Code to load a LPC1114 over tx/rx. I have only tested with a 1114 chip but it should work with other LPC uControllers

Dependencies:   DirectoryList MODSERIAL mbed

Fork of ika_shouyu_poppoyaki by Tedd OKANO



File content as of revision 26:a63e73885b21:

#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "verification.h"
#include    "command_interface.h"
#include    "uu_coding.h"
#include    "serial_utilities.h"
#include    "writing.h"
#include    "ika.h"

int     verify_binary_data( FILE *fp );
int     verify_uucoded_data( FILE *fp );
void    get_binary_from_uucode_str( char *b, int size );

int verify_flash( FILE *fp, target_param *tpp )
    if ( tpp->write_type == BINARY )
        verify_binary_data( fp );
        verify_uucoded_data( fp );

    return ( 0 );   //  this is temporallry return code

int verify_binary_data( FILE *fp )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     size;
    int     flash_reading_size;
    char    *bf;
    char    *br;
    int     error_flag  = 0;
    unsigned long   checksum        = 0;
    unsigned long   checksum_count  = 0;

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    flash_reading_size  = 128;

    if ( NULL == (bf    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, file data buffer)\r\n" );

    if ( NULL == (br    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, read data buffer)\r\n" );

    while ( size    = fread( bf, sizeof( char ), flash_reading_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( read_size < 0x20 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < flash_reading_size; i += 4 ) {

                if ( checksum_count == 7 ) {
                    checksum    = 0xFFFFFFFF - checksum + 1;
                    *((unsigned int *)(bf + i)) = checksum;
                    //printf( "\r\n\r\n  -- calculated checksum    : 0x%08X\r\n", checksum );
                } else {
                    checksum    += *((unsigned int *)(bf + i));


        sprintf( command_str, "R %ld %ld\r\n", read_size, size );
//        try_and_check( command_str, "0", MODE_SILENT );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        get_binary( br, 1 );
        get_binary( br, size );

        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
//            printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );
            if ( (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ) {
//                printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );

        if ( error_flag )

        read_size   += size;

//        printf( "  total %d bytes read\r\n", read_size );

    error_state |= error_flag;

    printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );
    printf( "  verification result : \"%s\"\r\n", error_flag ? "Fail" : "Pass" );

    free( bf );
    free( br );

    return ( read_size );

int verify_uucoded_data( FILE *fp )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     size;
    int     flash_reading_size;
    char    *bf;
    char    *br;
    int     error_flag  = 0;

    flash_reading_size  = 176;


    if ( NULL == (bf    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, file data buffer)\r\n" );

    if ( NULL == (br    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, read data buffer)\r\n" );

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    while ( size    = fread( bf, sizeof( char ), flash_reading_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( !read_size ) {
            //  overwriting 4 bytes data for address=0x1C
            //  there is a slot for checksum that is checked in (target's) boot process
            add_isp_checksum( bf );

        sprintf( command_str, "R %ld %ld\r\n", read_size, size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        get_binary_from_uucode_str( br, size );

        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
//            printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );
            if ( (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ) {
                printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );

        if ( error_flag )

        read_size   += size;
//        printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );

    error_state |= error_flag;

    printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );
    printf( "  verification result : \"%s\"\r\n", error_flag ? "Fail" : "Pass" );

    free( bf );
    free( br );

    return ( read_size );

void get_binary_from_uucode_str( char *b, int size )
#define N   4

    char    s[ N ][ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    char    ss[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    long    checksum    = 0;
    int     line_count  = 0;
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     retry_count = 3;

    while ( retry_count-- ) {

        for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
            get_string( s[ i ] );

        get_string( ss );

        while ( size ) {
            read_size   = uudecode_a_line( b, s[ line_count ] );

            for ( int i = 0; i < read_size; i++ )
                checksum    += *b++;

            size    -= read_size;

//        printf( "  checksum -- %s (internal = %ld)\r\n", ss, checksum );

        if ( checksum == atol( ss ) ) {
            put_string( "OK\r\n" );
//            printf( "  checksum OK\r\n" );
        } else {
            printf( "  checksum RESEND\r\n" );
            put_string( "RESEND\r\n" );