IoT security research team at IISEC, Yokohama, Japan.

Team code repositories (15)

  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Voice input at ADC (p20) is sampled at 16kHz and delayed 0.1-0.5s and output at DAC (p18).

    Last updated: 26 Jul 2021 4 75
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    AT commands entered in PC-serial are sent to WROOM2. After WiFi connection is established, ADC value and LED control buttons appear in the browser.

    Last updated: 08 Jul 2021 7 98
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Four LEDs are turned on and off at a constant rate.

    Last updated: 13 May 2021 2 22
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Hello program for BME280 library

    Last updated: 16 Feb 2021 6 45
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Multiple sin wave synthesizer. Output on the DA port.

    da, sound, Ticker
    Last updated: 18 Jul 2019 4 110
  • ESP8266_Wifi_LPC1768_v1.0

    This repository demonstrates how to use ESP8266 and Mbed LPC1786 to connect to a known access point.

    Last updated: 26 Feb 2019 12
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    ADC values read in two formats are printed on PC terminal.

    Last updated: 30 Jul 2018 2 102
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    the mbed library is included.

    Last updated: 23 May 2018 2 147
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    four leds are enlightened and dimmed by tickers.

    Blinky, Ticker
    Last updated: 15 May 2018 4 72
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Brightness of four leds is changed by PWM.

    Last updated: 15 May 2018 2 57