Ultrasonic Range Finder Sensors Library. May be used for SRF05 and all others sensors of the same kind (50ms period, 10us pulse)

Dependents:   FRC_2018 TestVMA 0hackton_08_06_18 lib_FRC_2019 ... more

diff -r 6bb02f1d4ca6 -r 4d9c742b860b VMA306.h
--- a/VMA306.h	Tue May 22 17:15:57 2018 +0000
+++ b/VMA306.h	Thu May 31 17:27:14 2018 +0000
@@ -57,45 +57,60 @@
     /** Constructor : Create a VMA306 object, connected to the specified pins
-     * @param trigger : DigitalOut to the VMA306 trigger
-     * @param echo : InterruptIn to measure the return pulse
+     * @param trigger (PinName) : DigitalOut to trigger the VMA306
+     * @param echo (PinName) : InterruptIn to measure the return pulse width
-    VMA306(PinName trigger, PinName echo);
-    /** Start periodic Trigger
-     *
-     *  @param period : float time in second between two trig pulses
-     *
-     *  @note This function allows user to start each instance of Ultra Sonic range finder with a delay from the others (delay managment must be done by users).
-     *  @note The first pulse will be send 1 period after.
-     */
-    void startPeriodicTrigger (float period = 0.15);
+    VMA306(PinName trigG, PinName echoG, PinName trigB, PinName echoB, PinName trigD, PinName echoD);
     /** Gives indication of a new mesurement
      *  @return 1 if new data is ready, else 0
-    int isDataReady ();
+    int isUSGReady ();
+    /** A non-blocking function that will return the last measurement
+     *
+     * @returns floating point representation of distance in cm
+     */
+    float readUSG();
+    /** Gives indication of a new mesurement
+     *
+     *  @return 1 if new data is ready, else 0
+     */
+    int isUSBReady ();
     /** A non-blocking function that will return the last measurement
      * @returns floating point representation of distance in cm
-    float read();
+    float readUSB();
+    /** Gives indication of a new mesurement
+     *
+     *  @return 1 if new data is ready, else 0
+     */
+    int isUSDReady ();
+    /** A non-blocking function that will return the last measurement
+     *
+     * @returns floating point representation of distance in cm
+     */
+    float readUSD();
-    /** A short hand way of using the read function */
-    operator float();
 private :
-    DigitalOut _trigger;
-    InterruptIn _echo;
-    Timer _timer;
-    Ticker _ticker;
-    void _rising (void);
-    void _falling (void);
-    void _startRange (void);
-    float _dist;
-    int _VMA306Flag;
+    DigitalOut      _trig1, _trig2, _trig3;
+    InterruptIn     _echo1, _echo2, _echo3;
+    Timer           _timer;
+    Ticker          _ticker;
+    void            _rise1 (void);
+    void            _fall1 (void);
+    void            _rise2 (void);
+    void            _fall2 (void);
+    void            _rise3 (void);
+    void            _fall3 (void);
+    void            _startRanging (void);
+    float           _dist1, _dist2, _dist3;
+    int             _VMA306Flag1, _VMA306Flag2, _VMA306Flag3;
+    int             _startValue1, _startValue2, _startValue3;