Dit is alleen het EMG gedeelte

Dependencies:   mbed HIDScope biquadFilter MODSERIAL FXOS8700Q

--- a/main.cpp	Sun Oct 20 18:45:13 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Oct 20 19:01:21 2019 +0000
@@ -34,40 +34,23 @@
 double rectify2;
 double rectify3;
-// Notch filter coefficients (iirnotch Q factor 35 @50Hz) from MATLAB: 0.995636295063941    -1.89829218816065   0.995636295063941   1   -1.89829218816065   0.991272590127882
-const double n_b0 = 0.995636295063941;
-const double n_b1 = -1.89829218816065;
-const double n_b2 = 0.995636295063941;
-const double n_a0 = 1;
-const double n_a1 = -1.89829218816065;
-const double n_a2 = 0.991272590127882;
-// Highpass filter coefficients (butter 4th order @10Hz cutoff) from MATLAB: 0.922946103200875   -1.84589220640175   0.922946103200875   1   -1.88920703055163   0.892769008131025
-const double h_b0 = 0.922946103200875;
-const double h_b1 = -1.84589220640175;
-const double h_b2 = 0.922946103200875;
-const double h_a0 = 1;
-const double h_a1 = -1.88920703055163;
-const double h_02 = 0.892769008131025;
+// Notch filter coefficients (iirnotch Q factor 35 @50Hz) from MATLAB in the following form:
+// b01 b11 b21 a01 a11 a21
+BiQuad bq_notch(0.995636295063941, -1.89829218816065,  0.995636295063941,  1,  -1.89829218816065,  0.991272590127882);
-// Lowpass filter coefficients (butter 4th order @5Hz cutoff) from MATLAB: 5.32116245737504e-08  1.06423249147501e-07    5.32116245737504e-08    1   -1.94396715039462   0.944882378004138
-const double l_b0 = 5.32116245737504e-08;
-const double l_b1 = 1.06423249147501e-07;
-const double l_b2 = 5.32116245737504e-08;
-const double l_a0 = 1;
-const double l_a1 = -1.94396715039462;
-const double l_a2 = 0.944882378004138;
+// Highpass filter coefficients (butter 4th order @10Hz cutoff) from MATLAB in the following form:
+// b01 b11 b21 a01 a11 a21
+// b02 b12 b22 a02 a12 a22
+BiQuad bq_H1(0.922946103200875, -1.84589220640175,  0.922946103200875,  1,  -1.88920703055163,  0.892769008131025);
+BiQuad bq_H2(1,                 -2,                 1,                  1,  -1.95046575793011,  0.954143234875078);
+BiQuadChain bqc_high; // Used to chain two 2nd other filters into a 4th order filter
-//BiQuad filters intialization
-BiQuadChain notch;
-BiQuad bq_notch( n_b0, n_b1, n_b2, n_a0, n_a1, n_a2);
-BiQuadChain highpass;
-BiQuad bq_high( h_b0, h_b1, h_b2, h_a0, h_a1, h_a2);
-BiQuadChain lowpass;
-BiQuad bq_notch( l_b0, l_b1, l_b2, l_a0, l_a1, l_a2);
+// Lowpass filter coefficients (butter 4th order @5Hz cutoff) from MATLAB in the following form:
+// b01 b11 b21 a01 a11 a21
+// b02 b12 b22 a02 a12 a22
+BiQuad bq_L1(5.32116245737504e-08,  1.06423249147501e-07,   5.32116245737504e-08,   1,  -1.94396715039462,  0.944882378004138);
+BiQuad bq_L2(1,                     2,                      1,                      1,  -1.97586467534468,  0.976794920438162);
+BiQuadChain bqc_low; // Used to chain two 2nd other filters into a 4th order filter
 void sample()