Temporary Connector Reversed Version

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

afero_poc15_180403R , J1 のピン配置を反転させたヴァージョンです。

J1-D7 <-> J1-D0
J1-D6 <-> J1-D1

(調査中) また、こちらでテストした範囲では、
FRDM-KL25Z の V3.3 を、Modulo2 の VCC_3V3 ピンに接続してやる必要がありました。

尚、J1-D1, D0 を使用するために UART を無効にしているため

aitendoのTFTモジュールはデフォルトでは8bit bus モードになっています。


POC1.5 では サーミスタは 25℃の時に抵抗値が 50.0kΩになる502AT-11 が

今回の試作では抵抗値が 10.0kΩの 103AT-11 が
SMTC502AT-11 のコンストラクタを 
R0 = 10.0
R1 = 5.1
B = 3435
T0 = 298.15

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/edge_sensor/edge_pressure.cpp	Tue Apr 24 08:58:33 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "edge_sensor.h"
+#include "edge_time.h"
+#include "edge_reset_mgr.h"
+#include "PSE530.h"
+#include "edge_pressure.h"
+#include <ILI9341.h>
+#include "edge_chart.h"
+// #include "SO1602A.h"
+// extern SO1602A *display ; /* OLED display on I2C */
+extern ILI9341 *display ;
+#define LOW_THR   0.2
+#define HIGH_THR  0.3 
+#define MIN_TEMP 12.0
+#define MAX_TEMP 30.0
+ * SMC PSE530 pressure sensor
+ * analog output 1.0V - 5.0V
+ * 1.0V : 0
+ * 5.0V : 1MPa
+ * (at 0.6V : -0.1MPa)
+ * Our sensor I/F converts 0-5V to 0-1
+ * So we suppose V = Analog Float Value : Pressure
+ * 0.2 =  0
+ * 1.0 = 1MPa
+ */
+float temp2expected(float temp)
+    const float coef_A = 0.089 ;
+    const float coef_B = 0.831 ;
+    float pressure ;
+    pressure = temp * coef_A + coef_B ;
+    return( pressure ) ;
+edge_pressure::edge_pressure(PSE530 *pse, DigitalOut *en)
+    _pse = pse ;
+    _en = en ;
+    _value = 0.0 ;
+    _interval = 30 ;
+    _thr_mode = 0 ;
+    _thr_high = HIGH_THR ;
+    _thr_low = LOW_THR ;
+    if (_pse) {
+        delete _pse ;
+    }
+    _value = 0.0 ;
+float edge_pressure::get_value(void)
+    float value = 0.0 ;
+    value = _pse->getPressure() ;
+    return( value ) ;
+void edge_pressure::reset(void) 
+    _value = 0.0 ;
+    _sampled_time = 0 ;
+void edge_pressure::prepare(void) 
+int edge_pressure::sample(void) 
+    int result = 0 ;
+    *_en = 1 ; /* enable pressure sensor */
+    wait_ms(30) ;
+    _value = get_value() ;
+    _sampled_time = edge_time ;
+    *_en = 0 ; /* disable pressure sensor */
+    wait_ms(10) ; /* to avoid power transition effect remaining */
+    return( result ) ; /* this always success */
+void edge_pressure::set_thr_high(int16_t thr_high)
+    switch(_thr_mode) {
+    case 0: /* absolute value */
+        _thr_high = (float)thr_high/100.0 ;
+        break ;
+    case 1: /* persentage */
+        _thr_high = (float)(thr_high/100.0) ;
+        break ;
+    default:
+        printf("Unknown Threshold mode %d\n", _thr_mode) ;
+        _thr_high = (float)thr_high/100.0 ;
+        break ;
+    }
+// printf("thr_high = %.3f\n", _thr_high) ;
+float edge_pressure::get_thr_high(float expected)
+    float thr_high ;
+    switch(_thr_mode) {
+    case 0: /* absolute value */
+        thr_high = expected + _thr_high ;
+        break ;
+    case 1: /* persentage */
+        thr_high = expected * (1.0 + _thr_high) ;
+        break ;
+    default:
+        printf("Unknown Threshold mode %d\n", _thr_mode) ;
+        thr_high = expected + _thr_high ; /* use this as default */
+        break ;
+    }
+    return (thr_high) ;
+void edge_pressure::set_thr_low(int16_t thr_low)
+    switch(_thr_mode) {
+    case 0: /* absolute value */
+        _thr_low = (float)thr_low/100.0 ;
+        break ;
+    case 1: /* persentage */
+        _thr_low = (float)(thr_low/100.0) ;
+        break ;
+    default:
+        printf("Unknown Threshold mode %d\n", _thr_mode) ;
+        _thr_low = (float)thr_low/100.0 ;
+        break ;
+    }
+//printf("thr_low = %.3f\n", _thr_low) ;
+float edge_pressure::get_thr_low(float expected)
+    float thr_low ;
+    switch(_thr_mode) {
+    case 0: /* absolute value */
+        thr_low = expected - _thr_low ;
+        break ;
+    case 1: /* persentage */
+        thr_low = expected * (1.0 - _thr_low) ;
+        break ;
+    default:
+        printf("Unknown Threshold mode %d\n", _thr_mode) ;
+        thr_low = expected + _thr_low ; /* use this as default */
+        break ;
+    }
+    return (thr_low) ;
+int edge_pressure::deliver(void) 
+    char str_buf[32] ;
+    char timestr[16] ;
+    int result ;
+reset_watch_dog() ;
+    print_time(_sampled_time) ;
+    if (current_temp != 0) {
+        sprintf(str_buf, "GAS: %.3f kgf/cm2 @ %.1fC", _value, *current_temp ) ;
+    } else {
+        sprintf(str_buf, "GAS: %.3f kgf/cm2", _value  ) ;
+    }
+    printf(" ") ;
+    printf(str_buf) ;
+    if (current_temp != 0) {
+reset_watch_dog() ;
+        _expected = temp2expected(*current_temp) ;
+        _higher = get_thr_high(_expected) ;
+        _lower = get_thr_low(_expected) ;
+        printf(" (%.3f, %.3f) ", _higher, _lower) ;
+    }
+reset_watch_dog() ;
+    printf(" %s\n", str_buf) ;
+    time2seq(_sampled_time, timestr) ;
+//    printf(str_buf) ;
+//    printf("\n") ;
+    sprintf(_str_buf,
+       "{\"DEVICE\":\"PRESS\",\"PN\":\"PSE530\",\"VAL\":\"%.3f\",\"UNIT\":\"kgf/cm2\",\"T\":\"%s\",\"E\":\"%d\"}",
+       _value, timestr, _error_count) ;
+reset_watch_dog() ;
+    result = afero->setAttribute(1, _str_buf) ;
+    return( result == afSUCCESS ) ;
+int v2x(float value)
+    int result ;
+    if (value < 0) {
+        result = 20 ;
+    } else if (value > 4) {
+        result = 300 ;
+    } else {
+        result = 20 + (int)(70 * value + 0.5) ;
+    }
+    return( result ) ;
+int press_v2y(float value, edge_chart_type *p)
+    int y ;
+    if (value < p->min) {
+        value = p->min ;
+    } else if (value > p->max) {
+        value = p->max ;
+    }
+    y = p->top + p->height - 2
+        - (int)((p->height - 2) * ((value - p->min) /(p->max - p->min))) ;
+    return( y ) ;
+ * drawPointer
+ *
+ * draw a triangle pointer at value place
+ * in GAS pressure display mode 
+ */
+void edge_pressure::drawPointer(int c)
+    float delta_x ;
+    int x[2], y, i ;
+    const int top = 75 ;
+    const int pointer_height = 15 ;
+    for (i = 0 ; i < pointer_height ; i++ ) {
+        y = top + i ;
+        delta_x = i * 5.0 / 8.0 ;
+        x[0] = c - delta_x ;
+        x[1] = c + delta_x ;
+        display->line(x[0], y, x[1], y, White) ;
+    }
+void edge_pressure::show(void)
+    edge_chart_type *p = &edge_chart[ _id ] ;
+    uint16_t color = White ;
+    char str_buf[32] ;
+    int i, x, y, l, r, c, str_x ;
+    if (display) {
+        reset_watch_dog() ;
+/* for debug */
+//  _value = _lower - 0.5 ; /* LOW */
+// _value = (_higher + _lower) / 2 ; /* GOOD */
+// _value = _higher + 0.2 ; /* HIGH */
+        if (_value > _higher) {
+            sprintf(str_buf, "HIGH") ;
+            color = Red ;
+            str_x = 60 ;
+        } else if (_value < _lower) {
+            sprintf(str_buf, "LOW") ;
+            color = Yellow ;
+            str_x = 60 ;
+        } else {
+            sprintf(str_buf, "GOOD") ;
+            color = Green ;
+            str_x = 35 ;
+        }
+        switch(display_mode) {
+        case DISPLAY_MODE_GAS:
+            display->BusEnable(true) ;
+            display->cls() ;
+            /* printf frame */
+            display->foreground(White) ;
+            display->line(20, 75, 300, 75, White) ;
+            for (i = 0 ; i <= 8 ; i++ ) {
+                x = 20 + i * 35 ;
+                if (i & 0x01) { /* odd */
+                    display->line(x, 55, x, 95, White) ;
+                } else { /* even */
+                    display->line(x, 45, x, 105, White) ;
+                }
+            }
+            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial28x28);
+            for (i = 0 ; i <= 4 ; i++ ) {
+                x = 12 + i * 70 ;
+                display->locate(x, 10) ;
+                display->printf("%d", i) ;
+            }
+            /* print expected area and current pressure */
+            l = v2x(_lower) ;
+            r = v2x(_higher) ;
+            c = v2x(_value) ;
+//            display->fillrect(l, 70, r, 80, Red) ;
+            display->fillrect(l, 65, r, 74, Red) ;
+//            display->fillcircle(c, 75, 10, White) ;
+            drawPointer(c) ;
+            /* print status */
+            display->locate(str_x, 140) ;
+            display->set_font_zoom(3, 3) ;
+            display->foreground(color) ;
+            display->printf(str_buf) ;
+            display->set_font_zoom(1, 1) ;
+            display->BusEnable(false) ;
+            break ;
+            display->BusEnable(true) ;
+            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+            display->set_font_zoom(2, 2) ;
+            display->foreground(White) ;
+            display->locate(10, EDGE_SUMMARY_TIME_Y) ;
+            displayTime(_sampled_time) ;
+//          display->locate(10,50) ;
+//          display->printf(timestr) ;
+            display->locate(10, EDGE_SUMMARY_PRESS_Y) ;
+            display->printf("Press: ") ;
+            display->foreground(color) ;
+            display->locate(90, EDGE_SUMMARY_PRESS_Y) ;
+            display->printf("%.3f ", _value) ;
+            display->foreground(White) ;
+            display->printf("kgf/cm2") ;
+            display->BusEnable(false) ;
+            break ;
+        case DISPLAY_MODE_CHART:
+            x = p->left + p->index + 1;
+            y = press_v2y(_value, p) ;
+            display->BusEnable(true) ;
+            if (p->index == 0) {
+                draw_chart_frame(p) ;
+            }
+            display->foreground(color) ;
+            display->pixel(x, y, color) ;
+            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+            display->locate(p->left + 40, p->top + 5) ;
+            display->printf("%5s", str_buf) ;
+            display->foreground(White) ;
+            display->BusEnable(false) ;
+            p->index = (p->index + 1) % (p->width - 2) ;
+            break ;
+        }
+    }
+    reset_watch_dog() ;