
Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed-dev

Fork of Nucleo_Ex06_EMU by woodstock .

diff -r 8d6e6aec9b01 -r 53ef91c87d74 K6502_rw.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/K6502_rw.h	Sat May 27 02:17:37 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+/*                                                                   */
+/*  K6502_RW.h : 6502 Reading/Writing Operation for NES              */
+/*               This file is included in K6502.cpp                  */
+/*                                                                   */
+/*  1999/11/03  Racoon  New preparation                              */
+/*                                                                   */
+#ifndef K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED
+#define K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED
+/*  Include files                                                    */
+#include "pNesX.h"
+#include "pNesX_System.h"
+/*                                                                   */
+/*            K6502_ReadZp() : Reading from the zero page            */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline BYTE K6502_ReadZp( BYTE byAddr )
+ *  Reading from the zero page
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    BYTE byAddr              (Read)
+ *      An address inside the zero page
+ *
+ *  Return values
+ *    Read Data
+ */
+  return RAM[ byAddr ];
+/*                                                                   */
+/*               K6502_Read() : Reading operation                    */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline BYTE K6502_Read( WORD wAddr )
+ *  Reading operation
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    WORD wAddr              (Read)
+ *      Address to read
+ *
+ *  Return values
+ *    Read data
+ *
+ *  Remarks
+ *    0x0000 - 0x1fff  RAM ( 0x800 - 0x1fff is mirror of 0x0 - 0x7ff )
+ *    0x2000 - 0x3fff  PPU
+ *    0x4000 - 0x5fff  Sound
+ *    0x6000 - 0x7fff  SRAM ( Battery Backed )
+ *    0x8000 - 0xffff  ROM
+ *
+ */
+  BYTE byRet;
+  switch ( wAddr & 0xe000 )
+  {
+    case 0x0000:  /* RAM */
+      return RAM[ wAddr & 0x7ff ];
+    case 0x2000:  /* PPU */
+      if ( wAddr <= 0x2006 )  /* PPU Status */
+      {
+        // Set return value
+        byRet = PPU_R2;
+        // Reset a V-Blank flag
+        PPU_R2 &= ~R2_IN_VBLANK;
+        // Reset address latch
+        PPU_Latch_Flag = 0;
+        // Make a Nametable 0 in V-Blank
+        if ( PPU_Scanline >= SCAN_VBLANK_START && !( PPU_R0 & R0_NMI_VB ) )
+        {
+          PPU_R0 &= ~R0_NAME_ADDR;
+          PPU_NameTableBank = NAME_TABLE0;
+        }
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x2007 )  /* PPU Memory */
+      {
+        // Set return value;
+        byRet = PPU_R7;
+        // Read PPU Memory
+        PPU_R7 = PPUBANK[ PPU_Addr >> 10 ][ PPU_Addr & 0x3ff ];
+        // Increment PPU Address
+        PPU_Addr += PPU_Increment;
+        PPU_Addr &= 0x3fff;
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x4000:  /* Sound */
+      if ( wAddr < 0x4016 )
+      {
+        // Return APU Register
+        //return APU_Reg[ wAddr & 0x1f ];
+        return ApuRead( wAddr & 0x1f );
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x4016 )
+      {
+        // Set Joypad1 data
+        byRet = (BYTE)( ( PAD1_Latch >> PAD1_Bit ) & 1 ) | 0x40;
+        PAD1_Bit = ( PAD1_Bit == 23 ) ? 0 : ( PAD1_Bit + 1 );
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      else
+      if ( wAddr == 0x4017 )
+      {
+        // Set Joypad2 data
+         byRet = (BYTE)( ( PAD2_Latch >> PAD2_Bit ) & 1 ) | 0x40;
+        PAD2_Bit = ( PAD2_Bit == 23 ) ? 0 : ( PAD2_Bit + 1 );
+        return byRet;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x6000:  /* SRAM */
+      return SRAM[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0x8000:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+      return ROMBANK0[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xa000:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+      return ROMBANK1[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xc000:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+      return ROMBANK2[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+    case 0xe000:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+      return ROMBANK3[ wAddr & 0x1fff ];
+  }
+  return 0;
+/*                                                                   */
+/*               K6502_Write() : Writing operation                    */
+/*                                                                   */
+static inline void K6502_Write( WORD wAddr, BYTE byData )
+ *  Writing operation
+ *
+ *  Parameters
+ *    WORD wAddr              (Read)
+ *      Address to write
+ *
+ *    BYTE byData             (Read)
+ *      Data to write
+ *
+ *  Remarks
+ *    0x0000 - 0x1fff  RAM ( 0x800 - 0x1fff is mirror of 0x0 - 0x7ff )
+ *    0x2000 - 0x3fff  PPU
+ *    0x4000 - 0x5fff  Sound
+ *    0x6000 - 0x7fff  SRAM ( Battery Backed )
+ *    0x8000 - 0xffff  ROM
+ *
+ */
+  switch ( wAddr & 0xe000 )
+  {
+    case 0x0000:  /* RAM */
+      RAM[ wAddr & 0x7ff ] = byData;
+      break;
+    case 0x2000:  /* PPU */
+      switch ( wAddr & 0x7 )
+      {
+        case 0:    /* 0x2000 */
+          PPU_R0 = byData;
+          PPU_Increment = ( PPU_R0 & R0_INC_ADDR ) ? 32 : 1;
+          PPU_NameTableBank = NAME_TABLE0 + ( PPU_R0 & R0_NAME_ADDR );
+          PPU_BG_Base = ( PPU_R0 & R0_BG_ADDR ) ? ChrBuf + 256 * 64 : ChrBuf;
+          PPU_SP_Base = ( PPU_R0 & R0_SP_ADDR ) ? ChrBuf + 256 * 64 : ChrBuf;
+          PPU_SP_Height = ( PPU_R0 & R0_SP_SIZE ) ? 16 : 8;
+          break;
+        case 1:   /* 0x2001 */
+          PPU_R1 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 2:   /* 0x2002 */
+          PPU_R2 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 3:   /* 0x2003 */
+          // Sprite RAM Address
+          PPU_R3 = byData;
+          break;
+        case 4:   /* 0x2004 */
+          // Write data to Sprite RAM
+          SPRRAM[ PPU_R3++ ] = byData;
+          break;
+        case 5:   /* 0x2005 */
+          // Set Scroll Register
+          if ( PPU_Latch_Flag )
+          {
+            // V-Scroll Register
+            PPU_Scr_V_Next = ( byData > 239 ) ? 0 : byData;
+            PPU_Scr_V_Byte_Next = PPU_Scr_V_Next >> 3;
+            PPU_Scr_V_Bit_Next = PPU_Scr_V_Next & 7;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            // H-Scroll Register
+            PPU_Scr_H_Next = byData;
+            PPU_Scr_H_Byte_Next = PPU_Scr_H_Next >> 3;
+            PPU_Scr_H_Bit_Next = PPU_Scr_H_Next & 7;
+          }
+          PPU_Latch_Flag ^= 1;
+          break;
+        case 6:   /* 0x2006 */
+          // Set PPU Address
+          if ( PPU_Latch_Flag )
+          {
+            // Low
+            PPU_Addr |= byData;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            // High
+            PPU_Addr = ( byData & 0x3f ) << 8;
+          }
+          PPU_Latch_Flag ^= 1;
+          break;
+        case 7:   /* 0x2007 */
+          // Write to PPU Memory
+          if ( PPU_Addr < 0x2000 && NesHeader.byVRomSize == 0 )
+          {
+            // Pattern Data
+            ChrBufUpdate |= ( 1 << ( PPU_Addr >> 10 ) );
+            PPURAM[ PPU_Addr ] = byData;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( PPU_Addr < 0x3f00 )  /* 0x2000 - 0x3eff */
+          {
+            // Name Table
+            PPUBANK[ PPU_Addr >> 10 ][ PPU_Addr & 0x3ff ] = byData;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( !( PPU_Addr & 0xf ) )  /* 0x3f00 or 0x3f10 */
+          {
+            // Palette mirror
+            PPURAM[ 0x3f10 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f14 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f18 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f1c ] = 
+            PPURAM[ 0x3f00 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f04 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f08 ] = PPURAM[ 0x3f0c ] = byData;
+            PalTable[ 0x00 ] = PalTable[ 0x04 ] = PalTable[ 0x08 ] = PalTable[ 0x0c ] =
+            PalTable[ 0x10 ] = PalTable[ 0x14 ] = PalTable[ 0x18 ] = PalTable[ 0x1c ] = NesPalette[ byData ]; // | 0x8000;
+          }
+          else
+          if ( PPU_Addr & 3 )
+          {
+            // Palette
+            PPURAM[ PPU_Addr ] = byData;
+            PalTable[ PPU_Addr & 0x1f ] = NesPalette[ byData ];
+          }
+          // Increment PPU Address
+          PPU_Addr += PPU_Increment;
+          PPU_Addr &= 0x3fff;
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x4000:  /* Sound */
+      switch ( wAddr & 0x1f )
+      {
+        case 0x14:  /* 0x4014 */
+          // Sprite DMA
+          switch ( byData >> 5 )
+          {
+            case 0x0:  /* RAM */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &RAM[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x7ff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x3:  /* SRAM */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &SRAM[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x4:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK0[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x5:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK1[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x6:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK2[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+            case 0x7:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+              pNesX_MemoryCopy( SPRRAM, &ROMBANK3[ ( (WORD)byData << 8 ) & 0x1fff ], SPRRAM_SIZE );
+              break;
+          }
+          APU_Reg[ 0x14 ] = byData;          
+          break;
+        case 0x16:  /* 0x4016 */
+          // Reset joypad
+          if ( !( APU_Reg[ 0x16 ] & 1 ) && ( byData & 1 ) )
+          {
+            PAD1_Bit = 0;
+            PAD2_Bit = 0;
+          }
+          APU_Reg[ 0x16 ] = byData;
+          break;
+        default:
+          if ( wAddr <= 0x4017 )
+          {
+            // Write to APU Register
+            ApuWrite( wAddr & 0x1f, byData );
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x6000:  /* SRAM */
+      SRAM[ wAddr & 0x1fff ] = byData;
+      break;
+    case 0x8000:  /* ROM BANK 0 */
+    case 0xa000:  /* ROM BANK 1 */
+    case 0xc000:  /* ROM BANK 2 */
+    case 0xe000:  /* ROM BANK 3 */
+      // Write to Mapper
+      MapperWrite( wAddr, byData );
+      break;
+  }
+// Reading/Writing operation (WORD version)
+static inline WORD K6502_ReadW( WORD wAddr ){ return K6502_Read( wAddr ) | (WORD)K6502_Read( wAddr + 1 ) << 8; };
+static inline void K6502_WriteW( WORD wAddr, WORD wData ){ K6502_Write( wAddr, wData & 0xff ); K6502_Write( wAddr + 1, wData >> 8 ); };
+static inline WORD K6502_ReadZpW( BYTE byAddr ){ return K6502_ReadZp( byAddr ) | ( K6502_ReadZp( byAddr + 1 ) << 8 ); };
+#endif /* !K6502_RW_H_INCLUDED */