direction commands updated to Up down RPM value

Dependencies:   MAX7219pot MCP23S17 mbed

Fork of POT_V_1_0 by Marine Electricals

--- a/pot.h	Thu Sep 28 05:10:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/pot.h	Fri Jan 05 04:35:22 2018 +0000
@@ -1,66 +1,58 @@
-#define _AHEAD               PB_1
-#define _ASTERN              PB_8
-#define _SH                  PB_9
-#define _DSH                 PB_7
-#define _FS                  PB_6
-#define _HS                  PC_5      //not used in POT
-#define _SS                  PA_8
-#define _DSS                 PC_13
-#define _STOP                PB_4
-#define _STBY                PB_5
-#define _FWE                 PA_6
+/*Pin defination for LED indication */
-#define _REQ                 PC_0
-#define _ACK                 PC_3
-#define _TEST                PA_7
-#define _WH                  PC_2
-#define _MCR                 PA_10
-#define _BRDG                PA_11
-#define _ER                  PA_12
+#define _AHEAD               PB_8
+#define _ASTERN              PB_9
+#define _REQ                 PC_5
+#define _ACK                 PA_12
+#define _CMD_ACK             PA_11
+#define _WH                  PB_6
+#define _MCR                 PC_0
+#define _BRDG                PC_3
+#define _ER                  PA_8
+#define _WP                  PB_1
+#define _WS                  PB_10
+#define _OPS                 PA_7
+#define _ASP                 PB_4
-#define _ASP                 PC_1
-#define _OPS                 PB_0
-#define _WP                  PA_1
-#define _WS                  PB_10
+/*Pin defination for PWM based brightness control */
+#define _PWM                 PB_7   
+/*Pin defination for alarm drivers  */
 #define BUZ                 PC_6
-#define HTR                 PC_8                                //in Slave
-//#define ALRM                PC_8                            //in Master
+#define HTR                 PC_8 
+/*Pin defination for SPI bus Keyscan */
 #define SPI3_MOSI           PC_12
 #define SPI3_MISO           PC_11
 #define SPI3_SCK            PC_10
 #define SPI3_CS1            PA_15
 #define SPI3_CS2            PA_4
 #define SPI3_RST            PC_9    
-#define INT_A               PC_4
-#define INT_B               PA_9
-#define INT_C               PA_0
+/*Pin defination for SPI bus Display */
 #define SPI2_MOSI           PB_15
 #define SPI2_MISO           PB_14
 #define SPI2_SCK            PB_13
 #define SPI2_CS1            PB_2
 #define SPI2_CS2            PC_7 
+/*Pin defination for external interrupts */
+#define INT_A               PC_4
+#define INT_B               PA_9
+#define INT_C               PA_0
+/*Pin defination for UART config */
 #define SERIAL_TX           PA_2
 #define SERIAL_RX           PA_3
 #define Tx_EN               PA_5
+/*UART buffer settings */
 #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE      0x19           //25 bytes or char to be stored
 #define NO_MAX_POT          0x08           //maximum no. of of eot devices to be connected
 #define NMEA_END_CHAR_1     '\n'
 #define NMEA_MAX_LENGTH     30
                     //digit0, 1,   2,   3
 char print_FH[5]     = {0x40,0x00,0x37,0x47};
 char print_HH[5]     = {0x40,0x00,0x37,0x37};