weather forecast WIZwiki-W7500 for academy

Dependencies:   Adafruit_GFX WIZnetInterface mbed

Fork of Weather_Forecast_Helloworld_WIZwiki-W7500 by Lawrence Lee

diff -r 961467f6c8db -r d6285226f186 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed May 11 00:52:04 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 17 23:13:18 2017 +0000
@@ -1,267 +1,201 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
 #include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
+// W7500 onboard LED & Init
+DigitalOut rled(LED1,1);
+DigitalOut gled(LED2,0);
+DigitalOut bled(LED3,1);
- *    W7500 onboard LED 
- */
-    DigitalOut rled(LED1);
-    DigitalOut gled(LED2);
-    DigitalOut bled(LED3);
+// I2C Class
+I2C i2c(PA_10,PA_9);
+// OLED Class   
+Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c gOled(i2c,NC,0x78,64,128);
+// Declare Ethernet Class
+EthernetInterface eth;
+// Declare TCP Connection Class
+TCPSocketConnection sock;
-class I2CPreInit : public I2C
-    I2CPreInit(PinName sda, PinName scl) : I2C(sda, scl)
-    {
-        frequency(100000);
-        start();
-    };
-I2CPreInit gI2C(PA_10,PA_9);
- *   set OLED  
- */
-Adafruit_SSD1306_I2c gOled(gI2C,NC,0x78,64,128);
- *   LED desplay functions  
- */
+// LED desplay functions  
 void clean(){
-    rled = 0;
-    gled = 0;
-    bled = 0;
+    rled = 0; gled = 0; bled = 0;
 void clouds(){
-    rled = 1;
-    gled = 1;
-    bled = 1;
+    rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 1;
 void thunderstorm(){
-            rled = 0;
-            gled = 0;
-            bled = 0;
+            rled = 0; gled = 0; bled = 0;
-            rled = 1;
-            gled = 1;
-            bled = 1;
+            rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 1;
 void rain(){
-    rled = 1;
-    gled = 1;
-    bled = 0;
+    rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 0;
 void mist(){
-            rled = 1;
-            gled = 1;
-            bled = 0;
+            rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 0;
-            rled = 1;
-            gled = 1;
-            bled = 1;
+            rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 1;
 void haze(){
-    rled = 0;
-    gled = 1;
-    bled = 0;
+    rled = 0; gled = 1; bled = 0;
 void fog(){
-            rled = 1;
-            gled = 0;
-            bled = 0;
+            rled = 1; gled = 0; bled = 0;
-            rled = 1;
-            gled = 1;
-            bled = 0;
+            rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 0;
 void error(){
-    rled = 1;
-    gled = 1;
-    bled = 1;
+    rled = 1; gled = 1; bled = 1;
- *   main
- */
 int main() {
     int phy_link;
     printf("Wait a second...\r\n");
-//--------- Have to modify the mac address-------------
-    uint8_t mac_addr[6] = {0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, 0xff, 0xff, 0x22}; 
-    EthernetInterface eth;    
-    eth.init(mac_addr); //Use DHCP
+    //--------- Have to modify the mac address-------------
+    uint8_t mac_addr[6] = {0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, 0xff, 0xff, 0x25};   
+    eth.init(mac_addr);     //Use DHCP
-    eth.connect();
+        eth.connect();
+        // phy link 
+        do{
+            phy_link = eth.ethernet_link();
+            printf("...");
+            wait(2);
+        }while(!phy_link);
+        printf("\r\n");
+        printf("IP Address is %s\r\n\r\n", eth.getIPAddress()); 
+        // TCP socket connect to openweather server 
+        //TCPSocketConnection sock;
+        sock.connect("", 80);
+        // GET method, to request weather forecast  
+        //char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=Seoul,kr&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
+        char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
+        //char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=Berlin,de&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
+        sock.send_all(http_cmd, sizeof(http_cmd)-1);
+        // get data into buffer
+        char buffer[2048];
+        int ret;
+        while (true) {
+            ret = sock.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
+            if (ret <= 0)
+                break;
+            buffer[ret] = '\0';
+            printf("Received %d chars from server: %s\n", ret, buffer);     
+        }
+        printf("\r\n\r\n");
+        // parsing current date, weather, city, tempurature 
+        char *date;
+        char *weather;
+        char *city;
+        char *temper;
+        char cur_date[17] = {0};
+        char weather_con[15] = {0};
+        char city_name[10] = {0};
+        char temper_data[3] = {0};
-   /* 
-    *    phy link 
-    */
-    do{
-        phy_link = eth.ethernet_link();
-        printf("...");
-        wait(2);
-    }while(!phy_link);
-    printf("\r\n");
+        int temp;
+        int num100, num10, num1;
+        //parding date
+        date = strstr(buffer, "Date");
+        for(int x=0;x<17;x++){
+            cur_date[x] = date[x+6];
+        }
+        // parsing weather condition
+        weather = strstr(buffer, "main");
+        for(int i=0; i<15;i++){
+            weather_con[i] = weather[i+7];
+            if(weather_con[i] == 34){
+                weather_con[i] = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // parsing city name
+        city = strstr(buffer, "name");
+        for(int j=0; j<10;j++){
+            city_name[j] = city[j+7];
+            if(city_name[j] == 34){
+                city_name[j] = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
-    printf("IP Address is %s\r\n\r\n", eth.getIPAddress()); 
-   /* 
-    *    TCP socket connect to openweather server 
-    */
-    TCPSocketConnection sock;
-    sock.connect("", 80);
+        //parsing current tempurature
+        temper = strstr(buffer, "temp");
+        for(int k=0; k<3;k++){
+            temper_data[k] = temper[k+6];
+        }
+        //kelvin to celius converter
+        num100 = temper_data[0]- 48;
+        num10 = temper_data[1] - 48;
+        num1 = temper_data[2]- 48;
+        temp = (num100*100 + num10*10 + num1) - 273;
+        // Debug message
+        printf("city name   :  %s\r\n",  city_name);
+        printf("weather     :  %s\r\n",  weather_con);
+        printf("temperature :  %d\r\n\r\n",  temp);
+        // OLED Display
+        gOled.begin();
+        gOled.clearDisplay();
+        gOled.printf("%s\n\n", cur_date);
+        gOled.printf("City    : %s\n", city_name);
+        gOled.printf("Weather : %s\n", weather_con);
+        gOled.printf("Temper  : %d\n", temp);
+        gOled.display();
+        gOled.setTextCursor(0,0);
+        //LED display rely on weather condition
+        if(strcmp(weather_con,"Clouds")==0)            clouds();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Rain")==0)         rain();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Thunderstorm")==0) thunderstorm();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Clean")==0)        clean();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Mist")==0)         mist();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Haze")==0)         haze();
+        else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Fog")==0)          fog();
+        else error();
-   /*  
-    *    GET method, to request weather forecast  
-    */ 
-   //char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=Seoul,kr&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
-    char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
-    //char http_cmd[] = "GET /data/2.5/weather?q=Berlin,de&appid=a0ca47dd7f6066404629b3e1ad728981 HTTP/1.0\n\n";
-    sock.send_all(http_cmd, sizeof(http_cmd)-1);
-   /* 
-    *    get data into buffer
-    */
-    char buffer[2048];
-    int ret;
-    while (true) {
-        ret = sock.receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
-        if (ret <= 0)
-            break;
-        buffer[ret] = '\0';
-        printf("Received %d chars from server: %s\n", ret, buffer);     
-    }
-    printf("\r\n\r\n");
-   /* 
-    *    parsing current date, weather, city, tempurature 
-    */
-    char *date;
-    char *weather;
-    char *city;
-    char *temper;
-    char cur_date[17] = {0};
-    char weather_con[15] = {0};
-    char city_name[10] = {0};
-    char temper_data[3] = {0};
-    int temp;
-    int num100, num10, num1;
-   /*
-    *    parding date
-    */
-    date = strstr(buffer, "Date");
-    for(int x=0;x<17;x++){
-        cur_date[x] = date[x+6];
-    }
+        //Disconnection
+        sock.close();
+        eth.disconnect();
-   /*
-    *    parsing weather condition
-    */ 
-    weather = strstr(buffer, "main");
-    for(int i=0; i<15;i++){
-        weather_con[i] = weather[i+7];
-        if(weather_con[i] == 34){
-            weather_con[i] = 0;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-   /*
-    *    parsing city name
-    */
-    city = strstr(buffer, "name");
-    for(int j=0; j<10;j++){
-        city_name[j] = city[j+7];
-        if(city_name[j] == 34){
-            city_name[j] = 0;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-   /*
-    *    parsing current tempurature
-    */
-    temper = strstr(buffer, "temp");
-    for(int k=0; k<3;k++){
-        temper_data[k] = temper[k+6];
-    }
-   /*
-    *    kelvin to celius converter
-    */
-    num100 = temper_data[0]- 48;
-    num10 = temper_data[1] - 48;
-    num1 = temper_data[2]- 48;
-    temp = (num100*100 + num10*10 + num1) - 273;
-   /* 
-    *    printf  
-    */
-    printf("city name   :  %s\r\n",  city_name);
-    printf("weather     :  %s\r\n",  weather_con);
-    printf("temperature :  %d\r\n\r\n",  temp);
-   /*   
-    *    OLED Display
-    */
-    gOled.begin();
-    gOled.clearDisplay();
-    gOled.printf("%s\n\n", cur_date);
-    gOled.printf("City    : %s\n", city_name);
-    gOled.printf("Weather : %s\n", weather_con);
-    gOled.printf("Temper  : %d\n", temp);
-    gOled.display();
-    gOled.setTextCursor(0,0);
-   /* 
-    *    LED display rely on weather condition
-    */
-    if(strcmp(weather_con,"Clouds")==0)            clouds();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Rain")==0)         rain();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Thunderstorm")==0) thunderstorm();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Clean")==0)        clean();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Mist")==0)         mist();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Haze")==0)         haze();
-    else if(strcmp(weather_con,"Fog")==0)          fog();
-    else error();
-    sock.close();
-    eth.disconnect();
-   /* 
-    *    everytime in delay, request weather forecast 
-    */
-    wait(20.0);
+        /* 
+         *    everytime in delay, request weather forecast 
+         */
+        wait(20.0);