Includes library modifications to allow access to AIN_4 (AIN_0 / 5)

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbd_os/tools/export/	Tue Sep 20 21:26:12 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+"""Just a template for subclassing"""
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+from os.path import join, dirname, relpath
+from itertools import groupby
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
+from jinja2.environment import Environment
+from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
+from import tool
+from project_generator.tools_supported import ToolsSupported
+from project_generator.settings import ProjectSettings
+from project_generator_definitions.definitions import ProGenDef
+class OldLibrariesException(Exception):
+    """Exception that indicates an export can not complete due to an out of date
+    library version.
+    """
+    pass
+class FailedBuildException(Exception):
+    """Exception that indicates that a build failed"""
+    pass
+class TargetNotSupportedException(Exception):
+    """Indicates that an IDE does not support a particular MCU"""
+    pass
+class ExporterTargetsProperty(object):
+    """ Exporter descriptor for TARGETS
+    TARGETS as class attribute for backward compatibility
+    (allows: if in Exporter.TARGETS)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, func):
+        self.func = func
+    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
+        return self.func(cls)
+class Exporter(object):
+    """Exporter base class
+    This class is meant to be extended by individual exporters, and provides a
+    few helper methods for implementing an exporter with either jinja2 or
+    progen.
+    """
+    TEMPLATE_DIR = dirname(__file__)
+    NAME = None
+    TARGETS = None
+    TOOLCHAIN = None
+    def __init__(self, target, export_dir, project_name, toolchain,
+                 extra_symbols=None, resources=None):
+        """Initialize an instance of class exporter
+        Positional arguments:
+        target        - the target mcu/board for this project
+        export_dir    - the directory of the exported project files
+        project_name  - the name of the project
+        toolchain     - an instance of class toolchain
+        Keyword arguments:
+        extra_symbols - a list of extra macros for the toolchain
+        resources     - an instance of class Resources
+        """
+        self.export_dir = export_dir
+ = target
+        self.project_name = project_name
+        self.toolchain = toolchain
+        jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+        self.jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader)
+        self.resources = resources
+        self.generated_files = []
+        self.builder_files_dict = {}
+    def get_toolchain(self):
+        """A helper getter function that we should probably eliminate"""
+        return self.TOOLCHAIN
+    @property
+    def flags(self):
+        """Returns a dictionary of toolchain flags.
+        Keys of the dictionary are:
+        cxx_flags    - c++ flags
+        c_flags      - c flags
+        ld_flags     - linker flags
+        asm_flags    - assembler flags
+        common_flags - common options
+        """
+        config_header = self.toolchain.get_config_header()
+        flags = {key + "_flags": value for key, value
+                 in self.toolchain.flags.iteritems()}
+        asm_defines = ["-D" + symbol for symbol in self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)]
+        c_defines = ["-D" + symbol for symbol in self.toolchain.get_symbols()]
+        flags['asm_flags'] += asm_defines
+        flags['c_flags'] += c_defines
+        flags['cxx_flags'] += c_defines
+        if config_header:
+            config_header = relpath(config_header,
+                                    self.resources.file_basepath[config_header])
+            flags['c_flags'] += self.toolchain.get_config_option(config_header)
+            flags['cxx_flags'] += self.toolchain.get_config_option(
+                config_header)
+        return flags
+    def get_source_paths(self):
+        """Returns a list of the directories where source files are contained"""
+        source_keys = ['s_sources', 'c_sources', 'cpp_sources', 'hex_files',
+                       'objects', 'libraries']
+        source_files = []
+        for key in source_keys:
+            source_files.extend(getattr(self.resources, key))
+        return list(set([os.path.dirname(src) for src in source_files]))
+    def progen_get_project_data(self):
+        """ Get ProGen project data  """
+        # provide default data, some tools don't require any additional
+        # tool specific settings
+        def make_key(src):
+            """turn a source file into it's group name"""
+            key = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(src))
+            if not key:
+                key = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.export_dir))
+            return key
+        def grouped(sources):
+            """Group the source files by their encompassing directory"""
+            data = sorted(sources, key=make_key)
+            return {k: list(g) for k, g in groupby(data, make_key)}
+        if self.toolchain.get_config_header():
+            config_header = self.toolchain.get_config_header()
+            config_header = relpath(config_header,
+                                    self.resources.file_basepath[config_header])
+        else:
+            config_header = None
+        # we want to add this to our include dirs
+        config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_header) if config_header else []
+        project_data = tool.get_tool_template()
+        project_data['target'] = TARGET_MAP[].progen['target']
+        project_data['source_paths'] = self.get_source_paths()
+        project_data['include_paths'] = self.resources.inc_dirs + [config_dir]
+        project_data['include_files'] = grouped(self.resources.headers)
+        project_data['source_files_s'] = grouped(self.resources.s_sources)
+        project_data['source_files_c'] = grouped(self.resources.c_sources)
+        project_data['source_files_cpp'] = grouped(self.resources.cpp_sources)
+        project_data['source_files_obj'] = grouped(self.resources.objects)
+        project_data['source_files_lib'] = grouped(self.resources.libraries)
+        project_data['output_dir']['path'] = self.export_dir
+        project_data['linker_file'] = self.resources.linker_script
+        project_data['macros'] = []
+        project_data['build_dir'] = 'build'
+        project_data['template'] = None
+        project_data['name'] = self.project_name
+        project_data['output_type'] = 'exe'
+        project_data['debugger'] = None
+        return project_data
+    def progen_gen_file(self, project_data):
+        """ Generate project using ProGen Project API
+        Positional arguments:
+        tool_name    - the tool for which to generate project files
+        project_data - a dict whose base key, values are specified in
+                       progen_get_project_data, the items will have been
+                       modified by Exporter subclasses
+        Keyword arguments:
+        progen_build - A boolean that determines if the tool will build the
+                       project
+        """
+        if not self.check_supported(self.NAME):
+            raise TargetNotSupportedException("Target not supported")
+        settings = ProjectSettings()
+        exporter = ToolsSupported().get_tool(self.NAME)
+        self.builder_files_dict = {self.NAME:exporter(project_data, settings).export_project()}
+        for  middle in self.builder_files_dict.values():
+            for field, thing in middle.iteritems():
+                if field == "files":
+                    for filename in thing.values():
+                        self.generated_files.append(filename)
+    def progen_build(self):
+        """Build a project that was already generated by progen"""
+        print("Project {} exported, building for {}...".format(
+            self.project_name, self.NAME))
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        builder = ToolsSupported().get_tool(self.NAME)
+        result = builder(self.builder_files_dict[self.NAME], ProjectSettings()).build_project()
+        if result == -1:
+            raise FailedBuildException("Build Failed")
+    def check_supported(self, ide):
+        """Indicated if this combination of IDE and MCU is supported"""
+        if not in self.TARGETS or \
+           self.TOOLCHAIN not in TARGET_MAP[].supported_toolchains:
+            return False
+        if not ProGenDef(ide).is_supported(
+                TARGET_MAP[].progen['target']):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def gen_file(self, template_file, data, target_file):
+        """Generates a project file from a template using jinja"""
+        jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(
+            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+        jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader)
+        template = jinja_environment.get_template(template_file)
+        target_text = template.render(data)
+        target_path = join(self.export_dir, target_file)
+        logging.debug("Generating: %s", target_path)
+        open(target_path, "w").write(target_text)
+        self.generated_files += [target_path]