTo #define gethostbyname sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName #define htonl sl_Htonl #define ntohl sl_Ntohl #define htons sl_Htons #define ntohs sl_Ntohs #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Structure/Enum declarations */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Internet address */ typedef struct SlInAddr_t { #ifndef s_addr _u32 s_addr; /* Internet address 32 bits */ #else union S_un { struct { _u8 s_b1,s_b2,s_b3,s_b4; } S_un_b; struct { _u8 s_w1,s_w2; } S_un_w; _u32 S_addr; } S_un; #endif }SlInAddr_t; /* sockopt */ typedef struct { _u32 KeepaliveEnabled; /* 0 = disabled;1 = enabled; default = 1*/ }SlSockKeepalive_t; typedef struct { _u32 ReuseaddrEnabled; /* 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled; default = 1*/ }SlSockReuseaddr_t; typedef struct { _u32 Winsize; /* receive window size for tcp sockets */ }SlSockWinsize_t; typedef struct { _u32 NonblockingEnabled;/* 0 = disabled;1 = enabled;default = 1*/ }SlSockNonblocking_t; typedef struct { _u8 sd; _u8 type; _i16 val; _u8* pExtraInfo; } SlSocketAsyncEvent_t; typedef struct { _i16 status; _u8 sd; _u8 padding; } SlSockTxFailEventData_t; typedef union { SlSockTxFailEventData_t SockTxFailData; SlSocketAsyncEvent_t SockAsyncData; } SlSockEventData_u; typedef struct { _u32 Event; SlSockEventData_u socketAsyncEvent; } SlSockEvent_t; typedef struct { _u32 secureMask; } SlSockSecureMask; typedef struct { _u8 secureMethod; } SlSockSecureMethod; typedef enum { SL_BSD_SECURED_PRIVATE_KEY_IDX = 0, SL_BSD_SECURED_CERTIFICATE_IDX, SL_BSD_SECURED_CA_IDX, SL_BSD_SECURED_DH_IDX }slBsd_secureSocketFilesIndex_e; typedef struct { SlInAddr_t imr_multiaddr; /* The IPv4 multicast address to join */ SlInAddr_t imr_interface; /* The interface to use for this group */ } SlSockIpMreq; /* sockopt */ typedef _u32 SlTime_t; typedef _u32 SlSuseconds_t; typedef struct SlTimeval_t { SlTime_t tv_sec; /* Seconds */ SlSuseconds_t tv_usec; /* Microseconds */ }SlTimeval_t; typedef _u16 SlSocklen_t; /* IpV4 socket address */ typedef struct SlSockAddr_t { _u16 sa_family; /* Address family (e.g. , AF_INET) */ _u8 sa_data[14]; /* Protocol- specific address information*/ }SlSockAddr_t; /* IpV6 or Ipv6 EUI64 */ typedef struct SlIn6Addr_t { union { _u8 _S6_u8[16]; _u32 _S6_u32[4]; } _S6_un; }SlIn6Addr_t; typedef struct SlSockAddrIn6_t { _u16 sin6_family; /* AF_INET6 || AF_INET6_EUI_48*/ _u16 sin6_port; /* Transport layer port. */ _u32 sin6_flowinfo; /* IPv6 flow information. */ SlIn6Addr_t sin6_addr; /* IPv6 address. */ _u32 sin6_scope_id; /* set of interfaces for a scope. */ }SlSockAddrIn6_t; /* Socket address, Internet style. */ typedef struct SlSockAddrIn_t { _u16 sin_family; /* Internet Protocol (AF_INET). */ _u16 sin_port; /* Address port (16 bits). */ SlInAddr_t sin_addr; /* Internet address (32 bits). */ _i8 sin_zero[8]; /* Not used. */ }SlSockAddrIn_t; typedef struct { _u32 ip; _u32 gateway; _u32 dns; }SlIpV4AcquiredAsync_t; typedef struct { _u32 type; _u32 ip[4]; _u32 gateway[4]; _u32 dns[4]; }SlIpV6AcquiredAsync_t; typedef struct { _u32 ip_address; _u32 lease_time; _u8 mac[6]; _u16 padding; }SlIpLeasedAsync_t; typedef struct { _u32 ip_address; _u8 mac[6]; _u16 reason; }SlIpReleasedAsync_t; typedef union { SlIpV4AcquiredAsync_t ipAcquiredV4; /*SL_NETAPP_IPV4_IPACQUIRED_EVENT*/ SlIpV6AcquiredAsync_t ipAcquiredV6; /*SL_NETAPP_IPV6_IPACQUIRED_EVENT*/ _u32 sd; /*SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT*/ SlIpLeasedAsync_t ipLeased; /* SL_NETAPP_IP_LEASED_EVENT */ SlIpReleasedAsync_t ipReleased; /* SL_NETAPP_IP_RELEASED_EVENT */ } SlNetAppEventData_u; typedef struct { _u32 Event; SlNetAppEventData_u EventData; }SlNetAppEvent_t; typedef struct sock_secureFiles { _u8 secureFiles[4]; }SlSockSecureFiles_t; typedef struct SlFdSet_t /* The select socket array manager */ { _u32 fd_array[(SL_FD_SETSIZE + (_u8)31)/(_u8)32]; /* Bit map of SOCKET Descriptors */ } SlFdSet_t; typedef struct { _u8 rate; /* Recevied Rate */ _u8 channel; /* The received channel*/ _i8 rssi; /* The computed RSSI value in db of current frame */ _u8 padding; /* pad to align to 32 bits */ _u32 timestamp; /* Timestamp in microseconds, */ }SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Function prototypes */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*! \brief create an endpoint for communication The socket function creates a new socket of a certain socket type, identified by an integer number, and allocates system resources to it. This function is called by the application layer to obtain a socket handle. \param[in] domain specifies the protocol family of the created socket. For example: AF_INET for network protocol IPv4 AF_RF for starting transceiver mode. Notes: - sending and receiving any packet overriding 802.11 header - for optimized power consumption the socket will be started in TX only mode until receive command is activated AF_INET6 for IPv6 \param[in] type specifies the communication semantic, one of: SOCK_STREAM (reliable stream-oriented service or Stream Sockets) SOCK_DGRAM (datagram service or Datagram Sockets) SOCK_RAW (raw protocols atop the network layer) when used with AF_RF: SOCK_DGRAM - L2 socket SOCK_RAW - L1 socket - bypass WLAN CCA (Clear Channel Assessment) \param[in] protocol specifies a particular transport to be used with the socket. The most common are IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_SCTP, IPPROTO_UDP, IPPROTO_DCCP. The value 0 may be used to select a default protocol from the selected domain and type \return On success, socket handle that is used for consequent socket operations. A successful return code should be a positive number (int16) On error, a negative (int16) value will be returned specifying the error code. SL_EAFNOSUPPORT - illegal domain parameter SL_EPROTOTYPE - illegal type parameter SL_EACCES - permission denied SL_ENSOCK - exceeded maximal number of socket SL_ENOMEM - memory allocation error SL_EINVAL - error in socket configuration SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT - illegal protocol parameter SL_EOPNOTSUPP - illegal combination of protocol and type parameters \sa sl_Close \note belongs to \ref basic_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Socket) _i16 sl_Socket(_i16 Domain, _i16 Type, _i16 Protocol); #endif /*! \brief gracefully close socket This function causes the system to release resources allocated to a socket. \n In case of TCP, the connection is terminated. \param[in] sd socket handle (received in sl_Socket) \return On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative number is returned. \sa sl_Socket \note belongs to \ref ext_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Close) _i16 sl_Close(_i16 sd); #endif /*! \brief Accept a connection on a socket This function is used with connection-based socket types (SOCK_STREAM). It extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending connections, creates a new connected socket, and returns a new file descriptor referring to that socket. The newly created socket is not in the listening state. The original socket sd is unaffected by this call. The argument sd is a socket that has been created with sl_Socket(), bound to a local address with sl_Bind(), and is listening for connections after a sl_Listen(). The argument \b \e addr is a pointer to a sockaddr structure. This structure is filled in with the address of the peer socket, as known to the communications layer. The exact format of the address returned addr is determined by the socket's address family. The \b \e addrlen argument is a value-result argument: it should initially contain the size of the structure pointed to by addr, on return it will contain the actual length (in bytes) of the address returned. \param[in] sd socket descriptor (handle) \param[out] addr the argument addr is a pointer to a sockaddr structure. This structure is filled in with the address of the peer socket, as known to the communications layer. The exact format of the address returned addr is determined by the socket's address\n sockaddr:\n - code for the address format. On this version only AF_INET is supported.\n - socket address, the length depends on the code format \param[out] addrlen the addrlen argument is a value-result argument: it should initially contain the size of the structure pointed to by addr \return On success, a socket handle. On a non-blocking accept a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN. On failure, negative value. SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS \sa sl_Socket sl_Bind sl_Listen \note belongs to \ref server_side \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Accept) _i16 sl_Accept(_i16 sd, SlSockAddr_t *addr, SlSocklen_t *addrlen); #endif /*! \brief assign a name to a socket This function gives the socket the local address addr. addr is addrlen bytes long. Traditionally, this is called When a socket is created with socket, it exists in a name space (address family) but has no name assigned. It is necessary to assign a local address before a SOCK_STREAM socket may receive connections. \param[in] sd socket descriptor (handle) \param[in] addr specifies the destination addrs\n sockaddr:\n - code for the address format. On this version only AF_INET is supported.\n - socket address, the length depends on the code format \param[in] addrlen contains the size of the structure pointed to by addr \return On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative error code is returned. \sa sl_Socket sl_Accept sl_Listen \note belongs to \ref basic_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Bind) _i16 sl_Bind(_i16 sd, const SlSockAddr_t *addr, _i16 addrlen); #endif /*! \brief listen for connections on a socket The willingness to accept incoming connections and a queue limit for incoming connections are specified with listen(), and then the connections are accepted with accept. The listen() call applies only to sockets of type SOCK_STREAM The backlog parameter defines the maximum length the queue of pending connections may grow to. \param[in] sd socket descriptor (handle) \param[in] backlog specifies the listen queue depth. \return On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative error code is returned. \sa sl_Socket sl_Accept sl_Bind \note belongs to \ref server_side \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Listen) _i16 sl_Listen(_i16 sd, _i16 backlog); #endif /*! \brief Initiate a connection on a socket Function connects the socket referred to by the socket descriptor sd, to the address specified by addr. The addrlen argument specifies the size of addr. The format of the address in addr is determined by the address space of the socket. If it is of type SOCK_DGRAM, this call specifies the peer with which the socket is to be associated; this address is that to which datagrams are to be sent, and the only address from which datagrams are to be received. If the socket is of type SOCK_STREAM, this call attempts to make a connection to another socket. The other socket is specified by address, which is an address in the communications space of the socket. \param[in] sd socket descriptor (handle) \param[in] addr specifies the destination addr\n sockaddr:\n - code for the address format. On this version only AF_INET is supported.\n - socket address, the length depends on the code format \param[in] addrlen contains the size of the structure pointed to by addr \return On success, a socket handle. On a non-blocking connect a possible negative value is SL_EALREADY. On failure, negative value. SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS \sa sl_Socket \note belongs to \ref client_side \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Connect) _i16 sl_Connect(_i16 sd, const SlSockAddr_t *addr, _i16 addrlen); #endif /*! \brief Monitor socket activity Select allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become "ready" for some class of I/O operation \param[in] nfds the highest-numbered file descriptor in any of the three sets, plus 1. \param[out] readsds socket descriptors list for read monitoring and accept monitoring \param[out] writesds socket descriptors list for connect monitoring only, write monitoring is not supported, non blocking connect is supported \param[out] exceptsds socket descriptors list for exception monitoring, not supported. \param[in] timeout is an upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before select() returns. Null or above 0xffff seconds means infinity timeout. The minimum timeout is 10 milliseconds, less than 10 milliseconds will be set automatically to 10 milliseconds. Max microseconds supported is 0xfffc00. \return On success, select() returns the number of file descriptors contained in the three returned descriptor sets (that is, the total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds, exceptfds) which may be zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. On error, a negative value is returned. readsds - return the sockets on which Read request will return without delay with valid data. writesds - return the sockets on which Write request will return without delay. exceptsds - return the sockets closed recently. SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS \sa sl_Socket \note If the timeout value set to less than 5ms it will automatically set to 5ms to prevent overload of the system belongs to \ref basic_api Only one sl_Select can be handled at a time. Calling this API while the same command is called from another thread, may result in one of the two scenarios: 1. The command will wait (internal) until the previous command finish, and then be executed. 2. There are not enough resources and SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY error will return. In this case, MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS can be increased (result in memory increase) or try again later to issue the command. \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Select) _i16 sl_Select(_i16 nfds, SlFdSet_t *readsds, SlFdSet_t *writesds, SlFdSet_t *exceptsds, struct SlTimeval_t *timeout); /*! \brief Select's SlFdSet_t SET function Sets current socket descriptor on SlFdSet_t container */ void SL_FD_SET(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset); /*! \brief Select's SlFdSet_t CLR function Clears current socket descriptor on SlFdSet_t container */ void SL_FD_CLR(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset); /*! \brief Select's SlFdSet_t ISSET function Checks if current socket descriptor is set (TRUE/FALSE) \return Returns TRUE if set, FALSE if unset */ _i16 SL_FD_ISSET(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset); /*! \brief Select's SlFdSet_t ZERO function Clears all socket descriptors from SlFdSet_t */ void SL_FD_ZERO(SlFdSet_t *fdset); #endif /*! \brief set socket options This function manipulate the options associated with a socket. Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always present at the uppermost socket level. When manipulating socket options the level at which the option resides and the name of the option must be specified. To manipulate options at the socket level, level is specified as SOL_SOCKET. To manipulate options at any other level the protocol number of the appropriate proto- col controlling the option is supplied. For example, to indicate that an option is to be interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to the protocol number of TCP; The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - ues for setsockopt(). For getsockopt() they identify a buffer in which the value for the requested option(s) are to be returned. For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to indicate the actual size of the value returned. If no option value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be NULL. \param[in] sd socket handle \param[in] level defines the protocol level for this option - <b>SL_SOL_SOCKET</b> Socket level configurations (L4, transport layer) - <b>SL_IPPROTO_IP</b> IP level configurations (L3, network layer) - <b>SL_SOL_PHY_OPT</b> Link level configurations (L2, link layer) \param[in] optname defines the option name to interrogate - <b>SL_SOL_SOCKET</b> - <b>SL_SO_KEEPALIVE</b> \n Enable/Disable periodic keep alive. Keeps TCP connections active by enabling the periodic transmission of messages \n Timeout is 5 minutes.\n Default: Enabled \n This options takes SlSockKeepalive_t struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_RCVTIMEO</b> \n Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time an input function waits until it completes. \n Default: No timeout \n This options takes SlTimeval_t struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_RCVBUF</b> \n Sets tcp max recv window size. \n This options takes SlSockWinsize_t struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_NONBLOCKING</b> \n Sets socket to non-blocking operation Impacts: connect, accept, send, sendto, recv and recvfrom. \n Default: Blocking. This options takes SlSockNonblocking_t struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SECMETHOD</b> \n Sets method to tcp secured socket (SL_SEC_SOCKET) \n Default: SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLv3_TLSV1_2 \n This options takes SlSockSecureMethod struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SEC_MASK</b> \n Sets specific cipher to tcp secured socket (SL_SEC_SOCKET) \n Default: "Best" cipher suitable to method \n This options takes SlSockSecureMask struct as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME</b> \n Map secured socket to CA file by name \n This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME</b> \n Map secured socket to private key by name \n This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME</b> \n Map secured socket to certificate file by name \n This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME</b> \n Map secured socket to Diffie Hellman file by name \n This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter - <b>SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL</b> \n Sets channel in transceiver mode. This options takes <b>_u32</b> as channel number parameter - <b>SL_IPPROTO_IP</b> - <b>SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL</b> \n Set the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for this socket. \n This options takes <b>_u8</b> as parameter - <b>SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP</b> \n UDP socket, Join a multicast group. \n This options takes SlSockIpMreq struct as parameter - <b>SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP</b> \n UDP socket, Leave a multicast group \n This options takes SlSockIpMreq struct as parameter - <b>SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER</b> \n Raw socket remove IP header from received data. \n Default: data includes ip header \n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_IP_HDRINCL</b> \n RAW socket only, the IPv4 layer generates an IP header when sending a packet unless \n the IP_HDRINCL socket option is enabled on the socket. \n When it is enabled, the packet must contain an IP header. \n Default: disabled, IPv4 header generated by Network Stack \n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL</b> (inactive) \n RAW socket only, the IPv6 layer generates an IP header when sending a packet unless \n the IP_HDRINCL socket option is enabled on the socket. When it is enabled, the packet must contain an IP header \n Default: disabled, IPv4 header generated by Network Stack \n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_SOL_PHY_OPT</b> - <b>SL_SO_PHY_RATE</b> \n RAW socket, set WLAN PHY transmit rate \n The values are based on RateIndex_e \n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER</b> \n RAW socket, set WLAN PHY TX power \n Valid rage is 1-15 \n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX</b> \n RAW socket, set number of frames to transmit in transceiver mode. Default: 1 packet This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter - <b>SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE</b> \n RAW socket, set WLAN PHY preamble for Long/Short\n This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter \param[in] optval specifies a value for the option \param[in] optlen specifies the length of the option value \return On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative value is returned. \sa sl_getsockopt \note belongs to \ref basic_api \warning \par Examples: \par <b> SL_SO_KEEPALIVE: </b>(disable Keepalive) \code SlSockKeepalive_t enableOption; enableOption.KeepaliveEnabled = 0; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_KEEPALIVE, (_u8 *)&enableOption,sizeof(enableOption)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_RCVTIMEO: </b> \code struct SlTimeval_t timeVal; timeVal.tv_sec = 1; // Seconds timeVal.tv_usec = 0; // Microseconds. 10000 microseconds resolution sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_RCVTIMEO, (_u8 *)&timeVal, sizeof(timeVal)); // Enable receive timeout \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_RCVBUF: </b> \code SlSockWinsize_t size; size.Winsize = 3000; // bytes sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_RCVBUF, (_u8 *)&size, sizeof(size)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_NONBLOCKING: </b> \code SlSockNonblocking_t enableOption; enableOption.NonblockingEnabled = 1; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_NONBLOCKING, (_u8 *)&enableOption,sizeof(enableOption)); // Enable/disable nonblocking mode \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECMETHOD:</b> \code SlSockSecureMethod method; method.secureMethod = SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3; // security method we want to use SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET); sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SECMETHOD, (_u8 *)&method, sizeof(method)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECURE_MASK:</b> \code SlSockSecureMask cipher; cipher.secureMask = SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA; // cipher type SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET); sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SEC_MASK,(_u8 *)&cipher, sizeof(cipher)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME:</b> \code sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME,"exuifaxCaCert.der",strlen("exuifaxCaCert.der")); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME:</b> \code sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME,"myPrivateKey.der",strlen("myPrivateKey.der")); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME:</b> \code sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME,"myCertificate.der",strlen("myCertificate.der")); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME:</b> \code sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME,"myDHinServerMode.der",strlen("myDHinServerMode.der")); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL:</b> \code _u8 ttl = 20; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP:</b> \code SlSockIpMreq mreq; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP:</b> \code SlSockIpMreq mreq; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL:</b> \code _u32 newChannel = 6; // range is 1-13 sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL, &newChannel, sizeof(newChannel)); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER:</b> \code _u32 header = 1; // remove ip header sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER, &header, sizeof(header)); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_HDRINCL:</b> \code _u32 header = 1; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_HDRINCL, &header, sizeof(header)); \endcode \par <b> SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL:</b> \code _u32 header = 1; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL, &header, sizeof(header)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_PHY_RATE:</b> \code _u32 rate = 6; // see wlan.h RateIndex_e for values sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_RATE, &rate, sizeof(rate)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER:</b> \code _u32 txpower = 1; // valid range is 1-15 sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER, &txpower, sizeof(txpower)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX:</b> \code _u32 numframes = 1; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX, &numframes, sizeof(numframes)); \endcode \par <b> SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE:</b> \code _u32 preamble = 1; sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE, &preamble, sizeof(preamble)); \endcode */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_SetSockOpt) _i16 sl_SetSockOpt(_i16 sd, _i16 level, _i16 optname, const void *optval, SlSocklen_t optlen); #endif /*! \brief Get socket options This function manipulate the options associated with a socket. Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always present at the uppermost socket level. When manipulating socket options the level at which the option resides and the name of the option must be specified. To manipulate options at the socket level, level is specified as SOL_SOCKET. To manipulate options at any other level the protocol number of the appropriate proto- col controlling the option is supplied. For example, to indicate that an option is to be interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to the protocol number of TCP; The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - ues for setsockopt(). For getsockopt() they identify a buffer in which the value for the requested option(s) are to be returned. For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to indicate the actual size of the value returned. If no option value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be NULL. \param[in] sd socket handle \param[in] level defines the protocol level for this option \param[in] optname defines the option name to interrogate \param[out] optval specifies a value for the option \param[out] optlen specifies the length of the option value \return On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative value is returned. \sa sl_SetSockOpt \note See sl_SetSockOpt belongs to \ref ext_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_GetSockOpt) _i16 sl_GetSockOpt(_i16 sd, _i16 level, _i16 optname, void *optval, SlSocklen_t *optlen); #endif /*! \brief read data from TCP socket function receives a message from a connection-mode socket \param[in] sd socket handle \param[out] buf Points to the buffer where the message should be stored. \param[in] Len Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument. Range: 1-16000 bytes \param[in] flags Specifies the type of message reception. On this version, this parameter is not supported. \return return the number of bytes received, or a negative value if an error occurred. using a non-blocking recv a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN. SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS \sa sl_RecvFrom \note belongs to \ref recv_api \warning \par Examples: \code An example of receiving data using TCP socket: SlSockAddrIn_t Addr; SlSockAddrIn_t LocalAddr; _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t); _i16 SockID, newSockID; _i16 Status; _i8 Buf[RECV_BUF_LEN]; LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; LocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001); LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200)); SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0); Status = sl_Bind(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&LocalAddr, AddrSize); Status = sl_Listen(SockID, 0); newSockID = sl_Accept(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t*)&Addr, (SlSocklen_t*) &AddrSize); Status = sl_Recv(newSockID, Buf, 1460, 0); \endcode \code Example code for Rx transceiver mode using a raw socket _i8 buffer[1536]; _i16 sd; _u16 size; SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t *transHeader; sd = sl_Socket(SL_AF_RF,SL_SOCK_RAW,11); // channel 11 while(1) { size = sl_Recv(sd,buffer,1536,0); transHeader = (SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t *)buffer; printf("RSSI is %d frame type is 0x%x size %d\n",transHeader->rssi,buffer[sizeof(SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t)],size); } \endcode */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Recv) _i16 sl_Recv(_i16 sd, void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags); #endif /*! \brief read data from socket function receives a message from a connection-mode or connectionless-mode socket \param[in] sd socket handle \param[out] buf Points to the buffer where the message should be stored. \param[in] Len Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument. Range: 1-16000 bytes \param[in] flags Specifies the type of message reception. On this version, this parameter is not supported. \param[in] from pointer to an address structure indicating the source address.\n sockaddr:\n - code for the address format. On this version only AF_INET is supported.\n - socket address, the length depends on the code format \param[in] fromlen source address structure size. This parameter MUST be set to the size of the structure pointed to by addr. \return return the number of bytes received, or a negative value if an error occurred. using a non-blocking recv a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN. SL_RET_CODE_INVALID_INPUT (-2) will be returned if fromlen has incorrect length. SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS \sa sl_Recv \note belongs to \ref recv_api \warning \par Example: \code An example of receiving data: SlSockAddrIn_t Addr; SlSockAddrIn_t LocalAddr; _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t); _i16 SockID; _i16 Status; _i8 Buf[RECV_BUF_LEN]; LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; LocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001); LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_DGRAM, 0); Status = sl_Bind(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&LocalAddr, AddrSize); Status = sl_RecvFrom(SockID, Buf, 1472, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, (SlSocklen_t*)&AddrSize); \endcode */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_RecvFrom) _i16 sl_RecvFrom(_i16 sd, void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags, SlSockAddr_t *from, SlSocklen_t *fromlen); #endif /*! \brief write data to TCP socket This function is used to transmit a message to another socket. Returns immediately after sending data to device. In case of TCP failure an async event SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT is going to be received. In case of a RAW socket (transceiver mode), extra 4 bytes should be reserved at the end of the frame data buffer for WLAN FCS \param[in] sd socket handle \param[in] buf Points to a buffer containing the message to be sent \param[in] Len message size in bytes. Range: 1-1460 bytes \param[in] flags Specifies the type of message transmission. On this version, this parameter is not supported for TCP. For transceiver mode, the SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS macro can be used to determine transmission parameters (channel,rate,tx_power,preamble) \return Return the number of bytes transmitted, or -1 if an error occurred \sa sl_SendTo \note belongs to \ref send_api \warning \par Example: \code An example of sending data: SlSockAddrIn_t Addr; _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t); _i16 SockID; _i16 Status; _i8 Buf[SEND_BUF_LEN]; Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200)); SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0); Status = sl_Connect(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, AddrSize); Status = sl_Send(SockID, Buf, 1460, 0 ); \endcode */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Send ) _i16 sl_Send(_i16 sd, const void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags); #endif /*! \brief write data to socket This function is used to transmit a message to another socket (connection less socket SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW). Returns immediately after sending data to device. In case of transmission failure an async event SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT is going to be received. \param[in] sd socket handle \param[in] buf Points to a buffer containing the message to be sent \param[in] Len message size in bytes. Range: 1-1460 bytes \param[in] flags Specifies the type of message transmission. On this version, this parameter is not supported \param[in] to pointer to an address structure indicating the destination address.\n sockaddr:\n - code for the address format. On this version only AF_INET is supported.\n - socket address, the length depends on the code format \param[in] tolen destination address structure size \return Return the number of transmitted bytes, or -1 if an error occurred \sa sl_Send \note belongs to \ref send_api \warning \par Example: \code An example of sending data: SlSockAddrIn_t Addr; _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t); _i16 SockID; _i16 Status; _i8 Buf[SEND_BUF_LEN]; Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200)); SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_DGRAM, 0); Status = sl_SendTo(SockID, Buf, 1472, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, AddrSize); \endcode */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_SendTo) _i16 sl_SendTo(_i16 sd, const void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags, const SlSockAddr_t *to, SlSocklen_t tolen); #endif /*! \brief Reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value This function is used to Reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order. \param[in] var variable to reorder \return Return the reorder variable, \sa sl_SendTo sl_Bind sl_Connect sl_RecvFrom sl_Accept \note belongs to \ref send_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Htonl ) _u32 sl_Htonl( _u32 val ); #define sl_Ntohl sl_Htonl /* Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from network order to processor orde. */ #endif /*! \brief Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value This function is used to Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order. \param[in] var variable to reorder \return Return the reorder variable, \sa sl_SendTo sl_Bind sl_Connect sl_RecvFrom sl_Accept \note belongs to \ref send_api \warning */ #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Htons ) _u16 sl_Htons( _u16 val ); #define sl_Ntohs sl_Htons /* Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from network order to processor orde. */ #endif /*! Close the Doxygen group. @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __SOCKET_H__ */