Firmware Test of Tilt Sense using BMI160
Dependencies: mbed TI_ADS1220 ESP8266
Fork of GeoDynamics by
- Committer:
- firewalk
- Date:
- 2016-10-20
- Revision:
- 5:96fff32333e8
- Parent:
- 4:c79a3c86ab36
File content as of revision 5:96fff32333e8:
//GeoDynamics Seismograph //Celso B. Varella Neto //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mbed.h" #include "ESP8266.h" #include "ADS1220.h" /*Timer*/ Timer t; /* defines the axis for acc */ #define ACC_NOOF_AXIS 3 #define GYR_NOOF_AXIS 2 /* bmi160 slave address */ #define BMI160_ADDR ((0x68)<<1) /*Value to Transform Rad to Deg*/ #define RAD_DEG 57.29577951 #define PGA 1 // Programmable Gain = 1 #define VREFE 5.0 // External reference of 5.00V #define VFSR VREFE/PGA #define FSR (((long int)1<<23)) #define LSB_Size (VFSR/FSR) #define IP "" // IP Address /*Serial-USB LPCXpresso4337*/ Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx /*I2C pin connected to BMI160*/ I2C i2c(P2_3, P2_4); /*Serial pin connected to ESP8266*/ ESP8266 wifi(P2_10, P2_11, 115200); // baud rate for wifi char snd[255],rcv[1000]; /*SPI pin connected to ADS120*/ ADS1220 ads1220_com(D11, D12, D13); DigitalIn DRDY(D9); /* variable to store IMU BMI160 samples and manipulate */ int16_t acc_sample_buffer[ACC_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555, 0x5555}; int16_t gyr_sample_buffer[GYR_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555}; double acc_result_buffer[ACC_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555, 0x5555}; double gyr_result_buffer[GYR_NOOF_AXIS] = {0x5555, 0x5555}; double accel_ang_x, accel_ang_y; double tiltx, tilty; double tiltx_prev, tilty_prev; char i2c_reg_buffer[2] = {0}; /*variables to store ADS1220 samples and manipulate*/ void showvolt(float volts); signed long t1Data, t2Data; float Vout, volt, ch1[2000], ch2[2000]; char AIN1 = 57, AIN2 = 56; int chn, i; /*Functions*/ float code2volt(float c); //Convert ADC numeric 24bit to Volts int find_maximum(float a[]); //Find Largest Value in Array void wifi_send(void); //Send data to ThingSpeak using WIFI ESP8266 int main() { pc.printf("GEODYNAMICS SEISMOGRAPH - EMBARCADOS CONTEST\n\r"); pc.printf("Configuring IMU BMI160...\n\r"); wait_ms(250); /*Config Freq. I2C Bus*/ i2c.frequency(20000); /*Reset BMI160*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0xB6; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); wait_ms(200); pc.printf("BMI160 Reseted\n\r"); /*Habilita o Acelerometro*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x11; //PMU Normal i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); pc.printf("Acc Enable\n\r"); /*Habilita o Giroscopio*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x7E; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x15; //PMU Normal i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); pc.printf("Gyr Enable\n\r"); /*Config o Data Rate ACC em 1600Hz*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x40; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x2C; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); pc.printf("ACC Data Rate Configured to 1600Hz\n\r"); /*Config o Data Rate GYR em 1600Hz*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x42; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x2C; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); pc.printf("GYR Data Rate Configured to 1600Hz\n\r"); /*Config o Range GYR em 250º/s*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x43; i2c_reg_buffer[1] = 0x03; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, sizeof(i2c_reg_buffer), false); pc.printf("GYR Range Configured to 250deg/s\n\r"); wait_ms(2000); pc.printf("BMI160 Configured\n\r"); pc.printf("ADS1220 Initializing\n\r"); ads1220_com.Config(); //Configure ADS1220 to Single Shot, Turbo Mode & 2000sps pc.printf("ADS1220 Configured and Initialized\n\r"); pc.printf("Configuring ESP8266\n\r"); pc.printf("SET mode to AP\r\n"); wifi.SetMode(1); // set ESP mode to 1 wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000); //receive a response from ESP pc.printf("%s",rcv); //Print the response onscreen pc.printf("Conneting to AP\r\n"); wifi.Join("cbv", "26141916"); // Your wifi username & Password wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 1000); //receive a response from ESP pc.printf("%s", rcv); //Print the response onscreen wait(8); //waits for response from ESP pc.printf("Getting IP\r\n"); //get IP addresss from the connected AP wifi.GetIP(rcv); //receive an IP address from the AP pc.printf("%s", rcv); wait(5); // Delay 5 sec to give the pir time to get snapshut of the surrounding pc.printf("ESP8266 Configured\r\n"); wait(2); t.start(); while(1) { /*Read Register from Accelerometer*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x12; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, 1, true);, (char *)&acc_sample_buffer, sizeof(acc_sample_buffer), false); /*Read Register from Gyroscope*/ i2c_reg_buffer[0] = 0x0C; i2c.write(BMI160_ADDR, i2c_reg_buffer, 1, true);, (char *)&gyr_sample_buffer, sizeof(gyr_sample_buffer), false); /*Adjust Raw Data from Accelerometer to G Units*/ acc_result_buffer[0] = (acc_sample_buffer[0]/16384.0); acc_result_buffer[1] = (acc_sample_buffer[1]/16384.0); acc_result_buffer[2] = (acc_sample_buffer[2]/16384.0); /*Adjust Raw Data from Gyroscope to deg/s Units */ gyr_result_buffer[0] = (gyr_sample_buffer[0]/131.2); gyr_result_buffer[1] = (gyr_sample_buffer[1]/131.2); /*Compute Dip Angle from Accelerometer Data*/ accel_ang_x=atan(acc_result_buffer[0]/sqrt(pow(acc_result_buffer[1],2) + pow(acc_result_buffer[2],2)))*RAD_DEG; accel_ang_y=atan(acc_result_buffer[1]/sqrt(pow(acc_result_buffer[0],2) + pow(acc_result_buffer[2],2)))*RAD_DEG; /*Stop Timer*/ t.stop(); /*Compute Rotation Angle from Gyroscope and Fusion Data using Complementary Filter*/ tiltx = (0.0280*(tiltx_prev+(gyr_result_buffer[0]**(accel_ang_x)); tilty = (0.0280*(tilty_prev+(gyr_result_buffer[1]**(accel_ang_y)); /*Debug to find Loop Time*/ //pc.printf("Tempo Loop %f \r\n",; /*Reset Timer*/ t.reset(); /*Start Timer*/ t.start(); tiltx_prev = tiltx; tilty_prev = tilty; i = 0; while(i != 2000) { //Read Analog Data ads1220_com.set_MUX(AIN1); //Configure to Sample Channel 1 ads1220_com.SendStartCommand(); //Start Aquisition while (DRDY != 0){} // Wait data on Buffer t1Data = ads1220_com.ReadData(); //Read Data Sampled on Channel 1 ads1220_com.set_MUX(AIN2); //Configure to Sample Channel 2 ads1220_com.SendStartCommand(); //Start Aquisition while (DRDY != 0){} // Wait data on Buffer t2Data = ads1220_com.ReadData(); //Read Data Sampled on Channel 2 ch1[i] = code2volt(t1Data); //Convert ADC Ch1 data to Volts ch2[i] = code2volt(t2Data); //Convert ADC Ch2 data to Volts i = i + 1; } /*Send Sensors Data to Serial*/ pc.printf("%.3f, %.3f\n\r",tiltx, tilty); pc.printf("%4.3f, %4.3f\n\r",ch1[find_maximum(ch1)], ch2[find_maximum(ch2)]); pc.printf("Sending WiFi information\n\r"); wifi_send(); //Send Sensors Data to ThingSpeak using ESP8266 } } //Function to Convert ADC Data Read float code2volt(float c) { float Vout = 0; Vout = (float)(c*LSB_Size*1000); //In mV return Vout; } //Function Return Largest Element on Array int find_maximum(float a[]) { int c, index; float max; max = a[0]; index = 0; for (c = 1; c < 2000; c++) { if (a[c] > max) { index = c; max = a[c]; } } return index; } //SEND DATA TO THINGSPEAK VIA ESP8266 void wifi_send(void){ strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPMODE=0");//Setting WiFi into MultiChannel mode wifi.SendCMD(snd); //pc.printf(snd); wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); //WIFI updates the Status to Thingspeak servers// strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPMUX=1");//Setting WiFi into MultiChannel mode wifi.SendCMD(snd); //pc.printf(snd); wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); sprintf(snd,"AT+CIPSTART=4,\"TCP\",\"%s\",80",IP); //Initiate connection with THINGSPEAK server wifi.SendCMD(snd); //pc.printf(snd); wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); strcpy(snd,"AT+CIPSEND=4,99"); //Send Number of open connections,Characters to send wifi.SendCMD(snd); //pc.printf(snd); wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); sprintf(snd,"GET /update?key=WHZBPNRREAXDKYII&field1=%2.2f&field2=%2.2f&field3=%4.2f&field4=%4.2f\r\n",tiltx, tilty, ch1[find_maximum(ch1)], ch2[find_maximum(ch2)]); //Post values to thingspeak //pc.printf("String length %3d\r\n",strlen(snd)); //pc.printf("%s",snd); wifi.SendCMD(snd); wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); //wifi.SendCMD("AT+CIPCLOSE"); //Close the connection to server //wifi.RcvReply(rcv, 3000); //pc.printf("%s", rcv); pc.printf("Data Sent \r\n"); }