Caracterization of Sharp GP2D120 distance sensors (left and right). These sensors show high sensitivity to different ambient light conditions and position regaring the reflecting object. An averaging filter was implemented to reduce such variations, however more investigation is required to improve the reliability of the measured distances. Currently the error in the measured distance is about +/- 4 cm.

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:79ae0b074fbe:

* DISTHDL, Distance sensor handler 
* Author: Jose Alberto Pesado Santiago
* ITESM, MSE, Instrumentacion
* Rev 1.0, 2014, Oct 13th

#include "mbed.h"

#define FILTER_LENGTH	10	/* number of samples taken */

/* Caracterization table */
int InTblADCLeft[] = { 6000,6600,6850,7260,7800,8140,8500,9500,10000,11200,12300,13300,15000,16600,19000,22300,25500,31300,41300,54500,65500 };
int OutTblCmLeft[] = { 44,40,38,36,34,32,30,28,26,24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 };

int InTblADCRight[] = { 5500,5900,6300,6800,7200,7600,8000,8400,9000,10000,11000,12300,13300,15500,18100,21100,24000,29500,38000,51500,64500 };
int OutTblCmRight[] = { 44,40,38,36,34,32,30,28,26,24,22,20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 };

#if 0
typedef struct
	int InTbl[21];
	int OutTbl[21];
	AnalogIn Sensor;
	int Samples[FILTER_LENGTH];
	int FilteredInput;
	int Distance;

tsDistanceSensor SensorLeft = {
/* Sensor input */
AnalogIn SensorLeft(A0);
AnalogIn SensorRight(A1);

/* Serial communication to the PC */
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

int multiMap(int val, int* _in, int* _out, uint8_t size);
int interpolate(int x, int xLeft, int xRight, int yBottom, int yUp);

int main()
    long int InputSensorLeft = 0;
	long int DistanceLeft = 0;
    int InputSensorSamplesLeft[FILTER_LENGTH];
    long int InputSensorRight = 0;
	long int DistanceRight = 0;
    int InputSensorSamplesRight[FILTER_LENGTH];
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    /* Initiates communication with PC */
    pc.printf("Temp sensor:\n");

    while (true) {
        wait(0.1f); // Reads will be made every 50ms

        /* Filtered input */
			/* The filter buffer is not full */
			InputSensorSamplesLeft[i] = SensorLeft.read_u16();
			InputSensorSamplesRight[i] = SensorRight.read_u16();
			/* The filter buffer is complete, newest sample is set in the first position, the past samples are shifted */
				InputSensorSamplesLeft[j] = InputSensorSamplesLeft[j+1];
				InputSensorSamplesRight[j] = InputSensorSamplesRight[j+1];
			InputSensorSamplesLeft[j] = SensorLeft.read_u16();
			InputSensorSamplesRight[j] = SensorRight.read_u16();
		/* Average of all the available samples */
			InputSensorLeft += InputSensorSamplesLeft[j];
			InputSensorRight += InputSensorSamplesRight[j];
		InputSensorLeft /= i;
		InputSensorRight /= i;
		DistanceLeft = multiMap((int)InputSensorLeft, InTblADCLeft, OutTblCmLeft, sizeof(InTblADCLeft)/sizeof(InTblADCLeft[0]));
		DistanceRight = multiMap((int)InputSensorRight, InTblADCLeft, OutTblCmRight, sizeof(InTblADCRight)/sizeof(InTblADCRight[0]));
		/* The current sensor inputs and telltale status is transmitted to the PC */        
        pc.printf("Sensor Left = %d\tDistance Left = %d\tSensor Right = %d\tDistance Right = %d\r\n", 
                    InputSensorLeft, DistanceLeft,InputSensorRight, DistanceRight); // print the value of input sensor

int multiMap(int val, int* _in, int* _out, uint8_t size)
  // take care the value is within range
  // val = constrain(val, _in[0], _in[size-1]);
  if (val <= _in[0]) return _out[0];
  if (val >= _in[size-1]) return _out[size-1];

  // search right interval
  uint8_t pos = 1;  // _in[0] allready tested
  while(val > _in[pos]) pos++;

  // this will handle all exact "points" in the _in array
  if (val == _in[pos]) return _out[pos];

  // interpolate in the right segment for the rest
  return interpolate(val, _in[pos-1], _in[pos], _out[pos-1], _out[pos]);

int interpolate(int x, int xLeft, int xRight, int yBottom, int yUp)
  int y = 0;
  y = (x - xLeft) * ((yUp - yBottom)/(xRight - xLeft)) + yBottom;