Added a GPIO to power on/off for external I2C sensor(s) (with LEDs)

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

18-Jun-2018 外部センサの電源オン・オフ機能は下位互換の為に無効になっていました。 この版で再度有効にしました。



File content as of revision 0:846e2321c637:

 * Copyright 2015 Afero, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * afLib public interface
 * This file defines everything your application should need for commuinicating with the Afero ASR-1 radio module.
 * Is there is anything missing from this file, please post a request on the developer forum and we will see what
 * we can do.

#include "mbed.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "afErrors.h"
#include "afSPI.h"

#if defined (TARGET_TEENSY3_1)
    #include "USBSerial.h"


#define MAX_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE                  255

typedef void (*isr)();
typedef void (*onAttributeSet)(const uint8_t requestId, const uint16_t attributeId, const uint16_t valueLen, const uint8_t *value);
typedef void (*onAttributeSetComplete)(const uint8_t requestId, const uint16_t attributeId, const uint16_t valueLen, const uint8_t *value);

class iafLib {
     * create
     * Create an instance of the afLib object. The afLib is a singleton. Calling this method multiple
     * times will return the same instance.
     * @param   mcuInterrupt    The Arduino interrupt to be used (returned from digitalPinToInterrupt)
     * @param   isrWrapper      This is the isr method that must be defined in your sketch
     * @param   attrSet         Callback for notification of attribute set requests
     * @param   attrSetComplete Callback for notification of attribute set request completions
     * @return  iafLib *        Instance of iafLib
    static iafLib * create(PinName mcuInterrupt, isr isrWrapper,
        onAttributeSet attrSet, onAttributeSetComplete attrSetComplete, afSPI *theSPI);
    //wsugi 20161128
    static void destroy();

     * loop
     * Called by the loop() method in your sketch to give afLib some CPU time
    virtual void loop(void) = 0;

     * getAttribute
     * Request the value of an attribute be returned from the ASR-1.
     * Value will be returned in the attrSetComplete callback.
    virtual int getAttribute(const uint16_t attrId) = 0;

     * setAttribute
     * Request setting an attribute.
     * For MCU attributes, the attribute value will be updated.
     * For IO attributes, the attribute value will be updated, and then onAttrSetComplete will be called.
    virtual int setAttributeBool(const uint16_t attrId, const bool value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute8(const uint16_t attrId, const int8_t value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute16(const uint16_t attrId, const int16_t value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute32(const uint16_t attrId, const int32_t value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute64(const uint16_t attrId, const int64_t value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute(const uint16_t attrId, const string &value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute(const uint16_t attrId, const uint16_t valueLen, const char *value) = 0;

    virtual int setAttribute(const uint16_t attrId, const uint16_t valueLen, const uint8_t *value) = 0;

     * setAttributeComplete
     * Call this in response to an onAttrSet. This lets the ASR-1 know that the set request has been handled.
    virtual int setAttributeComplete(uint8_t requestId, const uint16_t attrId, const uint16_t valueLen, const uint8_t *value) = 0;

     * isIdle
     * Call to find out of the ASR-1 is currently handling a request.
     * @return true if an operation is in progress
    virtual bool isIdle() = 0;

     * mcuISR
     * Called by your sketch to pass the interrupt along to afLib.
    virtual void mcuISR() = 0;