car using PID from centre line
Dependencies: FRDM-TFC mbed CBuffer XBEE mbed_angular_speed motor2 MMA8451Q
Fork of KL25Z_Camera_Test by
- Committer:
- FatCookies
- Date:
- 2016-11-30
- Revision:
- 14:13085e161dd1
- Parent:
- 13:4e77264f254a
- Child:
- 15:ccde02f96449
File content as of revision 14:13085e161dd1:
//Autonomous Car GDP controller //Written by various group members //Commented & cleaned up by Max/Adam //To-do // -Change xbee transmission to non-blocking // -Improve start/stop detection and resultant action (setting PID values?) #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "mbed.h" #include "TFC.h" #include "XBEE.h" #include "angular_speed.h" #include "main.h" #include "motor.h" #define BAUD_RATE 57600 #define CAM_THRESHOLD 109 #define CAM_DIFF 10 #define WHEEL_RADIUS 0.025f #define RIGHT_MOTOR_COMPENSATION_RATIO 1.1586276 Serial pc(PTD3,PTD2); XBEE xb(&pc); //Woo global variables! bool onTrack; char curr_line[128]; uint8_t curr_left; uint8_t curr_right; uint8_t right; uint8_t left; int8_t leftChange; int8_t rightChange; int diff; int prev; int i = 0; float measuredValBuffer[64]; uint8_t valBufferIndex; //Some PID variables pid_instance servo_pid; pid_instance right_motor_pid; pid_instance left_motor_pid; Timer t; //Speed Sensors variables InterruptIn leftHallSensor(D0); InterruptIn rightHallSensor(D2); Timer t1; Timer t2; volatile float Time_L,Time_R; float wL, wR; void GetTime_L(); void GetTime_R(); inline void initSpeedSensors(); // Current comms command char curr_cmd = 0; float speed = 0.3; int frame_counter = 0; //Hacky start/stop signal detection int startstop = 0; bool seen = false; void sendString(const char *format, ...); void initVariables(); inline void handleComms(); inline float findCentreValue(); inline void PIDController(); inline void sendImage(); inline void sendSpeeds(); void handlePID(pid_instance *pid); void initPID(pid_instance* pid); inline void handleStartStop(); inline void recordMeasuredVal(); void sendBattery(); int main() { //Set up TFC driver stuff TFC_Init(); TFC_InitServos(0.00052,0.00122,0.02); //Setup baud rate for serial link, do not change! pc.baud(BAUD_RATE); //Initialise/reset PID variables initVariables(); initSpeedSensors(); while(1) { handleComms(); //If we have an image ready if(TFC_LineScanImageReady>0) { /* Find the bounds of the track and calculate how close we are to * the centre */ servo_pid.measured_value = findCentreValue(); recordMeasuredVal(); // Read the angular velocity of both wheels wL=Get_Speed(Time_L); wR=Get_Speed(Time_R); // Run the PID controllers and adjust steering/motor accordingly PIDController(); // Send the line scan image over serial sendImage(); // Send the wheel speeds over serial sendSpeeds(); // Check if car is at the stop line //handleStartStop(); //Reset image ready flag TFC_LineScanImageReady=0; } } } void sendBattery() { if(frame_counter % 256 == 0) { float level = TFC_ReadBatteryVoltage() * 6.25; union { float a; unsigned char bytes[4]; } thing; pc.putc('J'); thing.a = level; pc.putc(thing.bytes[0]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[1]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[2]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[3]); } } void sendString(const char *format, ...) { va_list arg; pc.putc('E'); va_start (arg, format); pc.vprintf(format,arg); va_end (arg); pc.putc(0); } void initPID(pid_instance* pid, float Kp, float Ki, float Kd) { pid->Kp = Kd; pid->Ki = Ki; pid->Kd = Kd; pid->dt = 0; pid->p_error = 0; pid->pid_error = 0; pid->integral = 0; pid->measured_value = 0; pid->desired_value = 0; pid->derivative = 0; } void initVariables() { // Initialise three PID controllers for the servo and each wheel. initPID(&servo_pid, 2.2f, 0.6f, 0.f); initPID(&left_motor_pid, 1.0f, 0.f, 0.f); initPID(&right_motor_pid, 1.0f, 0.f, 0.f); valBufferIndex = 0; } int turning = 0; int keepTurning = 0; bool slow = false; inline void recordMeasuredVal() { measuredValBuffer[frame_counter % 64] = servo_pid.measured_value; int count = 0; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float val = abs(measuredValBuffer[(frame_counter - i) % 64]); if(val > 0.09) { count++; } } if(turning) { dutyCycleCorner(0.3,servo_pid.output); //sensorCorner(left_motor_pid.desired_value, right_motor_pid.desired_value , servo_pid.output, 50); } if(abs(servo_pid.measured_value) > 0.11f){ if(!turning) { sendString("start turning"); TFC_SetMotorPWM(0.2,0.2); turning = 1; } else { turning++; } } else { if(turning) { if(keepTurning == 0 || count > 6) { keepTurning++; } else { sendString("stop turning turned=%d",turning); keepTurning = 0; turning = 0; TFC_SetMotorPWM(speed,speed); } } } } inline void sendImage() { //Only send 1/3 of camera frames to GUI program if((frame_counter % 3) == 0) { pc.putc('H'); for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { pc.putc((int8_t)(TFC_LineScanImage0[i] >> 4) & 0xFF); } sendBattery(); } frame_counter++; } inline void sendSpeeds() { union { float a; unsigned char bytes[4]; } thing; pc.putc('B'); thing.a = wL * WHEEL_RADIUS; pc.putc(thing.bytes[0]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[1]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[2]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[3]); thing.a = wR * WHEEL_RADIUS; pc.putc(thing.bytes[0]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[1]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[2]); pc.putc(thing.bytes[3]); } inline void handleComms() { if(curr_cmd != 0) { switch(curr_cmd) { case 'A': if(xb.cBuffer->available() >= 3) { char p = xb.cBuffer->read(); char i = xb.cBuffer->read(); char d = xb.cBuffer->read(); servo_pid.Kp = p/25.0f; servo_pid.Ki = i/25.0f; servo_pid.Kd = d/25.0f; sendString("pid= Kp: %f, Ki: %f, Kd: %f, p: %u, i: %u, d: %u", servo_pid.Kp, servo_pid.Ki, servo_pid.Kd, p, i, d); curr_cmd = 0; } break; case 'F': if(xb.cBuffer->available() >= 1) { char a = xb.cBuffer->read(); speed = a/256.0f; TFC_SetMotorPWM(speed,speed); sendString("s = %u %f",a, speed); curr_cmd = 0; } break; default: // Unrecognised command curr_cmd = 0; break; } } if(xb.cBuffer->available() > 0 && curr_cmd == 0) { char cmd = xb.cBuffer->read(); if(cmd == 'D') { TFC_InitServos(0.00052,0.00122,0.02); TFC_HBRIDGE_ENABLE; TFC_SetMotorPWM(RIGHT_MOTOR_COMPENSATION_RATIO*speed,speed); servo_pid.integral = 0; } else if (cmd == 'C') { TFC_SetMotorPWM(0.0,0.0); TFC_HBRIDGE_DISABLE; } else if(cmd == 'A') { curr_cmd = 'A'; } else if(cmd == 'F') { curr_cmd = 'F'; } } } inline float findCentreValue() { diff = 0; prev = -1; leftChange = left; for(i = 63; i > 0; i--) { curr_left = (int8_t)(TFC_LineScanImage0[i] >> 4) & 0xFF; diff = prev - curr_left; if(abs(diff) >= 10 && curr_left <= 100 && prev != -1) { left = i; break; } prev = curr_left; } prev = -1; rightChange = right; for(i = 64; i < 128; i++) { curr_right = (int8_t)(TFC_LineScanImage0[i] >> 4) & 0xFF; int diff = prev - curr_right; if(abs(diff) >= 10 && curr_right <= 100 && prev != -1) { right = i; break; } prev = curr_right; } //Calculate how left/right we are servo_pid.measured_value = (64 - ((left+right)/2))/64.f; return servo_pid.measured_value; } void handlePID(pid_instance *pid) { pid->dt =; pid->pid_error = pid->desired_value - pid->measured_value; pid->integral = pid->integral + pid->pid_error * pid->dt; pid->derivative = (pid->pid_error - pid->p_error) / pid->dt; pid->output = pid->Kp * pid->pid_error + pid->Ki * pid->integral + pid->Kd * pid->derivative; pid->p_error = pid->pid_error; if(pid->integral > 1.0f) { pid->integral = 1.0f; } if(pid->integral < -1.0f) { pid->integral = -1.0f; } } inline void PIDController() { // update motor measurements left_motor_pid.measured_value = wL; right_motor_pid.measured_value = wR; //PID Stuff! t.start(); handlePID(&servo_pid); handlePID(&left_motor_pid); handlePID(&right_motor_pid); if((-1.0 <= servo_pid.output) && (servo_pid.output <= 1.0)) { TFC_SetServo(0, servo_pid.output); } else //Unhappy PID state { sendString("out = %f p_err = %f", servo_pid.output, servo_pid.p_error); TFC_InitServos(0.00052, 0.00122, 0.02); if(servo_pid.output >= 1.0f) { TFC_SetServo(0, 0.9f); servo_pid.output = 1.0f; } else { TFC_SetServo(0, -0.9f); servo_pid.output = -1.0f; } } t.stop(); t.reset(); t.start(); } inline void handleStartStop() { //Hacky way to detect the start/stop signal if(right - left < 60) { sendString("START STOP!! &d",startstop); if(seen) { seen = false; } else { startstop++; seen = true; } //If we've done 5 laps, stop the car if(startstop >= 1) { TFC_SetMotorPWM(0.f,0.f); TFC_HBRIDGE_DISABLE; startstop = 0; } } } inline void initSpeedSensors() { t1.start(); t2.start(); //Left and Right are defined looking at the rear of the car, in the direction the camera points at. leftHallSensor.rise(&GetTime_L); rightHallSensor.rise(&GetTime_R); } void GetTime_L(){ Time_L=t1.read_us(); t1.reset(); } void GetTime_R(){ Time_R=t2.read_us(); t2.reset(); }