FF1705 support added

Dependencies:   libxDot-dev-mbed5-deprecated ISL29011

Fork of Dot-Examples by MultiTech

Dot-Examples rev. 31:7ec180e84cb6 have been tested with xdot-library 3.0.0-19-gb6c0ba2 and mbed-os-5.6.2

Wed Oct 05 21:07:50 2016 +0000
initial commit of OTA and AUTO_OTA examples

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 1 #include "dot_util.h"
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 2
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 3 void display_config() {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 4 // display configuration and library version information
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 5 logInfo("version: %s", dot->getId().c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 6 logInfo("general configuration");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 7 logInfo("---------------------");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 8 logInfo("\tdevice ID/EUI: %s", mts::Text::bin2hexString(dot->getDeviceId()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 9 logInfo("\tfrequency band: %s", mDot::FrequencyBandStr(dot->getFrequencyBand()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 10 logInfo("\tfrequency sub band: %u", dot->getFrequencySubBand());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 11 logInfo("\tpublic network: %s", dot->getPublicNetwork() == true ? "on" : "off");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 12 logInfo("credentials configuration");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 13 logInfo("-------------------------");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 14 logInfo("\tnetwork name: %s", dot->getNetworkName().c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 15 logInfo("\tnetwork phrase: %s", dot->getNetworkPassphrase().c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 16 logInfo("\tnetwork join mode: %s", mDot::JoinModeStr(dot->getJoinMode()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 17 logInfo("communication parameters");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 18 logInfo("------------------------");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 19 logInfo("\tacks: %s, %u attempts", dot->getAck() > 0 ? "on" : "off", dot->getAck());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 20 logInfo("\tTX datarate: %s", mDot::DataRateStr(dot->getTxDataRate()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 21 logInfo("\tTX power: %lu dBm", dot->getTxPower());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 22 logInfo("\tatnenna gain: %u dBm", dot->getAntennaGain());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 23 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 24
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 25 void update_ota_config(std::string network_name, std::string network_passphrase, uint8_t frequency_sub_band, bool public_network, uint8_t ack) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 26 std::string current_network_name = dot->getNetworkName();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 27 std::string current_network_passphrase = dot->getNetworkPassphrase();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 28 uint8_t current_frequency_sub_band = dot->getFrequencySubBand();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 29 bool current_public_network = dot->getPublicNetwork();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 30 uint8_t current_ack = dot->getAck();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 31
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 32 if (current_network_name != network_name) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 33 logInfo("changing network name from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", current_network_name.c_str(), network_name.c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 34 if (dot->setNetworkName(network_name) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 35 logError("failed to set network name to \"%s\"", network_name.c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 36 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 37 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 38
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 39 if (current_network_passphrase != network_passphrase) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 40 logInfo("changing network passphrase from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", current_network_passphrase.c_str(), network_passphrase.c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 41 if (dot->setNetworkPassphrase(network_passphrase) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 42 logError("failed to set network passphrase to \"%s\"", network_passphrase.c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 43 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 44 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 45
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 46 if (current_frequency_sub_band != frequency_sub_band) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 47 logInfo("changing frequency sub band from %u to %u", current_frequency_sub_band, frequency_sub_band);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 48 if (dot->setFrequencySubBand(frequency_sub_band) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 49 logError("failed to set frequency sub band to %u", frequency_sub_band);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 50 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 51 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 52
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 53 if (current_public_network != public_network) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 54 logInfo("changing public network from %s to %s", current_public_network ? "true" : "false", public_network ? "true" : "false");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 55 if (dot->setPublicNetwork(public_network) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 56 logError("failed to set public network to %s", public_network ? "true" : "false");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 57 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 58 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 59
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 60 if (current_ack != ack) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 61 logInfo("changing acks from %u to %u", current_ack, ack);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 62 if (dot->setAck(ack) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 63 logError("failed to set acks to %u", ack);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 64 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 65 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 66 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 67
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 68 void join_network() {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 69 int32_t j_attempts = 0;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 70 int32_t ret = mDot::MDOT_ERROR;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 71
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 72 // attempt to join the network
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 73 while (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 74 logInfo("attempt %d to join network", ++j_attempts);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 75 ret = dot->joinNetwork();
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 76 if (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 77 logError("failed to join network %d:%s", ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 78 // in some frequency bands we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 79 uint32_t delay_s = (dot->getNextTxMs() / 1000) + 1;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 80 if (delay_s < 2) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 81 logInfo("waiting %lu s until next free channel", delay_s);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 82 wait(delay_s);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 83 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 84 logInfo("sleeping %lu s until next free channel", delay_s);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 85 dot->sleep(delay_s, mDot::RTC_ALARM, false);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 86 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 87 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 88 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 89 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 90
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 91 void sleep_wake_rtc_only(bool deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 92 // in some frequency bands we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 93 // wait at least 10s between transmissions
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 94 uint32_t delay_s = dot->getNextTxMs() / 1000;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 95 if (delay_s < 10) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 96 delay_s = 10;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 97 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 98
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 99 logInfo("%ssleeping %lus", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", delay_s);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 100 logInfo("application will %s after waking up", deepsleep ? "execute from beginning" : "resume");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 101
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 102 // go to sleep/deepsleep for delay_s seconds and wake using the RTC alarm
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 103 dot->sleep(delay_s, mDot::RTC_ALARM, deepsleep);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 104 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 105
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 106 void sleep_wake_interrupt_only(bool deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 107 #if defined (TARGET_XDOT_L151CC)
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 108 if (deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 109 // for xDot, WAKE pin (connected to S2 on xDot-DK) is the only pin that can wake the processor from deepsleep
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 110 // it is automatically configured when INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT is the wakeup source and deepsleep is true in the mDot::sleep call
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 111 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 112 // configure WAKE pin (connected to S2 on xDot-DK) as the pin that will wake the xDot from low power modes
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 113 // other pins can be confgured instead: GPIO0-3 or UART_RX
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 114 dot->setWakePin(WAKE);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 115 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 116
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 117 logInfo("%ssleeping until rising edge on %s pin", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", deepsleep ? "WAKE" : mDot::pinName2Str(dot->getWakePin()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 118 #else
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 119 if (deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 120 // for mDot, XBEE_DIO7 pin is the only pin that can wake the processor from deepsleep
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 121 // it is automatically configured when INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT is the wakeup source and deepsleep is true in the mDot::sleep call
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 122 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 123 // configure XBEE_DIO7 pin as the pin that will wake the mDot from low power modes
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 124 // other pins can be confgured instead: XBEE_DIO2-6, XBEE_DI8, XBEE_DIN
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 125 dot->setWakePin(XBEE_DIO7);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 126 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 127
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 128 logInfo("%ssleeping until rising edge on %s pin", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", deepsleep ? "DIO7" : mDot::pinName2Str(dot->getWakePin()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 129 #endif
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 130
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 131 logInfo("application will %s after waking up", deepsleep ? "execute from beginning" : "resume");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 132
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 133 // go to sleep/deepsleep and wake on rising edge of configured wake pin (only the WAKE pin in deepsleep)
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 134 // since we're not waking on the RTC alarm, the interval is ignored
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 135 dot->sleep(0, mDot::INTERRUPT, deepsleep);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 136 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 137
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 138 void sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(bool deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 139 // in some frequency bands we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 140 // wait at least 10s between transmissions
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 141 uint32_t delay_s = dot->getNextTxMs() / 1000;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 142 if (delay_s < 10) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 143 delay_s = 10;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 144 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 145
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 146 #if defined (TARGET_XDOT_L151CC)
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 147 if (deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 148 // for xDot, WAKE pin (connected to S2 on xDot-DK) is the only pin that can wake the processor from deepsleep
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 149 // it is automatically configured when INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT is the wakeup source and deepsleep is true in the mDot::sleep call
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 150 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 151 // configure WAKE pin (connected to S2 on xDot-DK) as the pin that will wake the xDot from low power modes
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 152 // other pins can be confgured instead: GPIO0-3 or UART_RX
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 153 dot->setWakePin(WAKE);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 154 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 155
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 156 logInfo("%ssleeping %lus or until rising edge on %s pin", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", delay_s, deepsleep ? "WAKE" : mDot::pinName2Str(dot->getWakePin()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 157 #else
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 158 if (deepsleep) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 159 // for mDot, XBEE_DIO7 pin is the only pin that can wake the processor from deepsleep
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 160 // it is automatically configured when INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT is the wakeup source and deepsleep is true in the mDot::sleep call
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 161 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 162 // configure XBEE_DIO7 pin as the pin that will wake the mDot from low power modes
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 163 // other pins can be confgured instead: XBEE_DIO2-6, XBEE_DI8, XBEE_DIN
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 164 dot->setWakePin(XBEE_DIO7);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 165 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 166
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 167 logInfo("%ssleeping %lus or until rising edge on %s pin", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", delay_s, deepsleep ? "DIO7" : mDot::pinName2Str(dot->getWakePin()).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 168 #endif
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 169
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 170 logInfo("application will %s after waking up", deepsleep ? "execute from beginning" : "resume");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 171
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 172 // go to sleep/deepsleep and wake using the RTC alarm after delay_s seconds or rising edge of configured wake pin (only the WAKE pin in deepsleep)
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 173 // whichever comes first will wake the xDot
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 174 dot->sleep(delay_s, mDot::RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT, deepsleep);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 175 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 176
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 177 void send_data(std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 178 uint32_t ret;
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 179
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 180 ret = dot->send(data);
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 181 if (ret != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 182 logError("failed to send light data to gateway [%d][%s]", ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 183 } else {
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 184 logInfo("successfully sent light data to gateway");
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 185 }
mfiore 0:a151a6350d7f 186 }