taker KRAI 2018

Dependencies:   mbed encoderKRTMI Motornew millis

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Feb 24 09:47:02 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+// Robo Taker (Semi-Otomatis) 2018                                            //
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+// Gerakan Robot:                                                             //
+// - Arah   -> Gerak                                                          //
+// - Silang -> Buka atau Tutup Gripper A                                      //
+// - Lingkaran -> Buka atau Tutup Gripper B                                   //
+// - Kotak -> Extend atau Shrink Slider A                                     //
+// - Segitigas -> Extend atau Shrink Slider B                                 //
+// - Start  -> Ubah Mode                                                      //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Motor.h"
+#include "encoderKRTMI.h"
+#include "JoystickPS3.h"
+#include "pinList.h"
+#include "millis.h"
+// Konstanta Program                                                          //
+#define PI 3.141592653593
+#define RAD_TO_DEG  57.2957795131
+#define MAX_W_SPEED 15000           //max angular speed of robot
+#define TOLERANCET 0.8              //theta tolerance
+#define PULSE_TO_JARAK  0.7416027  //0.7656027 //0.581776     //kll roda / pulses
+#define L 298.0                     //roda to center of robot
+#define TS 2.0                      //time sampling
+#define LIMITPWM 0.4                //limit pwm motor
+//Konstanta PID Theta
+#define KP_W 1.8
+#define KI_W 0
+#define KD_W 140
+#define MOTOR_LIMIT_MAX 1
+#define MOTOR_LIMIT_MIN -1
+// Set 1 untuk aktifkan fitur pc.print
+#define DEBUG   1
+// Object Program                                                               //
+// Serial
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);
+joysticknucleo stick(PIN_TX, PIN_RX);
+// Pneumatik
+// Encoder
+encoderKRTMI encoder_A(PIN_A_CHANNEL_A, PIN_A_CHANNEL_B, 540, encoderKRTMI::X4_ENCODING);
+encoderKRTMI encoder_B(PIN_B_CHANNEL_A, PIN_B_CHANNEL_B, 540, encoderKRTMI::X4_ENCODING);
+encoderKRTMI encoder_C(PIN_C_CHANNEL_A, PIN_C_CHANNEL_B, 540, encoderKRTMI::X4_ENCODING);
+// Motor
+Motor motor1(PIN_PWM_A, PIN_FWD_A, PIN_REV_A);
+Motor motor2(PIN_PWM_B, PIN_FWD_B, PIN_REV_B);
+Motor motor3(PIN_PWM_C, PIN_FWD_C, PIN_REV_C);
+// Deklarasi Prosedure dan Fungsi                                             //
+void gerakMotor();
+void hitungPID(double theta_s);
+void hitungParameter();
+void printPulse();
+void case_gerak();
+void motor_Stop();
+void motor_ForceStop();
+void gerak_Pneumatic();
+void case_pneumatic();
+// Variable-variable                                                          //
+int joystick;
+int pn = 0;
+int pn2 = 0;
+int pn3 = 0;
+int pn_state = 0;
+double pulse_A=0, pulse_B=0, pulse_C=0;
+double Vr = 0, Vr_max = 0;
+double Vw = 0;
+double a = 0;
+double w = 0;
+double x =0, x_s=0, y=0, y_s=0, x_prev=0, y_prev=0;
+double theta=0, theta_s=0;
+double theta_error = 0, theta_prev=0, theta_error_prev=0, sum_theta_error=0;
+unsigned long last_mt_print,last_mt_print2, last_mt_pid, last_mt_rotasi;
+unsigned long last_mt_aksel, last_mt_desel,last1;
+bool modeauto = 1;
+bool print_pulse = 0;
+int brake_state=0;
+double Vmax = 0.4;
+double Vw_max = 0.3;
+int force=0;
+int count = 0;
+int countX = 0;
+int countKotak = 0;
+int countCircle = 0;
+int countSegitiga=0;
+// Main Program                                                               //
+int main(){
+    stick.setup();
+    stick.idle();
+    while(1){
+        if(stick.readable() ) {
+            // Panggil fungsi pembacaan joystik
+            stick.baca_data();
+            // Panggil fungsi pengolahan data joystik
+            stick.olah_data();
+            if ( (!stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(!stick.L1)&&(!stick.R1) && (!stick.R2) && (!stick.L2) ){
+                pc.printf("tidak ada input\n");
+            } else {
+               pc.printf("ada input\n");
+            }
+        }
+   }/*
+    while(1){
+        //doing nothing
+        pulse_A = encoder_C.getPulses();
+        pc.printf("%.2f \n", pulse_A);
+        if (pulse_A>10000)
+            motor3.speed(0.0);
+        else
+            motor3.speed(-0.9);
+        Thread::wait(2);
+    }*/
+// Prosedure dan Fungsi                                             //
+void hitungParameter(){
+    pulse_A = encoder_A.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_JARAK;
+    pulse_B = encoder_B.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_JARAK;
+    pulse_C = encoder_C.getPulses()*PULSE_TO_JARAK;
+    //Compute value
+    x = x_prev + (2*pulse_A - pulse_C - pulse_B)/3*cos(theta_prev) - (-pulse_C+pulse_B)*0.5773*sin(theta_prev);
+    y = y_prev + (2*pulse_A - pulse_C - pulse_B)/3*sin(theta_prev) + (-pulse_C+pulse_B)*0.5773*cos(theta_prev);
+    theta = theta_prev + (pulse_A + pulse_C + pulse_B)/(3.0*L);
+    //Update value
+    x_prev = x;
+    y_prev = y;
+    theta_prev = theta;
+    encoder_A.reset();
+    encoder_B.reset();
+    encoder_C.reset();
+void hitungPID(double theta_s){
+    //menghitung error theta
+    theta_error = theta_s - (theta*RAD_TO_DEG);
+    sum_theta_error += theta_error;
+    //kalkulasi PID Theta
+    w = KP_W*theta_error + KI_W*TS*sum_theta_error + KD_W*(theta_error - theta_error_prev)/TS;
+    Vw += (w*L/MAX_W_SPEED)*LIMITPWM;
+    //update
+    theta_error_prev = theta_error;
+    //Limit Kecepatan Vw (kec rotasi)
+    if (Vw > Vw_max){
+        Vw = Vw_max;
+    }
+    else if ( Vw < -1*Vw_max){
+        Vw = -1*Vw_max;
+    }
+void gerakMotor(){
+    // Berhenti jika tidak maju, mundur, kiri, kanan, atau pivot
+    if (brake_state == 1){
+        motor_ForceStop();
+        //motor_Stop();
+    } else {  
+        if (count>50){
+            if ((millis() - last_mt_aksel > 100) && Vr < Vr_max){
+                if (Vr < 0.39){
+                    Vr = 0.39;
+                }
+                else if ( (Vr >= 0.39)&& (Vr<=0.45)){
+                    Vr+= 0.05;
+                } else if ((Vr>0.45) && (Vr<1.00) ){
+                    Vr+=0.12;
+                } else { 
+                        Vr = 1.2;
+                }
+                last_mt_aksel = millis();
+            }
+        } else {
+            Vr=0.42;
+        }
+        // Limit
+        if (Vr > Vr_max && Vr_max >= 0.000){
+            Vr = Vr_max;
+        }
+        // Control Motor
+        motor1.speed((Vr*cos(a) - Vw));
+        motor2.speed((Vr*(-0.5*cos(a) - 0.866*sin(a)) - Vw));
+        motor3.speed((Vr*(-0.5*cos(a) + 0.866*sin(a)) - Vw));
+        print_pulse = 1;
+    }
+void printPulse(){
+    pc.printf("%d \n", pn);
+    //pc.printf("%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", pulse_A, pulse_B, pulse_C, x, y);
+    //pc.printf("%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\n",theta*RAD_TO_DEG, x, y, Vmax, modeauto);
+void motor_Stop(){
+//brake biasa
+    motor1.speed(0);
+    motor2.speed(0);
+    motor2.speed(0);
+void motor_ForceStop(){
+    motor1.brake(BRAKE_HIGH);
+    motor2.brake(BRAKE_HIGH);
+    motor3.brake(BRAKE_HIGH);
+void case_gerak(){
+    if(stick.SELECT_click){
+    //reset semua variable
+        pneumatik[0]=1; //gripA
+        pneumatik[1]=1; //gripB
+        pneumatik[2]=1; //sliderA
+        pneumatik[3]=1; //sliderB
+        pn=0;
+        pn2=0;
+        pn3=0;
+        modeauto = 0;
+        theta = 0.0;
+        theta_prev = 0.0;
+        theta_s = 0;
+        theta_error_prev = 0;
+        sum_theta_error = 0;
+        theta_error = 0;
+    }
+    // Rotasi
+    if (!stick.L1 && stick.R1){        // Pivot Kanan
+        //theta = 0.0;
+        //theta_prev = 0.0;
+        theta_s = theta*RAD_TO_DEG;
+        theta_error_prev = 0;
+        sum_theta_error = 0;
+        theta_error = 0;
+        if (Vr_max==0)
+            Vw = 0.25;
+        else
+            Vw = 0.17;
+    }
+    else if (!stick.R1 && stick.L1){   // Pivot Kiri
+        //theta = 0.0;
+        //theta_prev = 0.0;
+        theta_s = theta*RAD_TO_DEG;
+        theta_error_prev = 0;
+        sum_theta_error = 0;
+        theta_error = 0;
+        if (Vr_max==0)
+            Vw = -0.25;
+        else
+            Vw = -0.17;
+    }
+    if (stick.R2){
+        // Mode Sprint
+        Vmax=1.25;
+    } else 
+        Vmax=0.83;
+    if ( (!stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(!stick.L1)&&(!stick.R1) && (!stick.R2) && (!stick.L2) ){
+        count=0;
+        brake_state=1;
+        theta = 0.0;
+        theta_prev = 0.0;
+        theta_s = 0.0;
+        theta_error_prev = 0;
+        sum_theta_error = 0;
+        theta_error = 0; 
+    }else{
+        if (count<200)
+            count++;
+        else 
+            count=500;
+        brake_state=0;
+    }
+    // Linier
+        if ((!stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(stick.L2)){
+            //L2 : serong kiri bawah + pivot kiri (mundur saat kasih SC
+            a = (-22/RAD_TO_DEG); // mundur saat setelah pengambilan
+            Vr_max = 0.84;
+            Vw=-0.19;
+        } 
+        else if ((stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(stick.L2)){
+            a = (5/RAD_TO_DEG); // L2+atas : mundur saat setelah pengambilan
+            Vr_max = 0.87;
+            Vw=-0.05;
+        } 
+        else if ((stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)){
+            a = (90/RAD_TO_DEG); // Maju
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((!stick.atas)&&(stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)){
+            a = (-96/RAD_TO_DEG); // Mundur
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(stick.kanan)){
+            a = (135/RAD_TO_DEG); // Serong Atas Kanan
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((!stick.atas)&&(stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kiri)&&(stick.kanan)){
+            a = (-135/RAD_TO_DEG); // Serong Bawah Kanan
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(stick.kiri)&&(!stick.kanan)){
+            a = (45/RAD_TO_DEG); // Serong Atas Kiri
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((!stick.atas)&&(stick.bawah)&&(stick.kiri)&&(!stick.kanan)){
+            a = (-45/RAD_TO_DEG); // Serong Bawah Kiri
+            Vr_max = Vmax;
+        }
+        else if ((!stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(stick.kanan)&&(!stick.kiri)){
+            a = (180/RAD_TO_DEG); // Kanan
+            Vr_max = 0.8;
+        }
+        else if ((!stick.atas)&&(!stick.bawah)&&(!stick.kanan)&&(stick.kiri)){
+            a = (0/RAD_TO_DEG); // Kiri
+            Vr_max = 0.8;
+        }
+        else {
+            Vr_max = 0;
+        }
+    //}
+void case_pneumatic(){
+ // Control Pneumatic
+ /**
+ *  pneumatik[0] = Gripper A
+ *  pneumatik[1] = Gripper B
+ *  pneumatik[3] = Slider A
+ *  pneumatik[4] = Slider B
+ **/
+    if((!stick.silang) && (!stick.kotak) && (!stick.lingkaran) && (!stick.segitiga)) {
+    // reset state pneumatik
+        countX=0;
+        countCircle=0;
+        countSegitiga=0;
+        countKotak=0;
+    } 
+    if ((stick.silang && countX<50)) {
+    //SILANG : sekuensial tiap tangan gripper
+        countX++;
+    }
+    if (countX>0 && countX<100) {
+    //state button X, lengan Kiri - lengakn Kanan
+        countX=150;
+        if (pn<4 && pn>=0)
+            pn++;
+        else    
+            pn=0;
+        if(pn==0 || pn==22){
+                pneumatik[0]=1;//gripA
+                pneumatik[1]=1;//gripB
+                pneumatik[2]=1;//sliderA
+                pneumatik[3]=1;//sliderB
+        } else if (pn==1){
+            pneumatik[2] = 0;
+        } else  if (pn==2){
+            pneumatik[0] = 0; 
+            wait_ms(50);
+            pneumatik[2] = 1;
+        } else if (pn==3){
+            pneumatik[3]=0;
+        } else if (pn==4){
+            pneumatik[1] = 0; 
+            wait_ms(50);
+            pneumatik[3] = 1;
+        }
+        pn2=0;
+        pn3=0;
+    }
+    if ((stick.kotak) && countKotak<50){
+    //KOTAK : maju 2 glider 
+        countKotak++;
+    }
+    if (countKotak>5 && countKotak<100){
+    //state button KOTAK
+        countKotak=250;
+        pn=0;
+        pn3=0;
+        if (pn2<2 && pn2>=0)
+            pn2++;
+        else
+            pn2=0;
+            if(pn2==0){
+                pneumatik[0]=1;
+                pneumatik[1]=1;
+                pneumatik[2]=1;
+                pneumatik[3]=1;
+            } else if(pn2==1){
+                pneumatik[2]=0;
+                pneumatik[3]=0;
+            } else if(pn2==2){
+                pneumatik[0]=0;
+                pneumatik[1]=0;
+                wait_ms(50);
+                pneumatik[2]=1;
+                pneumatik[3]=1;
+            } 
+    } 
+    if ((stick.segitiga) && countSegitiga<50)
+    //SEGITIGA :  buka tutup kedua gripper
+        countSegitiga++;
+    if (countSegitiga>4 && countSegitiga<100) {
+    //state button SEGITIGA
+        countSegitiga=250;
+        if ( (pneumatik[0]==0 && pneumatik[1]==1) || (pneumatik[0]==1 && pneumatik[1]==0) ){
+            pneumatik[0]=1;
+            pneumatik[1]=1;
+            pneumatik[2]=1;
+            pneumatik[3]=1;
+        } else { 
+            pneumatik[0]=!pneumatik[0];
+            pneumatik[1]=!pneumatik[1];
+            pneumatik[2]=1;
+            pneumatik[3]=1;
+        }
+        pn=0;
+        pn2=0;
+        pn3=0;
+    }
+    if ((stick.lingkaran) && countCircle<50){
+    //KOTAK : maju 2 glider , 2 kali kotak 1 kali lingkaran
+        countCircle++;
+    }
+    if (countCircle>4 && countCircle<100){
+    //LINGKARAN : lengan kanan - lengan kiri 
+        countCircle=250;
+        pn=0;
+        pn2=0;
+        if (pn3<4 && pn3>=0)
+            pn3++;
+        else
+            pn3=0;
+        if(pn3==0 || pn3==22){
+                pneumatik[0]=1;//gripA
+                pneumatik[1]=1;//gripB
+                pneumatik[2]=1;//sliderA
+                pneumatik[3]=1;//sliderB
+        } else if (pn3==1){
+            pneumatik[3] = 0;
+        } else  if (pn3==2){
+            pneumatik[1] = 0; 
+            wait_ms(50);
+            pneumatik[3] = 1;
+        } else if (pn3==3){
+            pneumatik[2]=0;
+        } else if (pn3==4){
+            pneumatik[0] = 0; 
+            wait_ms(50);
+            pneumatik[2] = 1;
+        }
+        pn2=0;
+    }  