Example of AWS IoT connection and Web Dashboard thru STM32 Nucleo evaluation board and mbed OS.

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed FP MQTTPacket DnsQuery ATParser


The demo is aimed to STM32 Nucleo board with WiFi and sensors expansions. The board is a "thing" for the AWS IoT service. It updates IoT service shadow with sensors data every second and checks subscription messages.

Hardware Configuration


Software Configuration

  • Import this Project to mbed online compiler
  • Find the next part of code in main.cpp file ...

WiFi network credential

#include "mbed.h"
// WiFi network credential
#define SSID   ""  // Network must be visible otherwise it can't connect
#define PASSW  ""
#error "Wifi SSID & password empty"
  • ... And set it to your Network Name and Password. Do not forget to remove "#error" pragma line.


Nucleo WiFi module is not the same as your smartphone or laptope - it is based on demo board. To avoid connection problems:

  1. Place Nucleo as close to WiFi hot spot as possible. Or...
  2. Turn on mobile hot spot in your laptop as close to the device as possible.
  3. Make sure that hot spot permits 2.4 GHz band communications
  • Setup BackEnd and store certificates using this backend setup instruction
  • Find AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST define and change it to HTTPS point mentioned in your AWS IoT thing properties named "interact"

#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST              "xxxxxxxxxx.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com" //Use your own host.
  • Find the certificate defines clientCRT and clientKey in main.cpp file and change it to ones provided by Amazon.

				Device Identity Certificates: Modify for your AWS IoT Thing

(somecode)-certificate.pem.crt - Amazon signed PEM sertificate.

//This Client cert is example. Use own instead.
const uint8_t clientCRT[] = "\
-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";

						Private Key: Modify for your AWS IoT Thing

nucleo.key.pem - client key generated according to readme.

//This Client Key is example. Use own instead.
const uint8_t clientKey[] ="\
-----END EC PARAMETERS-----\n\
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n";

Build and Check

  1. Plugin your board to USB of your PC. USB Disk Drive and USB COM Port should appear in your system.
  2. Open any Serial Console, connect it to your USB Serial Port and setup speed equal to 115200.
  3. Compile this Project and save .bin file to USB Disk Drive
  4. After board reset you should see next log in serial console:

X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 mbed Application

connecting to AP
LOG:   int main() L#361 Connected to WiFI.
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#186 =====================================
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#187 Connecting WiFi.
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#188 Nucleo IP ADDRESS: X.X.X.X
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#189 Nucleo MAC ADDRESS: 00:11:22:33:44:55
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#190 Server Hostname: xxxxxxxx.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com port: 8883
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#191 Client ID: Nucleo
LOG:   int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTTWiFi, Countdown, 350, 5> *, MQTTWiFi *) L#194 =====================================
LOG:   int MQTTSocket::getNTPtime(int) L#58 Success receiving time from ntp server. Tick from 1 Jan 1970 is equal to 1505399292.
--->TCP Connected
--->MQTT Connected
--->>>MQTT subscribed to: Nucleo/test
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.690001, "humidity": 98.190002, "pressure": 982.869141, "accelerometer": [-0.009000, 0.030000, 0.971000], "gyroscope": [0.420000, -2.660000, 1.750000], "magnetometer": [-3.600000, -7.100000, 53.300000]}}}
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.660000, "humidity": 98.010002, "pressure": 982.770264, "accelerometer": [-0.009000, 0.030000, 0.971000], "gyroscope": [0.770000, -2.310000, 1.470000], "magnetometer": [-3.100000, -8.300000, 54.200000]}}}
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.670000, "humidity": 98.129997, "pressure": 982.724121, "accelerometer": [-0.008000, 0.029000, 0.971000], "gyroscope": [0.630000, -2.380000, 1.400000], "magnetometer": [-3.100000, -7.900000, 53.400000]}}}
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.690001, "humidity": 98.019997, "pressure": 982.840088, "accelerometer": [-0.009000, 0.030000, 0.972000], "gyroscope": [0.700000, -2.450000, 1.540000], "magnetometer": [-3.700000, -7.900000, 53.400000]}}}
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.709999, "humidity": 98.040001, "pressure": 982.828613, "accelerometer": [-0.009000, 0.030000, 0.971000], "gyroscope": [0.630000, -2.520000, 1.470000], "magnetometer": [-2.900000, -7.400000, 52.400000]}}}
Length - 245, Publishing {"state": {"reported": {"temperature": 23.719999, "humidity": 97.860001, "pressure": 982.917236, "accelerometer": [-0.026000, 0.103000, 0.891000], "gyroscope": [1.050000, -2.310000, 1.260000], "magnetometer": [-3.300000, -7.100000, 53.500000]}}}


Device connection state might be checked by Green Led on the board. Green light means that device is connected and transferring data to cloud.

  1. Configure and start your dashboard using instruction and corresponding sources from github
  2. Use Blue button to set up markers to charts.
  3. Use AWS IoT console MQTT Client to test device subscription to "Nucleo/test". Just publish any message to this topic and serial port output.
  4. PROFIT!
diff -r 000000000000 -r 4cdaf9b1e7d0 NetworkSocketAPI/NetworkStack.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NetworkSocketAPI/NetworkStack.h	Wed Sep 27 14:40:52 2017 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+/* NetworkStack
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SocketAddress.h"
+/** Enum of standardized error codes 
+ *
+ *  Valid error codes have negative values and may
+ *  be returned by any network operation.
+ *
+ *  @enum nsapi_error_t
+ */
+enum nsapi_error_t {
+    NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK   = -3001,     /*!< no data is not available but call is non-blocking */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED   = -3002,     /*!< unsupported functionality */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER     = -3003,     /*!< invalid configuration */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION = -3004,     /*!< not connected to a network */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET     = -3005,     /*!< socket not available for use */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_NO_ADDRESS    = -3006,     /*!< IP address is not known */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY     = -3007,     /*!< memory resource not available */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_DNS_FAILURE   = -3008,     /*!< DNS failed to complete successfully */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_DHCP_FAILURE  = -3009,     /*!< DHCP failed to complete successfully */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_AUTH_FAILURE  = -3010,     /*!< connection to access point faield */
+    NSAPI_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR  = -3011,     /*!< failure interfacing with the network procesor */
+/** Enum of socket protocols
+ *
+ *  The socket protocol specifies a particular protocol to
+ *  be used with a newly created socket. 
+ *
+ *  @enum nsapi_protocol_t
+ */
+enum nsapi_protocol_t {
+   NSAPI_TCP, /*!< Socket is of TCP type */
+   NSAPI_UDP, /*!< Socket is of UDP type */
+   NSAPI_TLS  /*!< Socket is of TCP Secure type */
+/*  Enum of standardized stack option levels
+ *
+ *  @enum nsapi_level_t
+ */
+enum nsapi_level_t {
+    NSAPI_STACK,  /*!< Stack option level */
+    NSAPI_SOCKET, /*!< Socket option level */
+/*  Enum of standardized stack options
+ *
+ *  These options may not be supported on all stacks, in which
+ *  case NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED may be returned from setsockopt.
+ *
+ *  @enum nsapi_option_t
+ */
+enum nsapi_option_t {
+    NSAPI_REUSEADDR, /*!< Allow bind to reuse local addresses */
+    NSAPI_KEEPALIVE, /*!< Enables sending of keepalive messages */
+    NSAPI_LINGER,    /*!< Keeps close from returning until queues empty */
+    NSAPI_SNDBUF,    /*!< Sets send buffer size */
+    NSAPI_RCVBUF,    /*!< Sets recv buffer size */
+/** NetworkStack class
+ *
+ *  Common interface that is shared between hardware that
+ *  can connect to a network over IP. By implementing the
+ *  NetworkStack, a network stack can be used as a target
+ *  for instantiating network sockets.
+ */
+class NetworkStack
+    virtual ~NetworkStack() {};
+    /** Get the local IP address
+     *
+     *  @return         Null-terminated representation of the local IP address
+     *                  or null if not yet connected
+     */
+    virtual const char *get_ip_address() = 0;
+    /** Translates a hostname to an IP address
+     *
+     *  The hostname may be either a domain name or an IP address. If the
+     *  hostname is an IP address, no network transactions will be performed.
+     *  
+     *  If no stack-specific DNS resolution is provided, the hostname
+     *  will be resolve using a UDP socket on the stack. 
+     *
+     *  @param address  Destination for the host SocketAddress
+     *  @param host     Hostname to resolve
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int gethostbyname(SocketAddress *address, const char *host);
+    /*  Set stack-specific stack options
+     *
+     *  The setstackopt allow an application to pass stack-specific hints
+     *  to the underlying stack. For unsupported options,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and the stack is unmodified.
+     *
+     *  @param level    Stack-specific protocol level
+     *  @param optname  Stack-specific option identifier
+     *  @param optval   Option value
+     *  @param optlen   Length of the option value
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */    
+    virtual int setstackopt(int level, int optname, const void *optval, unsigned optlen);
+    /*  Get stack-specific stack options
+     *
+     *  The getstackopt allow an application to retrieve stack-specific hints
+     *  from the underlying stack. For unsupported options,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and optval is unmodified.
+     *
+     *  @param level    Stack-specific protocol level
+     *  @param optname  Stack-specific option identifier
+     *  @param optval   Destination for option value
+     *  @param optlen   Length of the option value
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */    
+    virtual int getstackopt(int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned *optlen);
+    friend class Socket;
+    friend class UDPSocket;
+    friend class TCPSocket;
+    friend class TCPServer;
+    /** Opens a socket
+     *
+     *  Creates a network socket and stores it in the specified handle.
+     *  The handle must be passed to following calls on the socket.
+     *
+     *  A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Destination for the handle to a newly created socket
+     *  @param proto    Protocol of socket to open, NSAPI_TCP or NSAPI_UDP
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_open(void **handle, nsapi_protocol_t proto) = 0;
+    /** Close the socket
+     *
+     *  Closes any open connection and deallocates any memory associated
+     *  with the socket.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_close(void *handle) = 0;
+    /** Bind a specific address to a socket
+     *
+     *  Binding a socket specifies the address and port on which to recieve
+     *  data. If the IP address is zeroed, only the port is bound.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param address  Local address to bind
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure.
+     */
+    virtual int socket_bind(void *handle, const SocketAddress &address) = 0;
+    /** Listen for connections on a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  Marks the socket as a passive socket that can be used to accept
+     *  incoming connections.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param backlog  Number of pending connections that can be queued
+     *                  simultaneously
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_listen(void *handle, int backlog) = 0;
+    /** Connects TCP socket to a remote host
+     *
+     *  Initiates a connection to a remote server specified by the
+     *  indicated address.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param address  The SocketAddress of the remote host
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_connect(void *handle, const SocketAddress &address) = 0;
+    /** Accepts a connection on a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  The server socket must be bound and set to listen for connections.
+     *  On a new connection, creates a network socket and stores it in the
+     *  specified handle. The handle must be passed to following calls on
+     *  the socket.
+     *
+     *  A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.
+     *
+     *  This call is non-blocking. If accept would block,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Destination for a handle to the newly created sockey
+     *  @param server   Socket handle to server to accept from
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_accept(void **handle, void *server) = 0;
+    /** Send data over a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
+     *  bytes sent from the buffer.
+     *
+     *  This call is non-blocking. If send would block,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_send(void *handle, const void *data, unsigned size) = 0;
+    /** Receive data over a TCP socket
+     *
+     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
+     *  bytes received into the buffer.
+     *
+     *  This call is non-blocking. If recv would block,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_recv(void *handle, void *data, unsigned size) = 0;
+    /** Send a packet over a UDP socket
+     *
+     *  Sends data to the specified address. Returns the number of bytes
+     *  sent from the buffer.
+     *
+     *  This call is non-blocking. If sendto would block,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param address  The SocketAddress of the remote host
+     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_sendto(void *handle, const SocketAddress &address, const void *data, unsigned size) = 0;
+    /** Receive a packet over a UDP socket
+     *
+     *  Receives data and stores the source address in address if address
+     *  is not NULL. Returns the number of bytes received into the buffer.
+     *
+     *  This call is non-blocking. If recvfrom would block,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param address  Destination for the source address or NULL
+     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
+     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
+     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
+     *                  code on failure
+     */
+    virtual int socket_recvfrom(void *handle, SocketAddress *address, void *buffer, unsigned size) = 0;
+    /** Register a callback on state change of the socket
+     *
+     *  The specified callback will be called on state changes such as when
+     *  the socket can recv/send/accept successfully and on when an error
+     *  occurs. The callback may also be called spuriously without reason.
+     *
+     *  The callback may be called in an interrupt context and should not
+     *  perform expensive operations such as recv/send calls.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param callback Function to call on state change
+     *  @param data     Argument to pass to callback
+     */
+    virtual void socket_attach(void *handle, void (*callback)(void *), void *data) = 0;
+    /*  Set stack-specific socket options
+     *
+     *  The setsockopt allow an application to pass stack-specific hints
+     *  to the underlying stack. For unsupported options,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and the socket is unmodified.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param level    Stack-specific protocol level
+     *  @param optname  Stack-specific option identifier
+     *  @param optval   Option value
+     *  @param optlen   Length of the option value
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */    
+    virtual int setsockopt(void *handle, int level, int optname, const void *optval, unsigned optlen);
+    /*  Get stack-specific socket options
+     *
+     *  The getstackopt allow an application to retrieve stack-specific hints
+     *  from the underlying stack. For unsupported options,
+     *  NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED is returned and optval is unmodified.
+     *
+     *  @param handle   Socket handle
+     *  @param level    Stack-specific protocol level
+     *  @param optname  Stack-specific option identifier
+     *  @param optval   Destination for option value
+     *  @param optlen   Length of the option value
+     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
+     */    
+    virtual int getsockopt(void *handle, int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned *optlen);