Temporary Connector Reversed Version

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

afero_poc15_180403R , J1 のピン配置を反転させたヴァージョンです。

J1-D7 <-> J1-D0
J1-D6 <-> J1-D1

(調査中) また、こちらでテストした範囲では、
FRDM-KL25Z の V3.3 を、Modulo2 の VCC_3V3 ピンに接続してやる必要がありました。

尚、J1-D1, D0 を使用するために UART を無効にしているため

aitendoのTFTモジュールはデフォルトでは8bit bus モードになっています。


POC1.5 では サーミスタは 25℃の時に抵抗値が 50.0kΩになる502AT-11 が

今回の試作では抵抗値が 10.0kΩの 103AT-11 が
SMTC502AT-11 のコンストラクタを 
R0 = 10.0
R1 = 5.1
B = 3435
T0 = 298.15

diff -r 000000000000 -r 0b6732b53bf4 af_utils/af_attributes.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/af_utils/af_attributes.h	Tue Apr 24 08:58:33 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#ifndef _AF_ATTRIBUTES_H_
+#define _AF_ATTRIBUTES_H_
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "afLib.h"
+ * af_attributes.h
+ *
+ */
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SINT8                                       2
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SINT16                                      3
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SINT32                                      4
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SINT64                                      5
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOLEAN                                     1
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UTF8S                                      20
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BYTES                                      21
+#define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FIXED_15_16                                 6
+#define afSUCCESS                    0    // Operation completed successfully
+#define afERROR_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE   -1    // Request was made for unknown attribute id
+#define afERROR_BUSY                -2    // Request already in progress, try again
+#define afERROR_INVALID_COMMAND     -3    // Command could not be parsed
+#define afERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW      -4    // Queue is full
+#define afERROR_QUEUE_UNDERFLOW     -5    // Queue is empty
+#define afERROR_INVALID_PARAM       -6    // Bad input parameter
+#define AF_SYSTEM_COMMAND            65012
+#define AF_SYSTEM_ASR_STATE          65013
+#define MODULE_STATE_REBOOTED                 0
+#define MODULE_STATE_LINKED                   1
+#define MODULE_STATE_UPDATING                 2
+#define MOUDLE_STATE_UPDATE_READY             3
+#define MODULE_COMMAND_NONE                   0
+#define MODULE_COMMAND_REBOOT                 1
+#define ATTR_SENSE_VAL               1
+#define ATTR_ACCEL_PRESENT           100
+#define ATTR_ACCEL_ENABLE            101
+#define ATTR_ACCEL_INTERVAL          102 
+#define ATTR_ACCEL_VALUE             103
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PRESENT          200
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_ENABLE           201
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_INTERVAL         202
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_TRIGMODE         203
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_ITIME            204
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_CALIBRATE        205
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_R            206
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_G            207
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_B            208
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_PERIOD       209
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_PWM_TARGET       210
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_R_VALUE          211
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_G_VALUE          212
+#define ATTR_COLOR0_B_VALUE          213
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PRESENT          220
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_ENABLE           221
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_INTERVAL         222
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_TRIGMODE         223
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_ITIME            224
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_CALIBRATE        225
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_R            226
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_G            227
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_B            228
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_PERIOD       229
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_PWM_TARGET       230
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_R_VALUE          231
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_G_VALUE          232
+#define ATTR_COLOR1_B_VALUE          233
+/* temperature sensor LM75B with color0 */
+#define ATTR_TEMP0_PRESENT           300
+#define ATTR_TEMP0_ENABLE            301
+#define ATTR_TEMP0_INTERVAL          302
+#define ATTR_TEMP0_VALUE             303
+/* temperature sensor AT502-11 (before) */
+#define ATTR_TEMP1_PRESENT           310
+#define ATTR_TEMP1_ENABLE            311
+#define ATTR_TEMP1_INTERVAL          312
+#define ATTR_TEMP1_VALUE             313
+/* temperature sensor AT502-11 (after) */
+#define ATTR_TEMP2_PRESENT           320
+#define ATTR_TEMP2_ENABLE            321
+#define ATTR_TEMP2_INTERVAL          322
+#define ATTR_TEMP2_VALUE             323
+/* temperature sensor LM75B with color1 */
+#define ATTR_TEMP3_PRESENT           330
+#define ATTR_TEMP3_ENABLE            331
+#define ATTR_TEMP3_INTERVAL          332
+#define ATTR_TEMP3_VALUE             333
+/* gas pressure sensor */
+/* gas pressure sensor */
+#define ATTR_GAS_PRESENT            400
+#define ATTR_GAS_ENABLE             401
+#define ATTR_GAS_INTERVAL           402
+#define ATTR_GAS_VALUE              403
+#define ATTR_GAS_THR_MODE           404
+#define ATTR_GAS_THR_HIGH           405
+#define ATTR_GAS_THR_LOW            406
+/* current trans sensor */
+#define ATTR_CURRENT_PRESENT         500
+#define ATTR_CURRENT_ENABLE          501
+#define ATTR_CURRENT_INTERVAL        502
+#define ATTR_CURRENT_VALUE           503
+#define ATTR_SOFTWARE_RESET          666
+#define ATTR_DISPLAY_MODE            777
+#define ATTR_MCU_RESET_REASON        999
+#define ATTR_LED                 1024
+#define ATTR_IO0                 1025
+#define ATTR_IO1                 1026
+#define ATTR_IO2                 1028
+#define ATTR_BUTTON              1030
+#define ATTR_IO3                 1031
+#define ATTR_BOOT_LOADER_VER     2001
+#define ATTR_BLE_STACK_VER       2002
+#define ATTR_FW_APP_VER          2003
+#define ATTR_DEVICE_DESC         2004
+#define ATTR_WIFI_VER            2006
+#define ATTR_OFFLINE_SCHED      59001
+#define ATTR_SECURITY_ENABLED   60000
+#define ATTR_UTC_OFFSET         65001
+#define ATTR_CONFIGURES_SSID    65004
+#define ATTR_WIFI_BARS          65005
+#define ATTR_WIFI_STDY_STATE    65006
+#define ATTR_COMMAND            65012
+#define ATTR_ASR_STATE          65013
+#define ATTR_LOW_BATTERY        65014
+#define ATTR_LINKED_TIMESTAMP   65015
+#define ATTR_ATTR_ACK           65018
+#define ATTR_REBOOT_REASON      65019
+#define ATTR_BLE_COMMS          65020
+#define ATTR_MCU_INTERFACE      65021
+#define DISPLAY_MODE_OFF        0
+#define DISPLAY_MODE_GAS        1
+#define DISPLAY_MODE_CHART      3
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t id ;
+    char *description ;
+    int attribute_type ;
+    int size ;
+} af_attribute_type ;
+ * get_af_attr
+ * @param id attribute id value to look up
+ * @returns index of the attribute in the af_attribute_type af_attr[]
+ */
+int get_af_attr(uint16_t id) ;
+ * print_af_error
+ * @param resultCode return value from afLib function(s)
+ */
+void print_af_error(int resultCode) ;
+ * Callback that allows ASR to request an MCU attribute be changed. 
+ * You should define this function in your MCU firmware to perform application-specific actions 
+ * your code must take (e.g., updating the state of the hardware), 
+ * in light of the attribute value change.
+void attributeChangeRequest(
+    const uint8_t   requestId, 
+    const uint16_t  attributeId,
+    const uint16_t  valueLen,
+    const uint8_t   *value
+) ;
+ * Application callback that allows afLib to notify that an attribute has changed. 
+ * This method will be called in response to a getAttribute call from the application 
+ * and whenever a ASR module attribute changes.
+ */
+void attributeUpdatedReport(
+    const uint8_t   requestId,
+    const uint16_t  attributeId,
+    const uint16_t  valueLen,
+    const uint8_t   *value
+) ;
+extern afLib *afero ; 
+#endif /* _AF_ATTRIBUTES_H */
\ No newline at end of file