Release candidate version. The pointer in GAS Pressure display is changed to a triangle.

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

Please note, at 2-Mar-2018 the current version of mbed-lib has a defect in Ticker.

So, mbed lib version 157 is intentionally being used.
Please do not update mbed library until the problem in the above URL is fixed.

In this version, format of GAS Pressure Display has been changed.




--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/edge_sensor/edge_temp.cpp	Fri Mar 02 07:56:09 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LM75B.h"
+#include "edge_reset_mgr.h"
+#include "edge_sensor.h"
+#include "edge_temp.h"
+#include "edge_chart.h"
+float *current_temp = 0 ;
+edge_temp::edge_temp(LM75B *temp1, SMTC502AT *temp2, SMTC502AT *temp3, LM75B *temp4) 
+    _temp1 = temp1 ;
+    _temp2 = temp2 ;
+    _temp3 = temp3 ;
+    _temp4 = temp4 ;
+    _ftemp[0] = _ftemp[1] = _ftemp[2] = _ftemp[3] = 0.0 ;
+    _interval = 30 ;
+    current_temp = &_ftemp[1] ; /* use before for current temp */
+    if (_temp1) {
+        delete _temp1 ;
+    }
+    if (_temp2) {
+        delete _temp2 ;
+    }
+    if (_temp3) {
+        delete _temp3 ;
+    }
+    if (_temp4) {
+        delete _temp4 ;
+    }
+void    edge_temp::reset(void) 
+void    edge_temp::prepare(void) 
+int    edge_temp::sample(void) 
+    int result ;
+    if (_temp1) {
+        result = _temp1->getTemp(&_ftemp[0]) ;
+    }
+    if (_temp2) {
+        _ftemp[1] = _temp2->getTemp() ;
+    }
+    if (_temp3) {
+        _ftemp[2] = _temp3->getTemp() ;
+    }
+    if (_temp4) {
+        _temp4->getTemp(&_ftemp[3]) ;
+    }
+    _sampled_time = edge_time ;
+    return( result ) ;
+int    edge_temp::deliver(void) 
+    int result ;
+    char timestr[16] ;
+    print_time() ;
+    printf(" temp: ") ;
+    if (_temp1) {
+        printf("LM75B1 = %.2f ", _ftemp[0]) ;
+    } 
+    if (_temp2) {
+        printf("before = %.2f ", _ftemp[1]) ;
+    }
+    if (_temp3) {
+        printf("after = %.2f ", _ftemp[2]) ;
+    }
+    if (_temp4) {
+        printf("LM75B2 = %.2f ", _ftemp[3]) ;
+    }
+    printf("\n") ;
+    time2seq(_sampled_time, timestr) ;
+    sprintf(_str_buf,
+    "{\"DEVICE\":\"TEMP04\",\"VAL_1\":\"%.1f\",\"VAL_2\":\"%.1f\",\"VAL_3\":\"%.1f\",\"T\":\"%s\",\"E\":\"%d\"}",
+        _ftemp[0], _ftemp[1], _ftemp[2], timestr, _error_count) ;
+    result = afero->setAttribute(1, _str_buf) ;
+    return( result == afSUCCESS ) ;
+int temp_v2y(float value, edge_chart_type *p)
+    int y ;
+    if (value < p->min) {
+        value = p->min ;
+    } else if (value > p->max) {
+        value = p->max ;
+    }
+    y = p->top + p->height - 1
+        - (int)((p->height - 2) * (value - p->min) /(p->max - p->min)) ;
+    return( y ) ;
+void edge_temp::show(void)
+    edge_chart_type *p = &edge_chart[ _id ] ;
+    int x, temp, before, after ;
+    reset_watch_dog() ;
+    if (display) {
+        switch(display_mode) {
+            display->BusEnable(true) ;
+            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+            display->set_font_zoom(2, 2) ;
+            display->foreground(White) ;
+            display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_TIME_Y) ;
+            displayTime(_sampled_time) ;
+            display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_TEMP_Y) ;
+            display->printf("Temp : %.2f %.2f %.2f",_ftemp[0], _ftemp[1], _ftemp[2]) ;
+            display->BusEnable(false) ;
+            reset_watch_dog() ;
+            break ;
+        case DISPLAY_MODE_CHART:
+            x = p->left + p->index + 1;
+            temp =  temp_v2y(_ftemp[0], p) ;
+            before = temp_v2y(_ftemp[1], p) ;
+            after = temp_v2y(_ftemp[2], p) ;
+            display->BusEnable(true) ;
+            if (p->index == 0) {
+                draw_chart_frame(p) ;
+            }
+            display->pixel(x, temp, White) ;
+            display->pixel(x, before, Red) ;
+            display->pixel(x, after, Blue) ;
+            display->BusEnable(false) ;
+            p->index = (p->index + 1) % (p->width - 2) ;
+            break ;  
+        }
+    }
+    reset_watch_dog() ;