
Dependencies:   MAX30003 max32630fthr

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Aug 22 21:40:49 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Aug 28 16:09:51 2017 +0000
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
 int main()
-    const int RTOR_STATUS_MASK = ( 1<<10 );
-    const int EINT_STATUS_MASK = ( 1<<23 );
+    const int EINT_STATUS_MASK =  1 << 23;
     Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);            // Use USB debug probe for serial link
     pc.baud(115200);                    // Baud rate = 115200
@@ -32,68 +31,48 @@
     SPI spiBus(SPI2_MOSI, SPI2_MISO, SPI2_SCK);     // SPI bus, P5_1 = MOSI, 
                                                     // P5_2 = MISO, P5_0 = SCK
-    MAX30003 * ecgAFE;
-    ecgAFE = new MAX30003(spiBus, P5_3);    // New MAX30003 on spiBus, CS = P5_3 
-    ecg_config(*ecgAFE);                    // Config ECG 
+    MAX30003 ecgAFE(spiBus, P5_3);          // New MAX30003 on spiBus, CS = P5_3 
+    ecg_config(ecgAFE);                    // Config ECG 
-    ecgAFE->writeRegister( MAX30003::SYNCH , 0);
+    ecgAFE.writeRegister( MAX30003::SYNCH , 0);
-    uint32_t ecgFIFO, readSamples, idx, ETAG[32], status, RtoR;
+    uint32_t ecgFIFO, readECGSamples, idx, ETAG[32], status;
     int16_t ecgSample[32];
-    float BPM;
     while(1) {
-        /* Read back ECG samples from the FIFO */
+        // Read back ECG samples from the FIFO 
         if( ecgFIFOIntFlag ) {
-            pc.printf("Interrupt received....\r\n");
-            status = ecgAFE->readRegister( MAX30003::STATUS );      // Read the STATUS register
-            pc.printf("Status : 0x%x\r\n"
-                      "Current BPM is %3.2f\r\n\r\n", status, BPM);
-            // Check if R-to-R interrupt asserted
-            if( ( status & RTOR_STATUS_MASK ) == RTOR_STATUS_MASK ){              // Check if RtoR update
-                ecgFIFOIntFlag = 0;
-                pc.printf("R-to-R Interrupt \r\n");
-                RtoR = ecgAFE->readRegister( MAX30003::RTOR );  // Read RtoR register
-                BPM = 60.0*RtoR/32768.0;                        // Convert to BPM
-                pc.printf("RtoR : %d\r\n\r\n", RtoR);           // Print BPM/RtoR
-            } 
+            status = ecgAFE.readRegister( MAX30003::STATUS );      // Read the STATUS register
             // Check if EINT interrupt asserted
             if ( ( status & EINT_STATUS_MASK ) == EINT_STATUS_MASK ) {     
                 ecgFIFOIntFlag = 0; 
-                pc.printf("FIFO Interrupt \r\n");
-                readSamples = 0;                        // Reset sample counter
+                readECGSamples = 0;                        // Reset sample counter
                 do {
-                    ecgFIFO = ecgAFE->readRegister( MAX30003::ECG_FIFO );   // Read FIFO
-                    ecgSample[readSamples] = ecgFIFO >> 8;                  // Isolate voltage data
-                    ETAG[readSamples] = ( ecgFIFO >> 3 ) & 0b111;           // Isolate ETAG
-                    readSamples++;                                          // Increment sample counter
+                    ecgFIFO = ecgAFE.readRegister( MAX30003::ECG_FIFO );   // Read FIFO
+                    ecgSample[readECGSamples] = ecgFIFO >> 8;                  // Isolate voltage data
+                    ETAG[readECGSamples] = ( ecgFIFO >> 3 ) & 0b111;           // Isolate ETAG
+                    readECGSamples++;                                          // Increment sample counter
                 // Check that sample is not last sample in FIFO                                              
-                } while ( ETAG[readSamples-1] == 0x0 || 
-                          ETAG[readSamples-1] == 0x1 ); 
-                pc.printf("%d samples read from FIFO \r\n", readSamples);
+                } while ( ETAG[readECGSamples-1] == 0x0 || 
+                          ETAG[readECGSamples-1] == 0x1 ); 
                 // Check if FIFO has overflowed
                 if( ETAG[readECGSamples - 1] == 0x7 ){                  
                     ecgAFE.writeRegister( MAX30003::FIFO_RST , 0); // Reset FIFO
-                /* Print results */
-                for( idx = 0; idx < readSamples; idx++ ) {
-                    pc.printf("Sample : %6d, \tETAG : 0x%x\r\n", ecgSample[idx], ETAG[idx]);           
-                }
-                pc.printf("\r\n\r\n\r\n");                          
+                // Print results 
+                for( idx = 0; idx < readECGSamples; idx++ ) {
+                    pc.printf("Sample : %6d\r\n", ecgSample[idx]);           
+                }                
@@ -142,7 +121,7 @@
     //Enable interrupts register setting
     MAX30003::EnableInterrupts_u EN_INT_r;
     EN_INT_r.bits.en_eint = 1;              // Enable EINT interrupt
-    EN_INT_r.bits.en_rrint = 1;             // Enable R-to-R interrupt
+    EN_INT_r.bits.en_rrint = 0;             // Disable R-to-R interrupt
     EN_INT_r.bits.intb_type = 3;            // Open-drain NMOS with internal pullup
     ecgAFE.writeRegister( MAX30003::EN_INT , EN_INT_r.all);