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RawSerial Class Reference

A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS. More...

#include <RawSerial.h>

Inherits mbed::SerialBase.

Public Member Functions

 RawSerial (PinName tx, PinName rx, int baud=MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE)
 Create a RawSerial port, connected to the specified transmit and receive pins, with the specified baud.
int putc (int c)
 Write a char to the serial port.
int getc ()
 Read a char from the serial port.
int puts (const char *str)
 Write a string to the serial port.
void baud (int baudrate)
 Set the baud rate of the serial port.
void format (int bits=8, Parity parity=SerialBase::None, int stop_bits=1)
 Set the transmission format used by the serial port.
int readable ()
 Determine if there is a character available to read.
int writeable ()
 Determine if there is space available to write a character.
void attach (Callback< void()> func, IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Attach a function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.
template<typename T >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","The attach function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by ""attach(callback(obj, method), type).") void attach(T *obj
 Attach a member function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.
void set_flow_control (Flow type, PinName flow1=NC, PinName flow2=NC)
 Set the flow control type on the serial port.
int write (const uint8_t *buffer, int length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=SERIAL_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE)
 Begin asynchronous write using 8bit buffer.
int write (const uint16_t *buffer, int length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=SERIAL_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE)
 Begin asynchronous write using 16bit buffer.
void abort_write ()
 Abort the on-going write transfer.
int read (uint8_t *buffer, int length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=SERIAL_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE, unsigned char char_match=SERIAL_RESERVED_CHAR_MATCH)
 Begin asynchronous reading using 8bit buffer.
int read (uint16_t *buffer, int length, const event_callback_t &callback, int event=SERIAL_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE, unsigned char char_match=SERIAL_RESERVED_CHAR_MATCH)
 Begin asynchronous reading using 16bit buffer.
void abort_read ()
 Abort the on-going read transfer.
int set_dma_usage_tx (DMAUsage usage)
 Configure DMA usage suggestion for non-blocking TX transfers.
int set_dma_usage_rx (DMAUsage usage)
 Configure DMA usage suggestion for non-blocking RX transfers.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void lock (void)
 Acquire exclusive access to this serial port.
virtual void unlock (void)
 Release exclusive access to this serial port.

Detailed Description

A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices This is a variation of the Serial class that doesn't use streams, thus making it safe to use in interrupt handlers with the RTOS.

Can be used for Full Duplex communication, or Simplex by specifying one pin as NC (Not Connected)

Synchronization level: Not protected


 // Send a char to the PC

 #include "mbed.h"

 RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

 int main() {

Definition at line 52 of file RawSerial.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RawSerial ( PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,

Create a RawSerial port, connected to the specified transmit and receive pins, with the specified baud.

txTransmit pin
rxReceive pin
baudThe baud rate of the serial port (optional, defaults to MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD_RATE)
Either tx or rx may be specified as NC if unused

Definition at line 26 of file RawSerial.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void baud ( int  baudrate ) [inherited]

Set the baud rate of the serial port.

baudrateThe baudrate of the serial port (default = 9600).

Definition at line 43 of file SerialBase.cpp.