De hele robot in 1 keer bam

Dependencies:   mbed QEI Servo HIDScope biquadFilter MODSERIAL FastPWM



File content as of revision 1:059cca298369:

//c++ script for filtering of measured EMG signals
#include "mbed.h" //Base library
#include "HIDScope.h" // to see if program is working and EMG is filtered properly
#include "QEI.h"// is needed for the encoder
#include "MODSERIAL.h"// in order for connection with the pc
#include "BiQuad.h" 
#include "FastPWM.h"
#include "Arduino.h" //misschien handig omdat we het EMG arduino board gebruiken (?)
#include "EMGFilters.h"
#include <vector> // For easy array management

// PC connection

//EMG inputs definieren
AnalogIn emg1_in (A1); //emg van rechterbicep, voor de x-richting
AnalogIn emg2_in (A2); //emg van linkerbicep, voor de y-richting
AnalogIn emg3_in (A3); //emg van een derde (nog te bepalen) spier, voor het vernaderen van de richting

//variablen voor EMG
double emg1;
double emg2;
double emg3;
double notch1;
double notch2;
double notch3;
double highpass1;
double highpass2;
double highpass3;
double lowpass1;
double lowpass2;
double lowpass3;
double rectify1;
double rectify2;
double rectify3;

//values for EMG, dit moet nog aangepast worden aan de hand van de in matlab verkregen coefficienten
// Notch (iirnotch Q factor 35 @50Hz) from MATLAB: 0.995636295063941    -1.89829218816065   0.995636295063941   1   -1.89829218816065   0.991272590127882
const double n_b0 = 0.995636295063941;
const double n_b1 = -1.89829218816065;
const double n_b2 = 0.995636295063941;
const double n_a0 = 1;
const double n_a1 = -1.89829218816065;
const double n_a2 = 0.991272590127882;

// Highpass (butter 4th order @10Hz cutoff) from MATLAB: 0.922946103200875   -1.84589220640175   0.922946103200875   1   -1.88920703055163   0.892769008131025
const double h_b0 = 0.922946103200875;
const double h_b1 = -1.84589220640175;
const double h_b2 = 0.922946103200875;
const double h_a0 = 1;
const double h_a1 = -1.88920703055163;
const double h_02 = 0.892769008131025;

// Lowpass (butter 4th order @5Hz cutoff) from MATLAB: 5.32116245737504e-08  1.06423249147501e-07    5.32116245737504e-08    1   -1.94396715039462   0.944882378004138
const double l_b0 = 5.32116245737504e-08;
const double l_b1 = 1.06423249147501e-07;
const double l_b2 = 5.32116245737504e-08;
const double l_a0 = 1;
const double l_a1 = -1.94396715039462;
const double l_a2 = 0.944882378004138;

//BiQuad values, dit moet nog aangepast worden aan de hand van de in matlab verkregen coefficienten
BiQuadChain notch; 
BiQuad bq_n1( n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6); 
BiQuad bq_n2( n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6); 
BiQuad bq_n3( n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6); 
BiQuadChain highpass; 
BiQuad bq_h1( h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6); 
BiQuad bq_h2( h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6); 
BiQuad bq_h3( h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6); 
BiQuadChain lowpass; 
BiQuad bq_l1( l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6); 
BiQuad bq_l2( l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6); 
BiQuad bq_l3( l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6);

//filteren van het EMG signaal
//eerst dus EMG signaal uitlezen
emg1 =;
emg2 =;
emg3 =;

//notch filter toepassen
notch1 = N1.step(emg1);
notch2 = N2.step(emg2);
notch3 = N3.step(emg3);

//high pass filter 
high1 = H1.step(notch1);
high2 = H2.step(notch2);
high3 = H3.step(notch3);

//rectify toepassen, oftewel absolute waarde van EMG signaal nemen
absolute1 = fabs(high1);
absolute2 = fabs(high2);
absolute3 = fabs(high3);

//low pass filter
low1 = L1.step(absolute1);
low2 = L2.step(absolute2);
low3 = L3.step(absolute3);