The HexiHeart is a demo project product that takes advantage of many of the onboard Hexiwear sensors and capabilities to create a multifunctional fitness and safety watch.

Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700 Hexi_KW40Z Hexi_OLED_SSD1351 MAXIM W25Q64FVSSIG HTU21D MPL3115A2 TSL2561

Fork of HexiHeart_Alex by Hexiwear_zeta

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Hexi_Battery/hexi_battery.cpp	Mon Feb 12 19:31:23 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+#include "hexi_battery.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define BITBAND_ACCESS32(Reg,Bit) (*((uint32_t volatile*)(0x42000000u + (32u*((uintptr_t)(Reg) - (uintptr_t)0x40000000u)) + (4u*((uintptr_t)(Bit))))))
+#define ADC_SC1_REG(base,index)                  ((base)->SC1[index])
+#define ADC_WR_SC1(base, index, value) (ADC_SC1_REG(base, index) = (value))
+#define ADC_BRD_SC1_COCO(base, index) (BITBAND_ACCESS32(&ADC_SC1_REG(base, index), ADC_SC1_COCO_SHIFT))
+#define ADC_RD_R_D(base, index) ((ADC_R_REG(base, index) & ADC_R_D_MASK) >> ADC_R_D_SHIFT)
+#define ADC_BRD_R_D(base, index) (ADC_RD_R_D(base, index))
+#define ADC_R_REG(base,index)                    ((base)->R[index])
+#define SIM_BWR_SCGC_BIT(base, index, value) (BITBAND_ACCESS32(&SIM_SCGC_BIT_REG((base), (index)), SIM_SCGC_BIT_SHIFT(index)) = (uint32_t)(value))
+#define SIM_SCGC_BIT_SHIFT(index)            ((uint32_t)(index) & ((1U << 5) - 1U))
+#define SIM_SCGC_BIT_REG(base, index)        (*((volatile uint32_t *)&SIM_SCGC1_REG(base) + (((uint32_t)(index) >> 5) - 0U)))
+#define SIM_SCGC1_REG(base)                      ((base)->SCGC1)
+#define ADC_RD_CFG1(base)        (ADC_CFG1_REG(base))
+#define ADC_WR_CFG1(base, value) (ADC_CFG1_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_CFG1_REG(base)                       ((base)->CFG1)
+#define ADC_WR_CFG2(base, value) (ADC_CFG2_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_CFG2_REG(base)                       ((base)->CFG2)
+#define ADC_WR_CV1(base, value)  (ADC_CV1_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_CV1_REG(base)                        ((base)->CV1)
+#define ADC_WR_CV2(base, value)  (ADC_CV2_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_CV2_REG(base)                        ((base)->CV2)
+#define ADC_WR_SC2(base, value)  (ADC_SC2_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_SC2_REG(base)                        ((base)->SC2)
+#define ADC_WR_SC3(base, value)  (ADC_SC3_REG(base) = (value))
+#define ADC_SC3_REG(base)                        ((base)->SC3)
+#define ADC_RD_SC2(base)         (ADC_SC2_REG(base))
+#define ADC_RD_CFG2(base)        (ADC_CFG2_REG(base))
+#define ADC_CFG2_REG(base)                       ((base)->CFG2)
+#define ADC_RD_SC3(base)         (ADC_SC3_REG(base))
+#define ADC_SC3_REG(base)                        ((base)->SC3)
+#define ADC_INSTANCE_COUNT (2U) /*!< Number of instances of the ADC module. */
+const IRQn_Type g_adcIrqId[ADC_INSTANCE_COUNT] = ADC_IRQS;
+typedef enum _adc16_chn {
+    kAdc16Chn0  = 0U,  /*!< AD0. */
+    kAdc16Chn1  = 1U,  /*!< AD1. */
+    kAdc16Chn2  = 2U,  /*!< AD2. */
+    kAdc16Chn3  = 3U,  /*!< AD3. */
+    kAdc16Chn4  = 4U,  /*!< AD4. */
+    kAdc16Chn5  = 5U,  /*!< AD5. */
+    kAdc16Chn6  = 6U,  /*!< AD6. */
+    kAdc16Chn7  = 7U,  /*!< AD6. */
+    kAdc16Chn8  = 8U,  /*!< AD8.  */
+    kAdc16Chn9  = 9U,  /*!< AD9.  */
+    kAdc16Chn10 = 10U, /*!< AD10. */
+    kAdc16Chn11 = 11U, /*!< AD11. */
+    kAdc16Chn12 = 12U, /*!< AD12. */
+    kAdc16Chn13 = 13U, /*!< AD13. */
+    kAdc16Chn14 = 14U, /*!< AD14. */
+    kAdc16Chn15 = 15U, /*!< AD15. */
+    kAdc16Chn16 = 16U, /*!< AD16. */
+    kAdc16Chn17 = 17U, /*!< AD17. */
+    kAdc16Chn18 = 18U, /*!< AD18. */
+    kAdc16Chn19 = 19U, /*!< AD19. */
+    kAdc16Chn20 = 20U, /*!< AD20. */
+    kAdc16Chn21 = 21U, /*!< AD21. */
+    kAdc16Chn22 = 22U, /*!< AD22. */
+    kAdc16Chn23 = 23U, /*!< AD23. */
+    kAdc16Chn24 = 24U, /*!< AD24. */
+    kAdc16Chn25 = 25U, /*!< AD25. */
+    kAdc16Chn26 = 26U, /*!< AD26. */
+    kAdc16Chn27 = 27U, /*!< AD27. */
+    kAdc16Chn28 = 28U, /*!< AD28. */
+    kAdc16Chn29 = 29U, /*!< AD29. */
+    kAdc16Chn30 = 30U, /*!< AD30. */
+    kAdc16Chn31 = 31U,  /*!< AD31. */
+    kAdc16Chn0d = kAdc16Chn0,  /*!< DAD0. */
+    kAdc16Chn1d = kAdc16Chn1,  /*!< DAD1. */
+    kAdc16Chn2d = kAdc16Chn2,  /*!< DAD2. */
+    kAdc16Chn3d = kAdc16Chn3,  /*!< DAD3. */
+    kAdc16Chn4a = kAdc16Chn4,  /*!< AD4a. */
+    kAdc16Chn5a = kAdc16Chn5,  /*!< AD5a. */
+    kAdc16Chn6a = kAdc16Chn6,  /*!< AD6a. */
+    kAdc16Chn7a = kAdc16Chn7,  /*!< AD7a. */
+    kAdc16Chn4b = kAdc16Chn4,  /*!< AD4b. */
+    kAdc16Chn5b = kAdc16Chn5,  /*!< AD5b. */
+    kAdc16Chn6b = kAdc16Chn6,  /*!< AD6b. */
+    kAdc16Chn7b = kAdc16Chn7   /*!< AD7b. */
+} adc16_chn_t;
+typedef enum _adc16_status {
+    kStatus_ADC16_Success         = 0U, /*!< Success. */
+    kStatus_ADC16_InvalidArgument = 1U, /*!< Invalid argument existed. */
+    kStatus_ADC16_Failed          = 2U  /*!< Execution failed. */
+} adc16_status_t;
+typedef struct Adc16ChnConfig {
+    adc16_chn_t chnIdx;          /*!< Select the sample channel index. */
+    bool convCompletedIntEnable; /*!< Enable the conversion complete interrupt. */
+    bool diffConvEnable;         /*!< Enable the differential conversion. */
+} adc16_chn_config_t;
+extern const adc16_chn_config_t BATTERY_ADC_ChnConfig;
+const adc16_chn_config_t BATTERY_ADC_ChnConfig = {
+    .chnIdx = kAdc16Chn16,
+    .convCompletedIntEnable = false,
+    .diffConvEnable = false
+ADC_Type * const g_adcBase[] = ADC_BASE_PTRS;
+void ADC16_HAL_ConfigChn(ADC_Type * base, uint32_t chnGroup, const adc16_chn_config_t *configPtr)
+    uint16_t tmp = 0U;
+    /** Interrupt enable. */
+    if (configPtr->convCompletedIntEnable) {
+        tmp |= ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Differential mode enable. */
+    if (configPtr->diffConvEnable) {
+        tmp |= ADC_SC1_DIFF_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Input channel select. */
+    tmp |= ADC_SC1_ADCH((uint32_t)(configPtr->chnIdx));
+    ADC_WR_SC1(base, chnGroup, tmp);
+adc16_status_t ADC16_DRV_ConfigConvChn(uint32_t instance,
+                                       uint32_t chnGroup, const adc16_chn_config_t *configPtr)
+    ADC_Type * base = g_adcBase[instance];
+    if (!configPtr) {
+        return kStatus_ADC16_InvalidArgument;
+    }
+    ADC16_HAL_ConfigChn(base, chnGroup, configPtr);
+    return kStatus_ADC16_Success;
+static inline bool ADC16_HAL_GetChnConvCompletedFlag(ADC_Type * base, uint32_t chnGroup)
+    return (1U == ADC_BRD_SC1_COCO(base, chnGroup) );
+void ADC16_DRV_WaitConvDone(uint32_t instance, uint32_t chnGroup)
+    ADC_Type * base = g_adcBase[instance];
+    while ( !ADC16_HAL_GetChnConvCompletedFlag(base, chnGroup) )
+        {}
+static inline uint16_t ADC16_HAL_GetChnConvValue(ADC_Type * base, uint32_t chnGroup )
+    return (uint16_t)(ADC_BRD_R_D(base, chnGroup) );
+uint16_t ADC16_DRV_GetConvValueRAW(uint32_t instance, uint32_t chnGroup)
+    ADC_Type * base = g_adcBase[instance];
+    return ADC16_HAL_GetChnConvValue(base, chnGroup);
+int16_t ADC16_DRV_GetConvValueSigned(uint32_t instance, uint32_t chnGroup)
+    return (int16_t)ADC16_DRV_GetConvValueRAW(instance, chnGroup);
+void ADC16_DRV_PauseConv(uint32_t instance, uint32_t chnGroup)
+    adc16_chn_config_t configStruct;
+    configStruct.chnIdx = kAdc16Chn31;
+    configStruct.convCompletedIntEnable = false;
+    configStruct.diffConvEnable = false;
+    ADC16_DRV_ConfigConvChn(instance, chnGroup, &configStruct);
+typedef enum _adc16_clk_divider {
+    kAdc16ClkDividerOf1 = 0U, /*!< For divider 1 from the input clock to ADC16. @internal gui name="1" */
+    kAdc16ClkDividerOf2 = 1U, /*!< For divider 2 from the input clock to ADC16. @internal gui name="2" */
+    kAdc16ClkDividerOf4 = 2U, /*!< For divider 4 from the input clock to ADC16. @internal gui name="4" */
+    kAdc16ClkDividerOf8 = 3U  /*!< For divider 8 from the input clock to ADC16. @internal gui name="8" */
+} adc16_clk_divider_t;
+typedef enum _adc16_resolution {
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOf8or9 = 0U,
+    /*!< 8-bit for single end sample, or 9-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfSingleEndAs8 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf8or9, /*!< 8-bit for single end sample. @internal gui name="8 bit in single mode" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfDiffModeAs9 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf8or9, /*!< 9-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="9 bit in differential mode" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOf12or13 = 1U,
+    /*!< 12-bit for single end sample, or 13-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfSingleEndAs12 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf12or13, /*!< 12-bit for single end sample. @internal gui name="12 bit in single mode" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfDiffModeAs13 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf12or13, /*!< 13-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="13 bit in differential mode" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOf10or11 = 2U,
+    /*!< 10-bit for single end sample, or 11-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfSingleEndAs10 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf10or11, /*!< 10-bit for single end sample. @internal gui name="10 bit in single mode" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfDiffModeAs11 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf10or11 /*!< 11-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="11 bit in differential mode" */
+    , kAdc16ResolutionBitOf16 = 3U,
+    /*!< 16-bit for both single end sample and differential sample. @internal gui name="16-bit" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfSingleEndAs16 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf16, /*!< 16-bit for single end sample. @internal gui name="" */
+    kAdc16ResolutionBitOfDiffModeAs16 = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf16 /*!< 16-bit for differential sample. @internal gui name="" */
+} adc16_resolution_t;
+typedef enum _adc16_long_sample_cycle {
+    kAdc16LongSampleCycleOf24 = 0U, /*!< 20 extra ADCK cycles, 24 ADCK cycles total. */
+    kAdc16LongSampleCycleOf16 = 1U, /*!< 12 extra ADCK cycles, 16 ADCK cycles total. */
+    kAdc16LongSampleCycleOf10 = 2U, /*!< 6 extra ADCK cycles, 10 ADCK cycles total. */
+    kAdc16LongSampleCycleOf4  = 3U  /*!< 2 extra ADCK cycles, 6 ADCK cycles total. */
+} adc16_long_sample_cycle_t;
+typedef enum _adc16_clk_src_mode {
+    kAdc16ClkSrcOfBusClk  = 0U, /*!< For input as bus clock. @internal gui name="Bus clock" */
+    kAdc16ClkSrcOfAltClk2 = 1U, /*!< For input as alternate clock 2 (AltClk2). @internal gui name="Alternate clock 2" */
+    kAdc16ClkSrcOfAltClk  = 2U, /*!< For input as alternate clock (ALTCLK). @internal gui name="Alternate clock 1" */
+    kAdc16ClkSrcOfAsynClk = 3U  /*!< For input as asynchronous clock (ADACK). @internal gui name="Asynchronous clock" */
+} adc16_clk_src_mode_t;
+typedef enum _adc16_ref_volt_src {
+    kAdc16RefVoltSrcOfVref = 0U, /*!< For external pins pair of VrefH and VrefL. @internal gui name="Vref pair" */
+    kAdc16RefVoltSrcOfValt = 1U  /*!< For alternate reference pair of ValtH and ValtL. @internal gui name="Valt pair" */
+} adc16_ref_volt_src_t;
+typedef struct Adc16ConverterConfig {
+    bool                    lowPowerEnable; /*!< Enable low power. @internal gui name="Low power mode" id="LowPowerMode" */
+    adc16_clk_divider_t     clkDividerMode; /*!< Select the divider of input clock source. @internal gui name="Clock divider" id="ClockDivider" */
+    bool                    longSampleTimeEnable; /*!< Enable the long sample time. @internal gui name="Long sample time" id="LongSampleTime" */
+    adc16_resolution_t      resolution; /*!< Select the sample resolution mode. @internal gui name="Resolution" id="Resolution" */
+    adc16_clk_src_mode_t    clkSrc; /*!< Select the input clock source to converter. @internal gui name="Clock source" id="ClockSource" */
+    bool                    asyncClkEnable; /*!< Enable the asynchronous clock inside the ADC. @internal gui name="Internal async. clock" id="InternalAsyncClock" */
+    bool                    highSpeedEnable; /*!< Enable the high speed mode. @internal gui name="High speed mode" id="HighSpeed" */
+    adc16_long_sample_cycle_t longSampleCycleMode; /*!< Select the long sample mode. @internal gui name="Long sample mode" id="LongSampleMode" */
+    bool                    hwTriggerEnable; /*!< Enable hardware trigger function. @internal gui name="Hardware trigger" id="HwTrigger" */
+    adc16_ref_volt_src_t    refVoltSrc; /*!< Select the reference voltage source. @internal gui name="Voltage reference" id="ReferenceVoltage" */
+    bool                    continuousConvEnable; /*!< Enable continuous conversion mode. @internal gui name="Continuous mode" id="ContinuousMode" */
+    bool                    dmaEnable; /*!< Enable the DMA for ADC converter. @internal gui name="DMA mode" id="DMASupport" */
+#endif  /** FSL_FEATURE_ADC16_HAS_DMA */
+} adc16_converter_config_t;
+const adc16_converter_config_t BATTERY_ADC_InitConfig = {
+    .lowPowerEnable = false,
+    .clkDividerMode = kAdc16ClkDividerOf1,
+    .longSampleTimeEnable = false,
+    .resolution = kAdc16ResolutionBitOf16,
+    .clkSrc = kAdc16ClkSrcOfBusClk,
+    .asyncClkEnable = false,
+    .highSpeedEnable = true,
+    .longSampleCycleMode = kAdc16LongSampleCycleOf4,
+    .hwTriggerEnable = false,
+    .refVoltSrc = kAdc16RefVoltSrcOfVref,
+    .continuousConvEnable = false,
+    .dmaEnable = false,
+#define FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(SCGCx, n) (((SCGCx-1U)<<5U) + n)
+typedef enum _sim_clock_gate_name {
+    kSimClockGateI2c2      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(1U, 6U),
+    kSimClockGateUart4     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(1U, 10U),
+    kSimClockGateUart5     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(1U, 11U),
+    kSimClockGateEnet0     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(2U, 0U),
+    kSimClockGateDac0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(2U, 12U),
+    kSimClockGateDac1      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(2U, 13U),
+    kSimClockGateSpi2      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(3U, 12U),
+    kSimClockGateSdhc0     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(3U, 17U),
+    kSimClockGateFtm3      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(3U, 25U),
+    kSimClockGateAdc1      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(3U, 27U),
+    kSimClockGateEwm0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 1U),
+    kSimClockGateCmt0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 2U),
+    kSimClockGateI2c0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 6U),
+    kSimClockGateI2c1      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 7U),
+    kSimClockGateUart0     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 10U),
+    kSimClockGateUart1     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 11U),
+    kSimClockGateUart2     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 12U),
+    kSimClockGateUart3     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 13U),
+    kSimClockGateUsbfs0    = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 18U),
+    kSimClockGateCmp       = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 19U),
+    kSimClockGateVref0     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(4U, 20U),
+    kSimClockGateLptmr0    = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 0U),
+    kSimClockGatePortA     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 9U),
+    kSimClockGatePortB     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 10U),
+    kSimClockGatePortC     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 11U),
+    kSimClockGatePortD     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 12U),
+    kSimClockGatePortE     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(5U, 13U),
+    kSimClockGateFtf0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 0U),
+    kSimClockGateDmamux0   = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 1U),
+    kSimClockGateFlexcan0  = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 4U),
+    kSimClockGateRnga0     = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 9U),
+    kSimClockGateSpi0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 12U),
+    kSimClockGateSpi1      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 13U),
+    kSimClockGateSai0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 15U),
+    kSimClockGateCrc0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 18U),
+    kSimClockGateUsbdcd0   = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 21U),
+    kSimClockGatePdb0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 22U),
+    kSimClockGatePit0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 23U),
+    kSimClockGateFtm0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 24U),
+    kSimClockGateFtm1      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 25U),
+    kSimClockGateFtm2      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 26U),
+    kSimClockGateAdc0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 27U),
+    kSimClockGateRtc0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(6U, 29U),
+    kSimClockGateFlexbus0  = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(7U, 0U),
+    kSimClockGateDma0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(7U, 1U),
+    kSimClockGateMpu0      = FSL_SIM_SCGC_BIT(7U, 2U),
+} sim_clock_gate_name_k64f12_t;
+} sim_clock_gate_name_t;
+static const sim_clock_gate_name_t adcGateTable[] = {
+    kSimClockGateAdc0,
+    kSimClockGateAdc1
+static inline void SIM_HAL_EnableClock(SIM_Type * base, sim_clock_gate_name_t name)
+    SIM_BWR_SCGC_BIT(base, name, 1U);
+void CLOCK_SYS_EnableAdcClock(uint32_t instance)
+    SIM_HAL_EnableClock(SIM, adcGateTable[instance]);
+void ADC16_HAL_Init(ADC_Type * base)
+    ADC_WR_CFG1(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_CFG2(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_CV1(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_CV2(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_SC2(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_SC3(base, 0U);
+    ADC_WR_PGA(base, 0U);
+#endif  /** FSL_FEATURE_ADC16_HAS_PGA */
+void ADC16_HAL_ConfigConverter(ADC_Type * base, const adc16_converter_config_t *configPtr)
+    uint16_t cfg1, cfg2, sc2, sc3;
+    cfg1 = ADC_RD_CFG1(base);
+    cfg1 &= ~(  ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK
+                | ADC_CFG1_ADIV_MASK
+                | ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK
+                | ADC_CFG1_MODE_MASK
+                | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_MASK );
+    /** Low power mode. */
+    if (configPtr->lowPowerEnable) {
+        cfg1 |= ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Clock divider. */
+    cfg1 |= ADC_CFG1_ADIV(configPtr->clkDividerMode);
+    /** Long sample time. */
+    if (configPtr->longSampleTimeEnable) {
+        cfg1 |= ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Sample resolution mode. */
+    cfg1 |= ADC_CFG1_MODE(configPtr->resolution);
+    /** Clock source input. */
+    cfg1 |= ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(configPtr->clkSrc);
+    cfg2 = ADC_RD_CFG2(base);
+    cfg2 &= ~( ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK
+               | ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK
+               | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_MASK );
+    /** Asynchronous clock output enable. */
+    if (configPtr->asyncClkEnable) {
+        cfg2 |= ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK;
+    }
+    /** High speed configuration. */
+    if (configPtr->highSpeedEnable) {
+        cfg2 |= ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Long sample time select. */
+    cfg2 |= ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(configPtr->longSampleCycleMode);
+    sc2 = ADC_RD_SC2(base);
+    sc2 &= ~( ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK
+              | ADC_SC2_REFSEL_MASK
+              | ADC_SC2_DMAEN_MASK
+#endif  /** FSL_FEATURE_ADC16_HAS_DMA */
+            );
+    /** Conversion trigger select. */
+    if (configPtr->hwTriggerEnable) {
+        sc2 |= ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK;
+    }
+    /** Voltage reference selection. */
+    sc2 |= ADC_SC2_REFSEL(configPtr->refVoltSrc);
+    /** DMA. */
+    if (configPtr->dmaEnable) {
+        sc2 |= ADC_SC2_DMAEN_MASK;
+    }
+#endif  /** FSL_FEATURE_ADC16_HAS_DMA */
+    sc3 = ADC_RD_SC3(base);
+    sc3 &= ~( ADC_SC3_ADCO_MASK
+              | ADC_SC3_CALF_MASK );
+    /** Continuous conversion enable. */
+    if (configPtr->continuousConvEnable) {
+        sc3 |= ADC_SC3_ADCO_MASK;
+    }
+    ADC_WR_CFG1(base, cfg1);
+    ADC_WR_CFG2(base, cfg2);
+    ADC_WR_SC2(base, sc2);
+    ADC_WR_SC3(base, sc3);
+static inline void INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type irqNumber)
+    /** call core API to enable the IRQ*/
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(irqNumber);
+adc16_status_t ADC16_DRV_Init(uint32_t instance, const adc16_converter_config_t *userConfigPtr)
+    ADC_Type * base = g_adcBase[instance];
+    if (!userConfigPtr) {
+        return kStatus_ADC16_InvalidArgument;
+    }
+    /** Enable clock for ADC. */
+    CLOCK_SYS_EnableAdcClock(instance);
+    /** Reset all the register to a known state. */
+    ADC16_HAL_Init(base);
+    ADC16_HAL_ConfigConverter(base, userConfigPtr);
+    /** Enable ADC interrupt in NVIC level.*/
+    INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(g_adcIrqId[instance] );
+    return kStatus_ADC16_Success;
+static uint8_t bat_convert_data(uint16_t input)
+    uint8_t output = 0;
+    uint16_t bat_mvolts = (uint16_t)( ( (float)input * ( 3.3 / 65535.0 ) ) * 1000 );
+    if ( bat_mvolts > 2670 ) {
+        output = 100;
+    }
+    else if ( bat_mvolts > 2500 ) {
+        output = (uint8_t)( 50 + 50.0 * ( ( bat_mvolts - 2500 ) / 170.0 ) );
+    } else if ( bat_mvolts > 2430 ) {
+        output = (uint8_t)( 30 + 20.0 * ( ( bat_mvolts - 2430 ) / 70.0 ) );
+    } else if ( bat_mvolts > 2370 ) {
+        output = (uint8_t)( 10 + 20.0 * ( ( bat_mvolts - 2370 ) / 60.0 ) );
+    } else {
+        output = 0;
+    }
+    return output;
+    batCharging = new DigitalIn(PTC12);
+    batSensSwitch = new DigitalOut(PTC14);
+    ADC16_DRV_Init(0, &BATTERY_ADC_InitConfig);
+    ADC16_DRV_ConfigConvChn(0, 0U, &BATTERY_ADC_ChnConfig);
+    delete batSensSwitch;
+    delete batCharging;
+void HexiwearBattery::sensorOn()
+    *batSensSwitch = 0;
+void HexiwearBattery::sensorOff()
+    *batSensSwitch = 1;
+bool HexiwearBattery::isBatteryCharging()
+    return *batCharging == 0;
+uint8_t HexiwearBattery::readLevelPercent()
+    ADC16_DRV_ConfigConvChn( 0, 0, &BATTERY_ADC_ChnConfig);
+    ADC16_DRV_WaitConvDone ( 0, 0 );
+    int16_t result = ADC16_DRV_GetConvValueSigned( 0, 0 );
+    ADC16_DRV_PauseConv(0, 0 );
+    return bat_convert_data(result);