
Dependencies:   C027 C027_Support M2XStreamClient PowerControl jsonlite mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of PONY_Ph0-uAXIS by Sean McBeath



File content as of revision 37:71ab32b61dfb:

#include "mbed.h"

/* This example was tested on C027-U20 and C027-G35 with the on board modem. 
   Additionally it was tested with a shield where the SARA-G350/U260/U270 RX/TX/PWRON 
   is connected to D0/D1/D4 and the GPS SCL/SDA is connected D15/D15. In this 
   configuration the following platforms were tested (it is likely that others 
   will work as well)
   - U-BLOX:    C027-G35, C027-U20, C027-C20 (for shield set define C027_FORCE_SHIELD)
   - NXP:       LPC1549v2, LPC4088qsb
   - Freescale: FRDM-KL05Z, FRDM-KL25Z, FRDM-KL46Z, FRDM-K64F
   - STM:       NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-F030R8
                mount resistors SB13/14 1k, SB62/63 0R

#include "GPS.h"
#include "MDM.h"

// Cellular modem/SIM parameters
#define SIMPIN      "1111"          //!SIMPIN is 1111 by default for AT&T SIMs.
#define APN         "m2m.com.attz"  // Defined AT&T M2M APN
#define USERNAME    NULL            //! Set the user name for your APN, or NULL if not needed (which, apparently, it isn't)
#define PASSWORD    NULL            //! Set the password for your APN, or NULL if not needed (which, apparently, it isn't)
// AT&T M2X Kekys

#define M2XAPIKEY "295d76119ddac541c4e8c51bc3a45497"
#define UBLOX1DEVID "8066dc4be6828638af1a62521f61f6e3"


//#define CELLOCATE

int main(void)
    printf("\r\n\n\n\n-----\r\nI'm alive!\r\n\n");
    int ret;
    char buf[2048] = "";

    // Create the GPS object
    GPSI2C gps;

    //----- MODEM UP!!!
    printf("Waiting 15s for boot or what-not\r\n");
    printf("Open modem object mdm\r\n");
    MDMSerial mdm;
    mdm.setDebug(4); // enable this for debugging issues 
    // Create status objects
    MDMParser::DevStatus devStatus = {};
    MDMParser::NetStatus netStatus = {};
    bool mdmOk = mdm.init(SIMPIN, &devStatus);
    // How we doing so far?
    printf("\r\n-- mdm.init status dump\r\n");
    if (mdmOk) {
        // wait until we are connected (SGM: Not sure what this means, since this isn't a loop...
        mdmOk = mdm.registerNet(&netStatus);
    printf("-- mdm.registerNet status dump\r\n");
    // Open a data connecction
    if(mdmOk) {

        MDMParser::IP ip = mdm.join(APN,USERNAME,PASSWORD);
        printf("-- mdm.join dump\r\n");
        // If we secure an IP address, keep going!
        if (ip != NOIP) {
            printf("\n\n\rWe got's an IP address!\r\n");    


    // Create the modem object
    MDMSerial mdm;
    mdm.setDebug(4); // enable this for debugging issues 
    // initialize the modem 
    MDMParser::DevStatus devStatus = {};
    MDMParser::NetStatus netStatus = {};
    bool mdmOk = mdm.init(SIMPIN, &devStatus);
    if (mdmOk) {

        // wait until we are connected
        mdmOk = mdm.registerNet(&netStatus);
    if (mdmOk)
        // http://www.geckobeach.com/cellular/secrets/gsmcodes.php
        // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/USSD-Codes
        const char* ussd = "*130#"; // You may get answer "UNKNOWN APPLICATION"
        printf("Ussd Send Command %s\r\n", ussd);
        ret = mdm.ussdCommand(ussd, buf);
        if (ret > 0) 
            printf("Ussd Got Answer: \"%*s\"\r\n", ret, buf);

        // join the internet connection 
        MDMParser::IP ip = mdm.join(APN,USERNAME,PASSWORD);
        if (ip != NOIP)
            printf("Make a Http Post Request\r\n");
            int socket = mdm.socketSocket(MDMParser::IPPROTO_TCP);
            if (socket >= 0)
                mdm.socketSetBlocking(socket, 10000);
                if (mdm.socketConnect(socket, "mbed.org", 80))
                    const char http[] = "GET /media/uploads/mbed_official/hello.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
                    mdm.socketSend(socket, http, sizeof(http)-1);
                    ret = mdm.socketRecv(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
                    if (ret > 0)
                        printf("Socket Recv \"%*s\"\r\n", ret, buf);
            int port = 7;
            const char* host = "echo.u-blox.com";
            MDMParser::IP ip = mdm.gethostbyname(host);
            char data[] = "\r\nxxx Socket Hello World\r\n"
                        "00  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "01  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "02  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "03  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "04  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "05  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "06  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "07  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "08  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "09  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "10  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "11  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "12  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "13  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "14  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "15  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "16  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "17  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "18  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
                        "19  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 \r\n"
            printf("Testing TCP sockets with ECHO server\r\n");
            socket = mdm.socketSocket(MDMParser::IPPROTO_TCP);
            if (socket >= 0)
                mdm.socketSetBlocking(socket, 10000);
                if (mdm.socketConnect(socket, host, port)) {
                    memcpy(data, "\r\nTCP", 5); 
                    ret = mdm.socketSend(socket, data, sizeof(data)-1);
                    if (ret == sizeof(data)-1) {
                        printf("Socket Send %d \"%s\"\r\n", ret, data);
                    ret = mdm.socketRecv(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
                    if (ret >= 0) {
                        printf("Socket Recv %d \"%.*s\"\r\n", ret, ret, buf);

            printf("Testing UDP sockets with ECHO server\r\n");
            socket = mdm.socketSocket(MDMParser::IPPROTO_UDP, port);
            if (socket >= 0)
                mdm.socketSetBlocking(socket, 10000);
                memcpy(data, "\r\nUDP", 5); 
                ret = mdm.socketSendTo(socket, ip, port, data, sizeof(data)-1);
                if (ret == sizeof(data)-1) {
                    printf("Socket SendTo %s:%d " IPSTR " %d \"%s\"\r\n", host, port, IPNUM(ip), ret, data);
                ret = mdm.socketRecvFrom(socket, &ip, &port, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
                if (ret >= 0) {
                    printf("Socket RecvFrom " IPSTR ":%d %d \"%.*s\" \r\n", IPNUM(ip),port, ret, ret,buf);
            // disconnect  
    printf("SMS and GPS Loop\r\n");
    char link[128] = "";
    unsigned int i = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    const int wait = 100;
    bool abort = false;
#ifdef CELLOCATE    
    const int sensorMask = 3;  // Hybrid: GNSS + CellLocate       
    const int timeoutMargin = 5; // seconds
    const int submitPeriod = 60; // 1 minutes in seconds
    const int targetAccuracy = 1; // meters
    unsigned int j = submitPeriod * 1000/wait;
    bool cellLocWait = false;
    MDMParser::CellLocData loc;
    //Token can be released from u-blox site, when you got one replace "TOKEN" below 
    if (!mdm.cellLocSrvHttp("TOKEN"))
    mdm.cellLocConfigSensor(1);   // Deep scan mode
    //DigitalOut led(LED1);
    while (!abort) {
    //    led = !led;
        while ((ret = gps.getMessage(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
            int len = LENGTH(ret);
            //printf("NMEA: %.*s\r\n", len-2, msg); 
            if ((PROTOCOL(ret) == GPSParser::NMEA) && (len > 6))
                // talker is $GA=Galileo $GB=Beidou $GL=Glonass $GN=Combined $GP=GPS
                if ((buf[0] == '$') || buf[1] == 'G') {
                    #define _CHECK_TALKER(s) ((buf[3] == s[0]) && (buf[4] == s[1]) && (buf[5] == s[2]))
                    if (_CHECK_TALKER("GLL")) {
                        double la = 0, lo = 0;
                        char ch;
                        if (gps.getNmeaAngle(1,buf,len,la) && 
                            gps.getNmeaAngle(3,buf,len,lo) && 
                            gps.getNmeaItem(6,buf,len,ch) && ch == 'A')
                            printf("GPS Location: %.5f %.5f\r\n", la, lo); 
                            sprintf(link, "I am here!\n"
                                          "https://maps.google.com/?q=%.5f,%.5f", la, lo); 
                    } else if (_CHECK_TALKER("GGA") || _CHECK_TALKER("GNS") ) {
                        double a = 0; 
                        if (gps.getNmeaItem(9,buf,len,a)) // altitude msl [m]
                            printf("GPS Altitude: %.1f\r\n", a); 
                    } else if (_CHECK_TALKER("VTG")) {
                        double s = 0; 
                        if (gps.getNmeaItem(7,buf,len,s)) // speed [km/h]
                            printf("GPS Speed: %.1f\r\n", s); 

        if (mdmOk && (j++ == submitPeriod * 1000/wait)) {   
            printf("CellLocate Request\r\n");
            mdm.cellLocRequest(sensorMask, submitPeriod-timeoutMargin, targetAccuracy);
            cellLocWait = true;
        if (cellLocWait && mdm.cellLocGet(&loc)){           
            cellLocWait = false;     
            printf("CellLocate position received, sensor_used: %d,  \r\n", loc.sensorUsed );           
            printf("  latitude: %0.5f, longitude: %0.5f, altitute: %d\r\n", loc.latitue, loc.longitude, loc.altitutude);
            if (loc.sensorUsed == 1)
                printf("  uncertainty: %d, speed: %d, direction: %d, vertical_acc: %d, satellite used: %d \r\n", loc.uncertainty,loc.speed,loc.direction,loc.verticalAcc,loc.svUsed);        
            if (loc.sensorUsed == 1 || loc.sensorUsed == 2)
            sprintf(link, "I am here!\n"
                        "https://maps.google.com/?q=%.5f,%.5f", loc.latitue, loc.longitude);       
        if (cellLocWait && (j%100 == 0 ))
            printf("Waiting for CellLocate...\r\n");                

    return 0;