DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT: Public-key Secured Data Paths

Dependencies:   MaximInterface

The MAXREFDES155# is an internet-of-things (IoT) embedded-security reference design, built to authenticate and control a sensing node using elliptic-curve-based public-key cryptography with control and notification from a web server.

The hardware includes an ARM® mbed™ shield and attached sensor endpoint. The shield contains a DS2476 DeepCover® ECDSA/SHA-2 coprocessor, Wifi communication, LCD push-button controls, and status LEDs. The sensor endpoint is attached to the shield using a 300mm cable and contains a DS28C36 DeepCover ECDSA/SHA-2 authenticator, IR-thermal sensor, and aiming laser for the IR sensor. The MAXREFDES155# is equipped with a standard Arduino® form-factor shield connector for immediate testing using an mbed board such as the MAX32600MBED#. The combination of these two devices represent an IoT device. Communication to the web server is accomplished with the shield Wifi circuitry. Communication from the shield to the attached sensor module is accomplished over I2C . The sensor module represents an IoT endpoint that generates small data with a requirement for message authenticity/integrity and secure on/off operational control.

The design is hierarchical with each mbed platform and shield communicating data from the sensor node to a web server that maintains a centralized log and dispatches notifications as necessary. The simplicity of this design enables rapid integration into any star-topology IoT network to provide security with the low overhead and cost provided by the ECDSA-P256 asymmetric-key and SHA-256 symmetric-key algorithms.

More information about the MAXREFDES155# is available on the Maxim Integrated website.

Tue Dec 03 12:56:25 2019 -0600
Updated MaximInterface to version 2.1.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 1 // Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 2 //
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 3 // Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 4 //
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 5 // Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 6 // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 7 //
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 8 //
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 9 //
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 11 // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 12 // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 13 // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 14
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 15 #ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 16 #define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 17
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 18 #include "../rapidjson.h"
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 19
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 20 #ifdef __clang__
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 21 RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 22 RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded)
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 23 #endif
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 24
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 25 /*! \file error.h */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 26
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 27 /*! \defgroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS RapidJSON error handling */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 28
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 29 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 30 // RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 31
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 32 //! Character type of error messages.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 33 /*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 34 The default character type is \c char.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 35 On Windows, user can define this macro as \c TCHAR for supporting both
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 36 unicode/non-unicode settings.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 37 */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 38 #ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 39 #define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE char
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 40 #endif
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 41
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 42 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 43 // RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 44
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 45 //! Macro for converting string literial to \ref RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE[].
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 46 /*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 47 By default this conversion macro does nothing.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 48 On Windows, user can define this macro as \c _T(x) for supporting both
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 49 unicode/non-unicode settings.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 50 */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 51 #ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 52 #define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING(x) x
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 53 #endif
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 54
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 55 RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 56
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 57 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 58 // ParseErrorCode
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 59
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 60 //! Error code of parsing.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 61 /*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 62 \see GenericReader::Parse, GenericReader::GetParseErrorCode
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 63 */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 64 enum ParseErrorCode {
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 65 kParseErrorNone = 0, //!< No error.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 66
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 67 kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, //!< The document is empty.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 68 kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, //!< The document root must not follow by other values.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 69
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 70 kParseErrorValueInvalid, //!< Invalid value.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 71
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 72 kParseErrorObjectMissName, //!< Missing a name for object member.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 73 kParseErrorObjectMissColon, //!< Missing a colon after a name of object member.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 74 kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, //!< Missing a comma or '}' after an object member.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 75
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 76 kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, //!< Missing a comma or ']' after an array element.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 77
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 78 kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, //!< Incorrect hex digit after \\u escape in string.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 79 kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, //!< The surrogate pair in string is invalid.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 80 kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, //!< Invalid escape character in string.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 81 kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, //!< Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 82 kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, //!< Invalid encoding in string.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 83
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 84 kParseErrorNumberTooBig, //!< Number too big to be stored in double.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 85 kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, //!< Miss fraction part in number.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 86 kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, //!< Miss exponent in number.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 87
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 88 kParseErrorTermination, //!< Parsing was terminated.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 89 kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError //!< Unspecific syntax error.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 90 };
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 91
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 92 //! Result of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 93 /*!
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 94 \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 95 \code
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 96 Document doc;
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 97 ParseResult ok = doc.Parse("[42]");
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 98 if (!ok) {
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 99 fprintf(stderr, "JSON parse error: %s (%u)",
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 100 GetParseError_En(ok.Code()), ok.Offset());
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 101 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 102 }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 103 \endcode
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 104 \see GenericReader::Parse, GenericDocument::Parse
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 105 */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 106 struct ParseResult {
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 107 public:
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 108 //! Default constructor, no error.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 109 ParseResult() : code_(kParseErrorNone), offset_(0) {}
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 110 //! Constructor to set an error.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 111 ParseResult(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset) : code_(code), offset_(offset) {}
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 112
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 113 //! Get the error code.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 114 ParseErrorCode Code() const { return code_; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 115 //! Get the error offset, if \ref IsError(), 0 otherwise.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 116 size_t Offset() const { return offset_; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 117
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 118 //! Conversion to \c bool, returns \c true, iff !\ref IsError().
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 119 operator bool() const { return !IsError(); }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 120 //! Whether the result is an error.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 121 bool IsError() const { return code_ != kParseErrorNone; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 122
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 123 bool operator==(const ParseResult& that) const { return code_ == that.code_; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 124 bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code) const { return code_ == code; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 125 friend bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code, const ParseResult & err) { return code == err.code_; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 126
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 127 //! Reset error code.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 128 void Clear() { Set(kParseErrorNone); }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 129 //! Update error code and offset.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 130 void Set(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset = 0) { code_ = code; offset_ = offset; }
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 131
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 132 private:
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 133 ParseErrorCode code_;
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 134 size_t offset_;
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 135 };
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 136
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 137 //! Function pointer type of GetParseError().
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 138 /*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 139
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 140 This is the prototype for \c GetParseError_X(), where \c X is a locale.
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 141 User can dynamically change locale in runtime, e.g.:
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 142 \code
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 143 GetParseErrorFunc GetParseError = GetParseError_En; // or whatever
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 144 const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* s = GetParseError(document.GetParseErrorCode());
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 145 \endcode
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 146 */
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 147 typedef const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* (*GetParseErrorFunc)(ParseErrorCode);
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 148
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 149 RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 150
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 151 #ifdef __clang__
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 152 RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 153 #endif
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 154
IanBenzMaxim 0:33d4e66780c0 155 #endif // RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_