Programme de test des fonctions d'asservissement (vue en interne)

Dependencies:   Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits mbed

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Wed Jun 06 20:53:45 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Programme de test des fonctions d'asservissement (en interne)

Changed in this revision

Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 242dc469ac2b Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Encoder_Nucleo_16_bits.lib	Wed Jun 06 20:53:45 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 242dc469ac2b main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 06 20:53:45 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Nucleo_Encoder_16_bits.h"
+#define PI  3.1415926535898
+Nucleo_Encoder_16_bits  _Lencoder   (TIM4);
+Nucleo_Encoder_16_bits  _Rencoder   (TIM3);
+PwmOut                  _Lpwm       (PA_9);
+PwmOut                  _Rpwm       (PA_8);
+DigitalOut              _LdirA      (PC_9);
+DigitalOut              _LdirB      (PC_8);
+DigitalOut              _RdirA      (PC_6);
+DigitalOut              _RdirB      (PC_5);
+Serial      pc          (PA_2, PA_3, 921600);                                   // Create a serial link to PC for communication
+DigitalOut              led1        (PA_5);                                     // Added Led1 for test purpose
+DigitalOut              led2        (PD_2);                                     // Added Led2 for test purpose
+DigitalOut              disquette   (PA_12);                                    // Added baloon destructor command (without it, you might see baloon destructor motor be set to full speed)
+Ticker      _tick;
+void controlLoop(void);
+ * Set the Kp value
+ *
+ * @param  Kp (float) : value of Kp
+ * @return The value of Kp (float)
+ * @note  Can also be accessed using the global variable _Kp
+ */
+float setProportionnalValue (float KpValue);
+ * Set the Ki value
+ *
+ * @param  Ki (float) : value of Ki
+ * @return The value of Ki (float)
+ * @note  Can also be accessed using the global variable _Ki
+ */
+float setintegralValue (float KiValue);
+ * Set the Kd value
+ *
+ * @param  Kd (float) : value of Kd
+ * @return The value of Kd (float)
+ * @note  Can also be accessed using the global variable _Kd
+ */
+float setDerivativeValue (float KdValue);
+ * Set the Set point value of the speed for integrated full bridge
+ *
+ * @param left  (double) : Set point value for left  wheel speed (in mm/s)
+ * @param right (double) : Set point value for right wheel speed (in mm/s)
+ */
+void setSpeed (double left, double right);
+ * Get position of the robot (in mm for X and Y and radian for Theta)
+ *
+ * @param x (double - passed by reference) : actual position of the center of the robot, in mm, along X axis (front of the robot at startup)
+ * @param y (double - passed by reference) : actual position of the center of the robot, in mm, along Y axis (left of the robot at startup)
+ * @param theta (double - passed by reference) : radian angle between the normal to the line passing through the 2 wheels and the angle of the robot at startup
+ * @note the position is updated each time a motion computation take place (ie : each milliseconds)
+ */
+void getPosition (double *x, double *y, double *theta);
+ * Reset position of the robot (in mm for X and Y and radian for Theta)
+ *
+ * @note the positionis equal to 0 on all 3 axis (cannot be undone)
+ */
+void resetPosition (void);
+ * Get speed of the two wheels of the robot
+ *
+ * @param vG (double - passed by reference) : actual speed in mm/s of the left wheel
+ * @param vD (double - passed by reference) : actual speed in mm/s of the right wheel
+ */
+void getSpeed (double *vG, double *vD);
+ * Global Variable of corrective values
+ * @note  works well with Kp = 2.0, Ki = 0.4 and Kd = 1
+ */
+double                  _Kp, _Ki, _Kd;
+ * Global Variable of speed
+ */
+double                  _SpeedG, _SpeedD;
+ * Global Variable of measured speed
+ */
+double                  _measSpeedG, _measSpeedD;
+ * Global Variable of measured displacement
+ */
+double                  _measDistG, _measDistD;
+ * Global Variable to indicate that required wheel speed is unreachable (set if speed is unreachable)
+ * @note    Must be cleared by user
+ */
+int                     _WheelStuckG, _WheelStuckD;
+ * Global Variable of wheel PWM value
+ */
+double                  _PwmValueG, _PwmValueD;
+ * Global Variable of gravity center of robot position (odometric, error increase with time)
+ */
+double                  _X, _Y, _THETA;
+ * Global Variable to indicate that required speed is unreachable (=1 if speed is unreachable)
+ * @note    Must be cleared by user
+ */
+int                     RobotIsStuck;
+int main ()
+    _tick.attach(&controlLoop, 0.001);
+    _Lpwm.period_us(50);
+    _Lpwm = 0;
+    _Rpwm.period_us(50);
+    _Rpwm = 0;
+    _Kp = 2.0;
+    _Ki = 0.4;
+    _Kd = 1.0;
+    pc.printf ("\n\rHelloWorld\n");
+    led1 = 1;
+    led2 = 0;
+    disquette = 0;
+    resetPosition();
+    wait(3);
+    setSpeed (80,80);
+    while (1);
+float setProportionnalValue (float KpValue)
+    _Kp = KpValue;
+    return _Kp;
+float setintegralValue (float KiValue)
+    _Ki = KiValue;
+    return _Ki;
+float setDerivativeValue (float KdValue)
+    _Kd = KdValue;
+    return _Kd;
+void setSpeed (double left, double right)
+    _SpeedG = left;
+    _SpeedD = right;
+void getSpeed (double *vG, double *vD)
+    *vG = _measSpeedG;
+    *vD = _measSpeedD;
+void getPosition (double *x, double *y, double *theta)
+    *x = _X;
+    *y = _Y;
+    *theta = _THETA;
+void resetPosition (void)
+    _X = 0;
+    _Y = 0;
+    _THETA = 0;
+void controlLoop()
+    long            PositionG, PositionD;
+    static float    integralErrorG = 0, integralErrorD = 0;
+    static float    oldErrorG, oldErrorD;
+    double          errorG, commandeG;
+    double          errorD, commandeD;
+    double          meanDist, diffDist, deltaX, deltaY, deltaTheta;
+    static long     oldPositionG=0, oldPositionD=0;
+    PositionG =  _Lencoder.GetCounter();
+    PositionD = -_Rencoder.GetCounter();
+    // As we use mm/s for speed unit and we convert all mesure to this unit
+    // Converting step to millimeters
+    _measDistG = ((double)PositionG - (double)oldPositionG) / 63.662;
+    _measDistD = ((double)PositionD - (double)oldPositionD) / 63.662;
+    // Converting position to speed
+    _measSpeedG = 1000.0 * _measDistG;
+    _measSpeedD = 1000.0 * _measDistD;
+    // Computing errors
+    errorG = _SpeedG - _measSpeedG;
+    errorD = _SpeedD - _measSpeedD;
+    integralErrorG += errorG;
+    integralErrorD += errorD;
+    // Limiting integral error
+    if (integralErrorG > 10000) {
+        _WheelStuckG = 1;
+        integralErrorG = 10000;
+    } else {
+        if (integralErrorG < -10000) {
+            _WheelStuckG = 1;
+            integralErrorG = -10000;
+        } else {
+            _WheelStuckG = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (integralErrorD > 10000) {
+        _WheelStuckD = 1;
+        integralErrorD = 10000;
+    } else {
+        if (integralErrorD < -10000) {
+            _WheelStuckD = 1;
+            integralErrorD = -10000;
+        } else {
+            _WheelStuckD = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // Correcting system (empiric test tells me that Kp = 4, Ki = 1 and Kd = 2, but this is probably not the good setting)
+    commandeG = _Kp * errorG + _Ki * integralErrorG + _Kd * (errorG - oldErrorG);
+    commandeD = _Kp * errorD + _Ki * integralErrorD + _Kd * (errorD - oldErrorD);
+    // Convert to PWM
+    _PwmValueG = commandeG / 1300.0;
+    if (_PwmValueG >  1) _PwmValueG =  1;
+    if (_PwmValueG < -1) _PwmValueG = -1;
+    if (_PwmValueG < 0) {
+        _Lpwm  = -_PwmValueG;
+        _LdirA = 0;
+        _LdirB = 1;
+    } else {
+        _Lpwm = _PwmValueG;
+        _LdirA = 1;
+        _LdirB = 0;
+    }
+    _PwmValueD = commandeD/1300.0;
+    if (_PwmValueD >  1) _PwmValueD =  1;
+    if (_PwmValueD < -1) _PwmValueD = -1;
+    if (_PwmValueD < 0) {
+        _Rpwm  = -_PwmValueD;
+        _RdirA = 1;
+        _RdirB = 0;
+    } else {
+        _Rpwm = _PwmValueD;
+        _RdirA = 0;
+        _RdirB = 1;
+    }
+    //odometry (segments approx.)
+    meanDist = (_measDistG + _measDistD) / 2.0;
+    diffDist =  _measDistD - _measDistG;
+    deltaX = meanDist * cos (_THETA);
+    deltaY = meanDist * sin (_THETA);
+    deltaTheta = diffDist / 230;
+    _X += deltaX;
+    _Y += deltaY;
+    _THETA += deltaTheta;
+    if (_THETA > 3.141592653589793) _THETA -= 6.283185307179586;
+    if (_THETA < -3.141592653589793) _THETA += 6.283185307179586;
+    oldPositionG = PositionG;
+    oldPositionD = PositionD;
+    oldErrorG = errorG;
+    oldErrorD = errorD;
+    pc.printf ("\rG = %5.1lf - %5.1lf = %5.1lf -> %5.1lf -> %4.2lf\n", _SpeedG, _measDistG, errorG, commandeG, _PwmValueG);
+    pc.printf ("\rD = %5.1lf - %5.1lf = %5.1lf -> %5.1lf -> %4.2lf\n", _SpeedD, _measDistD, errorD, commandeD, _PwmValueD);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 242dc469ac2b mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Jun 06 20:53:45 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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