Basically i glued Peter Drescher and Simon Ford libs in a GraphicsDisplay class, then derived TFT or LCD class (which inherits Protocols class), then the most derived ones (Inits), which are per-display and are the only part needed to be adapted to diff hw.

Dependents:   afero_poc15_180216 afero_poc15_180223 afero_poc15_180302 afero_poc15_180403R ... more

Fork of UniGraphic by GraphicsDisplay

UniGraphic for La Suno Version.
To go with La Suno, WatchDog Reset functions were added in ILI9341.



File content as of revision 27:acb2594b8aa4:

#ifndef MBED_LCD_H
#define MBED_LCD_H

#include "PAR8.h"
#include "PAR16.h"

#include "BUS8.h"
#include "SPI8.h"
#include "SPI16.h"
#include "Protocols.h"

#include "GraphicsDisplay.h"

// undefine the KL43Z and KL46Z LCD macro
#ifdef LCD
#undef LCD

/** Draw mode
  * NORMAl
  * XOR set pixel by xor the screen
enum {NORMAL,XOR};

/** Mirror mode */
enum mirror_t {X,Y,XY,NONE};

/** A common base class for monochrome Display
class LCD : public GraphicsDisplay

    /** Create a monochrome LCD Parallel Port interface
    * @param name The name used by the parent class to access the interface
    LCD(proto_t displayproto,PortName port, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC, PinName WR, PinName RD, const int lcdsize_x, const int lcdsize_y, const int ic_x_segs, const int ic_y_coms, const char* name);
    /** Create a monochrome LCD Parallel Bus interface
    * @param name The name used by the parent class to access the interface
    LCD(proto_t displayproto,PinName* buspins, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC, PinName WR, PinName RD, const int lcdsize_x, const int lcdsize_y, const int ic_x_segs, const int ic_y_coms, const char* name);
    /** Create a monochrome LCD SPI interface
    * @param name The name used by the parent class to access the interface
    LCD(proto_t displayproto, int Hz, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName CS, PinName reset, PinName DC, const int lcdsize_x, const int lcdsize_y, const int ic_x_segs, const int ic_y_coms, const char* name);
    /** Destructor
    * will free framebuffer
    virtual ~LCD();

/////// functions that come for free, but can be overwritten///////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////// ----------------------------------------------------///////////////////////////////////////////////////

    /** Draw a pixel in the specified color.
    * @param x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    * @param y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
    * @param color defines the color for the pixel.
    virtual void pixel(int x, int y, unsigned short color);

    /** Set the window, which controls where items are written to the screen.
    * When something hits the window width, it wraps back to the left side
    * and down a row. If the initial write is outside the window, it will
    * be captured into the window when it crosses a boundary.
    * @param x is the left edge in pixels.
    * @param y is the top edge in pixels.
    * @param w is the window width in pixels.
    * @param h is the window height in pixels.
    virtual void window(int x, int y, int w, int h);
    /** Read pixel color at location
    * @param x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
    * @param y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
    * @returns 16bit color, 0000=Black(pixel set), FFFF=White(pixel clear).
    virtual unsigned short pixelread(int x, int y);

    /** Push a single pixel into the window and increment position.
    * You must first call window() then push pixels in loop.
    * @param color is the pixel color.
    virtual void window_pushpixel(unsigned short color);
    /** Push some pixels of the same color into the window and increment position.
    * You must first call window() then push pixels.
    * @param color is the pixel color.
    * @param count: how many
    virtual void window_pushpixel(unsigned short color, unsigned int count);
    /** Push array of pixel colors into the window and increment position.
    * You must first call window() then push pixels.
    * @param color is the pixel color.
    virtual void window_pushpixelbuf(unsigned short* color, unsigned int lenght);
    /** Framebuffer is used, it needs to be sent to LCD from time to time
    virtual void copy_to_lcd();
    /** set the contrast of the screen
      * @param o contrast 0-63
      * @note may be overrided in case of not standard command
    virtual void set_contrast(int o);

    /** read the contrast level
    int get_contrast(void);

    /** display inverted colors
      * @param o = 0 normal, 1 invert
    void invert(unsigned char o);

    /** clear the entire screen
    * The inherited one sets windomax then fill with background color
    * We override it to speedup
    virtual void cls();
    /** Set the orientation of the screen
    *  x,y: 0,0 is always top left 
    * @param o direction to use the screen (0-3)
    * 0 = -90°
    * 1 = default 0°
    * 2 = +90°
    * 3 = +180°
    void set_orientation(int o);
    /** Set ChipSelect high or low
    * @param enable 0/1   
    virtual void BusEnable(bool enable);
    /** get display X size in pixels (native, orientation independent)
    * @returns X size in pixels
    int sizeX();

    /** get display Y size in pixels (native, orientation independent)
    * @returns Y size in pixels
    int sizeY();
    // not implemented yet
  //  virtual unsigned short pixelread(int x, int y){return 0;};
    virtual void window4read(int x, int y, int w, int h){};
    void setscrollarea (int startY, int areasize){};
    void scroll (int lines){};
    void scrollreset(){};
    void FastWindow(bool enable){};
    unsigned int tftID;

    /** set mirror mode
      * @note may be overridden by specific display init class in case of not standard cmds or inverted wiring 
      * @param mode NONE, X, Y, XY 
    virtual void mirrorXY(mirror_t mode);

////// functions needed by parent class ///////////////////////////////////////
////// -------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////

    /** Send 8bit command to display controller 
    * @param cmd: byte to send  
    * @note if protocol is SPI16, it will insert NOP cmd before, so if cmd is a 2byte cmd, the second cmd will be broken. Use wr_cmd16 for 2bytes cmds
    void wr_cmd8(unsigned char cmd);
    /** Send 8bit data to display controller 
    * @param data: byte to send   
    void wr_data8(unsigned char data);
    /** Send 16bit command to display controller 
    * @param cmd: halfword to send  
    void wr_cmd16(unsigned short cmd);
    /** Send same 16bit pixeldata to display controller multiple times
    * @param data: halfword to send
    * @param count: how many
    virtual void wr_gram(unsigned short data, unsigned int count);
    /** Send array of pixeldata shorts to display controller
    * @param data: unsigned short pixeldata array
    * @param lenght: lenght (in shorts)
    virtual void wr_grambuf(unsigned short* data, unsigned int lenght);
    /** HW reset sequence (without display init commands)   
    void hw_reset();
    int draw_mode;
    int contrast;

    Protocols* proto;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    unsigned short *buffer16;
    const int screensize_X;
    const int screensize_Y;
    const int _LCDPAGES;
    const int _IC_X_SEGS;
    const int _IC_Y_COMS;
    const int _IC_PAGES;
    int page_offset;
    int col_offset;
    // pixel location
    int cur_x;
    int cur_y;
    // window location
    int win_x1;
    int win_x2;
    int win_y1;
    int win_y2;
    int orientation;
    bool useNOP;
