PPPoE application with W5500

Dependencies:   W5500Interface mbed pppoe

- How to connect PPPoE with WIZ550 ioShield and mbed platform (Korean version)


- How to connect ioShield to mbed platform(ST nucleo) of ST Microelectronics via SPI (Korean version)


- Example PPPoE server(RB750) setting (Korean version)


- W5500(PPPoE client) setting (Korean version)


- PPPoE library


--- a/pppoe/PPPoE.cpp	Thu Oct 16 07:45:37 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1658 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "PPPoE.h"
-// ID and Password for PAP from main.c
-extern uint8_t pppoe_id[];//={};
-extern uint8_t pppoe_id_len;
-extern uint8_t pppoe_ip[];//={};
-extern uint8_t pppoe_pdns[];//={};
-extern uint8_t pppoe_sdns[];//={};
-extern uint8_t pppoe_pw[];//={};
-extern uint8_t pppoe_pw_len;
-//IPCP Reject flag
-uint8_t ip_rjt;
-uint8_t pdns_rjt;
-uint8_t sdns_rjt;
-// PPPoE Frame structure for send
-PPPMSG     PPPMSG_req; // PPPoE frame
-PROTOCOL   PPPPROTO; // Tag and Protocol data
-// TxRx Buffers pointer from main
-uint8_t* buf;
-// Server MAC and Assigned Session ID and IP address from NAS using PPPoE
-uint8_t    NAS_mac[6];
-uint16_t   NAS_sessionid = 0;
-// kind of authentication protocol and algorithm; decided by LCP phase
-// Authentication protocol : PAP - 0xC023, CHAP - 0xC223
-// Algorithm : MD5 - 0x05, MS-CHAP - 0x80, MS-CHAP-V2 - 0x81
-uint16_t  auth_protocol;
-uint8_t   chap_algorithm;
-// For MD5 calculation
-MD5_CTX   context;
-uint8_t   digest[16];
-// Identifier for PPPoE Protocols (increase per message sending)
-uint8_t   protocol_id = 0x01;
-uint16_t   pppoe_state = PPPoE_DISCOVERY;
-// PPPoE stage control flags
-uint16_t   pppoe_control_flag = 0;
-//PPPoE retry count and send retry count
-uint8_t   pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;
-extern uint16_t  pppoe_retry_count;
-uint8_t  pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-// Tmp variable
-uint16_t   tmp_protocol;
-uint8_t   tmp_pcode;
-    eth = WIZnet_Chip::getInstance();
-void PPPOEClient::set_pppinfo(uint8_t * nas_mac, uint8_t * ppp_ip, uint16_t nas_sessionid)
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    uint8_t str[8];//debug var    
-    uint16_t psid;
-    printf("set_pppinfo() Start...\r\n");
-    /* Set PPPoE bit in MR(Common Mode Register) : enable PPPoE */
-    eth->setMR(eth->getMR() | MR_PPPOE);
-    // Write PPPoE server's MAC address, Session ID and IP address.
-    // must be setted these value.
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("Server's MAC : %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x\r\n", nas_mac[0], nas_mac[1], nas_mac[2], nas_mac[3], nas_mac[4], nas_mac[5]);
-    printf("PPPoE IP : %.3d.%.3d.%.3d.%.3d\r\n", ppp_ip[0], ppp_ip[1], ppp_ip[2], ppp_ip[3]);
-    printf("Session ID : 0x%.2x%.2x\r\n", (uint8_t)(nas_sessionid >> 8), (uint8_t)nas_sessionid);
-    eth->setPHAR(nas_mac);
-    eth->setSIPR(ppp_ip);
-    eth->setPSID(nas_sessionid);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    eth->getPHAR(str);
-    printf( "Read PHAR register : %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x\r\n", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3], str[4], str[5]);
-    eth->getSIPR(str);
-    printf( "Read SIP register : %.3d.%.3d.%.3d.%.3d\r\n", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]);    
-    psid = eth->getPSID();
-    printf("Read PSID register : %x\r\n", psid);
-    //open socket in pppoe mode
-    eth->setPTIMER(0);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("set_pppinfo() End...\r\n");
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("pppoe PDNS : %.3d.%.3d.%.3d.%.3d\r\n", pppoe_pdns[0], pppoe_pdns[1], pppoe_pdns[2], pppoe_pdns[3]);
-    printf("pppoe SDNS : %.3d.%.3d.%.3d.%.3d\r\n", pppoe_sdns[0], pppoe_sdns[1], pppoe_sdns[2], pppoe_sdns[3]);
-void PPPOEClient::ppp_send(void)
-    uint8_t  *ptr;
-    uint8_t  sn = 0;
-    uint16_t tmp16 = 0;
-    uint16_t txbuf_len = 0;
-    txbuf_len = sizeof(PPPMSG_req);
-    if(pppoe_state == PPPoE_DISCOVERY)
-        ptr = (uint8_t *)&PPPPROTO.opt;
-    else
-        ptr = (uint8_t *)&PPPPROTO;
-    // Fill the Tx buffer
-    //memcpy(txbuf, (uint8_t *)&PPPMSG_req, txbuf_len);
-    memcpy(buf, (uint8_t *)&PPPMSG_req, txbuf_len);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    tmp16 = 0;
-    tmp16 = (PPPMSG_req.len & 0xFF) << 8;
-    tmp16 |= ((PPPMSG_req.len >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //memcpy(txbuf + txbuf_len, ptr, tmp16);
-    memcpy(buf + txbuf_len, ptr, tmp16);
-    txbuf_len += tmp16;
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG2__
-    printf("Send data : ");
-    for(i=0; i<txbuf_len; i++)
-    {
-        if((i % 16) == 0) printf("\r\n");
-        printf("%.2x ", buf[i]);
-    }
-    printf("\r\n\r\n");
-    // Send MACRAW data    
-    eth->send(sn, (char*)buf, txbuf_len);
-    //setSn_CR(sn, Sn_CR_SEND);
-    eth->setSn_CR(sn, Sn_CR_SEND);    
-    while( eth->getSn_CR(sn) ) ;
-void PPPOEClient::ppp_recv( uint16_t received_len )
-    uint16_t i;
-    uint8_t  sn = 0;
-    uint8_t  head[2] ={0,};
-    uint16_t  ethertype = 0;
-    uint8_t   pppoecode = 0;
-    uint16_t  taglen = 0;
-    uint16_t  tagname;
-    uint8_t   get_protocol_id = 0;
-    uint16_t  t_idx = 0, acknak_idx = 0, rjt_idx = 0;
-    uint16_t  ppp_tag_len = 0, getlen = 0, opt_len = 0;
-    uint8_t   acknak_opt[OPTMSG_LEN];
-    uint8_t   rjt_opt[OPTMSG_LEN];
-    uint8_t   opt_code;
-    uint8_t   ppp_code;
-    uint8_t   str[OPTMSG_LEN];
-    uint16_t  str_len = 0;
-    uint8_t   tmp8 = 0;
-    uint8_t   mac[6];
-    //reset servicename flag
-    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag & ~FLAG_PADO_SERVICENAME;
-    //getSHAR(mac);
-    eth->getSHAR(mac);
-    // MACRAW Receive
-    //receive header(packet length) of macraw packet
-    eth->recv(sn, (char*) head, 2);
-    eth->setSn_CR(sn,Sn_CR_RECV);
-    while( eth->getSn_CR(sn) ) ;
-    received_len = 0;
-    received_len = head[0] << 8;
-    received_len = received_len | head[1];
-    received_len = received_len - 2;
-    eth->recv(sn, (char*) buf, received_len);
-    eth->setSn_CR(sn,Sn_CR_RECV);
-    while( eth->getSn_CR(sn) ) ;
-    // Check the MAC in received packet     
-    tmp8 = buf[0] - mac[0] + buf[1] - mac[1]    + buf[2] - mac[2]   + buf[3] - mac[3]   + buf[4] - mac[4]   + buf[5] - mac[5];
-    if(tmp8==0)
-    {       
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG2__
-        printf("Received packet  :");
-        for(i = 0; i < received_len; i++)
-            {
-                if((i % 16) == 0) printf("\r\n");
-                printf("%.2x ", buf[i]);
-            }
-        printf("\r\n");
-        ethertype = buf[12];
-        ethertype = (ethertype << 8) + buf[13];
-        pppoecode = buf[15];
-        taglen = buf[18];
-        taglen = (taglen << 8) + buf[19];
-        ppp_code = buf[22];
-        //Check the Ether-Type and Code in received packet      
-        t_idx = 20;         
-        switch (ethertype)
-        {
-        case  PPPoE_DISCOVERY :
-            if (pppoecode == PPPoE_PADO)
-            {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__     
-                          printf("PPPoE Discovery: PADO received\r\n\r\n");
-                for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) NAS_mac[i] = buf[6+i];
-                // PPPoE Frame  
-                while(taglen)
-                {                   
-                    tagname = buf[t_idx];
-                    tagname = (tagname << 8) + buf[t_idx+1];
-                    ppp_tag_len = buf[t_idx+2];
-                    ppp_tag_len = (ppp_tag_len << 8) + buf[t_idx+3];
-                    // Check option field overflow
-                    // (OPTMSG_LEN defined maximum option field length.)
-                    if((acknak_idx + (ppp_tag_len+4)) > OPTMSG_LEN)                 
-                    {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                        printf("PPPoE Protocol option field overflow occuerd!\r\n");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        switch(tagname)
-                        {                       
-                        case PPPoED_SERVICE_NAME :
-                            if ((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_PADO_SERVICENAME) == 0)
-                            {                                                       
-                                memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], ppp_tag_len+4);
-                                acknak_idx += (ppp_tag_len+4);                          
-                                pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_PADO_SERVICENAME;
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        case PPPoED_HOST_UNIQ :
-                        case PPPoED_AC_COOKIE :                         
-                            memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], ppp_tag_len+4);
-                            acknak_idx += (ppp_tag_len+4);                          
-                            break;                  
-                        default :
-                        //case PPPoED_AC_NAME :
-                            break;
-                        }                       
-                    }
-                    t_idx += (ppp_tag_len+4);
-                    taglen -= (ppp_tag_len+4);                       
-                }               
-                memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &acknak_opt[0], acknak_idx);
-                for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-                {
-                    PPPMSG_req.dst_mac[i] = NAS_mac[i];     // NAS MAC address
-                }
-                PPPMSG_req.frame_code = PPPoE_PADR;
-                //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                PPPMSG_req.len = (acknak_idx & 0xFF) << 8;
-                PPPMSG_req.len |= ((acknak_idx >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                printf("PPPoE Discovery : PADR send\r\n");
-                ppp_send();
-                pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADO;
-            }
-            else if(pppoecode == PPPoE_PADS)
-            {   
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                printf("PPPoE Discovery: PADS received\r\n\r\n");
-                pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADS;
-                NAS_sessionid = buf[16];
-                NAS_sessionid = (NAS_sessionid << 8) + buf[17];
-            }
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-            else printf("Not necessary packet received\r\n");
-            break;
-        case  PPPoE_SESSION :
-            // Process LCP     
-            if ((buf[20] == 0xc0) && (buf[21] == 0x21))
-            {
-                //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                switch (ppp_code)
-                {
-                // when lcp_cr_rcv flag set && lcp_cr_sent flag set, goto PAP or CHAP
-                case PPP_CONFIG_REQ : //Configuration Request receive, and then ack or reject send
-                // when ack sent, lcp_cr_rcv flag set
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("PPPoE Session LCP: Configure-Request received\r\n\r\n");
-                    get_protocol_id = buf[23];
-                    getlen = buf[24];
-                    getlen = (getlen<<8) + buf[25];
-                    getlen -= 4;
-                    t_idx = 26;
-                    while (getlen)
-                    {
-                        opt_code = buf[t_idx];
-                        opt_len = buf[t_idx+1];
-                        // Check option field overflow
-                        // (OPTMSG_LEN defined maximum option field length.)
-                        if((acknak_idx + opt_len) > OPTMSG_LEN || (rjt_idx + opt_len) > OPTMSG_LEN)                 
-                        {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                            printf("PPPoE Protocol option field overflow occuerd!\r\n");
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                              switch (opt_code)
-                              {
-                              case LCP_AUTH : // Authentication-Protocol                            
-                                    auth_protocol = buf[t_idx+2];
-                                    auth_protocol = (auth_protocol << 8) + buf[t_idx+3];
-                                    chap_algorithm = buf[t_idx+4];
-                                    memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                    acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                    break;
-                              case LCP_MRU : // MRU (Maximum-Receive-Unit)
-                                    memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                    acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                    break;
-                              case LCP_MAGICNUM : // Magic-Number 
-                                    // opt_code : 0x01, 0x03, 0x05 shared process part
-                                    memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                    acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                    break;
-                              default :
-                                memcpy(&rjt_opt[rjt_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                    rjt_idx += opt_len;
-                                break;
-                              }
-                          }
-                          t_idx += opt_len;
-                          getlen -= opt_len;
-                    }
-                    if (rjt_idx)
-                    {
-                        // reject send, then wait cr
-                        PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_CONFIG_REJ; // Reject
-                        memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &rjt_opt[0], rjt_idx);
-                        PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                        PPPPROTO.len = ((rjt_idx+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPPROTO.len |= (((rjt_idx+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = ((rjt_idx+6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len |= (((rjt_idx+6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        ppp_send();
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // ack send, lcp_cr_rcv flag set
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_CONFIG_ACK; // ack
-                        memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &acknak_opt[0], acknak_idx);
-                        PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                        PPPPROTO.len = ((acknak_idx+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPPROTO.len |= (((acknak_idx+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = ((acknak_idx+6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len |= (((acknak_idx+6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("LCP Configuration Ack send\r\n");
-                        ppp_send();//ack send
-                        pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case PPP_CONFIG_ACK : //ack, then lcp_cr_sent flag set
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("PPPoE Session LCP: Configuration Ack received\r\n\r\n");
-                    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_LCP_CR_SNT;
-                    break;
-                case PPP_TERM_ACK :
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Termination Ack received\r\n\r\n");
-                    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV;
-                    break;
-                case PPP_TERM_REQ:
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Termination request received\r\n\r\n");
-                    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = 0;
-                    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = (PPPoE_SESSION & 0xFF) << 8;
-                    PPPMSG_req.ether_type |= ((PPPoE_SESSION >> 8) & 0xFF);// session
-                    PPPMSG_req.frame_code = 0x00;           // session data
-                    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                    PPPMSG_req.session_id = 0;
-                    PPPMSG_req.session_id = (NAS_sessionid & 0xFF) << 8;
-                    PPPMSG_req.session_id |= ((NAS_sessionid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                    PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                    PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                    PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_TERM_ACK;  // Terminate-ack
-                    PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x00; // Magic number
-                    PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x01;
-                    PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x02;
-                    PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x03;
-                    PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-                    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                    PPPPROTO.len = (8 & 0xFF) << 8;
-                    PPPPROTO.len |= ((8 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                    PPPMSG_req.len = (10 & 0xFF) << 8;
-                    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((10 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_TERMINATION_REQ_RCV;
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Termination ack send\r\n");
-                    ppp_send();
-                    break;
-* Notice :  This part is not implemented.  
-*           If necessary, please implement more for reply for request from NAS.
-                case 0x04 : //reject
-                    break;
-                case 0x09 : // Echo-Response
-                    // Backup
-                    tmp_protocol = PPPPROTO.protocol;
-                    tmp_pcode = PPPPROTO.pcode;
-                    PPPPROTO.protocol = PPPoE_LCP;
-                    PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_ECHO_REP;
-                    PPPPROTO.id = buf[23];
-                    PPPPROTO.len = buf[24];
-                    PPPPROTO.len = (PPPPROTO.len << 8) + buf[25];
-                    memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &buf[26], PPPPROTO.len-4);
-                    ppp_send();
-                    // Recover
-                    PPPPROTO.protocol = tmp_protocol;
-                    PPPPROTO.pcode = tmp_pcode;
-                    break;              
-                default:
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Not necessary packet received\r\n");
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            // Process PAP
-            else if ((buf[20] == 0xc0) && (buf[21] == 0x23))
-            {
-                if(ppp_code == PPP_CONFIG_ACK) // PPP_CONFIG_ACK = 0x02
-                {
-                    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_PAP_ACK_RCV;// receice ack
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("PPPoE Session PAP: Authentication ACK received\r\n\r\n");
-                }
-                else if(ppp_code == PPP_TERM_ACK)
-                {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Termination Ack received\r\n\r\n");
-                    pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV;
-                }
-            }
-            // Process CHAP
-            else if ((buf[20] == 0xc2) && (buf[21] == 0x23))
-            {                   
-                switch(chap_algorithm)
-                {
-                case MD5 : // 0x05, MD5
-                    get_protocol_id = buf[23];
-                    // length of [code ~ packet end]
-                    getlen = buf[24];
-                    getlen = (getlen<<8) + buf[25];
-                    // so, 'CHAP data' length is getlen - length of [code(1), ID(1), Length(2)]. 
-                    getlen -= 4; //PPP CHAP total(getlen) - 4(header) = data length(value size(1) + value + name )
-                    t_idx = 26;
-                    switch(ppp_code)
-                    {
-                        case 0x01 :
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("PPPoE Session CHAP: CHAP Challenge received\r\n\r\n");
-                            // Challenge, parse the packet and return 'Response' to NAS
-                            //-- MD5 calc input consist of ID(1), password(pwlen) and Challenge value(16).
-                            //-- buf[t_idx] => CV(challenge value) size, buf[t_idx+1] => start byte of CV
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &get_protocol_id, 1);     // ID(value)
-                            str_len += 1;
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &pppoe_pw[0], pppoe_pw_len);      // user password
-                            str_len += pppoe_pw_len;
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &buf[t_idx+1], buf[t_idx]);   // CV(value)
-                            str_len += buf[t_idx];
-                            /*
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &buf[t_idx+1], buf[t_idx]);   // CV(value)
-                            str_len += buf[t_idx];
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &pppoe_pw, pppoe_pw_len);         // user password                    
-                            str_len += pppoe_pw_len;
-                            memcpy(&str[str_len], &pppoe_id, pppoe_id_len);         // user id
-                            str_len += pppoe_id_len;
-                            */
-                            /*
-                            MD5Init(&context);
-                            MD5Update(&context, str, str_len);
-                            MD5Final(digest, &context);
-                            */
-                            MD5Init(&context);
-                            MD5Update(&context, &get_protocol_id, 1);
-                            MD5Update(&context, pppoe_pw, pppoe_pw_len);
-                            MD5Update(&context, (unsigned char *)(&buf[t_idx+1]), 16);
-                            MD5Final(digest, &context);
-                            // making response msg
-                            acknak_opt[acknak_idx++] = CV_HV_LEN; // fixed value, 16                                                                            
-                            memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &digest, CV_HV_LEN);
-                            acknak_idx += CV_HV_LEN;                            
-                            memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &pppoe_id, pppoe_id_len); // Name: User ID
-                            acknak_idx += pppoe_id_len;
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_CHAP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_CHAP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            PPPPROTO.pcode = 0x02; // response
-                            PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.len = ((acknak_idx + 4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.len |= (((acknak_idx + 4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = ((acknak_idx + 6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len |= (((acknak_idx + 6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &acknak_opt[0], acknak_idx);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("CHAP response MSG send \r\n\r\n");
-                            ppp_send();                                                                                                             
-                            break;
-                        case 0x03 : // PPP_SUCCESS
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("PPPoE Session CHAP: CHAP Succeed packet received\r\n\r\n");
-                            pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_CHAP_SUC_RCV;
-                            break;
-                        case 0x04 : // PPP_FAIL
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("PPPoE Session CHAP: CHAP failure packet received\r\n\r\n");
-                            break;
-                        default :
-                            break;
-                    }
-                    break;
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                case MS_CHAP : // 0x80, MS-CHAP
-                case MS_CHAP_V2 : // 0x81, MS-CHAP-V2 
-                    printf("This CHAP Algorithm is not supported : ");
-                    if(chap_algorithm == MS_CHAP) printf("MS-CHAP\r\n");
-                    else printf("MS-CHAP-V2\r\n"); 
-                    break; 
-                default :
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            // Process IPCP
-            else if ((buf[20] == 0x80) && (buf[21] == 0x21))
-            {               
-                switch(ppp_code)
-                {
-                    case PPP_CONFIG_REQ : // cr, send ack
-                    case PPP_CONFIG_NAK : // nak, save ip addr and send config requset
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        if(ppp_code == 0x01) printf("PPPoE Session IPCP: Configure-Request received\r\n\r\n");
-                        else if (ppp_code == 0x03) printf("PPPoE Session IPCP: Configure-Nak received\r\n\r\n");
-                        get_protocol_id = buf[23];
-                        getlen = buf[24];
-                        getlen = (getlen<<8) + buf[25];
-                        getlen -= 4;
-                        t_idx = 26;
-                        while (getlen)
-                        {
-                            opt_code = buf[t_idx];
-                            opt_len = buf[t_idx+1];
-                            // Check option field overflow
-                            // (OPTMSG_LEN defined maximum option field length.)
-                            if((acknak_idx + opt_len) > OPTMSG_LEN || (rjt_idx + opt_len) > OPTMSG_LEN)
-                            {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                                printf("PPPoE Protocol option field overflow occuerd!\r\n");
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                switch (opt_code)
-                                {                         
-                                    //case 0x02 : // type : ip compression protocol
-                                    case 0x03 : // type : ip address
-                                        memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                        memcpy(&pppoe_ip, &buf[t_idx+2], opt_len-2);
-                                        acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                        break;
-                                    case 0x81 : //PDNS
-                                        memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                        memcpy(&pppoe_pdns, &buf[t_idx+2], opt_len-2);
-                                        acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                        break;
-                                    case 0x83 : //SDNS
-                                        memcpy(&acknak_opt[acknak_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                        memcpy(&pppoe_sdns, &buf[t_idx+2], opt_len-2);
-                                        acknak_idx += opt_len;
-                                        break;
-                                    default : // reject
-                                        memcpy(&rjt_opt[rjt_idx], &buf[t_idx], opt_len);
-                                        rjt_idx += opt_len;
-                                        break;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            t_idx += opt_len;
-                            getlen -= opt_len;
-                        }
-                        if (rjt_idx)//if reject
-                        {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("reject send!\r\n");
-                            // reject send, then wait cr
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_IPCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_IPCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            PPPPROTO.pcode = 0x04; // Reject
-                            memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &rjt_opt[0], rjt_idx);
-                            PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.len = ((rjt_idx+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.len |= (((rjt_idx+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = ((rjt_idx+6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len |= (((rjt_idx+6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            ppp_send();
-                        }
-                        else // if not reject
-                        {
-                            // ack send, lcp_cr_rcv flag set
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_IPCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_IPCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            if(ppp_code == PPP_CONFIG_REQ)
-                            {
-                                PPPPROTO.pcode = 0x02; // if configuration request MSG received, send ack
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                                printf("IPCP configuration ack send!\r\n");
-                            }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                PPPPROTO.pcode = 0x01; // if nak received, send cr
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                                printf("IPCP Configuration Request send!\r\n");
-                            }
-                            memcpy(&PPPPROTO.opt[0], &acknak_opt[0], acknak_idx);
-                            PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                            PPPPROTO.len = ((acknak_idx+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPPROTO.len |= (((acknak_idx+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len = ((acknak_idx+6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                            PPPMSG_req.len |= (((acknak_idx+6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                            ppp_send();
-                            if(ppp_code == 0x01) pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV;
-                            else pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_IPCP_NAK_RCV;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case PPP_CONFIG_REJ : // Reject receive.
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("IPCP reject message received!!\r\n");
-                        get_protocol_id = buf[23];
-                        getlen = buf[24];
-                        getlen = (getlen<<8) + buf[25];
-                        getlen -= 4;
-                        t_idx = 26;
-                        ip_rjt = 0;
-                        pdns_rjt =0;
-                        sdns_rjt = 0;
-                        while (getlen)
-                        {
-                            opt_code = buf[t_idx];
-                            opt_len = buf[t_idx+1];
-                            switch (opt_code)
-                            {
-                                //case 0x02 : // type : ip compression protocol
-                                case 0x03 : // ip address
-                                    ip_rjt = 1;
-                                    break;
-                                case 0x81 : // PDNS
-                                    pdns_rjt = 1;
-                                    break;
-                                case 0x83 : // SDNS
-                                    sdns_rjt = 1;
-                                    break;
-                                default :
-                                    break;
-                            }
-                            t_idx += opt_len;
-                            getlen -= opt_len;
-                        }
-                        // Configuration send without reject protocol.
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_IPCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_IPCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_CONFIG_REQ ;
-                        t_idx = 0;
-                        if( ip_rjt == 0 )
-                        {
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x03;   // option code, IP address
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x06;   // option len
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                        }
-                        if( pdns_rjt == 0 )
-                        {
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x81;   // option code, PDNS address
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x06;   // option len
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                        }
-                        if( sdns_rjt == 0 )
-                        {
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x83;   // option code, SDNS address
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x06;   // option len
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                            PPPPROTO.opt[t_idx++] = 0x00;
-                        }
-                        PPPPROTO.id = get_protocol_id;
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-                        PPPPROTO.len = ((t_idx+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPPROTO.len |= (((t_idx+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len = ((t_idx+6) & 0xFF) << 8;
-                        PPPMSG_req.len |= (((t_idx+6) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-                        if( ip_rjt && pdns_rjt && sdns_rjt)
-                        {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("IPCP session : All IPCP options are rejected!!\r\n");
-                            do_lcp_terminate();
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                            printf("IPCP configuration request send without reject protocol\r\n");
-                            ppp_send();
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case PPP_CONFIG_ACK : // ack, then ipcp_cr_snt flag set
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("PPPoE Session IPCP: Configure-Ack received\r\n");
-                        if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_NAK_RCV) == FLAG_IPCP_NAK_RCV) pppoe_control_flag = pppoe_control_flag | FLAG_IPCP_CR_SNT;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }       
-    }   
-void PPPOEClient::do_discovery(void)
-    uint16_t i = 0;
-    uint8_t mac[6] = {0,};
-    //getSHAR(mac);
-    eth->getSHAR(mac);
-    // PPPoE Frame  
-    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-    {
-        PPPMSG_req.dst_mac[i] = 0xFF;           // Broadcast MAC address
-        PPPMSG_req.src_mac[i] = mac[i];     // Source MAC address
-        //-- Opt. Device MAC Address
-        PPPPROTO.opt[10+i] = mac[i];
-    }
-    //Reset control flag.
-    pppoe_control_flag = 0;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = (PPPoE_DISCOVERY & 0xFF) << 8;//session data
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type |= ((PPPoE_DISCOVERY >> 8) & 0xFF);//session data
-    PPPMSG_req.version_type = PPPoE_VER_TYPE; // Ver : 0001, Type : 0001     
-    PPPMSG_req.frame_code = PPPoE_PADI; // PADI
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id = 0;
-    // Tag name : PPPoED_SERVICE_NAME
-    PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x01;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x01;
-    // Tag len 
-    PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x00;
-    // Tag name : PPPoED_HOST_UNIQ
-    PPPPROTO.opt[4] = 0x01;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[5] = 0x03;
-    // Tag len (2bytes)
-    PPPPROTO.opt[6] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[7] = 0x08;
-    // Fill the Host-Uniq field using MAC address
-    PPPPROTO.opt[8] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[9] = 0x00;
-    //PPPPROTO.opt[10~15] refer to "//-- Opt. Device MAC Address"
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (16 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((16 >> 8) & 0xFF);//size of opt[0-9]+ opt[10-15]
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("PPPoE Discovery : PADI send\r\n");
-    ppp_send();
-void PPPOEClient::do_lcp(void)
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = (PPPoE_SESSION & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type |= ((PPPoE_SESSION >> 8) & 0xFF);//session data
-    PPPMSG_req.frame_code = 0x00; //session data
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id = (NAS_sessionid & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id |= ((NAS_sessionid >> 8) & 0xFF);//session data
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x05;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x06;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x01;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[4] = 0x02;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[5] = 0x03;
-    PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.len = (10 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.len |= ((10 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (12 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((12 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("LCP configuration Request send\r\n");
-    ppp_send();
-void PPPOEClient::do_lcp_echo(void)
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type = (PPPoE_SESSION & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.ether_type |= ((PPPoE_SESSION >> 8) & 0xFF);// session
-    PPPMSG_req.frame_code = 0x00;           // session data    
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id = (NAS_sessionid & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.session_id |= ((NAS_sessionid >> 8) & 0xFF);// session id
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_ECHO_REQ;  // Echo-Requset
-    PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x00; // Magic number
-    PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x01;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x02;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x03;
-    PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.len = (8 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.len |= ((8 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (10 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((10 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("LCP echo request send\r\n");
-    ppp_send();
-//return --    1 : success, 0 : failed
-uint8_t PPPOEClient::do_lcp_terminate(void)
-    uint16_t received_len = 0;
-    uint8_t sock_num = 0;
-    pppoe_retry_count = 0;
-    //while( (pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV) == 0 )
-    while(1)
-    {
-        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-        PPPMSG_req.ether_type = 0;
-        PPPMSG_req.ether_type = (PPPoE_SESSION & 0xFF) << 8;
-        PPPMSG_req.ether_type |= ((PPPoE_SESSION >> 8) & 0xFF);// session
-        PPPMSG_req.frame_code = 0x00;           // session data 
-        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-        PPPMSG_req.session_id = 0;
-        PPPMSG_req.session_id = (NAS_sessionid & 0xFF) << 8;
-        PPPMSG_req.session_id |= ((NAS_sessionid >> 8) & 0xFF);
-        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-        PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-        PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_LCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-        PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_LCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-        PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_TERM_REQ;  // Terminate-Requset
-        PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x00; // Magic number
-        PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x01;
-        PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x02;
-        PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x03;
-        PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-        PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-        PPPPROTO.len = (8 & 0xFF) << 8;
-        PPPPROTO.len |= ((8 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-        //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-        PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-        PPPMSG_req.len = (10 & 0xFF) << 8;
-        PPPMSG_req.len |= ((10 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-        printf("Termination Request send\r\n");
-        ppp_send();
-        pppoe_retry_count++;
-        if(pppoe_retry_count > PPP_MAX_RETRY_COUNT)
-        {
-            printf("Termination Failed\r\n");
-            return 0;//termination fail
-        }
-        pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-        while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-        {
-            wait(0.4);
-            pppoe_recv_count ++;
-            received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-            if(received_len > 0)
-            {
-                ppp_recv(received_len);
-                if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV) == FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV) // Termination success
-                {
-                    pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-                    // Flags reset
-                    pppoe_control_flag = 0;
-                    // Clear Session ID for new PPPoE Discovery process
-                    NAS_sessionid = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[0] = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[1] = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[2] = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[3] = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[4] = 0;
-                    NAS_mac[5] = 0;
-                    pppoe_ip[0] = 0;
-                    pppoe_ip[1] = 0;
-                    pppoe_ip[2] = 0;
-                    pppoe_ip[3] = 0;
-                    printf("Termination completed\r\n");
-                    return 1;//termination success
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void PPPOEClient::do_pap(void)
-    uint16_t   i=0, j=0;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_PAP & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_PAP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_CONFIG_REQ;        // cr
-    PPPPROTO.opt[i++] = pppoe_id_len;
-    for(j = 0; j < pppoe_id_len; j++)
-    {
-        PPPPROTO.opt[i++] = pppoe_id[j];
-    } 
-    PPPPROTO.opt[i++] = pppoe_pw_len;
-    for(j = 0; j < pppoe_pw_len; j++)
-    {
-        PPPPROTO.opt[i++] = pppoe_pw[j];
-    }
-    PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.len = ((i+4) & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.len |= (((i+4) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (((i+4)+2) & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((((i+4)+2) >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("PAP authenticate-Request send\r\n");
-    ppp_send();
-void PPPOEClient::do_ipcp(void)
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol = (PPPoE_IPCP & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.protocol |= ((PPPoE_IPCP >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    PPPPROTO.pcode = PPP_CONFIG_REQ;    // configuration-req
-    PPPPROTO.opt[0] = 0x03;     // option code, IP address
-    PPPPROTO.opt[1] = 0x06;     // option len
-    PPPPROTO.opt[2] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[3] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[4] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[5] = 0x00;
-    //Option PDNS
-    PPPPROTO.opt[6] = 0x81; //op code, PDNS
-    PPPPROTO.opt[7] = 0x06; //option len
-    PPPPROTO.opt[8] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[9] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[10] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[11] = 0x00;
-    //Option SDNS
-    PPPPROTO.opt[12] = 0x83;    //op code, SDNS
-    PPPPROTO.opt[13] = 0x06; //option len
-    PPPPROTO.opt[14] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[15] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[16] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.opt[17] = 0x00;
-    PPPPROTO.id = protocol_id++;
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    /*
-    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.len = (10 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.len |= ((10 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (12 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((12 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    */
-    PPPPROTO.len = 0;
-    PPPPROTO.len = (22 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPPROTO.len |= ((22 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-    //change MSB and LSB because of different endian.
-    PPPMSG_req.len = 0;
-    PPPMSG_req.len = (24 & 0xFF) << 8;
-    PPPMSG_req.len |= ((24 >> 8) & 0xFF);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-    printf("IPCP Configuration request send\r\n");
-    ppp_send();
-// PPPoE start
-//ret = Success : 1, Fail : 0, continue : 2
-uint8_t PPPOEClient::ppp_start(uint8_t * pppoe_buf)
-    uint8_t sock_num;
-    uint8_t mFlag;
-    uint16_t dummyPort;
-    uint8_t ret = 2;
-    uint16_t received_len = 0;
-    buf = pppoe_buf;
-    //-- Init. param
-    sock_num = 0;
-    dummyPort = 0;
-    mFlag = 0x80; //MAC filter enable in MACRAW
-    switch(eth->getSn_SR(sock_num))
-    {
-        case WIZnet_Chip::SOCK_CLOSED:
-            eth->close(sock_num);                                        // Close the SOCKET
-            eth->Socket_macraw(sock_num, dummyPort, mFlag);       // Open the SOCKET with MACRAW mode
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-            printf("No.%d socket is opened with MACRAW and flag is 0x%2x\r\n", sock_num, mFlag);
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-            printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-            printf("PHASE 0. PPPoE setup\r\n");
-            printf("=======================================\r\n");
-        break;
-        case SOCK_MACRAW:       
-            if(pppoe_retry_send_count > PPP_MAX_RETRYSEND_COUNT) pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-            switch(pppoe_state)
-            {
-                case PPPoE_DISCOVERY :                                          // Discovery                    
-                    // PPPoE Discoveryecv(
-                    //if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADO) == 0)
-                    if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADO) == 0 || (pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADS) == 0) //Not recv PADO or PADS
-                    {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                        printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                        printf("PHASE 1. PPPoE Discovery\r\n");
-                        printf("=======================================\r\n");
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("Retry send count : %d\r\n", pppoe_retry_send_count);
-                        do_discovery(); // Send PADI
-                        pppoe_retry_send_count++;
-                    }               
-                    pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                    while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADS) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < (PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT) * 2)
-                    {
-                        wait(0.2);
-                        pppoe_recv_count ++;
-                        received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                        if(received_len > 0)
-                        {
-                            ppp_recv(received_len);
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADS) == FLAG_DISCOVERY_RCV_PADS)// Discovery success
-                            {
-                                pppoe_state = PPPoE_LCP;
-                                pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case PPPoE_LCP :                                                // LCP                  
-                    if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV) == 0)
-                    {                           
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                        printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                        printf("PHASE 2. PPPoE LCP\r\n");
-                        printf("=======================================\r\n");
-                        do_lcp_echo();
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("Retry send count : %d\r\n", pppoe_retry_send_count);
-                        pppoe_retry_send_count++;
-                    }
-                    pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                    while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-                    {
-                        wait(0.2);
-                        pppoe_recv_count++;
-                        received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                        if(received_len > 0)
-                        {
-                            ppp_recv(received_len);
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV) == FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV) pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV) == FLAG_LCP_CR_RCV)
-                    {
-                        do_lcp();
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("Retry send count : %d\r\n", pppoe_retry_send_count);
-                        pppoe_retry_send_count++;
-                        pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                        while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_SNT) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-                        {
-                            wait(0.2);
-                            pppoe_recv_count++;
-                            received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                            if(received_len > 0)                                                    
-                            {
-                                ppp_recv(received_len);
-                                if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_LCP_CR_SNT) == FLAG_LCP_CR_SNT)
-                                {                                                                                                                                                                               
-                                    // PAP
-                                    if(auth_protocol == PPPoE_PAP)
-                                    {
-                                        pppoe_state = PPPoE_PAP;
-                                        pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                                    }
-                                    // CHAP                             
-                                    else if(auth_protocol == PPPoE_CHAP)
-                                    {
-                                        pppoe_state = PPPoE_CHAP;
-                                        pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                                    }
-                                    // unknown auth protocol
-                                    else
-                                    {
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                                        printf("\r\nError : Unknown authentication protocol");
-                                        pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }                       
-                    }                   
-                    break;
-                case PPPoE_PAP :                                                // PAP
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                    printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                    printf("PHASE 3. PPPoE PAP\r\n");
-                    printf("=======================================\r\n");
-                    if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_PAP_ACK_RCV) == 0 )
-                    {
-                        do_pap();                           
-                        pppoe_retry_send_count++;
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                        printf("Retry send count : %d\r\n", pppoe_retry_send_count );
-                    }
-                    pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                    while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_PAP_ACK_RCV) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-                    {
-                        wait(0.4);
-                        pppoe_recv_count++;
-                        received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                        if(received_len > 0)                        
-                        {
-                            ppp_recv(received_len);
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_PAP_ACK_RCV) == FLAG_PAP_ACK_RCV)// pap auth success
-                            {
-                                pppoe_state = PPPoE_IPCP;
-                                pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }                                       
-                    break;
-                case PPPoE_CHAP :                                               // CHAP
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                    printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                    printf("PHASE 3. PPPoE CHAP\r\n");
-                    printf("=======================================\r\n");
-                    pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                    while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_CHAP_SUC_RCV) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < 50)
-                    {
-                        wait(0.4);
-                        pppoe_recv_count++;
-                        printf("test\r\n");
-                        received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                        if(received_len > 0)                                                    
-                        {
-                            ppp_recv(received_len);
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_CHAP_SUC_RCV) == FLAG_CHAP_SUC_RCV)
-                            {
-                                pppoe_state = PPPoE_IPCP;
-                            }
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_REQ_RCV) == FLAG_TERMINATION_REQ_RCV)
-                            {
-                                pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if( pppoe_recv_count >= 50)
-                    {
-                        if(do_lcp_terminate() == 0) //if termination is failed.
-                            return 0;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case PPPoE_IPCP :                                               // IPCP                 
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                    printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                    printf("PHASE 4. PPPoE IPCP\r\n");
-                    printf("=======================================\r\n");
-                    pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                    while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-                    {
-                        wait(1);
-                        pppoe_recv_count++;
-                        received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                        if(received_len > 0)                        
-                        {               
-                            ppp_recv(received_len);
-                            if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV) == FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV) pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-                        }  
-                    }         
-                    // After received IPCP Configuration-Request and sent ACK,
-                    // User device have to send IPCP Configuration-Request and receive ACK.  
-                    if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV) == FLAG_IPCP_CR_RCV)
-                    {
-                        do_ipcp();
-                        pppoe_retry_send_count++;
-                        pppoe_recv_count = 0;
-                        while((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_CR_SNT) == 0 && pppoe_recv_count < PPP_MAX_RETRYRECV_COUNT)
-                        {
-                            wait(1);
-                            pppoe_recv_count++;
-                            received_len = eth->getSn_RX_RSR(sock_num);
-                            if(received_len > 0)
-                            {
-                                ppp_recv(received_len);
-                                if((pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_IPCP_CR_SNT) == FLAG_IPCP_CR_SNT)
-                                {           
-                                    pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;//reset
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                                    printf("\r\n=======================================\r\n");
-                                    printf("PHASE 5. PPPoE Socket open\r\n");
-                                    printf("=======================================\r\n");
-                                    set_pppinfo(NAS_mac, pppoe_ip, NAS_sessionid);                              
-                                    ret = PPP_SUCCESS;                                  
-                                }
-                                else if( (pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV) == FLAG_TERMINATION_ACK_RCV)
-                                {
-                                    return 0;
-                                }
-                                else if( (pppoe_control_flag & FLAG_TERMINATION_REQ_RCV) == FLAG_TERMINATION_REQ_RCV)
-                                {
-                                    return 0;
-                                }
-                            }                                                                                           
-                        }
-                    }                   
-                    break;
-                case PPPoE_FAILED :
-                    pppoe_retry_count++;
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                    printf("\r\nPPPoE FAILED !!!\r\n");
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG1__
-                    printf("Retry count : %d\r\n", pppoe_retry_count);
-                    // All flags reset
-                    pppoe_control_flag = 0;
-                    // Clear Session ID for new PPPoE Discovery process
-                    //NAS_sessionid = 0;
-                    pppoe_retry_send_count = 0;
-                    pppoe_state = PPPoE_DISCOVERY;
-                    break;
-                default :
-#ifdef __DEF_PPP_DBG__
-                    printf("\r\nUndefined state!\r\n");
-                    pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-                    break;
-            }
-            // PPPoE packet send count over : connection terminate 
-            if(pppoe_retry_send_count >= PPP_MAX_RETRYSEND_COUNT) pppoe_state = PPPoE_FAILED;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }   
-    return ret;
-void PPPOEClient::delay_ms(uint32_t time)
-    uint32_t i;
-    for(i=0; i<time; i++)
-    {
-        xSysCtlDelay((xSysCtlClockGet()/1000)); // wait 1ms
-    }
\ No newline at end of file