Exclusive code for server communication

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of test_thread by GR_Peach_Abhinav_Rahul

Mon Jan 09 18:00:57 2017 +0000
Meta_final raw code *USE THIS ONLY*

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 1 #include "mbed.h"
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 2 #include "rtos.h"
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 3 #include <string>
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 4
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 5 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 6 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 7 std::string data;
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 8 string command;
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 9 uint8_t wifi_ack;
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 10 char read_data;
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 11 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 12 //Serial Wifi(P2_14,P2_15);
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 13 Serial Wifi(P5_0, P5_1);
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 14 bool i = true;
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 15 bool j = false;
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 16 char MSB;
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 17 char LSB;
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 18
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 19 void reader_thread(void const *args) {
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 20 while (true) {
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 21 Wifi.printf("GET reneproj.esy.es/");
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 22 Wifi.printf("peach/index.php?device_token=jabv5su2&device");
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 23 Wifi.printf("_id=gr_peach1&command4u=00 HTTP/1.1\r\n");
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 24 if(Wifi.readable()){
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 25 while(Wifi.readable()){
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 26 read_data = Wifi.getc();
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 27 pc.putc(read_data);
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 28 }
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 29 }
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 30 }
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 31 }
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 32 void send_to_device(string command){
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 33
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 34
RahulSitaram 1:0ceb20b56f7f 35 }
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 36 void setup_esp8266(){
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 37 Wifi.baud(9600);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 38 pc.baud(9600);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 39 Wifi.puts("AT\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 40 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 41 Wifi.puts("AT+RST\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 42 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 43 Wifi.puts("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 44 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 45 Wifi.puts("AT+CWJAP=\"Googol\",\"sudopass\"\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 46 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 47 Wifi.puts("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 48 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 49 Wifi.printf("AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\"reneproj.esy.es\"");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 50 wait(4);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 51 Wifi.printf(",80\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 52 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 53 Wifi.puts("AT+CIPSEND=0,30\r\n");
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 54 wait(8);
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 55 Thread thread(reader_thread);
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 56 }
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 57 void send_command(char* eight_byte_cmd){
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 58 Wifi.puts("AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\"localhost/peach/index.php?device_");
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 59 Wifi.puts("token=jabv5su2&device_id=gr_peach1&command4u=");
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 60 Wifi.puts(eight_byte_cmd);
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 61 Wifi.puts("\",80\r\n");
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 62
RahulSitaram 4:fd0d5e707091 63 }
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 64
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 65 int main() {
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 66 setup_esp8266();
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 67 uint8_t data[3] = {0x47, 0x32, 0xA7};
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 68 while (true) {
RahulSitaram 2:52ecf89221d3 69 wait(10);
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 70 }
akverma 0:adb256c0dfa9 71 }