Dependents of SX1272lib
A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.
Elmo Terminal provides functionality to test Lora radio and access SX1272 chip registers delivered with Elmo board. Also contains example ping-pong application.
Example implementation of LoraWan specification based on IBM LoraWan in C (ver. 1.5) for Elmo board. Tested only with OTA activation (requires setting AppEui/ DevKey in main.cpp).
Elmo Terminal provides functionality to test Lora radio and access SX1272 chip registers delivered with Elmo board. This firmware allows the user to control the LoRa radio parameters (eg. frequency, …
Semtech LoRa stack ver. 3.4 for ELMO
Example Tx Rx LoRa code for Multitech Conduit. Based on Semtech stack for ELMO - ver. 4.1.0.
Semtech stack for ELMO - ver. 4.1.0.