New work version with additional functions

Dependencies:   4DGL-UC ConfigFile MODSERIAL mbed mbos

Fork of CDU_Mbed_35 by Engravity-CDU

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FS_datastructures.h	Thu Jul 17 10:09:14 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// L. van der Kolk, ELVEDEKA, Holland //
+// File:  FS_datastructures.h 
+// Global data structures containing updated data received from FS
+// ---- FS-to-CDU data structures to be filled with received data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Background colour of CDU display:
+extern struct { int   BG_RED;            //  : RED value   0 - 255
+                int   BG_GREEN;          //  : GREEN value 0 - 255
+                int   BG_BLUE;           //  : BLUE value  0 - 255   
+              } BACKGROUND_COL;
+// Main text lines at selectkeys:
+extern struct { char  text[52];          //  : maintext string, ending with '\0'   
+                int   font_size;         //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1            
+                char  font_style;        //  : style character S or N                       
+                int   text_RED;          //  : RED value of textline 0 - 255
+                int   text_GREEN;        //  : GREEN value of textline 0 - 255
+                int   text_BLUE;         //  : BLUE value of textline 0 - 255
+              } SELKEY_MAINTEXT[];       //  : array of selectkey Maintext structures 
+// Sub text lines at selectkeys:
+extern struct { char  text[52];          //  : subtext string, ending with '\0'   
+                int   font_size;         //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1                            
+                char  font_style;        //  : style character S or N                        
+                int   text_RED;          //  : RED value of textline 0 - 255
+                int   text_GREEN;        //  : GREEN value of textline 0 - 255
+                int   text_BLUE;         //  : BLUE value of textline 0 - 255
+              } SELKEY_SUBTEXT[];        //  : array of selectkey Subtext structures 
+// Screen textlines:
+extern struct { char  text[52];          //  : text line string, ending with '\0'   
+                int   font_size;         //  : fontsize of textline 0 or 1         
+                char  font_style;        //  : style character S or N                             
+                int   text_RED;          //  : RED value of textline  0 - 255
+                int   text_GREEN;        //  : GREEN value of textline 0 - 255
+                int   text_BLUE;         //  : BLUE value of textline 0 - 255
+              } TEXTLINE[];              //  : array of textline structures
+// CDU status:            
+extern struct { int msg_indicator;       //  : MSG  0 = light OFF, 1 = light ON
+                int exec_indicator;      //  : EXEC 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON
+                int fail_indicator;      //  : FAIL 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON
+                int dspy_indicator;      //  : DSPY 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON  
+                int ofst_indicator;      //  : OFST 0 = indicator OFF, 1 = indicator ON                              
+                int backlight;           //  : 0 = light OFF, 1 = light ON 
+                int stby_mode;           //  : 0 = operational mode, 1 = standby mode
+              } CDU_STATUS;           
+// FS_data_update_ID:
+// These global flags indicate what data has been updated.
+// Should be tested when FS_DATA_EVENT occurs.
+extern int Background_Col_Update;    // : 1 when color was updated, must be reset to 0 when data has been read
+extern int CDU_Status_Update    ;    // : 1 when status was updated, must be reset to 0 when data has been read
+extern int DO_CLR_SCREEN        ;    // : 1 when screen should be cleared, must be reset to 0 when done
+extern int Text_Line_Update     ;    // : equal to line number whose text was updated, must be reset to 0 when text has been read 
+extern int Key_Maintext_Update  ;    // : equal to keynumber whose main text line was updated, must be reset to -1 (!)when text has been read
+extern int Key_Subtext_Update   ;    // : equal to keynumber whose sub text line was updated, must be reset to -1 (!) when text has been read
\ No newline at end of file