Includes library modifications to allow access to AIN_4 (AIN_0 / 5)

Tue Sep 20 21:26:12 2016 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 1 """ import and bulid a bunch of example programs """
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 2
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 3 from argparse import ArgumentParser
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 4 import os
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 5 from os.path import dirname, abspath, basename
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 6 import os.path
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 7 import sys
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 8 import subprocess
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 9 import json
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 10
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 11 ROOT = abspath(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))))
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 12 sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 13
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 14 from tools.build_api import get_mbed_official_release
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 15 from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 16 from tools.utils import argparse_force_uppercase_type
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 17
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 18
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 19 EXAMPLES = json.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 20 "examples.json")))
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 21
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 22 def print_stuff(name, lst):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 23 if lst:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 24 print("#"*80)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 25 print("# {} example combinations".format(name))
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 26 print("#")
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 27 for thing in lst:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 28 print(thing)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 29
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 30
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 31 SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAINS = ["ARM", "IAR", "GCC_ARM"]
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 32
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 33
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 34 def target_cross_toolchain(allowed_toolchains,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 35 features=[], targets=TARGET_MAP.keys()):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 36 """Generate pairs of target and toolchains
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 37
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 38 Args:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 39 allowed_toolchains - a list of all possible toolchains
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 40
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 41 Kwargs:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 42 features - the features that must be in the features array of a
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 43 target
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 44 targets - a list of available targets
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 45 """
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 46 for target, toolchains in get_mbed_official_release("5"):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 47 for toolchain in toolchains:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 48 if (toolchain in allowed_toolchains and
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 49 target in targets and
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 50 all(feature in TARGET_MAP[target].features
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 51 for feature in features)):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 52 yield target, toolchain
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 53
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 54
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 55 def main():
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 56 """Entry point"""
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 57 parser = ArgumentParser()
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 58 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 59 import_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("import")
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 60 import_cmd.set_defaults(fn=do_import)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 61 compile_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("compile")
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 62 compile_cmd.set_defaults(fn=do_compile)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 63 compile_cmd.add_argument(
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 64 "toolchains", nargs="*", default=SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAINS,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 65 type=argparse_force_uppercase_type(SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAINS,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 66 "toolchain"))
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 67 args = parser.parse_args()
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 68 return args.fn(args)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 69
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 70
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 71 def do_import(_):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 72 """Do the import step of this process"""
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 73 for example, _ in EXAMPLES.iteritems():
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 74["mbed-cli", "import", example])
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 75 return 0
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 76
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 77
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 78 def do_compile(args):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 79 """Do the compile step"""
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 80 failures = []
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 81 sucesses = []
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 82 for example, requirements in EXAMPLES.iteritems():
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 83 os.chdir(basename(example))
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 84 for target, toolchain in target_cross_toolchain(args.toolchains,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 85 **requirements):
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 86 proc = subprocess.Popen(["mbed-cli", "compile", "-t", toolchain,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 87 "-m", target, "--silent"])
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 88 proc.wait()
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 89 example_name = "{} {} {}".format(basename(example), target,
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 90 toolchain)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 91 if proc.returncode:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 92 failures.append(example_name)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 93 else:
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 94 sucesses.append(example_name)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 95 os.chdir("..")
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 96
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 97 print_stuff("Passed", sucesses)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 98 print_stuff("Failed", failures)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 99 return len(failures)
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 100
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 101 if __name__ == "__main__":
bryantaylor 0:eafc3fd41f75 102 sys.exit(main())