This lib was build for reading the 3 IMU unit sensors of Altimu10v4 board (



File content as of revision 0:08c9e51e6fd6:

 #include "ALTIMU.h"

// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Constructor
Altimu::Altimu(PinName sda, PinName scl):
    _ALTIMU(sda, scl)
    // Setting I2C operation frequency.

    // L3GD20 configuration.
    // DRDY_HL (DRDY active high);I2C_dis = (I2C & SPI enable); SW = (Normal Mode); Low_ODR = (Low speed disable).
    // DR = 01 (200 Hz ODR); BW = 10 (50 Hz bandwidth); PD = 1 (normal mode); Zen = Yen = Xen = 1 (all axes enabled).
    write_reg(L3GD20_ADDR,0x20,0x5F); //Setting CTRL_REG1
    // End L3GD20 configuration.

    // LSM303 configuration
        // Acell configuration
          // 50 Hz X/Y/Z axis enable.
    write_reg(LSM303_ADDR, 0x20, 0x57);
        // mag
            //continuous mag
    write_reg(LSM303_ADDR, 0x24, 0x78);
    write_reg(LSM303_ADDR, 0x26, 0x00);
    // End LSM303 configuration.
    // LPS25H configuration
    write_reg(LPS25H_ADDR, 0x10, 0x05);
    write_reg(LPS25H_ADDR, 0x2e, 0xdf);
    write_reg(LPS25H_ADDR, 0x21, 0x40);
    write_reg(LPS25H_ADDR, 0x20, 0x90);
// L3GD30 read data function,
bool Altimu::read_L3GD20(float *gx, float *gy, float *gz) {
    char gyr[6];
    if (recv(L3GD20_ADDR, 0x28, gyr, 6)) {
    //scale is 8.75 mdps/digit
        *gx = float(short(gyr[1] << 8 | gyr[0]))*0.00875;
        *gy =  float(short(gyr[3] << 8 | gyr[2]))*0.00875;
        *gz =  float(short(gyr[5] << 8 | gyr[4]))*0.00875;
        return true;
    return false;

// LSM303D read data function.
bool Altimu::read_LSM303D(float *ax, float *ay, float *az, float *mx, float *my, float *mz) {
    char acc[6], mag[6];

    if (recv(LSM303_ADDR, 0x28, acc, 6) && recv(LSM303_ADDR, 0x08, mag, 6)) {
        *ax = float(short(acc[1] << 8 | acc[0]))*0.061;  //32768/4=8192
        *ay =  float(short(acc[3] << 8 | acc[2]))*0.061;
        *az =  float(short(acc[5] << 8 | acc[4]))*0.061;
        *mx = float(short(mag[0] << 8 | mag[1]))*0.16;
        *mz = float(short(mag[2] << 8 | mag[3]))*0.16;
        *my = float(short(mag[4] << 8 | mag[5]))*0.16;

        return true;

    return false;

// LPS25H read data function.
void Altimu::read_LPS25H(float *press, float *alt)
    char dt[3];
    dt[0] = 0x28 | 0x80;
    _ALTIMU.write(LPS25H_ADDR, dt, 1, true);, dt, 3, false);
    *press = dt[2] << 16 | dt[1] << 8 | dt[0];
    *press /= 4096;
    *alt = (1-pow(*press / 1013.25, 0.190263))*44330.8;

// I2C functions
bool Altimu::write_reg(int addr_i2c,int addr_reg, char v)
    char data[2] = {addr_reg, v};
    return Altimu::_ALTIMU.write(addr_i2c, data, 2) == 0;

bool Altimu::read_reg(int addr_i2c,int addr_reg, char *v)
    char data = addr_reg;
    bool result = false;

    if ((_ALTIMU.write(addr_i2c, &data, 1) == 0) && (, &data, 1) == 0)){
        *v = data;
        result = true;
    return result;

bool Altimu::recv(char sad, char sub, char *buf, int length) {
    if (length > 1) sub |= 0x80;

    return _ALTIMU.write(sad, &sub, 1, true) == 0 &&, buf, length) == 0;