MBED MQTT Lighting Endpoint for NXP Ublox (Ethernet enabled)

Dependencies:   C027 C12832 EthernetInterface StatusReporter LM75B MQTT-ansond endpoint_core endpoint_mqtt mbed-rtos mbed

--- a/Definitions.h	Wed Jul 16 17:30:35 2014 +0000
+++ b/Definitions.h	Thu Jul 17 17:04:01 2014 +0000
@@ -50,20 +50,22 @@
 #define PL_ENABLE                   false                         // true - enable for endpoint light, false - disable
 #define PL_LIGHT_ID                 PL_LIGHT_ID_BILL              // Default light for Philips Light
-// Endpoint GPS Coordinates/Location
-#define ENDPOINT_LOCATION           "Las Vegas Police Dept"       // Where this light/endpoint lives
-#define ENDPOINT_GPS_COORDS         "-115.147683 36.131735"       // Joe Brown Drive 
 // Reset our config values if needed
     #define UBLOX_GPS_FREQ          100000                        // GPS freq in ns
     #define UBLOX_GPS_POLL_MS       5000                          // poll the GPS every 5 seconds
+// Endpoint GPS Coordinates/Location
+//#define ENDPOINT_LOCATION           "Las Vegas Police Dept"       // Copcar location
+//#define ENDPOINT_GPS_COORDS         "-115.147683 36.131735"       // Las Vegas
+#define ENDPOINT_LOCATION           "ISSUU Dept - Bilbao Spain"     // Copcar location
+#define ENDPOINT_GPS_COORDS         "-2.924114 43.263088"           // Bilbao Spain 
 // MBED doesnt have a good notion of time - so we code it here
-#define ENDPOINT_STARTTIME          "\"STARTDATETIME\":\"2014-03-09T22:03:06-07:00\","
-#define ENDPOINT_STOPTIME           "\"ENDDATETIME\":\"2015-03-10T03:35:55-07:00\","
-#define ENDPOINT_TIMEZONE           "\"TIMEZONEOFFSET\":\"-07:00\""
+#define ENDPOINT_STARTTIME          "\"STARTDATETIME\":\"2014-07-25T22:03:06-07:00\","
+#define ENDPOINT_STOPTIME           "\"ENDDATETIME\":\"2015-08-10T03:35:55-07:00\","
+#define ENDPOINT_TIMEZONE           "\"TIMEZONEOFFSET\":\"+01:00\""
 // DEBUG Memory Debug Enable/Disable
 // #define ENABLE_MEMORY_DEBUG         true             // false - disable, true - enable